Chapter 15- Like Boatloads

AN: See how quick I can update when I put my mind to it. Enjoy! I don't own Gilmore Girls.

Rory and Logan passed a fairly typical week at work considering the events of the past weekend. They didn't openly flirt at work but anyone could see that they were far more comfortable with each other than they had been in the past. They were both very busy with their responsibilities, Logan had several meetings with investors and Rory was meeting with the editors of the Chronicle and the Santa Cruz Sentinel. They had decided to have lunch together on Thursday.

Logan opened the door to Rory's office, it was 12:30 and they needed to be leaving for lunch soon. He had a marketing meeting at 2:30 and he wanted to be able to sit down and eat lunch instead of having to grab something quick. He poked is head in and saw her engrossed in the email she was typing. She looked so cute when she was concentrating that he almost hated to break it, but he was hungry.

"Hey," he said softly, "you almost ready to go?"

"Oh hey, I didn't see you there." she said slightly startled. "I'm almost finished here, meet me out front in a three minutes?"

"Sounds good, you ok with walking? I figured we would just go to Eli's diner, it's close."

"Yep that's fine."

Logan lingered outside with front of her office building, thinking about how, even though they had barely seen each other all week he had been happier than he had been in a very long time. He was lost his thoughts when his phone alerted him to the fact that he had received a text message. He looked at his phone, with a grimace he realized it was from his Dad, it said:

Rory and you are to attend the New American Journalism Symposium in Vegas. It's next month, the 20th-22nd, details to following via email.

Logan groaned. What was is Dad up to now? If he didn't know better he would think that his Dad was actually trying to push he and Rory together. First he forces them to work together, now he is sending them to Vegas for the weekend. He pushed the thought from his mind. He was sure that his parents were still not behind the idea of he and Rory dating, but hey a weekend in Vegas with Rory would be a ton of fun.

Mitchum had stood on the sidelines long enough. He had been sure that forcing Rory and Logan to work together would natural reignite the feelings he knew they still had for each other, but months had passed and there was still no word of a joyous reunion for the love birds. He had been racking his brain for weeks trying to come up with some other idea, something subtle where they could find their own way to each other. Finally he realized that with a little less than 6 months until his October deadline he need to act and quickly. As he saw it he had one last chance for them to do this on there own before he would sit them down and tell them they had to get married and they had to do it quickly.

He pulled some strings and got them on a discussion panel at the New American Journalism Symposium. The theme of the conference was making journalism relevant in the 21st century. They were a natural fit as the president and CEO of the most up and coming media company in the US, and best of all the conference was in Vegas. They were to speak on the first day which left the rest of the weekend to let his sons drunken antics run their course. This was a perfect plan, it had to work.

Rory wad finally finished with her email, she gathered her things, changed into some flats (one doesn't walk to lunch in the 4 inch pumps she typically wore to work) and headed out the door.

"Hey, I am finally ready, Let's go I am famished."

"After you my lady," Logan said gesturing with a smile.

"So anything exciting happening on your end of things today?" asked Logan, hoping to get shop talk out of the way before they got to the restaurant.

"Actually, yea. Our star columnist at the paper in Seattle is threatening to quit. So I am going to have to head up there tomorrow and try to smooth things over with her."

"As long as you are back for our date on Saturday." he said with a smile. "What is she threatening to quit?"

"I didn't get the whole story but something about an office prank gone disastrously awry. Don't fear I will be back late tomorrow night and will fill you in on all the juicy details on Saturday."

"Good, actually I have some news as well. Apparently my father is forcing us to attend the New American Journalism Symposium next month."

"I went to that last year towards the end of my time on the campaign trail, they invite a lot of young up and coming reporters as well as editors and owners of papers all over the country. It was great for networking but it was in Omaha, NE so pretty lame otherwise. Where is it this year?" Rory asked.

"It's in Vegas." Logan said pointedly.

"Mmm, a weekend in Vegas with you. That sounds like trouble," Rory said with a devilish smile on her face.

"Indeed it does Ace, indeed is does," Logan said putting is arm around her waste as they continued walking, "but we'll have a blast I promise."

"Yea, that's what I am a bit afraid of." Rory remarked as they arrived at the diner.

"So, what are we doing for our big date this weekend?" Rory asked after they were seated and had ordered their lunch.

"You know I can't tell you that, where would the fun be if you knew what we were doing. What I can tell you Ace is that you should dress comfortably and I will pick you up at 7 o'clock."

"So we are going to dinner?"

"No 7 in the morning Ace."

"You can't be serious."

"Oh I am I plan to take advantage of getting to spend the day with you. Fear not I will bring lots of coffee." Logan said amused by her horror at the early hour.

"Yea like boatloads." Rory said with a cute humpf.

Hope you liked it. Next chapter I will get to their date. As always, please review. I will try to get another chapter up by the end of the week.