Fox's Den

By: ImmortalRain7

Summary: I stood as the rain fell all around me, watching as Naruto's form grew slowly smaller and smaller….what had I done? SasuNaru...

Warnings: yaoi…language…

Disclaimer: no, I don't own naruto…but that would be kick-ass if I did!

Sasuke walked slowly towards the bridge. Another boring day of training probably awaited him there. He passed a few citizens who greeted him. When he came in sight of the bridge, a crowd of girls ran at him.

They made a circle around Sasuke, touching him and yelling at him, asking how he was and if he'd marry one of them. After a few minutes of Sasuke looking impassively, Tsunade shooed the girls away. Only Sakura, Tsunade, Sasuke, and were left. Once the horde of girls was out of eye sight, Tsunade addressed team 7.

"alright, so today we are going to do little chores around Konoha. Sakura and I will be a group and Naruto and Sasuke will be a group."

Sakura hesitantly let go of Sasuke's arm and stood next to Tsunade.

"Naruto, Sasuke. You two will be assigned to the left side of town. Granted, it is the iffy part of town so you must watch your backs. Sakura and I are assigned to the right side. After you have finished, you may go home. You're dismissed."

"che…that old hag is so mean. Let's get this over with."

Naruto and Sasuke headed over to the first shop on the left side of Konoha which happened to be a grocery store. They went to the front desk and asked if there was anything the ninja's had to do. The man with a freakishly gray beard laughed and said their were a few dogs and cats in the alley way that were being a pain and Sasuke and Naruto were to get rid of them.

The pair headed to the dark alley. There was barely any light and Naruto could just barely make out a big trash bin and scattered cardboard boxes. They started searching the alley, looking for animals. Sasuke searched the right side of the alley while Naruto searched the left side. They found a few animals and chased them out of the alley. Sasuke had finished his side first and leaned against the end wall looking at the floor waiting for Naruto to finish.

Naruto bent down to look in a cardboard and a dark object jumped out at him. He jumped up and scooted back a few feet and watched as a pissed looking cat passed him. He laughed sheepishly, one hand behind his head. Sasuke looked up when the commotion had started and looked at Naruto, fear flashing in his eyes.

Naruto suddenly felt a heavy weight on his back. He tried to turn but was stopped when rough, strong arms wrapped around his waist and pushed him against the alley wall. Sasuke ran forward and pulled Naruto free of the man's strong grasp. Sasuke pulled Naruto behind him and put his arms up, protectively, blocking the man from Naruto. The man looked at Sasuke and then at Naruto before turning and leaving. Sasuke relaxed his arms before turning to Naruto, angrily.

"What the Hell were you thinking? Letting your guard down like that….idiot. You could have gotten raped by some stranger."

"look. I'm sorry….i didn't hear or see him." Naruto said looking guilty.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and then touched his hands to Naruto's arms. "are you hurt?"

"uh….no….probably just some bruises"

Sasuke looked into Naruto's eyes and then lifted his hand to cup Naruto's cheek. Naruto closed his eyes, enjoying the touch. Then the warmth was gone. Naruto opened his eyes to see Sasuke walking out of the alley.

"well…..are you coming?"

Naruto and Sasuke quietly went from store to store, doing chores. Finally they had come to the last shop. It was dark by then. They entered the club looking at the crowds of people dancing to the blazing music pounding out of the huge speakers. The club was called the Fox's Den and was known for being a gay club. Naruto followed closely behind Sasuke as they made their way across the dance floor.

As soon as they stepped onto the crowded dance floor, Naruto and Sasuke were wrapped completely around by men dancing and touching each other. Although Sasuke looked as though he didn't care, Naruto squeaked every time someone brushed up to him. They had made it half way across the floor when suddenly Naruto was grabbed by one of a guy around their age. He wrapped his arms around Naruto and pressed his body close, swaying to the music. Naruto squirmed trying to get free. Then Sasuke was standing next to him. Sasuke grabbed Naruto and pulled him free of the man. Sasuke put his arms around Naruto's waist from behind and leaned his chest on Naruto's back. Sasuke growled possessively at the man who turned away and started dancing with another partner.


Sasuke let go of Naruto's waist but grabbed on to his arm and dragged him through the crowd. They finally made it to the office of the Fox's Den. Upon entering, they saw the boss in a heated make out session with another man. The boss had odd silver hair and had on a mask covering his mouth and the Konoha band covering his left eye. The other man had brown hair and jumped away the second he heard the boys enter the office, looking embarrassed. The boss however looked very pleased.

"ahh so you must be the ninjas that are helping with chores around town."

"yes. Is there something you would like us to do?" Sasuke said still looking pissed.

"yes. I am low on employees tonight so I was wondering if you would substitute for them"

"alright. What are we to do?"

"well. There is a uniform in the back and Ino will talk you through the rest of your duties."

Sasuke and Naruto walked to the room that the boss, Kakashi, directed to. A blond girl showed up within seconds and looked ferociously at Sasuke.

"hi…I'm Ino. Here are your uniforms. Basically, all you have to do is serve people food or drinks. Walk around and when someone calls you over, take their order and bring it to the kitchen and then take the order back to them."

Naruto and Sasuke grabbed their uniforms and headed to the changing rooms. Sasuke came out dressed in black pants and a white shirt and a black vest with a loose tie and a tilted hat, giving him a sexy look. Naruto came out dressed in tight leather black pants that clung to his legs and a tight leather black shirt, sleeveless that ended a few inches above the pants showing part of his stomach.

Ino looked proudly at the pair and squealed before shooing them out to the club. They stood awkwardly before Naruto gathered his energy and started walking towards the tables. Sasuke followed behind.

When Naruto reached the tables, hands flew up at a rapid pace. He walked to the nearest table and put on his best smile.

"uh…hi…can I get you anything?"

"yea...i'll have you" The man said, his gaze hungrily flowed up and down Naruto. Naruto looked flustered and started babbling.

"uhm…I-…you…but I ….eh"

"he's not available" Sasuke walked up behind Naruto and put his arm around Naruto's waist and stood beside him, glaring down at the man. "anything else you want?"

"humph….fine…just a cup of water"

Sasuke nodded and nudged Naruto into the kitchen before exploding again.

"what are you doing? You let him just size you up….idiot"

"argh…fine I'm sorry I'm so useless…hell why do you even bother"

Naruto grabbed a cup and filled it with water before stalking out of the kitchen. He walked up to the table and slammed the cup down before walking to the next table.

"may I take your I have a hamburger with no lettuce."


Naruto stalked back into the kitchen and returned a few moments later with the food. Sasuke himself got to work taking orders. Why did he bother with saving Naruto? I mean…it's not like he likes Naruto or anything….is it?

Pretty soon, it was 12 o'clock and the boys were allowed to take a break. They sat in the kitchen drinking some water and eating a hot dog. After they finished Naruto stood up suddenly.

"I'm going back to work"


After a few more orders, Sasuke joined Naruto. Around 4 in the morning, Kakashi came out of his office announcing that the club was closing. The crowds of men started getting up and leaving. By 4:30 there was no one in the club other than the employees. Kakashi walked up to Sasuke and Naruto who were wiping down the tables.

"Good job boys. I talked with Tsunade and she has allowed you to work here so tomorrow afternoon around 3 come here and don't be late."

Kakashi walked away leaving the stunned boys behind.

"we have to….work here?"

"that's what he just said, dobe"

"damn….this sucks"

The pair finished their chores and headed to their respective homes. They both fell asleep almost instantly.

hey...i got really bored so i started this one...i hope you enjoy it...PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!