Why me?

Disclaimer – I don't own CSI the characters or anything to do with CSI, well apart from all seven seasons on DVD and this story and unfortunately the experience that comes with it.

Authors Note – I wrote this today because I'm now off work till further notice! I was sat in the Rapid Response SUV (smaller version of a Ambulance) when I was dragged out of it and I was attacked and when I attempted to fight back I injured my attacker and now the powers that be have suspended me for violent conduct! Makes me mad I was held at knife point and almost raped and I'm the one that got suspended. Anyway this story is told from my experience through Sara Sidle I would say enjoy but I don't think you will. At least this chapter starts of funny and then gets into the nitty gritty! The funny parts did occur and in the fashion described too!


Today I knew from the start was not going to go great, firstly my hairdryer blew up on me, yes you are not going mad tom boy Sara Sidle owns or should I say did own a hairdryer, so I'm walking around like Sideshow Mel from the Simpsons, secondly I come to leave my apartment and can not find my car keys. What else could possible go wrong?

I must have been daydreaming since I left my apartment, truly that can't be safe; the next thing I know is Catherine tapping me on the shoulder to get my attention.

"Sara? Hey are you with us today?" Catherine asks

"Yea!" I reply "Sorry not had a good start"

"Oh? Want to talk about it?" Catherine asks

"Well firstly my hairdryer blew up so I look like a member of the Simpsons characters, what?" I ask

"I'm sorry I just thought it was a new hair style you were trying, well you of all people own a hairdryer, next you will be telling me you own and wear a dress!" Catherine remarked smiling

"Hey I do own a dress! Anyway secondly I couldn't find my car keys" I reply sighing and hitting my head against my locker "Ouch!"

"Did you find them? Did you have to get a cab to work?" Catherine asks

"No Catherine I walked!" I reply "Of course I found them!"

"Evening ladies" Nick greeted "Hey Sara you still up for meeting tomorrow?"

"Oh interesting!" Catherine remarked moving her hands in front of her

"Catherine we go out every Wednesday to join our bowling team, get your head out of the clouds women!" I reply "Of course Nick I will meet you there"

"Ok see you ladies in the Break room in five!" Nick says closing his locker and leaving the locker room

"Well?" Catherine asks staring at me "You like Nick don't you!"

"I like him just as a friend!" I reply walking away from Catherine

"Sidle, you don't get out of it that easy!" Catherine shouts running after me "You like Nick, it is so obvious!"

"Catherine I class Nick as my older brother!" I reply trying not to raise my voice I remember what happened last time "I will never date Nick so end of discussion!"

"Ok fine" Catherine replies sighing as I walk into the break room "This is not over by a long shot!"

"Glad you could grace us with your presence Miss Willows" Ecklie groans "Now that everyone is here, wait a minute where is Greg?"

"Sorry I'm late you will not believe what happened to me!" Greg says out of breath oblivious to Ecklie in the room "First my shower won't work, next my neighbour's cat was stuck up a tree and lastly someone stole my hub caps!"

"Well we are sorry for your loss!" Ecklie remarks "Please sit down!"

Greg sat down in between me and a very amused Catherine, who had her fist her mouth trying to suppress her laughter instead snorting coffee up her nose in an elegant fashion and pounding her fists on the table, much to the annoyance of Ecklie.

"Whoa Catherine, you ok?" I ask attempting not to laugh myself "Want Warrick to give you mouth to mouth?"

Before I know it the rest of the table are coughing and snorting their coffee up their noses, I take one look at Ecklie and shrug my shoulders and sit back down.

"Once you Buffoons have stopped acting like children I would like to introduce you to the new DA!" Ecklie said above the coughs

"Welcome to the Las Vegas Crime lab, I'm Sara Sidle and it's a pleasure to meet you sir!" I politely say smiling

"Like wise Miss Sidle, could you introduce me to your purple colleagues?" The DA asks "My name is Grant Heston!"

"Welcome, anyway the one on my right is Greg on my left is Catherine" I explain pointing in the direction of who I'm talking about "In front of me is Nick, next to nick is Warrick and stood beside Ecklie is our supervisor Gil Grissom!"

"Mr Heston sorry for my team's behaviour" Gil apologised "They normally are rather well behaved!"

"Gil is it? Grant asks getting a nod of Gil's head "Its fine I appreciate a good laugh and I certainly got that tonight!"

"Good night Mr Heston!" Greg shouted after recovering from coughing

"Please call me Grant!" Grant replied walking towards Ecklie's office a miserable Ecklie following

I look down the corridor as Ecklie closes his office door and then at my team mates, who were all smiling.

"Grant will be good for the lab I can tell!" Greg remarked "We have someone that we can run too and not Ecklie!"

"I agree!" Gil remarked "Anyway gang assignments!"

Everyone groaned and let their head fall to the desk, Catherine a little more forceful.

"OUCH!" Catherine screamed "Oh hell!"

"You ok Catherine?" Gil asks trying to hide his grin behind assignment slips "Ok Greg, Warrick DB in Henderson, Catherine Nick B and E at the Tangiers Penthouse and Sara you're on a solo, out in the Desert suspicious circumstances with a car and train!"

"What are you going to be doing? Has anyone got any pain killers?" Catherine groaned holding her forehead

"Paperwork!" Gil replied shrugging at our vacant faces "I have quite a lot of outstanding paperwork that needs finishing!"

"This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact of our new DA, would it Gil?" I ask

"Of course not, is this shirt ok?" Gil asks fiddling with his shirt

"Ok assignments!" Catherine exclaims "See you around, Nick hurry up and I'm driving!"

"When do ever not drive?" Nick asked walking out the break room

"See you guys later, come on Greg!" Warrick says also walking out the break room followed closely by Greg

"See you later Gil, enjoy your mountain of paperwork!" I say vacating the Break room to look back around to find Gil checking his shirt in the coffee pot


Fours later and I'm stood beside my truck, alone taking a drink of water just about to head back to the road to go back to the lab. I finish my water and throw the empty bottle onto the backseat, where I will get it later. I open my car door and start to sit down before I know it I'm being dragged out and around to the hood of the car.

"Don't even scream no one can hear you!" A man's voice snarls "I have a knife and I know how to use it!"

"Please don't do this!" I beg trying to get out of his grip realising I have left my gun in the passenger seat

"Shut up bitch!" He snarls "Now bend over your car!"

"No!" I shout back "You don't scare me!"

He then pushes me hard against the front of the car hitting my back hard, he strips me of my vest and starts to slash at me clothes, across the chest and then he slits my jeans I can feel my eyes well up with tears but I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing it. I start to fight back not caring if he had the knife or not I was going to be raped while in the middle of nowhere.

"You're so feisty!" He remarks licking my neck

"Get the hell off me now!" I demand kneeing him and making a run for my car and to safety

"You bitch!" He screams and follows me to the door "You will pay for that!" As he drags me back to the front of the car touching me as we go

I can smell the alcohol on his breath and it makes me sick, especially as he licks and bites at my neck. I close my eyes and attempt to get my hand free, he makes a move towards my chest which gives me chance to move my hand and ball it into a fist. I punch him with all my might and send him flying to the floor, I instantly run to the safety of my car and ring Jim. As my phone rings my hands shake and let my emotions flow.

"Jim...Jim I need you!" I sob down the phone listening to Jim ask me where I am "The assignment out in the desert, the one Sofia was just at!"

Jim tells me he's on his way; I roll up the window and lock the doors watching the unconscious body of my attacker for any form of movement, for what seemed to be an eternity to me was in fact only fifteen minutes Jim's patrol car and an ambulance come down the dirt road and towards my Denali. As soon as I see Jim vacate his car I open my car and run towards him and give him a hug, I need a friendly hug right now. Jim takes one look at my torn clothes and walks me to his car and sits me inside, he then walks towards my attacker and gets the Paramedics to take him to Desert Palms.

"Sara are you ok? Did he rape you?" Jim asks nervously

"No!" I reply shaking my head and going into a fit of crying

"Sssh Sara Gil's on his way!" Jim soothes me rocking me back and forth

"Jim I feel sick!" I groan then leaning over and empting what little I had inside of me

Jim smiles at me and waits beside me, we both wait an extra five minutes before Gil, Ecklie and our new DA Grant Heston arrive, just what luck I thought. Jim removes his jacket and gives it to me to cover myself up, I smile sweetly at him and flinched when I see Ecklie in front of me.

"Sidle what happened?" Ecklie asks the anger clear in his voice

"I was almost raped Ecklie!" I reply going green at the thought

"Miss Sidle are you ok?" Grant asks me "Do you wish to go to hospital?"

I shake my head offering Grant a week smile, he looks at me and then at Ecklie.

"Conrad I don't like the tone you use with Miss Sidle here!" Grant remarked "Please apologise!"

"Miss Sidle I apologise for my anger, I know it's not your fault and I hope it doesn't happen again!" Ecklie says clearly uncomfortable

"No problem Ecklie!" I reply starting to stand up swaying and falling into Grant's arms "Uhh sorry sir!"

The last thing I remember is the blue eyes of the Las Vegas new DA smiling at me and lifting me and placing me in the back of Gil's Denali. What possibly could happen to me? I didn't fear for my job at the time but if I'm completely honest it was bothering me slightly.



Please review more to come if you want me to continue!