"You got a choice, Darley." The man leaned over the table, his fat fingers spread over the pressed wood. His graying hair was thinning and combed neatly over the top of his head. A small coffee stain circled the third button of his white collard shirt, and he smelt of stale pastries. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"I prefer the hard way." The other man said as he leaned his large frame against the only exit from the sweltering room. His arms were crossed tightly over his broad chest. His voice deep and menacing. The good cop bad cop routine was running dry. Now the two detectives were left with only one option. Threats.

Billy had been sitting in the same seat for hours. His personal items were gone. Packed away in a brown paper bag somewhere. Two packs of fresh cigarettes, a lighter, and a Styrofoam cup filled half way with water sat in front of him. He leaned over and grabbed the opened pack and with calm fingers, pulling a stick from the box and placing it in his mouth. He lit, inhaled and exhaled. The whole time his eyes were on the overweight, underpaid enforcer of the law that stood before him.

"You're going away, Billy. You might as well start talking. Tell us what you know." The broad detective barked.

"Will I get put on the payroll for doing your job?" Billy said, coolly. The corner of his mouth curling up.

"Listen you little prick. We eat punks like you for breakfast." The detective leaning toward Billy grew closer. His hands only a foot from Billy's.

"I can tell." Billy nodded towards the detective's large stomach that fell over his belt. "I thought cops were supposed to be healthy and fit. You know, so they can chase the bad guys."

"You fuckin' smart ass." The detective against the door lunged across the room at Billy, his large hands clutching onto Billy's shirt. Without much effort he had Billy against the wall, the chair he had been occupying crashed to the floor. "You keep this smart talk up and you're gonna be doin' some serious time Darley. You better start fuckin' participating or we won't be able to help you."

"Help me?" Billy laughed. "Your asking me to be a fuckin' rat, how the fuck is that helping me?"

"You scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours." The detective's hot breath brushed Billy's face.

"No thank you. I don't want fuckin' flees." The detectives arm pulled back. A smirk stayed on Billy's face, he didn't have time to protect himself from the blow of the detective's fist as it connected to his stomach. Losing his breath, he fell to the floor, his arms wrapped tight around himself. Gasping for air he pulled himself into fetal position. The top of his belly burned and throbbed as he coughed. The wind had been completely knocked from him.

The two detectives laughed at Billy's expense. The broad detective knelt down, bending his head only inches from Billy's. He could feel the smile across the detectives face as he got even closer to him. His hot breathe scorched the top of Billy's ear, causing Billy to move his head. With that the detective placed his knee on top of Billy's side, keeping him in place.

"You're gonna tell us what we wanna know." he laughed. "Or.." the detective looked over to his partner and shrugged. Still smiling he bent closer to Billy again. "Or, we can pay a visit to that pretty little piece of ass you've been bangin'."

Billy's heart pounded, but his breathing stopped. His whole body froze, tensing under the weight of the detective. Billy could feel the heat rising up his neck and pouring across his face and head. In his mind he grabbed the detective by the throat and slammed him to the floor just before killing him with his own gun. But he knew that the end result would lead him to jail forever. Never to be with Rachel again.

He refused to have that.

"Go fuck yourself." Billy barely breathed the words as he tried to make his way from under the detective's knee.

"This prick isn't gonna budge." The detective with the stain on his shirt barked. "I'm done playing his game." The broad detective knelt down closer to Billy again.

"Have fun in county." Before rising to his feet the detective gave him one last punch to the gut. Losing his breath again, this time Billy laughed. He wasn't entirely sure why he was laughing, but he couldn't stop. The detective watched him with puzzled eyes as he made his way to his feet.

"Just like your father." The detective hissed before leaving Billy to his thoughts. And the thought of what Billy just heard caused his laughing to slowly decease. He lay on the floor, his hands in fists over his belly, and his eyes slowly glistening. He was just like his father. He knew that. And he hated his father.

Syn's tattooed fist slammed on the steel door as he cursed under his breath. He knew she was home. He watched her in her tight black mini skirt and white halter top as she staggered into the front doors of her building. He was going to stop her right then but he didn't want to bring any unwanted attention to himself from her neighbors. Waiting a good ten minutes before getting out of his car, he made his way into the building and up the stairs to the fourth floor where he knew Jessica's apartment was.

Anger was creeping up his neck and he was seconds away from losing it. Patience was something he knew nothing about. Balling his hand into a fist he pounded relentlessly against her door. This time he could hear movement and someone cursing as they got closer.

A man no taller than himself ripped open the door. His hair was disheveled, his face unshaven. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of stained boxers. He looked heavy at Syn, his blue eyes burning deep into Syn's brown ones.

"What the hell do you want?" He hissed through clenched teeth, taking a step closer.

"I want Jessica, you dirty, smelly prick." Syn said coolly. "Now I suggest you get your skanky ass back in there and tell her to get her fine ass out here. Before I come in and get her myself." Syn crossed his arms over his chest as he smirked at the man. He looked shocked, and a little insulted. Syn didn't care. He dared him to question him. And that's exactly what he did.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" the man asked, pointing a dirty finger at Syn.

Syn sighed heavy before he rolled his head around his shoulder. "I'll tell you who I am." Just then Syn smashed the moronic man in the nose with his forehead, causing the man to grab at his face and lose his balance. Syn walked passed the man, knocking him to the floor as he did.

"Jessica," Syn sang. "Where are you?"

"Chris, what the hell is taking you so long?" He could hear Jessica call from the bedroom. Syn's lips curled into a sinister smile as he walked down the hall to where Jessica was. When he made it to the open door where he could see Jessica sprawled out on her bed. He stopped and leaned himself against the door frame. She was completely naked, and from the looks of it, tired of waiting for Chris.

"Too bad I left my phone in the car. This would be a beautiful wallpaper." Syn's voice was menacing. Jessica, not recognizing the voice jumped up. When her eyes met Syn's she screamed and scrambled to gather the sheets to cover herself.

"Who the fuck are you?" She screamed. "Where's Chris?"

"Oh him?" He started as he walked into her room. "He's taking care of a broken face right now."

"Get out!" She pulled herself closer to the head board. "What do you want?"

"Yes, to the point. I like that in a girl." He made his way over to her bed and sat on the side she was on." He reached a hand up to her dark hair, pushing a strand out of her face. "I have a proposition for you." She backed away as his hand touched her face. Her eyes full of concern as they looked back at him.

" Who are you?"

"Oh, how rude of me. The name's Syn." He put his hand out for her to shake. She didn't buy his politeness. Syn laughed knowing she wouldn't fall for it. Putting his hand down he decided to just get to the point. "Ok. Let's just say, we can help each other." Her brows narrowed.

"Oh?" She said.

"I want Billy Darley's head on a platter. The best way to do that is to get to his pretty little girlfriend." Syn could see the change in Jessica's expression as he mentioned Rachel. If fire could come out of a person's eyes, he was sure that hers would be perturbing flames right now.

"What does this have to do with me?" Jessica's body loosened a little more as her interest in what Syn had to say became clearer.

Syn rose off the bed and started to walk around Jessica's room. His eyes scanned the knickknacks she had as he started his plan. "Rachel is his weakness. Everything about her. From her face, to her body and most importantly, her safety. I need to use her to get to him. As bait." Syn stopped and picked a bra up from the floor and smelt it. "Mm. I love the smell of a real woman." He flung the bra back on the floor before focusing his attention back on Jessica.

"What exactly do you need from me, Syn?" His name escaped her lips in soft sultry tone.

"I need you to get her to me." His palms rested on the end of her bed as he leaned in closer. "Once I have my hands on her, I have complete control."

"I hate to disappoint you, but there is no way that girl will come anywhere I am. She hates me, even the idea of me. I doubt she would even get on the phone." Not caring anymore about covering herself, Jessica stood up and dropped the sheet that was her only protection against Syn's eyes on her naked body. She walked passed him to her dresser where she grabbed a long t-shirt. Placing it on she turned to face him again, who was now slowly walking towards her.

"You're a daring girl, Jessica. I know all about you." His voice was steady and low. His eyes scanning her curves that could be seen through the thin fabric. "I doubt you would have a problem contacting Rachel."

Jessica waved a hand at Syn. "Don't say her name. It makes me ill."

"Because she's the love of Billy's life, I'm sure." Syn was only and inch from Jessica's face.

"That isn't the only reason." Her honesty to this stranger was surprising to her. "Speaking of Billy. If I get you Rachel, then you get Billy. What if I don't want to help? I know who you are Syn. Took a second to realize, but I have heard of you. You'll take his life without a second thought." Her eyes burnt into his.

Rubbing her cheek softly with his fingers he leaned in to her neck, his breath soft on her ear as he spoke. "Why have Billy, when you could be with someone so much better? Someone to make you feel," his hand dropped down to her chest than slowly moved to her stomach where his hand continued to fall, "so much better."

Jessica lost her breath as her eyes slowly rolled to the feel on his hand. His offer was promising, his voice and touch made her want him. But the fact was there was no other Billy. No one could ever compare in her mind. She decided at that moment to help him. Help him help her. She would get Rachel out of the picture, but warn Billy of Syn's intensions before it was too late.

As Syn's hands touched her most delicate parts, his mouth found her neck. She sighed throwing her head back giving him better access. "I'm in," she said breathlessly.

"So am I." Syn whispered. She could feel his smirk against her neck.

Rachel stared at Billy from across the table through blood shot eyes. She had been crying the entire ride to the county jail. Billy's head was in his hands as they sat. Silence, thick between them. He told her not to come. His sentence was minimal. His lawyer one of the best in Boston, got him a four month deal. He had done longer in the past. Something he never told Rachel about.

"I don't understand why you came. We could have talked on the phone until I got home." His voice sounding muffled as he kept his head down.

"Because maybe you could stand not seeing me for four months, but I couldn't last that long not seeing you. I get this stuff comes easy to you, but it's new to me." Rachel could feel the warmth of the fresh tears that formed. She blinked trying to rid them before Billy looked up.

"This isn't a place for you. I don't want you to come back." His head still down as he spoke. It pained him to look in her eyes. To see the hurt and fear that beamed from them.

"I waited as long as I could. I tried Billy. Almost three months I sat not being able to see you or touch you. I just couldn't do it anymore. I'm sorry." Billy looked up at her. She quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen fresh down her reddened cheeks. She looked beautiful, and he wondered how he had become so lucky. After everything, after all the pain he had caused her, here she was. His angel. Sitting in a dirty old gym, now used for visiting with thirty other inmates and their visitors.

Billy sighed as he rubbed his head and leaned into his chair. "Has Bode been doing his job?"

"If you mean babysitting me, yes." She wiped away the rest of the wetness from her cheeks.

"It's not babysitting, Ray. He's doing what I can't. Protecting you. People know I'm in here. Anyone would jump at the chance to get to Billy Darley's girl while he's gone." He sighed again.

Rachel's eyes scanned his face as she leaned a little closer. "You look good. You know, considering." She gave him a weak smile.

Billy smirked at her as he leaned foreword. "You look beautiful. Considering." Rachel couldn't help but smile. She missed him more than she had ever missed him before. Seeing him look back at her right now, a small delicate smile across his lips, made missing him so much harder. The pain of the emptiness she felt, that much worse.

She didn't want to cry anymore. She didn't want the little time she had with him to be wasted on tears. Slowly she reached out a hand and placed it over his. The moment their skin touched, his eyes closed. Taking a deep breath taken through his nose, he tried to compose himself. When he opened his eyes again she was staring at him, a pleasant smile across her lips.

That was the look he wished he could keep on her face at all times. Her cheeks slightly flushed, her eyes glazed over with happiness. His own eyes looked quickly around the room they were in. The smell of filth leaked into his nostrils. Filth of all kinds spread across the entire room. His heart felt like it was breaking into small pieces as he looked back over to her. He was a failure. A failure with an angel smiling at him.

The look of defeat must have been clear across his face, because Rachel squeezed his hand.

"Billy." Rachel's voice was soft and her expression changed from happy to concerned. Billy sat up and cleared his throat. He crossed his arms quickly over his chest and glared around the room. He needed to stay strong. He needed to keep up who he was. What everyone in here knew him as. This was no place for weakness. Rachel held her breath trying to compose herself. This is how it always was with him. One minute she looked at him with so much love and could even feel his affection without him doing anything other then giving her one of his amazing smiles. Then next second, he was stone. Cold, hard and impossible to penetrate. A voice crackled over one of the speakers over their heads. Time was up.

Billy rose to his feet first, reaching a hand out to Rachel.

"I love you." That was all he could say before two guards stepped next to Billy, eyeing him. Rachel couldn't bear to watch these men take him away. She told him she loved him too, turning before the last word even left her lips.

Quickly she walked to the door where they were letting the visitors leave. Her back to her boyfriend, to the things she wished she could walk away from.