
Season: 10

Spoilers: The Quest, SGA The Return.

Genre: Romance, fluff. SJ. I also consider sap a genre.

Disclaimer: I don't own it. Never have, never will.

Notes: Just one way of Jack finding out about how Sam punched Baal (one of my favourite Season 10 moments).


He swept into her lab at break-neck speed, so fast that she only had a chance to look up and register his entrance before she was swept into his arms and whirled around in the air.

She laughed in surprise. 'Jack, put me down,' she squeaked, 'the cameras!' Typically they were very careful about displaying affection on base, but today Jack seemed to have totally disregarded all of their unspoken rules about PDA's and acting like a couple at work.

He did put her feet back onto the ground, but only to trap her between him and her lab table, wrap his arms around her tightly and kiss her passionately.

When they finally came up for air, Jack rested his forehead against hers as they both tried to regain their breath. Once their breathing had become more regular, he said 'have I told you lately that I love you?'

'Not since you talked to me before our last mission,' Sam replied, still slightly breathless. 'What brought this on?'

'What, I can't tell my wife that I love her?' Jack asked innocently.

'You can,' she said, 'but it's not usually something that you do so publicly. Those SF's in the hall are going to be able to keep the base's gossip circuit going crazy for weeks,' she remarked wryly.

'Don't care,' Jack replied obstinately, 'it's all perfectly legal. I only wanted to say hello before heading up to the control room to welcome and debrief Shepherd. That and I just read Teal'c's report from the Sangraal mission. He added some things that you didn't feel it were necessary to include.'

'Oh!' Comprehension dawned on Sam. 'Baal.'

'Yup.' Jack's familiar smug grin was back in place, tinged with a hint of disbelief and a lot of pride. 'You sucker punched Baal?'

'He had it coming,' Sam answered nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.

'He most certainly did,' said Jack emphatically, 'I just wish I'd been there to see the look on his face.'

Sam grinned, and then grimaced as she moved her hand against the bench. 'Remind me not to sucker punch people too often,' Sam said, showing Jack her right hand, 'it's a little painful.' Her knuckles were black and blue.

Jack removed one arm from around her waist in order to grip her hand lightly in his. He brushed his fingers over her battered knuckles in a feather light touch, and then brought the hand to his lips in order to place a delicate kiss on each bruise and abrasion. 'Let's hope you don't have reason to,' he replied.

'Isn't Shepherd due in soon?' Sam asked, making no attempt to remove herself from Jack's close embrace, despite all the cameras.

'They'll be fine without me for a while,' he replied casually, pulling Sam even closer to him. 'I believe I was in the middle of showing my wife how much I loved her.' And with that he set about making her breathless for some time to come.


A/N: In my little universe, Jack and Sam are so married, and I will continue to think so until there is a wedding sequence in Continuum, when I will go to my happy shippy place.