Tite Kubo owns Bleach and the characters depicted therein. The characters in this story are not mine, mostly.

Fuji Therapy 2

Some people glared at us when we got on the bus. I glared back and bared my teeth at them in my most ferocious grin. What was their problem? A few minutes waiting and they felt the need to glare? Most of them looked away, nervously when they met my gaze. One or two even flushed, but one idiot didn't even look at me, but gazed at my wife.

I walked close to him and got my face in front of his. I was going to say something, but he shut his eyes as if expecting me to punch him and Matsumoto tapped me on the shoulder.

"Zaraki, I need to sit down. The tour won't continue until we are in our seats."

"Right." I wanted to walk to the back of the bus, but was forced to return to the damn front seats as all the back seats were taken. Okay, the view was good, but the privacy wasn't.

We sat, the bus started to move and the guide chatted on about Mt. Fuji, climbing Mr Fuji, the historical significance of Mt Fuji, what was at the top of My Fuji, the fauna, the flora. I was sick of Mt Fuji and I hadn't even stood on the damn mountain. Staring out the window I saw bushes, trees, flowers, leaves, nature. Yeah, nature. It exists. So what?

A small smile quirked the sides of my mouth. I remembered the promise my wife had made. Once we reached wherever the destination was my wife was mine. Vaguely I recalled someone once telling me it wasn't the destination which was important, it was the journey. Some people are full of crap. This time it wasn't even the destination which was important or the journey there. The important thing was arriving, otherwise why make the journey in the first place?

The bus climbed the mountain and I felt a gentle pressure on my shoulder. Looking across I noticed the strawberry blond hair of my wife falling over her face as she rested her head on my shoulder. She was sleeping. Now I didn't care how long the bus ride took. She needed her rest and I enjoyed looking at her sleeping face, wishing I could kiss the mole by the side of her mouth. The guide was still chatting on about something which was easy to ignore. The mouth was moving but my interest was elsewhere.

I still didn't understand the reason why everyone wanted to visit a mountain. It was big and maybe the view would be nice, but it wasn't as if the mountain was going to do anything exciting, like ask me to fight it. How would you fight a mountain, anyway?

My wife's head was slipping and I gently moved it back onto the shoulder. While it might be nice to have her face in my lap, no, nice was too pallid, erotic to have Matsumoto's face in my lap, there would be consequences. Aside from those, it might wake her and I wanted her to have as much sleep as possible. She'd need to be well rested for tonight and the next few days back in Tokyo. And she had demanded sex on the tour. Plenty of sex, if I remembered correctly and I was sure I did.

The bus raced around curves, climbing higher and higher, trees rushing past, cars driving past as well as other tour buses. Mt Fuji was busy today, or maybe it always was. I was glad I had only agreed to one tour. The sound of people jabbering to each other, slurping drinks was annoying. Fortunately the additional noise of mobile phones and hand held games was muted by people who had been trained by the rail system not to make noise in crowded places. I wondered if other countries showed that amount of consideration. Not that I was planning to visit any other country unless my wife asked nicely. I liked it when she asked nicely. I might be reluctant at first but there were always benefits to be had.

"Cap... I mean Mr Zaraki, have you ever been to Mr Fuji?"

Why were people asking me that question? Did it really matter if I'd been there before? I was going there now, unwillingly so what was the point? I turned around carefully, not wishing to wake my wife and squinted in the direction of the voice. It was Orihime, the girl with bad taste in most things. At one time I'd thought she might be interested in Ichigo, but events had proven otherwise. I didn't see her 'friend' anywhere, or in fact any of the 'friends' who'd been acquired during our time amongst the Arrancar. It didn't surprise me, but the girl looked slightly lost. The expression reminded me of Matsumoto so I spoke more politely than I felt.


"Oh," she said. For a moment I hoped the conversation was over, but my luck was bad. "I enjoy the trip. I saved up enough money to buy one of the more complex puzzle boxes this time and I'm hoping we go on the Pirate boat."

What the hell was the girl talking about? Pirate ship? Where did she think we were? It wasn't Disneyland, the Caribbean, Somalia or the Strait of Malacca.

She must have seen my puzzled glare and explained, "When we sail on the lake sometimes the ship has been made to look like a Pirate ship."

I almost shrugged but remembered in time my wife was still resting her head on my shoulder. "Whatever floats your boat," I replied.

The girl flushed and then giggled slightly, her hand hiding her mouth. Chad, who was sitting next to her smiled slightly. "It is an interesting tour," he said. "I enjoy the black eggs and the scent of sulphur."

Orihime giggled more. "I like the smell too and the eggs. Some people don't like them, but I brought a turnip to eat with them and some maple syrup."

I exchanged glances with Chad. He shuddered slightly but I didn't. People ate weird things. My wife occasionally had some strange longings because of her condition, but it didn't worry me. I didn't have to eat Green Tea ice cream covered with miso because Matsumoto longed for that delicacy. The smell of that had been pretty bad.

Black eggs, sulphur, Pirate ships and Mt Fuji. What other things were included in this fun fest? Alien abduction. The word abduction made me grimace and I noticed Orihime looked scared so I tried to smile which caused the same reaction. The girl still seemed scared of everything except a few times when I saw her with someone who didn't seem to be on this tour. "I think I'll pass," I tried as some sort of sop. "I don't think black eggs are good for pregnant women, or their husbands."

"I've always wanted to try them," a sleepy voice said near my ear. "Could you lower your voice beloved? I think the whole bus heard your views about black eggs and pregnant women."

I hadn't realised I'd spoken loudly but a quick glance assured me everyone was looking in my direction. I frowned at anyone who caught my eye and they quickly looked away. At least a bus tour was not a popularity contest.

"We will be at the 5th Station of Mt Fuji shortly. We will spend 20 minutes there and then afterwards we will go to lunch. Please be back promptly," the guide said with a worried look at me. "We have a tight schedule."

This was the thing which had been bugging me most about the tour. Schedules. The time was parcelled into little bits and it meant we had to tag along or be left behind. Would it be so bad to miss the bus. 20 minutes wasn't long but it might be enough time for another encounter. I shifted in my seat to relive some of the building pressure.

Looking hopefully at my wife I was pleased to see she was looking at me with a quick glance at my lap Then she pursed her lips and shook her head as she caught the glint of lust in my eye and shook her head. "Maybe after lunch," she said with a hint of regret. "I want to walk on Fuji san and look at the view."

Fuji san? She'd actually called the mountain the nickname the guide had been spouting. I grunted in response, not certain if anything I said would spoil the mood.

The bus stopped and people began to get off. I rose and reluctantly left the bus. It might be an idea to stretch as the seats were bloody cramped and my legs were protesting. I assisted Matsumoto down the steps and before I could urge her to help me, she disappeared with Yoruichi, Orihime and the other females.

"Perhaps I may be able to show you some points of interest," the Quincy offered. "It seems our party has split into male and female groups. You may find it enlightening."

"It's not a school trip, Uryu. We don't have to write an essay or fill out a check list. It's meant to be fun," Ichigo, yawned and stretched. "Being cooped up on a bus is less fun than learning bankai."

There was silence as he realised what he'd said and then looked in my direction, biting his lip.

"Yeah, well you'd fucking know about that, wouldn't you?" I growled, irked by my instinctive reaction. "Let's look at the fucking view and you can tell us all you want, kid," I told the Quincy. "Show me the importance of the bloody mountain."

I followed but barely listened to his jabber. The view was pretty, the scent of the growing plants was present. Looking around I saw my wife admiring the view and I began to drift in her direction until I noticed she was entering a shop.

Not another frigging shop? Couldn't the woman spend one day without spending money on stuff we didn't need? I sighed and decided not to follow. There was a limit to my dedication and after the amount of shopping we'd done, I'd reached mine.

"... or so my grandfather said," I caught the tail end of the Quincy's words.

I don't know why but not hearing what he'd said changed my mind. Why did I care if my wife loved shopping? We'd had some great sex during some of the expeditions and I hadn't hated all of it. We had plenty of money and she'd get a giddy, happy look when she'd found something she loved. Hell, if she wanted to go to another underwear shop, I'd be there helping her in my own way.

Thinking this way wasn't helping. I decided to get back on the bus where people might stop gawking at me so much.

"Seen enough," I said, not caring if anyone heard. Did it matter if I missed yet another 'wonderful panorama' that Uryu kept describing. Hell, the kid was ponderous with his explanations and kept pushing his glasses up his nose, nervously. Did he think I was preparing to bite him?

I settled in the seat at the back, stretching my legs. No one had left their junk there, so I assumed it was free and if it wasn't then too bad. There were vacant seats at the front. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes.

If the guide talked, I didn't hear him. The only thing which woke me was the warm hand of my wife touching my cheek. "Zaraki, wake up, beloved. It is lunch time."

Opening the eye not covered with the patch, I glared at her. Lunchtime wasn't going to be much fun, I could feel it. Crowded in a room with a bunch of people I knew, eating something I might not like and probably having to engage in idle chit chat about the weather, Pokemon, If You Are the One, twerking, transgender issues, how feminism had ruined the world, or whatever was the hot topic at the moment. I didn't want to know. Actually discussing the weather was the best option because that was something which affected me. The other things aroused my interest as much as attending Captain's meetings.

People had opinions. It didn't mean I had to listen to them, or feign agreement.

Reluctantly, I rose from my seat and followed her off the bus. My stomach reminded me, it needed feeding, so perhaps eating at this time wasn't such a bad idea. The restaurant was like a lot of restaurants. Tables, chairs, tablecloths, flowers either fake or real in vases, cutlery and the clatter of dishes. There were two seats left at a table where we were supposed to sit. As I'd guessed, we were seated with the little group of people who decided to interrupt my honeymoon. When we sat, they called greetings and then returned their attention to their plates.

I looked at what was on offer. Miso, some kind of fish, pickled vegetables, rice, nothing terribly exciting, but good plain food. As I ate, I listened a little to the conversation. The kids were talking about school which didn't interest me. I tuned them out and looked at my wife. She was paying attention as she ate, occasionally smiling or adding a comment. I remembered she'd attended the school for a few days.

My mind began to wander as I imagined how she'd looked in the school uniform. I'd seen some uniforms and they all had extremely skimpy skirts. Sometimes I wondered if the person who'd designed them had a fetish for sailors and short skirts. A mental image Matsumoto wearing an abbreviated version of the uniform caused a decided reaction but then for some reason it was quickly supplanted by a vision of male sailor wearing a short skirt. I almost choked on the rice I was attempting to swallow as my stomach lurched. My excitement subsided.

Looking concerned, my wife poured me a glass of water urging me to drink. I coughed a few times and managed to clear my throat. Fortunately I'd nearly finished everything. Gulping the last few mouthfuls I got to my feet. "Let's go for a walk, beloved," I suggested thinking we might find some privacy. The sex in the toilet had been too long ago and hadn't lasted long enough.

"In a minute. I haven't finished," she indicated her nearly untouched meal. "I'm not really hungry, but I'd really like..."

"Green tea ice-cream in miso soup?" I asked.

She shook her head with a strange look on her face. "I want steak and chips."

I frowned. Matsumoto didn't eat food like that very often saying chips were fattening.

I thought about it for a moment and nodded. I'd noticed the restaurant was located in a hotel which gave me an idea. "Be back in a moment," I said and walked to the reception desk. After explaining my wife was pregnant and needed to rest, I managed to get a room (after paying a considerable sum for such a short time, ordered steak and chips from room service and told the tour guide to ring us when they were leaving. We still had half an hour as I'd eaten very fast. Returning to the restaurant, I picked up my wife, much to her consternation. "See you on the bus," I told the others.

Any questions asked were unheard as I hurried to the lift. "Put me down, Zaraki. Where are we going? I wanted to go and look at the gardens," my wife said as she pushed at my chest.

"You need a rest," I told her. "I've got a room."

"Oh," she said in a small voice. "A room for 45 minutes. Is this a love hotel?"

I wondered if she was disappointed. "No, but you are pregnant. I ordered steak and chips and I need sex."

"How do I rest while we make love?" Her eyes were wide. "You keep telling me we'll rest and I don't."

"You can sleep on the bus, can't you beloved?" You said you wanted steak and chips and it will be waiting in the room."

A look of greed crossed her face. "Thank you. It wasn't that the meal was bad, it wasn't what I felt like."

I nodded as I carried her out of the lift and to our room. A hotel employee held open the door and I could see the food was waiting, hot and enticing, just like my wife. She struggled a bit so I put her in a chair at the table and before the door shut she was cramming food into her mouth. "This is so good," she said with a small moan. "They even gave me onions and mushroom gravy. Mmmmmm," she closed her eyes as she chewed her latest mouthful. "I am so hungry."

As she was intent on eating and seemed hardly aware of my presence, I began to remove my clothes. Once naked, it was my intention to strip her, but I couldn't wait. Then I remembered she wasn't wearing any underwear. That gave me an idea.

"You look like you need more support than the chair," I said.

Picking her up gently after she took another mouthful, I sat on the chair and placed her on top of me, entering her as she slid down my shaft, assisted by gravity. It was my turn to moan in pleasure as I felt her enclose the head of my cock and slip further down the shaft I had intended to use the bed, but this felt fucking amazing and Matsumoto could continue to eat.

"I'm eating, Zaraki," Matsumoto told as she wiggled. It wasn't possible to tell if she was trying to stand up, or enjoying the feeling of our union, but she had taken another bite of food and was chewing.

"You can still eat," was my response. She was now completely impaled on my cock and as much as I wanted to stay still and enjoy, I also wanted the friction that lead to more pleasure.

"It's distracting," she told me and tried to turn to kiss me. Because the chair wasn't built for much movement she couldn't.

"Are you certain?" I asked as I thrust upward.

She stopped chewing and nodded. "Very distracting. I'm so hungry," was her husky reply.

"For me?" I thrust again as I asked. She was definitely noticing what I was doing. She was hotter and wetter than when I entered her.

"For the food," she took another mouthful, eating too fast for my liking. She'd chew only a few times and swallow, drinking from a glass of water as if she needed the help to swallow the food. She might get indigestion if she ate fast and as she was already slightly prone to that problem, due to the pregnancy, I wondered what to do. She was obviously hungry and Retsu had impressed on me the importance of making certain Matsumoto was fed regularly so when she ate she didn't eat too fast of eat too much.

If I said anything she'd say it was my fault as I wanted sex when she wanted to eat. I stayed still, except for flexing my organ within her. She slowed her chewing and swallowed slower, without drinking the water. I waited a few minutes to make certain she didn't once again speed up, but she seemed to be slowing down even more. Bending sideways I looked at the plate. She'd already eaten the steak and was now dipping the chips in the mushroom sauce before she consumed them.

There were only a few chips left and she moved strangely. "What is wrong, beloved?"

"I forgot you were there and tried to push the chair back. I've eaten enough," she said.

How could she forget I was deeply inside her? Should I feel insulted or amused?

"I'm sorry, Zaraki, but I was so hungry and I've been longing for steak all morning. I knew you were there but didn't, if you can understand what I mean," she tried to explain.

My poor beloved sounded sad. There had been too much sadness and disappointment in her life and I didn't want it to continue.

I laughed and stood up, holding her. The chair fell to the ground, but I didn't care. Moving past it, I carried my wife to the bed and was preparing to lay her down when she said, "Not on my stomach. I'm full, and there's the baby and I don't feel very energetic."

Sighing with regret, I slid out of her and placed her on the bed on her back. She smiled at my frown and looked at the clock beside the bed. "15 minutes, Zaraki. Will the expense be worth 15 minutes?"

Her legs were apart and my gaze was drawn to the area recently vacated by my cock, which twitched in anticipation. "Sex with you is worth more than money," I told her and got on the bed. Slowly, I entered her, mindful her stomach was full. It felt even better than when we were on the chair. Staring into my wife's eyes I watched them cloud with passion as I moved gently in and out, sliding fully in but making certain I didn't slide out completely.

"Too gentle," she said, with a moan.

"I am trying to be gentle," I told her, trying to reassure her it was the right thing to do.

She opened her eyes which had half closed and with a small, sexy smile told me, "Too gentle. I want passion, not polite fucking."

The unexpected comment made me laugh and thrust into her harder. "Is there such a thing as polite fucking?" I queried.

"What you were doing was," she said, gasping as she rose to meet my thrusts. "Nice, polite, but not very exciting."

"Me, not exciting?" I said as I pressed my lips to her neck and sucked in a little skin.

"Are you giving me a love bite? Please, no. It's so embarrassing," she complained, panting as I increased the speed of my thrusts.

In deference to her request, I stopped and began kissing her on the mouth, thrusting my tongue into her mouth as I thrust my cock. She was going wild, her hands cupping my arse, then rubbing my back, then trying to make me speed up my thrust even further with her hands and actions. She was so fucking hot.

Pulling her mouth away from mine, I heard her scream my name as she convulsed under me, as she squeezed my cock in her cunt. The sensation was too good and I found I was coming as well, almost biting my tongue to prevent me yelling loudly about how good it felt.

It had been worth the money. I hadn't lied when I said that.

The phone beside the bed buzzed. Regretfully I answered it, and heard someone say the bus was leaving in a few minutes.

"Thanks," I said and hung up. "Bus is leaving soon," I told my wife. Grabbing my clothes, I dressed quickly.

Matsumoto went to the bathroom and after a short while, returned, her hair in place and only a slight colour to her cheeks but her eyes were dreamy. Every time she looked like that I wanted to drag her back to bed.

"I've put on underwear, Zaraki."

I could feel my expression change to a frown. I'd enjoyed the fact she wasn't wearing underwear. "Why?"

Smiling, she said, "Until we arrive in the hotel tonight, there won't be much chance of being alone. I read the itinerary and I honestly don't want to make love in a toilet again today."

"Beloved," I said as I picked her up and carried her to the elevator, "You have no sense of adventure."

A strange look crossed her face. "Adventure is over rated. I don't count sex in a toilet as adventurous. Interesting, maybe, but not something I want to do twice in one day."

"As you wish," I said remembering a line from one of the films she'd forced me to watch.

"Yes, it is," and as I hoped the quote had made her smile. "It is as I wish."



Finally found some inspiration down the bottom of my sock drawer, or somewhere.


'Moves Like Jagger' Maroon 5

'Bang 'Er 'N Chips' The Orb

'You're My Flame' Zero 7