I don't own anything from Inuyasha. Please don't sue. Thanks!


A lone darkened figure was seen darting through trees and shrub. It was a spring night, and stars shone bright in the sky, and the air was a crisp chill. Finally this unknown being sat down on top of a hill, hidden by sight thanks to the scenery. She knelt down, and looked into the sky, now letting her tears start to fall. She sat there letting the silent tears run down her face.

'Am I really as useless as I think now? Inuyasha...why have you got me into thinking I am nothing?' She glanced down, her eyes watery, and tears slowly stopping.

A whirlwind of air came to a halt a few feet away from the crying woman. Kouga stood there, the night's natural light enhancing his eyes and features. He stood there, not saying anything, but his eyes showing emotion. Kagome stared up into Kouga's eyes, then looked away at the ground by his feet. Embarrassed by having been caught crying.

Kouga took a step forward, then another, soon Kagome noticed his feet right in front of her. Kagome looked up, and Kouga knelt down in front of her. He cocked his head to the side, as if studying her, then finally said something. "You look as lovely as ever Kagome, but know this...even as you let your tears fall, you will always have me by your side."

Kagome gasped a little as she felt Kouga's hand brush away some of her tears on her cheek.

"What ever it is that, that Hanyou Inuyasha has told you; don't believe one word of it. You are worth everything to some people. Your friends for one. And you mean everything and more to me."

As those words came out of Kouga's mouth, Kagome could feel a slight blush start to creep up on her.

Kouga stood suddenly and he brought down his hand in a friendly gesture, hoping for Kagome to accept it. After looking at the offered hand for a bit, Kagome took it. She was pulled to her feet and brought into a warm hug. She stood there in shock for a bit. Kouga's hands wrapped around the middle of her back. Kagome gave in, and tentatively brought up her arms and hugged Kouga around his neck and started to cry into his shoulder. The two of them stood there in silence until Kagome gently pushed away from the embrace.

Kouga looked at Kagome with a friendly grin on his face. "Do you trust me Kagome?"

She looked at him for a moment before answering him, with a smile on her face. "Yes." She was quickly picked up in Kouga's arms, and Kouga was off on a run.

"Close your eyes Kagome." With that whisper that was heard gently in her ear, she complied. When Kouga stopped running, he put Kagome on her feet and guided her for a moment. "Open your eyes."

When she finally opened her eyes a gasp escaped her lips. In front of her was a small lake which glistened in the night, and a beautiful waterfall was cascading down into the watery depths below it. Suddenly Kagome could feel hands on her shoulders and warm breath on her cheek. "This is how you are to me Kagome. You are the waterfall, always filling my heart, and not letting it run empty. You may not love me the same way that I love you, but know this. You can always count on me to be there for you as a friend as well."

Kagome turned around her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thank you Kouga. You may not realize how much that means to me, but it means a lot." with that she kissed him on his forehead. "I won't think of myself as useless anymore. I will keep your words with me forever."

She looked into Kouga's eyes and truly saw the love he had for her. "Thank you for loving me, for me." and as those words escaped her mouth, she gently kissed Kouga on the lips.

Kouga wrapped his arms around her once again, while her arms held Kouga with love that was found. One look at the sky above, one would think that the stars and moon shone more brightly that night.