Alright this is my first psych fanfic.

Juliet and Shawn are in a car on a steak-out waiting for a murder. Shawn is bored and finally convinces Jules to a game.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. So don't sue me!!

Stupid murders.

Why must they always make my life hell? First, they murdered my favorite grandpa-that always treated me like a human not another kid- when I was nine. Then whenever they get the chance, they always try to shot and kill me since I'm the only female detective at the SBPD, so they automatically think I'm an easy target. But this has got to be the worst thing they've ever, ever done to me.

They made me sit in a car for twelve hours with Shawn Spencer for a case. Chief Vick put us on the assignment to have a steak-out at where we think the murder will come to. But still, making me be with Shawn for twelve hours straight is just cruel. It's not that I don't like him or anything, it just the opposite I like him….too much.

But right now, I'm not liking him too much. He's just so jumpy and he can't stand still for more than fifteen minutes. I have no clue how I'll survive this night.

"Hey Jules"

Oh great, now I bet he wants to play some stupid game he's been trying to get me to play for the last thirty minutes. "Let me guess. You're bored and you want me to entertain you."

"Well it looks like I'm not the only psychic here," he said with a huge smile that covered his face. That amazing, sweet, gorgeous face…. Whoa! Where did all those nice adjectives come from?!

"Come on Jules, pleeeeeaaaassseee with ice cream and whipped cream, and pineapples-"

"Pineapples?" I cut him off," Who puts pineapples on ice cream?"

"Why me, of course."

"Of course." I said with a roll of my eyes.

There was a small silence until Shawn broke it with an annoying, "Soooooo…will you play?"

"Fine. I'll play your silly little game." She replied curtly.

"Alright, I'll ask you twenty yes or no questions and you must answer truthfully, kay?"

"Sounds easy enough."

"Alright…" Shawn began to show off every "thinking" face he had in two minutes till he slowly asked, "Do you ever think of me"

The truthful answer was yes, but there was no way I was going to say that. So instead I replied by saying,"No, not really."

Shawn got this weird look on his face then put his hand on my knee and took it away just as fast screaming,"Ahhhh, you're pants are on fire! That means your lying."

Damn, mental note: never tell a lie to a psychic.

"Fine, yes sometimes I think about you."

"I knew it, now for my next question Have you ever-," he started until he got a devilish grin on his face. "Forget that. In theses thoughts, have you ever thought about kissing me?"

Oh shit! That's all I ever think about with him. Looking away from Shawn I turned my head outside while I murmured a small-almost silent, "Yes."

"Do you want me to still kiss you?"

Alright he had defiantly moved since when he asked me the first question. I could tell because I could fell his breathe on my neck.

Still looking away I gave a slight nod.

He put his hand on my cheek making it so I had to look at him. Instead of seeing his usual jumpy, lively self I saw his serious caring side. He gently moved his head closer so we were now "close-talking" again.

"Wanna know a secret?"


"So have I."

Closing the small space there was he finally kissed me. It was better then any dream I'd ever imagined. It electrified my entire body, so it now felt like I drank twenty bottles of fizzy coke.

That's when twenty questions became my new favorite game


So, what did you think? Good? Bad? Please take a few minutes to R&R this story. If you do you'll have good luck (Alright, probably not but it's still nice!).