Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. if i did, everyone would hate for what i have planned for characters

A/N: This is the beggining of my major naruto fic. I've already planned out 2 dozen chapters and it keeps extending. right now i'm uploading the first three just to see what you all think. Please let me knwo your thoughts or suffer the wrath.

Everything was surrounded in white. Clear, unmarked, pure white. It was snowing all around him. He instantly knew it was a dream because nothing else could have been so beautiful. This poignant setting, resting soundly within the deep crevasse of his mind, had been replaying over and over again every night. Each night it went on for a little longer but always stopped when there was something desperately needing to be seen. It began as a faint shadow in the distance, the snow blocking any chance of a clear view. Then, he tried moving closer and the figure took on a shape. It appeared human from the top but the lower half was irregular and moving wildly in the cold-less winds. One night he was close enough to see that he was looking at the person from behind. The gentle curves that made the hips immediately gave away the female gender. Her body was almost completely draped in some sort of white material, which was near invisible against the snow. Maybe tonight he would be able to speak to her, find out who she was and why she was plaguing (or blessing) his mind.

He met her eyes. A dark yet luminous shade of rose breaking the endless white background. For a moment she looked like she was going to cry. She stretched out her arms, as if pleading for him to come closer and rescue her from this wilderness. Until, the look of death entered her gaze. The wind grew stronger, blowing from all directions and temporarily blinding him. The pink eyed woman suddenly leapt from the ground, the white sheets whipping across his skin as she flew over him. She soared through the blistering winds into the distance, taking the storm with her. As soon as his line of sight cleared he was able to make the presence of a town in the direction she was heading. Somehow, he knew she was going to destroy it with everything and every one in it too. He'd never seen the town in his life, had no idea what kind of people lived there; even if they weren't worth saving, his mind told him he had to save them. He had to warn them; run away or be frozen to death by a witch's snow storm.

The snow gathered like a flock of birds in the sky, forming a strange and threatening shape. It Grew to unspeakable height, higher than any building, tree or mountain ever encountered. Was it some sort of demon? A pair of eyes, glowing blood red, appeared on the figure. Destruction was in those evil red eyes. Yet, the pale skinned woman was nowhere to be seen. He wondered why he was running to this town, running towards a certain death, about to risk his life for a hopeless cause.

He stopped at the foot of the snow beast. It must have been higher than the unseen sky. However, right there, on it's shoulder sat the woman. Her eyes were filled with tears. Was she a slave to this beast, forced to watch the horror awaiting? Or, is she merely a bewitching siren trying to lure him to his doom?

It wasn't worth the risk. Not for a town he didn't even know. His effort would have been tactless and pointless. An unrecognisable deed, unseen by anyone. This was how …. he chose to act upon his dream. But, what would the other ninja's of Konoha, experiencing the exact same dream, do?


No missions today. At one point it's like, 'yay', until a young, bright orange jumpsuit clad, ninja realises: "Ah, crap. I'm bored". It was surprising to hear that there were no missions requiring ninja assistance today; usually there's at least a dozen 'D' ranks a day but, no. Nothing. So, once you've dragged lunch out for as long as you can, there's not actually much for a ninja to do in the leaf village, other than train of course.This must be why Kakashi reads so much on our missions. He's to good for us but he still wants something to do. Lazy perv. Sasuke must have been feeling the boredom over come him too because he'd been hanging around both Naruto and Sakura all day. (Well, Sakura followed Sasuke who happened to bump into Naruto who just had to ask if they wanted to hang out.)

After wandering the village for almost an hour they found themselves at the main entrance, where the legendary Copy Ninja was reading one of his books.

"Hey! Kakashi Sensei!" shouted Naruto, quickly rushing to his Sensei's side. "What ya doing all the way out here?" The team seven leader glanced from the red cover (a new edition) of his book.

"Hello Naruto" he groaned "Not that it's any of your business but I'm waiting for an ambush" Kakashi expected the three confused expressions so, continued reading. "Any minute now I'll most likely be attacked" He flipped the next page.

"Um…Kakashi Sensei? How can it be an ambush if you know an when it's coming?" asked Sakura curiously.

"Oh, you'll see. This definitely qualifies as an ambush." He raised a hand, spreading five fingers widely. He brought one digit down at a time and counted. "Five, four, three, two….."

"Kashi-chan!!!" Kakashi suddenly vanished from sight but, only for few seconds when he trotted back to his students. They all stared at him in bewilderment. Someone else was there too, wrapped around Kakashi's neck and nuzzling her face against the unmasked part of his face. "Kashi-san. I missed you so much" Kakashi sighed heavily.

"Guys. Meet Yuika. Whom I suspect will become Naruto's other half by the end of the day."

"OMG Kakashi! Are these your pupils? They're adorable." Yuika leapt from Kakashi and quickly attached herself both Naruto and Sakura. "They're so cute!" She squealed after smothering the pair. She raised her head from between theirs to see a black haired boy rolling his eyes. She gasped loudly and zipped straight for him. She abruptly picked him up from under his arm pits and held him like an infant. "Sasuke, is that you? Look how big you've gotten. Last time I saw you, you weren't even past my beltline" Sasuke just stared at her, looking pretty much annoyed beyond usual level.

"Looks like you're still as hyped up as ever." he moaned "You were supposed to give up all that sugar" Even from behind, the young ninja were able to tell her expression must have changed. Probably the tension in the shoulders or something.

"Who made you EMO!?" She squawked. "What happened to my sweet little bumpkin? Did Itachi's make you this way? Where is that depressing bastard?" Just the sound of the rogue ninja's name made everyone cringe. However, Yuika did not seem to notice. Instead she just cuddled a grumpy Sasuke closer to herself.

Naruto cocked his head like a confused dog. He'd never seen someone so affectionate before, at least no-one who knew Kakashi (excluding Gai because he's…well…he's Gai) Still, Naruto was always happy to meet someone who wasn't out to kill anyone.

"Hey there, Yuika. My name's Naruto Uzumaki. Welcome to Konoha" he smiled as soon as she put Sasuke down. Suddenly, she was right in front of Naruto, practically face to face, eyes wide with excitement and hands clasped together up to her own face. " Wow! You've got to be the cutest blonde I've ever seen. And blue eyes too!" She pinched both Naruto's cheeks but, not in that way those crazy old ladies do, this kind of tickled. "You're even cuter than Sasuke" Just then, Naruto's eyes watered and he sniffed loudly. An ocean of emotions swept over him.

"Y..you mean it?" he sniffled. "No-one's ever said something so nice to me" He threw his own arms around her and the emotional pair hugged each other tightly. Sakura gazed from Yuika to Sasuke, who looked likehe really wanted crawl into a hole somewhere, and Kakashi. His, expression was the same as always. No answers from these two then. When Yuika broke the ultimate hug she stood proudly, one hand on her hip and the other pointing straight at Naruto. " Well get used to it, Uzumaki. Everyday you spend with me is like being dipped in sugar!"

"Why do you think I wear a mask?" Kakashi interrupted, " spending time with her gave me un-repairable tooth decay"

"Still the Cheshire Cat's evil twin I take it?" Yuika smiled, oblivious to everyone's confusion towards her odd statement. "Come on Kakashi. Let's go find Gai! I wanna see more adorable students!