Twilight Fan Fiction: A plead of love

By: that kid with too much free time, Justine

Chapter 1:

I decided that today would be a good day to clean the house that I'd been neglecting for so long. Charlie was out fishing like any other Saturday, which left me to myself. Normally, I would be spending this time with my best friend, Jacob Black (being alone made my mind wander into places I wish it would not go), but after this morning, I figured it would be best to stay by myself.


We had been in his shabby garage not two hours ago, talking and laughing together as always. My personal sun seemed to be in a good mood today, shining a bit brighter, and I welcomed the new warmth eagerly.

Jacob stopped his kidding around momentarily to look at me with a probing expression. It made me wonder what he saw, looking at me.

"You're really pretty today." He said, answering my unspoken question.

I wondered how long he'd wanted to say that for.

I couldn't help but blush slightly. "Thanks, Jake." I replied, turning my attention to the warm soda in my hands.

When I looked back up, Jacob was still staring at my face wordlessly.

I let the silence linger until it became too uncomfortable.

"What?" I finally demanded, my self-consciousness getting the better of me.

"I've never seen you blush," he said matter-of-factly, "it's a good look for you."

His words made my face fall.

Jacob hadn't been the first one to comment on my blushing.

Diverse images ripped through my mind simultaneously: a warm, grassy meadow filled with wildflowers, a towering white mansion, deep within the forest that encroaches the little town of Forks, and two smoldering golden eyes, filled with nothing but warmth and love. These were all painful memories of someone I did not want to think of, or rather, a whole family of someones I did not want to think of. The agony pierced my frail body like a cutting-edge knife, and I gripped my stomach tightly with both hands to hold myself together, breathing in and out deeply. For Jacob's sake, I tried to keep my tears bottled up, with no avail.

"Hey, Bella, don't cry. What'd I do?" he said, realizing that I was trembling and overflowing with tears.

I couldn't stop the agonizing memories from flooding through my head: A perfect crooked smile that always left me breathless, silky disheveled bronze hair that my fingers wove greedily through, and three words whispered gently into my ear: I love you.

I cried non-stop for several minutes until my eyes ran dry; all the while Jacob attempted to calm me with soothing words that I didn't hear.

That's when I decided to return home and keep myself occupied by cleaning the house while Charlie was out. I figured that if I was going to have one of those days where I would randomly burst into tears at any given moment, it was best to be alone.

On my way home from La Push, I noticed a large sign painted ostentatiously onto a billboard near the highway. The reason it attracted my attention was because it read: Bella, I'm sorry.

It was painted it a perfect, elegant script that looked oddly familiar. But, I obviously knew it was just an advertisement, and had nothing to do with me personally, so I continued on my way, wondering what kind of company would promote their product by writing "I'm sorry" on a billboard.

When I finally got back to Charlie's, I saw a single red rose, which lay gracefully on the kitchen table. I didn't remember that being there this morning, and there was no note attached; it was just there. I picked it up curiously to put it in water. The stem was unexpectedly cold, as though the last person to have handled it had kept it in a freezer or something, or perhaps the last person to have carried it was…

No. I would not let myself think such things. My eyes were already watering as I placed the flower in a vase and went to begin cleaning to try and get my mind off him.

No sooner had I poured detergent into the washing machine, I heard three soft knocks on the front door.

Maybe I forgot something at Jake's, I thought curiously as I trudged to the door. I have to show him I'm doing better, I decided, wiping away the last of my tears and spreading a wide grin on my face as I opened the door.

Little could've prepared me for what stood on the other side.

My smiled slowly dissolved as my whole body grew weak.