Disclaimer – I do not own CBS, CSI, any of CSI franchise, the characters or anything to do with them, so please do not sue me!

A/N – This is the third in a series of 'Phone Calls/Correspondences' between Grissom and Sara during her absence in season 8, after the episode 'Goodbye and Good Luck but before episode 8.09 Cockroaches. This short story is not beta'd so all mistakes are all mine. Please R&R Enjoy!

bugloverlvpd:- Inbox (1 new message)

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from;- SScsi3lvpd

to;- bugloverlvpd

subject;-Miss you!


I'm really am sorry that I have probably worried you terribly by not calling you for the past two weeks, I really never meant for you to. I broke my cell phone, lost all my numbers stored in it and haven't had a chance to replace it until today, but even so that is no credible excuse for not finding a way to contact you sooner. Please accept my sincere apologies.

To be honest I have had quite an emotionally and physically tiring two weeks, visiting my childhood home, my Fathers grave, and some of my childhood haunts of Tomales Bay.

As you may have already probably guessed by my new e-mail address, I have purchased a new laptop and have managed to get a wireless internet account set up.

You might be thinking 'why is she not calling me on her new cell phone?', well I am currently waiting for the damn thing to charge, which is going to take 16 hours for it's first charge. I will try and call you when I have a full successful battery charge. I promise.

My laptop at home needed upgrading anyway, and I need one with me so I can document my personal journal, that I have decided to keep regarding the reason's why I am out here and not with you in our home.

I would really like for you to read the journal when I return home, then maybe the hurt that I have most probably caused you with my abrupt and unexpected departure, will be better explained to you in full, and so you will really begin to understand why I could only do this on my own.

The journal was started on the second day after I left Vegas, it contains some of my most personal thoughts and feelings that I have been dealing with, while trying to lay those 'Ghosts' I mentioned in the letter to you, to rest.

The last time we spoke I was waiting for my Mothers psychiatrist to come back from her vacation so I could make an appointment with her. Well I met with her last week and was informed that my Mother has been heavily medicated for many years, and has existed in a near catatonic state since the night that she killed my Father.

The psychiatrist doesn't think that with my Mothers state of mind, she would even recognize or react to me visiting her, but they have said that they will spend some therapy time with her over the next couple of weeks, telling her about me, and informing her that I would like to visit her, to see if she will show any kind of reaction.

The asylum has my new cell number and e-mail address to contact me to let me know if it is worth while for me to attend a visit, or not.

If she isn't able to react to my presence, or know that I am her daughter, I don't think I could bare the harsh reality and pain of seeing it for myself , so have decided not to visit her, unless I have some assurance that she has shown some kind of reaction to my name.

Currently I am holed up in my hotel room waiting on news of my brother Stephen. I was at child services waiting to speak with the general enquiries manager when I was talking to you last. I gave them details about my past, myself, Stephen, how we were split up in to different foster care homes, and lost contact as children.

Privacy protection laws prevent them from revealing any details about him to me, and until they have had a chance to contact him to reveal my details, and seek his permission to reveal his details to me, I have to wait for them to contact me.

So as you may have guessed already by my normal levels of impatience, that I am fairly frustrated at the moment, so I have taken up my running again, along with using the gym to get rid of any excess nervous tension that has been building up in me.

I hope you are looking after yourself properly Gil, and not spending too many hours in the lab, doing double and triple shifts, I know you only too well, so please take it easy and make sure you eat and rest up.

I know this is probably really hard for you, because it is for me. Believe me when I say I miss you both terribly and would rather be at home with you and Hank right now, but I need to do this, so we can move on and have a more secure future together.

Please could you e-mail me your cell and office numbers so I can call you, I miss the sound of your voice.

I love you with every beat of my heart Gil, don't ever doubt that.

Be safe.

Yours, Sara.


The End

A/NI hope you enjoyed reading my short story. Please leave a comment to let me know what you thought of it, they are always appreciated and welcomed.