Chapter One

The Parcae

Morta stood on the high rise looking down as the police rounded up her catch of the night. Flanked by her two partners, she smirked in satisfaction as she heard the men's terrified voices describe the demons that had attacked them. So far each of the women had three heads, a dozen arms and long, razor sharp teeth. She heard a chuckle beside her, Nona the younger of the three, looked at her and smiled widely. On her other side, Decuma sniggered as she listened. Morta could feel their satisfaction through their telepathic link.

"These people just keep getting more imaginative. Every time it's different. Why can't any of them get it straight?" Nona asked looking to her partners. Morta smirked again, while Decuma laughed outright this time.

"Because Morta scares the hell out of them, along with their wits. I've heard a few out-of-towners say that she rivals Batman for her scare factor. Personally I think he's way more scary than Morta." Decuma turned her masked face to her partners, crossing her arms over her leather covered chest, standing with feet spread out, relaxed for the first time that night.

"He scares me." Nona answered, turning away from the scene below them. Then she cut her eyes to her older partner, smirking. "But he cuts a dashing figure in that tight suit. Leaves very little to the imagination. And we both know how much Morta likes tight suits on big men." The two younger woman traded smirks.

"You mean how much Morta likes peeling tight suits off big men." Both laughed as Morta scoffed at them, sticking her pert nose in the air."

"One one-night stand with Hawk and you two make me out to be the whore of Babylon." That only made the two laugh harder, masking the sound of someone landing softly behind them, though Morta sensed it. "Just because I happen to like nice, big, solid men in spandex and Kevlar, doesn't mean that I sleep with every hero I've ever met, and certainly not with every one that happens to pass through my city. And now if you two will turn your attention behind me, you'll find we have company." Morta calmly turned as her partners gaped.

Standing in front of Morta were Superman and Batman in all their spandex and kevlar glory. Morta was the only one not staring at the two living legends with stars in her eyes. Behind her, she could sense her partners jostling each other, pointing... in general, making fools of themselves. She simply shook her head, rolling her eyes as she stepped forward to the two men.

"Superman, Batman, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Morta asked as she bowed her head slightly to the two men. Superman smiled openly at her, revealing straight white teeth, his green eyes assessing her body with appreciation. There wasn't much you couldn't see. Morta's suit of black leather was made up of a short vest that barely covered her breasts, and hot pants that left her thighs to the eyes. Knee high stiletto boots gave her an elongated look. The look was topped off with a black leather over coat and a strip of leather to go around her eyes. Her partners were dressed the same way, in midnight blue and amethyst.

"We've come to issue an invitation. To join the Justice League." Superman stated proudly. Batman was just staring at Morta with dark eyes, seeming to try to see behind her mask. He too had raked her body with his eyes, but there was more than appreciation in them. She had seen distrust, contempt, bordering on dislike. The look had raised her hackles, sending her feelings along the telepathic connection to her partners. They both came forward standing shoulder to shoulder with her.

"Why now?" Morta asked as she kept her eyes on the larger man. His eyes widened slightly, as if he couldn't believe they weren't jumping for joy.

"We thought it was time to invite you again, this time personally." He smiled again, this time it wasn't so certain.

"What you mean is, that since the last time, when you issued a general invitation, you've watched us, noticed that we're doing a good job in our own little hemisphere, and decided that you could finally use us." Morta answered back. Both men stepped back, Superman with surprise on his face, Batman with a grudging respect. The larger turned to Batman, a wide smile now gracing his face.

"I think I've finally found someone to match you, Bats." He turned back to Morta. "We really want you three in the league. We've heard nothing be good about you, and I think we could use your talents." He pulled a card from his sleeve, handing it to her. "If you decide to join us, call that number." With that he turned, waited for Batman to boost his jet pack and they both took off.

Morta watched as they flew away, before looking at the card in her hand. With an eyebrow raised, she slipped it into her vest, before jumping into the air. Her partners followed, the three women soaring high over the city of Twin Rivers, South Carolina. After making the rounds again, the three turned for base. No one said a word as they zoomed through the air, all of them tired and hungry, needing showers and their beds. They landed and walked up a stone path following the glow of light. A door opened to them as they approached. An elderly man stood waiting for them to come inside the large house.

"Good evening, ma'am. How was your night?"

"It went well, Ian, thank you." He held a try with three glasses filled with an amber liquid. Each of the women grabbed one as they passed, walking toward a lady sitting in front of a roaring fire, surrounded by four other chairs. The women sat down, sipping from their glasses. The old man stood nearby, ready to serve.

"And how was your night, my dears?" Kathleen Grant asked, her eyes taking in how tired her daughters were. She watched as they pulled their masks off, revealing their faces. Megan, aka Morta, was a beauty, all her girls were, but Meg was special. With long flowing red hair, deep green eyes and olive skin, she had inherited her mothers looks. A small upturned nose, high cheek bones and a widow's peak on a heart shaped face. Her plump lips stretched into a tired smirk, showing white teeth.

"They put up a good fight. Got a few good jabs, too. I'll be sore in the morning. These guys said we had three head apiece, twelve arms and long razor sharp teeth. One of the best descriptions I've heard yet."

"I'll be sore too." Decuma chimed in. Kathleen turned to her middle daughter. Jewel was a beauty too, like Meg, but in a different way. Red hair with natural blonde streaks, jade eyes and the same olive skin as her older sister, Jewel had the same small upturned nose, high cheek bones and widow peaks, set in the same heart shaped face. But where Meg's looks were vibrant, Jewel's were soft and gentle. Her lips weren't so full, and her mouth was wider.

"You're both nothing but wimps. Mama, they're just complaining. They'll both be fine." Nona the youngest of her three daughters said, her mouth spread with an evil smirk. Kathleen smiled back as she studied her youngest. Jami had auburn hair with green eyes and the same olive skin as her sisters. She shared the same heart shaped face with the high cheek bones and small upturned nose, but no widow's peak.

"And you didn't get hit, Jamison?" Jami cringed while her older sisters laughed. She hated it when someone called her Jamison. Especially her mother.

"I didn't say I didn't get hit, just that they were being wimps." Her mother laughed, as Jami's face turned a bright red.

"What else happened tonight?" Kathleen asked, watching as the younger turned to Meg, who was shrugging her coat off. She sat back slowly, reaching into her vest and bringing the card out. Silently she handed it to her mother, then rose to refill her glass. Kathleen watched her oldest daughter curiously before glancing at the card in her hand. She did a double take, causing Meg to laugh.

"That's what I thought when I saw it." Jewel and Jami raised an identical arched eyebrow. "1-TOO-SEXY- 4-YOU." The other two burst out with a laugh, even Ian snorted.

"Not very original, is it?" Kathleen giggled, looking up at Meg. "Who gave it to you?" She watched as Meg mouth stretched into a huge smile.

"Superman, after he cased my body. He and Batman tracked us down tonight, just to personally invite us to join the Justice League." Meg shared a look with her mother.

"And what will your answer be this time?" Three pairs of green eyes watched Meg, all with the same question. Meg walked away, looking out the window behind her desk.

"We'd have more resources, literally at our fingertips. And we'd be able to call for help. Even though we handled tonight well, we really could have used some more muscle. We'd be sent out on other missions. That could be good for all of us." Meg turned around. "I think we'll accept the offer." Jami and Jewel high-fived each other, grinning like loons.

"Your father will be pleased, Meg. I suggest you contact him soon though." Kathleen came over to her eldest daughter and wrapped her in a warm embrace. Meg returned it, her thoughts centered around her father. "When you first started to show powers, he talked non-stop about how you would fight. He was happy when the new Justice League was formed, thrilled that you three would have a chance like he did when he was younger."

Meg pulled back and looked to her sisters. Their eyes were just like hers; wide staring at their mother. Kathleen and Meg returned to their seats in front of the fire, each grabbing the glasses and downing the liquid in one gulp. Their glasses disappeared as soon as they sat them down, to be replaced with the secure phone. She shared a look with her family, then picked up the receiver and dialed the number, sniggering the entire time. Her sisters had matching devilish looks on their faces, while their mother tried not to burst out laughing.


"Superman, this is Morta. I have an answer to your question."


"The Parcae would be happy to join the Justice League."