Ranma ½

Love Note

Usual disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, well with the exception of Trista, Sira, Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Epsilon. I suppose, but you get the idea. Any resemblance to Ranma ½ or Death Note is purely intentional, and the rest of that jazz.

For the purposes of this story, any text within single quotes like 'this' is considered a thought.

Chapter 19

"Nabiki, you almost ready?" Akane called out from the hallway.

"Still got to get a few things. God knows how long this will take," Nabiki replied. Her room door was closed, so no one could see her with the Love note out reading over the newly written command within one last time with a sigh. She looked up at Trista. "You aren't going to forget!"

"Of course not!" Trista complained. "But... is this really necessary?"

Nabiki shook her head in annoyance at the goddess. "I'm going to be under constant surveillance there. I'm cool under pressure, but even I can crack. Better to be safe."

"If you say so," Trista replied.

Getting to this point had been a pain for Nabiki. Just communicating with L was tricky. She had to puppet a studio technician and get him to make her up a very thorough voice distorter. With the help of that, and a prearranged phone number to call, Nabiki had used recorded responses to L's various questions, which was a slow process as the responses were impossible live. She couldn't risk speaking to him directly. He was too crafty and might get her to give something up in the moment.

Still, they were here now, and she had to capitalize on the situation as best she could. 'If I can't use this situation to my advantage...' she thought, but quickly dismissed the concern. "Just remember what you need to do!"

"I got it. You've told me a dozen times. I'm not that absent minded," Trista said with a sigh.

Satisfied, Nabiki turned to the note, wrote a name, then quickly closed it and hid it away.

"Nabiki!" Akane called out again from further down the hall.

"I'm coming already!" Nabiki yelled back, tossing a book into her suitcase before closing it and heading out, passing clear through Trista without the slightest hesitation.

The goddess sighed and followed after her.


"This is NOT how hacking works!" Beta complained as she approached the van. "It is not like in the movies! You don't just rush in and punch a bunch of buttons and voila, hacked! It is an intricate web of research, social engineering-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just get in the truck!" Alpha said, shoving the hacker forward.

"This isn't going to work!" She continued to complain but entered the vehicle despite this. "I'm being reduced to a script kiddie!"

"Is that some sort of furry thing?" Alpha asked with a confused look.

"Wha- NO! Not kitty, kid... argh... nevermind!" Beta replied with a huff.

Epsilon was next to arrive, stopping near the front of the van where Delta was looking over the front. "Something wrong?" she asked.

Delta growled and leaned in to whisper, "looking for a bug. I want to know how that weirdo overheard us."

"Oh? I would be more suspicious of someone tipping him off, myself," Epsilon replied, giving Delta a hard look.

"Wha- me?! No way!" Delta quickly denied.

"Beta then maybe? She did take a while to report in."

"I thought you said she was cooling off?"

"And that's what she said, but whether she actually did or not..." Epsilon replied, causing Delta to ponder.

After a moment he shook his head. "Her, not a chance... well... maybe not..."

"Maybe it was me," Epsilon said with a shrug before quickly adding, "Or maybe he already removed the bug. Or maybe he just guessed our intents. He studied us all ahead of time. He might know you well enough to guess your phrasing."

"Seriously?" Delta asked before frowning in thought. "I mean... maybe... damn. Didn't give that freak enough credit," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Does it matter in the end?"

Delta sighed and shook his head. "Guess not," he conceded before taking notice of Gamma's approach. "Hey boss," he greeted.

Gamma did not acknowledge the greeting, instead moving to the back of the van where Epsilon and Delta followed. "Everything prepared?"

"Yeah. Wasn't easy, but I got what we need," Delta replied. "We'll pick it up on the way."

Beta sighed but nodded. "I'm ready as I'm going to get."

"Good. Epsilon and I will remain outside to oversee the situation. Alpha, you will cover Beta. She is not expendable."

"I hear ya," Alpha said with only a sense of half interest.

"And Delta, remember your tasks as well," Gamma instructed.

"Don't worry, got it all set," Delta assured him.

"Regardless of outcome, go to your assigned cool off points and wait till you are collected. If things go as they should, we'll reconvene back here tonight. Try not to get yourself caught or followed," Gamma said seriously before entering the van. "Let's be off."


"Associates?" Maho asked as she put on her jacket. She was currently preparing to head out, assigned to monitor the situation from the outside.

"Yes, some capable allies I have picked up over the course of my investigations," L explained over the computer link. "For the moment though, I will have to withhold their identities. Just know they will likewise be in the vicinity, observing things in their own ways. I will deploy them in a more specific manner if required."

Maho frowned but nodded. "I understand. So, what exactly is your play here, L? I know the broadcast is meant to tick off the new Cupid and get them to show up, but this seems like more than just that."

"Perceptive. Yes, while that is certainly one objective, I have two others. The first is to put my suspects under a great deal of stress and see how they respond."

"You think one of the other Cupids may deploy their power while in your building?"

"Highly doubtful unfortunately," L replied. "Only a fool would not realize they are being surveilled everywhere within. Still, one cannot completely control their responses in times of great stress. It can be quite illuminating to observe someone under such conditions."

Maho nodded as she finished putting on her shoes. "True enough."

"And my third play is directly in regards to the second Cupid. At this time, Nabiki and Ranma are my chief suspects. If you were correct that Kasumi has taken an interest in me, that can be used."


"Yes. Their relationships with Kasumi are quite different, and if I should push that, I can observe the response it has in our second Cupid."

Maho frowned once more. "And what about Kasumi?"

"What about her?"

Maho's frown deepened. "If she isn't Cupid I mean."

"Then she isn't," L replied plainly causing Maho to glare at the screen, arms crossed. "Is there a problem?"

"You're perfectly fine with just leading her on?" Maho asked but did not wait for a verbal response as L's puzzled look on screen was enough. "Nevermind. Just... don't take it too far."

"Too far? Hmm... as you wish," L responded, although his look did nothing to satisfy Maho.

"I'm heading out. Good luck, and stay safe," she said, shutting the computer off and heading out as promised.


Mariko exited the Nerima station, Sira following lazily behind her. "Now, where could you be?" Mariko said with a devious smile before heading down the street. "Let's start with my old rival."

"Don't you think that is being a bit obvious?" Sira warned.

"Don't worry, I'll be subtle," Mariko replied before noticing a news broadcast on a TV in a nearby store. L's moniker came on, catching her attention. "Oo, is he responding," Mariko said in glee and she ran into the store to listen.

"This ought to be good," Sira commented as she followed and listened quietly as L's reply was played in full. The goddess eyed Mariko repeatedly through the broadcast, marveling as the girl managed to keep her smiling face intact. However, as the broadcast came to an end, Mariko quickly headed out along with several other patrons of the store.

"L's really being aggressive," one departing customer said to which Sira could only nod.

"You okay?" Sira asked.

"I'm... perfectly fine... perfectly," she said, but the final word was said through clenched teeth. "That... that..."

"Now now, this is obviously his attempt to get you riled up and do something stupid," Sira cautioned but Mariko ignored her.

"Come on," a passerby called out to his companions behind him. "Let's get over that address L mentioned! I bet he's there!"

"Yeah, I bet he is," Mariko coldly and quietly agreed and began walking in the same direction.

Sira just sighed and followed. 'She can't say I didn't warn her,' she thought.


"As expected, it did not take them long to locate us," L said as he looked over the monitors. All were currently displaying views from around the building and already the streets were starting to fill, with various more bold individuals shoving or otherwise attacking the other shutters in futility. "Yes, I dare say we're going to attract quite the crowd."

"How long we going to have to hole up here?" Ranma asked as he too looked over the screens.

"Hard to say at this point. The police will be involved in crowd control, as I said. Depending on how things go, the protests may last several days, or just today. On the extreme end perhaps exceeding a week."

"A week?!" Akane exclaimed. "You never said anything about being here a week!"

"Calm yourself," L replied. "You all will likely be staying here only a day. In fact, I would recommend against you staying any longer as your prolonged absence may itself be suspicious. We have methods of getting you out that will not be detected, including a helicopter on standby. I will only recommend you stay longer if the worst should happen and your connection to me is discovered, but I doubt that right now."

"A week," Akane repeated, but now just muttering before taking a seat at the nearby table where many others had likewise gathered.

"Even if you have to stay the week, I have made abundant preparations for protracted stays. You'll be comfortable."

Nabiki glanced at the monitors but paid them little more mind before turning away and popping out a book. "Good thing I brought reading material."

Kasumi looked over the screens for a moment before looking to L. "Do you think the divide you attempted to create will show up here?"

"In the way of multiple factions?" L asked, to which Kasumi nodded. "Possibly, but I think for now at least, those against this new Cupid will need more time to organize themselves. I doubt they will show up in enough force to be a major factor, for the day at least. If things should go on longer though, that is a possibility, although I suspect the flashpoint of such a confrontation is more likely to be elsewhere, in a smaller setting. If things go as I hope, our new Cupid may already be in custody by then."

Kasumi nodded and smiled warmly to L. "That would probably be for the best. You really have thought this out."

"Of course," L replied, taking note of Ranma giving him a glare. 'Jealous as expected.'

"Come on, Kasumi. I'm sure L will be busy," Ranma urged.

"Not at all. Live review of the feeds is rather pointless, as I will be reviewing the videos in great detail later," L countered.

Ranma continued to glare at L. "Why wait..." he said quietly before gently nudging Kasumi towards the table.

"Uh... okay, perhaps it is best," Kasumi reluctantly agreed to Ranma's hint and headed off to seat herself at the table with the others.

L watched the pair for a moment, then looked to Nabiki who was paying little mind to anything but her book. 'Hmm, nothing obviously out of place just yet, but that was expected. Still, Ranma is going to be a nuisance I can see,' he thought before noticing another party giving him a hard look. Said party was Doctor Tofu but when it was clear L noticed, he quickly found something else to interest him. 'Not the only one either, but he at least seems to lack the forwardness to directly intervene.'

L turned his attention briefly back to the monitors, seeing nothing of concern, then back to Ranma. As he did, however, he took note of Shampoo in the room. The Amazon was clearly holding herself back, but nonetheless annoyed at Ranma's attentions to Kasumi. L pondered this as an opportunity but quickly dismissed it. With Akane in the room, as well as Mousse and Tofu, that angle would likely simply devolve into a fight.

'Curious, where is Ms. Kuonji? Odd that she isn't here,' he thought. 'I had heard her leave the room earlier, but she hasn't returned. Hmm.'

As L pondered this, Watari entered the room. "Everyone, I have laid out some refreshments in the cafeteria, if any of you require such."

"Ah, food," Soun said excitedly and headed out, quickly followed by Genma.

"Always thinking with their stomachs," Akane muttered.

"Shampoo, would you like-" Mousse started to ask before Shampoo sharply answered.


"Uh... okay," Mousse replied meekly. This instantly caused Akane to glare at Shampoo from across the table.

L frowned briefly at this before noticing Watari join him. Quietly he asked, "Ms. Kuonji?"

"In one of the adjoining rooms. If I were to guess, I believe she is... depressed," Watari answered.

L nodded, looking over the gathered group. "Kodachi and Cologne seem to be absent as well."

"Cologne was in another room partaking of her pipe."

"Good of her to give us some distance," L noted.

"And Ms. Kuno is wandering the halls."

L nodded once again. "I doubt Cupid would be so bold as to simply walk out of the room to engage in something. It would be too obvious. Our second Cupid in particular likes to hide their activity in the crowd."

"So if anywhere, here," Watari concluded, looking over the group.

"Yes, but I doubt we'll see anything so obvious today from any of them. Still, best to keep an eye out," L said to which Watari nodded and headed out. 'This of course still leaves me the issue of Ranma,' he thought noticing Shampoo and Akane were apparently talking quietly. 'That does not bode well.'

While dismissing that development for the moment, it did give L an idea and noticing Ranma slightly off to the side, L walked over and joined him. Ranma eyed the detective suspiciously but said nothing. "You do realize a fight is brewing?" L asked.

"Akane and Shampoo, yeah, of course. What do you want me to do about it? Neither of them listen much to me."

"I suppose you're right," L conceded as he noted Akane was periodically clenching her fist under the table as she continued her quiet talk with Shampoo. "You know, I have found you rather curious, Ranma."


"Yes. You seem to be a martial artist with more, shall we say, moral fiber than your father, yet when it comes to your love life you seem to abandon this."

"What are you talking about?"

"You have at least two engagements that you continue to honor despite the conflict that produces, and ignore the legal situation with Shampoo despite the situation that puts her in-"

"What? What legal situation?"

"The marriage law. I would have thought that obvious."

"I know about that," Ranma said, crossing his arms. "Their stupid Amazon law says I have to marry Shampoo-"

"No," L cut in to correct. "You seem to have things reversed. It is Shampoo who has to marry you. Naturally I'm sure they want you to marry her in turn, but the legal situation is Shampoo's, not yours."

Ranma frowned then shook his head. "Okay, whatever, but so what?"

L shrugged. "I would just have thought you would be more concerned. They are a warrior people after all. I have my doubts that the punishment for failure is a minor fine."

Ranma tensed at hearing this and his eyes soon started searching the floor in thought. "Excuse me," he said after a moment, quickly leaving the room.

"Of course," L replied with a hint of a smile. That quickly faded though as Shampoo suddenly tossed back her chair and was on her feet, pointing accusingly at Akane.

"You! You dare say Shampoo unfaithful!"

"I didn't say that," Akane replied, looking away, but clearly not to de-escalate the growing conflict.

Shampoo clenched her teeth. "You imply! You dare say such thing when you take so may boyfriend!"

Now it was Akane's turn to jump to her feet. "WHAT?! I have never-"

"IS LIE! What about Kirin, or Toma?!"

Akane twitched at the mention of the two princes. "You know damned well neither of those were my idea."

"No seem very unhappy about it!" Shampoo shot back, circling the table to confront Akane more directly.

L sighed, looking to the various other occupants of the room and seeing none being very eager to intervene. Nabiki in fact seemed wholly uninterested in the events.

"And what about Ryoga?"

"That was your doing!" Akane shot back. "You tricked him into that date with me!"

"Shampoo only do that because seem like he your lover since you keep him so close!" Shampoo replied.

"WHAT?!" Akane practically screamed. "What are you babbling about?! I do not!"

L pondered this accusation as well, noticing Ryoga quickly exiting the room. He thought a few more seconds on it before putting the pieces together, 'Ah, interesting. I wonder who all knows about that?'

"Again you lie!" Shampoo accused.

"I do not! You're just throwing around wild claims now!"

L sighed and looked to the others. "Gentlemen, would someone please..." he suggested, with Kuno the first to take up the task.

"Now ladies, there is no need for such-" Kuno said as he approached.

"Get lost!" Akane and Shampoo shouted together as they clocked Kuno, sending him into the wall unconscious.

L sighed once again, looking more seriously at the others. This time Tofu and Mousse both took up the charge, quickly rushing in, Tofu to Shampoo, Mousse to Akane to separate the pair. As they both escorted their particular young woman from the room in opposite directions with much effort, L took the opportunity to sit next to Kasumi. "Is that normal?"

"Oh no," Kasumi said with a smile. "They usually get into such arguments much faster. They were actually on rather good terms today."

"I see."

"And with no water nearby, I suppose Akane couldn't use Shampoo's curse, and Ranma wasn't here to distract them either..."

"Yes," L said with a nod. "Well, crisis averted. Do you have a moment? You have offered some interesting insights into Cupid before. I would like to discuss things with you."

"Of course," Kasumi beamed as Nabiki, in earshot, just rolled her eyes.


Shampoo growled, her frustration all too clear as Tofu led her away. "I know you're upset, but-" Tofu began to say but was cut off.

"No! Shampoo had enough of her! First she no want Ranma, then she do, then she don't... She no deserve him at all!"

Tofu strained for an answer. "Yes, I suppose she can be a bit indecisive-"

"She is worse than indecisive, she always get angry at him for stupid reason, go back on promises... she is worst!"

"I know she can come off like that sometimes, but there is more nuance than you-"

"NUANCE?!" Shampoo blared but quickly regained control of herself. "First time Shampoo meet her she say engagement is off, but go back on word!"

"I'm sure... she probably just said that in the heat of the moment."

"Why say such things, heat of moment or no?!" Shampoo demanded, but Tofu could not come up with an answer. Her frustration brimming again, Shampoo turned away. "How dare she imply Shampoo be with other man... she have nerve..." she said, seething.

'That's what really sparked this, isn't it,' Tofu thought. "Okay... yes, that was unfair," Tofu conceded, causing Shampoo to look back at him, still angry but silent. "However, now's not really the time."

Shampoo huffed and spying a nearby chair in the room, dropped heavily into it, pouting. Tofu sighed with some relief. "What about Ranma? Did you get to talk to him?" Tofu carefully asked, taking another chair.

Shampoo looked to the side and down. "Other day, yes."


"And what? He barely say anything," Shampoo grumbled.

'Damn it, Ranma!' Tofu thought in annoyance. 'I'm starting to understand why so many people seem to hate him.' "I'm sure he was just... couldn't think of anything to say."

Shampoo huffed, her anger draining into uncertainty. After a moment she slammed her fist onto her arm rest. "What I have do?"

'I wish there was an easy answer for that,' Tofu thought. "Just... keep working on improving things with him. Show him you truly mean to change and I'm sure he'll acknowledge you."

Shampoo lightly shook her head, but then looked to the ground. "If say so," she said, but with obvious doubt.

Tofu sighed. "Why don't you stay here and I'll go get us some food to pass the time," he suggested and Shampoo silently nodded.


Across the floor, Akane exited a bathroom and found Mousse waiting for her. "I'm fine," she muttered.

"You sure?" Mousse asked.

"She's not worth it," Akane said in answer. After taking in a deep calming breath, Akane put on a weak smile. "I'm really fine. I'll just steer clear of her while here."

"Okay, well, I'm going to go check on her," Mousse said and started to turn but impulsively Akane grabbed his sleeve. He quickly looked back at her questioningly.

"Don't... don't waste your time with her," Akane said after a moment.


"I mean it!" she insisted before releasing him and looking about aimlessly for a second to collect her thoughts. "I just... I can't stand how she treats you."

Mousse cringed a little. "It's... I don't mind."

"Yes you do!" Akane shot back, causing Mousse to look away slightly. "I know you endure it, but I also know you hate it! You don't need her!"

"I can't give up," Mousse quietly said.

"Yes you can!" Akane countered.

"No I can't."

"Then why not?" Akane asked, but Mousse did not reply. "Help me understand. What is so special about her that you keep pursuing her after all these years? What was it, when you were both three that you proposed... come to think of it, why did you even do that?"

"It's complicated," Mousse answered but this did nothing to satisfy Akane.

"Complicated? When I was three I didn't know the first thing about marriage... okay, honestly I don't even remember when I was three, but I certainly wasn't thinking about marriage until much later. Did someone put you up to it?" Akane asked.

Mousse rocked his head side to side. "It... it was a misunderstanding at the time. My mom may have brought up the topic-"

"Your mom? So she wants you to marry Shampoo?"

"Well... sorta," Mousse said, gaining a frown from Akane. "Like I said, it's complicated. I mean, yes she thinks we'd be great together-"

"She does?!" Akane exclaimed. "How could she be okay with the way she treats you?!"

"Uh... she doesn't know," Mousse answered. "I... she doesn't actually see us together, so all she really knows is what I tell her... and maybe I embellish a little."

Akane frowned. "A little..." she repeated then sighed and shook her head.

"Besides, I'm sure once Shampoo accepts-"

"No!" Akane interrupted. "No, she's not going to get better. That's not how it works. People don't just magically change like that. She's always going to treat you like a tool at best. You deserve better than that!"

"That's not true!" Mousse said with sudden resistance. "You don't know that!"


"No, you don't!" Mousse insisted, clenching his fists. "If you truly knew that, why are you still with Ranma?" Mousse's question hit Akane like a punch to the gut. Mousse calmed as Akane had no answer. "You see, even you don't believe that, not truly. Things will change."

"Maybe," Akane muttered looking away.

"They will," Mousse insisted with more optimism. "It's all just complicated right now, and when things calm down it has to get better." Akane did not argue the point.

"Are you going to go see her then?" Akane asked quietly.

Mousse shifted with uncertainty. "I'll... stay with you for now I guess. I'm sure she'll be fine."

Akane looked back up at Mousse with some surprise, but let herself smile for just a moment.


"Ghoul!" Ranma called out, much to the annoyance of Cologne. She turned to look at the boy who had just rushed into the room, her level glare giving him pause, which in turn gave Cologne an instant of pause as well. "Uh... sorry," he muttered before rushing up, further confusing the elder Amazon.

"What has gotten into you, Son-in-law?"

Ranma started then stopped, reconsidering his words for a moment before shaking his head and taking the direct approach. "What happens to Shampoo if she doesn't marry me?"

Cologne sighed. "Why the sudden interest?"

"Answer the question!"

"You first," Cologne shot back.

Ranma gritted his teeth. "L," he replied, causing Cologne to groan.

"Of course," Cologne muttered.

"So what is it?" Ranma demanded once again.

Cologne sighed and turned to look at Ranma squarely. "The council has full discretion on punishments for failure to comply with the law."


"Meaning I can't be sure what penalty she would suffer," Cologne answered, briefly calming the boy before he thought and looked to her once more seriously.

"What's the worst it could be?"

Cologne looked to the side in consideration before sighing once again. "You aren't going to drop this, are you? Very well. I suppose, simply put, death would be the worst... although we have creative ways of achieving that outcome."

Ranma paled. "And how likely is that?"

Cologne hesitated before shrugging. "Impossible to say. The circumstances are highly unusual and it isn't like these laws often come up," she answered, but Ranma frowned in dissatisfaction with the answer. "If I were to guess, there is a... risk... significant risk of that."

"Bloody Hell!" Ranma cursed. "Why the hell didn't you tell me about this earlier?!"

Cologne shook her head before answering, "It is by Shampoo's request, because she wants your love, not your sympathy." This caused Ranma to blink in surprise, but Cologne just chuckled. "What is so shocking about that?"

"I just... still... damn it," Ranma said turning away in worry.

"Calm yourself Son-in-law. I have... plans," Cologne replied, prompting Ranma to look at her questioningly. Cologne sighed once more before elaborating. "Do not repeat this to anyone, most of all Shampoo. She would be very upset if she knew I intended to do this."

"Do what?"

"As Shampoo's trainer, I have the authority to take the responsibility for any transgression Shampoo may have performed. This means she would be in the clear."

"Doesn't that just mean you're in trouble?" Ranma asked.

"Yes, but given my rank, history, and standing, the punishment I would face would be very unlikely to reach the most serious levels, to the point I would say it is virtually impossible," Cologne replied. "Most likely I'd be at worst banished, and honestly for me, now, that's hardly a punishment at all. I travel a great deal, and I wouldn't be forbidden from seeing my family, just not on village grounds. Annoying, perhaps, but hardly something I'd be too worried about. And truly, even if it was the worst outcome... I'm not exactly young anymore."

Ranma looked back at Cologne solemnly. "That's... you'd really do that?"

"Of course. Trust me, Son-in-law, if Shampoo were under serious threat, I would have dragged you back to the village long ago," the elder said with a chuckle, causing Ranma to frown, but noticeably calm.

"Whatever," Ranma muttered before taking a moment to think. "Is there any way to get her out of this other than marrying her? Honestly?" Ranma asked.

Cologne pondered. "The options are very limited. You could of course die, which I'm sure you're not fond of as a solution."


Cologne chuckled. "Another possibility would be for you to marry another Amazon, and Shampoo could step aside. That's hardly an option here though, and no it isn't easy to become an Amazon. Beyond that, the only real option is special dispensation from the council due to the accomplishment of a great deed."

"Great deed?"

"Something like saving the village from a disaster, or the like. Again, not much of an option here."

Ranma sadly nodded in agreement. "Maybe we could... fake my death?"

"Easier said than done. Shampoo would have to provide proof to the council of your passing."

"Head on a pike sort of thing?"

Cologne chuckled. "Hard to get a head through customs nowadays. No, but whatever proof she offered would certainly be tested, and we do have access to many magics, as you should know. Among them are magics to compel truthfulness. If Shampoo or I knew of the deception, it would be easily discovered, and sadly the mere fact you just suggested it actually means at least I would have to be extra sure your passing was quite real. Attempting to deceive the council would not go over well."

"Damn it!" Ranma cursed. "You lot don't make it easy, do you?"

"No, that's the point though," Cologne replied.

Ranma sighed and nodded. "Is there some kind of time table on this?"

"Nothing set in stone. I have yet to get any communications from the village indicating any level of impatience, so fear not, we have plenty of time yet," Cologne assured him, causing Ranma to nod quietly. Cologne shook her head once more. "You're a puzzling one, sometimes, Son-in-law."

"I don't want to see anyone dead. Isn't that hard to understand."

"Fair enough," Cologne replied. A moment of silence passed between them as Ranma seemed locked in thought. "You know, Son-in-law, when I first arrived here and gave you my little cat tongue treatment?" Cologne began, causing Ranma to turn back to her frowning. "I had this master little plan built up. I'd push you to the edge of despair, and in that moment let Shampoo do as I knew she would, join you in battling me."

Ranma looked at Cologne a bit puzzled. "That's basically what happened, isn't it?"

"Almost. You see, I was to play the villain, and strike Shampoo down at an opportune moment protecting you. Not lethally of course, but enough to prove to you her true feelings. Your little stunt with the Nekoken threw the proverbial wrench into the works. At that point I knew it could not succeed and had to alter my approach."

"You really are a manipulative one, you know that?" Ranma said with a level glare to which Cologne smiled.

"Of course, but truly, imagine now how that would have played out."

Ranma looked away and thought before shaking his head. "It's not that simple. Can't choose anyone without someone else getting hurt. And... nevermind."

Cologne let out a laugh. "Son-in-law, hurt is inevitable. Dragging it out will only deepen the wound."

"So you want me to just choose Shampoo?" Ranma asked with a frown.

"Of course, but if you will not, then choose someone at least," Cologne replied sternly. "Only then can the others start to heal. Given our current circumstances, things are only getting worse."

Ranma frowned once again, but could not argue the point. "And if I want to choose no one?"

"That would be a lie," Cologne replied plainly to Ranma's shock. Ranma opened his mouth to argue but Cologne intercepted it. "At the very least, at this moment, we both know you would take Kasumi Tendo as your wife."

"That's Cupid's doing!" Ranma protested.

"Which matters not. As you heard, there is no cure. Cupid's love, or natural love, the result is the same," Cologne retorted, causing Ranma to cast his eyes to the floor. Cologne paused a moment before continuing. "Truly, if you wish to ignore Cupid's influence then it is time to truly consider what life you wish to lead as love clearly isn't the deciding factor. In that mind, we Amazons have much to offer, far more than your other options."

"I bet," Ranma replied dismissively. "Look... just promise me if you do get some way of getting her clear-"

"Oh believe me, Son-in-law, I'll take it without hesitation at this point, and should you be required, I suppose I will involve you. Honestly though, the easiest route I have presented from the very beginning."

Ranma huffed, turned away and departed. Cologne watched him go with a slight smile but as he left her sight she frowned. 'What are you upto, L? You're too calculating to have brought this up on a whim.' Cologne looked to the side in thought but no easy answers came. Any thought on that issue got discarded as she sensed another presence. "Is that you, Tofu?"

After a second, the doctor did indeed reveal himself and entered the room from the opposite entrance Ranma had departed, carrying a tray of food and drink. "Sorry."

"You were listening in then? Well, no matter, but I trust you too will not convey my option to Shampoo?"

"No, she won't hear it from me," Tofu promised before putting the tray down. "Tell me... was that... a possibility when she first went home?"

Cologne puzzled for an instant but then caught Tofu's meaning. "Ah, yes, and in fact, I would dare say, it is the outcome she expected."

Tofu paled at the thought but Cologne laughed it off. "It did not come to pass and was never truly considered even if it was technically an option."

"Still..." Tofu said and clenched his teeth before coming up with a thought and turning half away. "If... someone were to beat Ranma..."

"Oh? Do you plan to challenge Son-in-law for Shampoo's hand?" Cologne asked with an upraised eyebrow.

"I... if it would work."

Cologne chuckled. "Do you truly believe you could beat him in a fair duel, no tricks?"

"Yes," Tofu answered easily to Cologne's surprise.

The elder looked Tofu over. "Hmm... now that the subject comes up, I've never truly evaluated your fighting ability. Hmh, but it matters not. No, it is not an option. I gave Son-in-law all possibilities. The exception you propose is far too easily exploited. A strong male could easily use his strength to grant any peon an Amazon wife merely by fighting and beating her first, then throwing the fight with the other male."

"Yeah, I suppose so," Tofu said, hanging his head. "Mousse seems to think it is one, though."

"Mousse is an idiot," Cologne replied plainly. "He knows little of the inner workings of our laws, nor has he even tried to become familiar with them. Although, truly, I don't think even he believes you can clear Shampoo of our laws. I think his ultimate plan is more of the likes of running away with her."

"Would that work?" Tofu asked.

Cologne shook her head. "No. To run away would be to admit your failing, and they would become targets of the village. Given the magic we have, they would not remain hidden long," Cologne said solemnly. "They might buy themselves some time, maybe a year or two at most, and Mousse, for his part, would also be a target."

"Have you told him this?"

"Yes, but he thinks it is an idle threat. Truly, I can't blame him for thinking such as never in his lifetime have we had cause to hunt down one of our kin, nor is it common knowledge in our history of when it does happen. The last time was several centuries ago, and was hardly a matter to make much to do about in our records."

Tofu nodded in understanding. "Then that's it then."

Cologne nodded before sighing. "Actually, I suppose there are technically two other options I didn't bother mentioning," she said, gaining Tofu's attention. "First is to petition to change the law. However, realistically, that's even a more unlikely option than accomplishing a great deed."

"And the other?"

"Dispute the defeat, but again that's not going to work here. Perhaps if that whole business with the reversal jewel had not happened Shampoo may have had an argument, but in Son-in-law's efforts to win Shampoo back he challenged her very fairly and won very decisively. Hardly disputable, not that I think that she would have had much argument before that."

"I didn't hear about that," Tofu said with a frown. "I do recall something about that jewel."

"Yes, Shampoo was under its effects at the time, and no doubt fought with her all, even if not armed at the time. Still it would leave her little room for argument to the point the council may find it insulting she would even attempt the dispute."

"Right... you saw the fight?"

"No, she told me about it afterwards," Cologne answered. "The jewel's effect has... recolored the memory a bit... unfortunately."

"How do you mean?" Tofu asked.

Cologne sighed. "She believes Ranma gave her such a formal challenge as a way of proposal now."

Tofu growled. "And in truth it was his ego."

"Yes," Cologne agreed. "Nothing can be done about that," she said before looking at the tray. "Two servings?"

"I was... Shampoo and Akane..."

"And you're helping to keep the two apart," Cologne concluded with a smile. "Very well, I'll join you, but do go fetch a third serving."

Tofu frowned, but did not argue as Cologne headed out. 'Don't start thinking I'm a replacement for Mousse, old woman,' Tofu thought but obediently returned the way he came to fetch another serving.


The crew's van stopped several blocks from the building. The street ahead was already jammed with people. "Doesn't look like we're getting any closer," Delta said.

"This will do," Gamma replied. "Masks." So prompted the other crew members all donned various party masks. "Let's get to work."

Everyone quickly began exiting save Gamma himself who took a more lazy approach. Once outside, Delta immediately started yelling to the crowd. "Hey! Everyone, we're breaking our way in! Who wants to help?!"

Several people took notice, but did not react until Alpha dropped off a box of masks similar to those worn by the crew. The people looked around before quickly rushing forward and donning them.

"There is no way you'll get by those security shutters," one reluctant person replied before Delta laughed.

"Oh? Maybe normally, but I got myself a few... explosive surprises," Delta said with a chuckle.

"Seriously?" the man asked with wide eyes before rushing over and grabbing a mask of his own.

Alpha dropped off another box of masks and Gamma stepped forward. "Just get us a path, and we'll get you in. And take those. Get as many wearing them as possible."

Several people nodded and picked up handfuls of masks before rushing forward into the crowd.

"Hmh, too easy," Gamma muttered before looking to the others. "Don't disappoint me," he said, prompting Alpha, Beta and Delta to head off together into the crowd.

"And what do we do in the meantime?" Epsilon asked.

"Continue distributing the masks and look for anything interesting. Once the fun starts, we'll make our departure," Gamma replied.

Epsilon nodded, dropping off the last of the boxes of masks into the street where many were already gathering to exploit it.

Gamma took little interest in this merely scanning the building then the crowd. He was about to turn away when something caught his eye... or rather the lack of something. Sharply he turned back. 'A name without a date?!' he thought in shock, trying to reacquire the individual in question but could not. After several seconds of further failure he rushed forward, surprising Epsilon at his sudden vigor.

Gamma's eye darted over the crowd as he ran through. He was just about to declare it a figment of his imagination when he caught another instance of it. Once more, however, it was so brief he couldn't truly catch it. Clenching his teeth he continued to push through the crowd, but it had grown too thick and his progress was slowed to a crawl. Several minutes later he could only look around in frustration, his target nowhere in sight.

Unknown to him, Mariko was already deep within the crowd, far from his view, glaring up at the building housing L.


Within the building, Mariko was displayed on one of the monitors. To all the other occupants of the room, this was hardly notable, but Nabiki chose this moment to put aside her book and walk over to said monitors for a quick scan of them. However, she just as quickly shrugged and headed off to the bathroom.

L silently watched this, but Kasumi quickly took back his attention, asking, "What do you think?"

"While I agree the internet is bound to expand, I'm not so certain that would make Cupid's life difficult," L replied, looking back at Kasumi. "Would not the such a thing simply give Cupid vastly more access to data."

"It would, but also more data on Cupid."

"How so?" L asked with an upraised eyebrow.

"If I pick up a newspaper, or watch a particular TV station, there is no real record of it. But, on the internet, everything is done by request. Companies will inevitably start storing the request information, and build an information stockpile on practically everyone."

L nodded in agreement. "Yes, I see where you're coming from. Still, with thousands of internet companies, that is a very disjoint information set that Cupid could easily hide in."

"True, but I suspect it is far more likely that just a few companies will begin to dominate. Unlike in the real world, distance has little impact on a company on the internet. So, once a large company begins to get ahead, there is little to stop it from completely dominating its area of expertise."

L nodded once more. "Yes... yes, that would definitely be a likely possibility. Still, unfortunately, we are at least a decade away from such developments."

"Yes," Kasumi agreed with a smile. "Although, even today you might be able to make use of the internet in another way," Kasumi suggested to L's interest. "The people themselves. You're just one man, with some of us to help certainly, but you have limited time. Take going through the videos. If you could make them freely available and allow people to post their thoughts about them, interest in Cupid is so high that you are bound to have people go through the videos thoroughly for you, with all kinds of different approaches and theories you simply could never test in the same timeframe."

L placed his hand on his chin as he considered this. "That is an interesting suggestion. Turn the very interest in Cupid back upon them. Sadly, I must decline."

Kasumi smiled. "You want to find Cupid yourself," she concluded.

L returned the smile. "You are correct," he confirmed, looking back as Nabiki returned, retook her seat at the table and continued her reading. He turned back to Kasumi quickly though when she let out a quiet laugh. "Yes, I admit my... motivations are more selfish than the seeking of justice."

"That's alright. You seem to enjoy your work, and that I think is most important," Kasumi replied.

L examined Kasumi closely. 'You're a very... interesting woman Kasumi Tendo.'


Kodachi walked into one of the outer rooms where she found Ukyo looking outside, down at the crowd below. Kodachi joined her, looking down curiously. "We were cautioned to avoid the windows," Kodachi commented.

"We're far too far up, and the window is tinted," Ukyo replied.

Kodachi did not argue the point. "Looks like the beginning of a riot."

"Police are already breaking out the tear gas," Ukyo noted.

"Doesn't seem to be doing much," Kodachi replied, getting a nod in response from the chef. "Are you moping?"

Ukyo's face twitched at the accusation, but she did not argue. A moment of silence passed before Ukyo suddenly asked, "How do you deal with knowing the person you love loves someone else?"

Kodachi eyed Ukyo, but the chef kept her eyes firmly locked on the crowd. "What brought this on all of a sudden?" Kodachi asked, but Ukyo did not answer. Kodachi hummed for a second before answering herself. "Ah yes, L noting that there isn't a cure in the waiting." She smiled to herself for a moment before returning to the original question, "Theoretically you would have the three D options: denial, defeat, or defiance."

Ukyo finally cast Kodachi a glance prompting the gymnast to elaborate. "Denial: it is untrue. Your love could not love someone else. It must therefore be a mistake."

Ukyo huffed and shook her head before looking back at the crowd.

Kodachi continued. "Defeat: simply give up. You've been beat. There is no point in continuing." Ukyo responded by clenching her teeth but said nothing so Kodachi pushed on. "Defiance: Who cares! Love isn't cosmic or written in stone! I will prove myself superior and win their heart back!"

Ukyo looked away slightly, her shoulders sagging. "When it was Akane... but now..."

"So you think yourself unequal to the task?" Kodachi asked but Ukyo did not answer. "Or is it that you cannot endure the heartache?"

Ukyo sharply looked to Kodachi, her eyes wide for an instant before quickly turning away. Kodachi smiled slightly but said nothing more.

"I... I'm sorry... sorry that Cupid did this to-" Ukyo started to say after a moment but Kodachi cut her off.

"Nonsense! I have never known such happiness!" Kodachi boldly declared to Ukyo's surprise. "And besides, I am not about to crumble from a little heartache." After a short pause, she added, quietly, "And I'm sure you can manage too."

Once more Ukyo looked to Kodachi in surprise but the gymnast took a greater interest in the crowd. "What's this now?" The gymnast asked just as the crowd rapidly withdrew from the side of the building. Ukyo looked as well, but before she could offer any ideas an explosion rocked the building from precisely that point.


"Now that's what I like!" Delta said with a wide grin at the sight of the outer shutters breached. It was a look not shared by his companions. "Come on, you can't tell me that wasn't awesome!"

Alpha just shook his head and before leaving cover, prompting the Delta and Beta to do likewise. "Let's get this over with," Alpha muttered as he led the way to the breach, already overrun with protesters crowding in.

As planned, the interior was already a scene of pandemonium, with protesters vandalizing everything in sight. "This way," Delta directed, moving through the crowd. They quickly found their destination, a secured room behind a now trashed security station. "That's the main network room," he said. After taking a small charge from his duffle bag, Delta affixed it to the door near the knob and shouted, "Everybody back!"

Those nearby thankfully complied, and after retreating himself, Delta pressed a button on a remote denoting the charge, blowing the knob off and throwing the door wide.

Alpha rushed over, peaked in through the door before seeing a camera. He grabbed up a nearby piece of debris and threw it at the device, knocking it off its mount. He followed this by grabbing the dangling electronic and with a powerful tug, ripped it off its wires, disabling it. "No more eyes on us! Get to work!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on it," Beta replied, rushing in and opening up a laptop before hooking it up to the equipment inside.

By this point several protesters were eyeing within but Delta moved in. "They got their own angles, fellas. Let's take a more direct approach," he said before revealing to them the contents of his bag, several more explosives.

"Yeah! Let's teach that pretender not to malign our goddess!" one particularly zealous protester declared, and with a parting wave, Delta led them off.

"He's having far too much fun," Beta muttered as she finished her connections and began working the keyboard of her computer.

"Let him. Just stick to your task," Alpha directed.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep those nut jobs out of my hair," Beta shot back.

"Yes Mam!" Alpha replied with a smirk.


"What the hell is going on?!" Ranma yelled as he rushed into the monitor room, followed soon after by the other various Nerima residents not already currently within.

"It seems someone came prepared with explosives," L replied before another explosion shook the building. "A fair number of explosives."

"Explosives!" Akane exclaimed.

"Powerful enough to breach the security barriers, but not to do serious damage to the building," L explained.

"Someone has also reached the network room," Watari noted.

L frowned in thought. "Curious."

"And I do believe they are attempting to hack the system," Watari continued as he worked the computer.

"Threat level?" L asked.

Watari muttered to himself some in thought before answering, "They seem capable. Our defenses should hold, but there is still risk."

"How many more doors do they have to get through to have a clear path to us?" Ukyo asked.

"Two more," L replied before an explosion was heard. "One more."

"Bloody hell!" Ranma cursed.

L nodded, changing the monitor feeds to the stairwells. "Yes, it looks like they're breaching the north stairwell," he said before that monitor was attacked and went to static. "My apologies," L said, turning to the others. "We have already requested police intervention, but would you be so kind to engage in some crowd control in the meantime. I'm afraid our only means of escape at this point is the helicopter on the roof, and it cannot support us all and multiple trips would likely take too long."

"Wonderful! What if Cupid is in with them?"

"In the room across from this one I have collected some face coverings. You may make use of them."

"Good enough," Ranma declared and started to rush off. "Come on!"

Those martial artists among the group nodded and quickly followed.

"Oh and Ranma..." L called out, causing the boy to pause.


"Could I ask you to make your way to the main network room on the first floor and subdue those within?"

"Fine," Ranma replied in annoyance before heading off.


Ranma and company had barely made it into the main stairwell before the next explosion hit, breaching the last of the obstacles between them and the protesters. As expected, before even the dust had cleared, people were pouring in through the breach.

"Keep them from getting any further up!" Cologne instructed as she dove into the fray, effortlessly disabling three men with but a touch. Shampoo and Mousse followed in just after. Ranma and the others were just finished dealing with those that slipped by when another explosion, further away, could be heard.

"What was that?"

"Must be in the other stairwell," Ranma muttered. "Pops!"

"Right, come on Tendo!" Genma responded, and he and Soun rushed off. Akane followed after, along with Ryoga and Kuno.

"Hope they can manage," Ranma said before hearing a shout from outside the breach. He looked through the dust just in time to see someone tossed something flaming at them. "Are they nuts!" he exclaimed as he tried to catch it, but failed. As expected, it was a bottle of liquid and soon a small fire erupted in the stairwell where it landed and shattered.

With a quick wipe of her cane, Cologne blew out the flame, but two more quickly followed. Ranma was better prepared this time, catching both, allowing Cologne to just as quickly swipe the burning rags from them to nullify their threat.

By this point, Ukyo and Kodachi had joined them at the breach. "Ah, the chaos of a good riot," Kodachi said with an amused sigh before pulling out her ribbon and whipping it at another protestor reading yet another round of molotov's. This had the desired effect of startling the man, causing him to drop his weapon at his feet, but also the undesired effect of breaking said bottle there. With the sudden fire at their feet, those nearby quickly panicked and likewise dropped their weapons and what started with just a single bottle's worth, soon became four or five.

This was enough to force the protesters back, but after only a few seconds more, as the various martial artists were gathering their thoughts, the sprinkler system activated in the stairwell. The effect on Ranma, Shampoo and Mousse was instant, transforming each to their cursed forms and giving the transformed Ranma the cause to groan. That turned to a little confusion as Kodachi let out an uncharacteristic squeak of shock.

"Wha- What just happened? How did... where did this cat.. and duck... and YOU...?! What in heaven's name is going on?!"

"Do you actually sorta get it now," Ranma said, looking back at the wide eyed Kodachi. As she did though, another thought hit her. "I wonder if the sprinklers here are linked-"

"RYOGA!" A blood curdling yell of shear outrage echoed through the building.

"Yep, they're linked," she muttered. "Deal with that later, can you hold things here, Cologne?"

"I'll manage with these two young ladies' help, I'm sure. Go on," the old woman instructed as Ranma rushed through the breach, disabling two more people as she did before jumping the rail and out of sight to the floor below.

Kodachi was still in shock, making unintelligible sounds for several more seconds before finally asking, "You both saw that, right?"

"Yep," Ukyo replied calmly, with Cologne smiling and nodding.

"Wait you both knew? Why am I just now finding out?!" Kodachi asked in a mix of embarrassment and anger, before having this thought tossed aside by another wave of protesters approaching. "Bah... I will have answers later! For now, let's deal with these fools!"


"What a pain!" Ranma muttered under her breath as she pushed her way through the throng of people before her. 'Akane is going to be seriously ticked off... and you just know I'm going to get blamed too. Ugh... Where the hell is this room?!' Just as she thought this, her target came into sight. 'Finally!'

Pushing past the last few people in her path she rushed to the doorway and looked within. Sure enough she found just what L had expected, a pair of people, one hammering away rapidly at a laptop while the other stood watch. "Gotcha!" Ranma declared triumphantly before rushing in.

The one at the computer, a woman, turned towards Ranma at the declaration in shock, before quickly retreating. The other, a much larger man was more proactive, moving to shield the woman. 'The girl is harmless,' Ranma concluded in an instant, focusing her attention on the man and feeling nothing from him. 'He may be big, but he's got no real aura. I can take him easy too!' With a confident smile Ranma targeted the male, going for a quick takedown.

As she expected, she easily bypassed the man's slow guard, landing a solid blow to his chin, gauged to be just strong enough to stagger him or maybe even knock him out given he was a normal person. Indeed he began almost immediately toppling, but as he did, Ranma felt a sudden surge of vertigo. 'What the-' Ranma thought as suddenly all strength in her arm fell away.

Before Ranma could even assess her situation the sapping of her strength flowed right into her legs causing her to collapse, and the vertigo intensified. 'Damn... it...'

"Damn, she hits hard," the man declared before righting himself and looking down at the fallen Ranma. "Ki user, eh?" he asked with a bit of a chuckle. "Guess you're not liking life now, eh?"

"Wha- what happened?" the woman asked in confusion.

"Nevermind. Looks like we've been found out. Let's get outta here before they send more. Pack up!" the man declared.

"Right!" the woman quickly obeyed, closing her laptop, disconnecting it and together they quickly departed. Ranma could do nothing to stop them, immobilized on the floor.


Hours later, police were escorting various protesters and troublemakers from the building. Ukyo had managed to retrieve Ranma, but could do nothing for her till the trouble died down. Now finally free to act, Cologne was assessing the young martial artist with a curious expression. "Now this... this I haven't heard of in ages."

"Is he going to be alright?" Ukyo asked tensely.

"Depends on your definition of alright," Cologne replied with a chuckle. "Son-in-law is in no danger of death, but left as is he'll be immobilized for days, and it won't be a pleasant set of days at that."

"Can Great grandmother help?" Shampoo asked.

Cologne nodded. "Yes. He didn't get a large dosage so I believe I can remove it," she explained before laying her hand on Ranma's forehead and concentrating. Within a minute Ranma let out increasingly relieved breaths. Her treatment done, Cologne simply asked, "Feeling better?"

"Oh thank god!" Ranma exclaimed as she sat up. "That was miserable. What happened?"

"I was going to ask you," Cologne replied.

L nodded as well nearby. "Yes, you clearly failed to stop the hacker."

"I tried, alright! I don't know what hit me. There was a guy and a girl. Looked like the girl was using the computer. I tried to get by the guy, but as soon as I hit him... that happened! I don't even know what it was! After that I couldn't stop them."

Cologne nodded knowingly. "Hmh, yes, I'm not surprised you couldn't act, although quite surprised you would encounter a user of this technique. I thought it was dead and forgotten."

"Do illuminate," L prompted.

"Ki poison," Cologne answered.

L raised an eyebrow. "Never heard of it."

"Me neither," Ranma said with a shake of her head, looking at the others gathered around but seeing none were any more knowledgeable.

"Not unexpected," Cologne replied. "It is an ancient form. Have you ever wondered why ki users such as ourselves are not a greater fixture in the battlefields of history?" Cologne asked, getting some thoughtful looks from the others. "It is because of this very technique. A user can poison the ki of any ki user with the merest contact. The effect is dramatic, as Son-in-law can no doubt attest."

"I don't get it. If it is so potent-"

"Why isn't it still used? Several reasons. First, with the advent of the modern battlefield where melee combat is minimized, chances for physical contact have been greatly reduced. Second, the technique was always hard to master, and most importantly third, it is a one way technique. To poison ki, one must sacrifice their own use of such as well. Under these conditions it was just deemed too big a sacrifice for too narrow a use."

"Clearly someone is still keeping up with the teachings," L commented with closed eyes, deep in thought.

"Yes, a very curious thing," Cologne agreed. "I doubt this was mere coincidence."

L nodded. "Yes, highly unlikely. Hmm," L said in thought, turning away. "Something to be analyzed further. Did you get a look at either of them?"

Ranma shook her head. "No. They both had masks on, same as all the others."

"I see," L responded. "Ultimately though, we seem to be at a stalemate. The hack failed but the hacker escaped. We'll simply have to put this aside for now. Once the lower levels are fully cleared, I can have Watari lead you safely out, if you wish. There are no indications that any of you have been identified as related to me so it should be safe, but you are all welcome to stay as long as you wish."

Ranma looked across the room where Akane was glaring daggers at him. "I might... need a place to stay for a bit."

"As you wish," L said, uninterested before leaving the room.

L arrived at the main meeting room where Watari was still at the computer. The room itself was currently empty of other visitors, prompting Watari to speak plainly. "B's doing?"

"No doubt," L agreed instantly.

"Should we not inform Maho?"

L pondered for a second before shaking his head. "No. I want her full attention on Cupid. B is... our problem."

"As you wish," Watari conceded.


Delta led the last of the crew into their shared meeting room where Epsilon and Gamma were already waiting, Gamma consuming yet another jar of jam.

"We're back. No tails or signs of trouble," Delta declared before dropping onto the sofa with a big grin on his face. "That was so awesome, Boss!"

"You really are an adrenalin junkie," Beta comment with a shake of her head.

"Damned rights. Best high ever!" Delta declared with a satisfied sigh. "Takes me back."

"Don't let it go to your head too much," Epsilon cautioned him.

Gamma nodded in agreement before looking to Beta who was already moving to the computer. "And what of your assignment?"

"Total fail," Beta said with slumped shoulders before turning sharply to Gamma. "I told you it was hopeless!"

"That you did. Nonetheless, disappointing," Gamma replied, taking another mouthful of jam and looking to Alpha.

"Did run into some girl, ki user... but you probably expected that," Alpha said.

"Information on this area did include a high incidence of such, so yes, your selection was advantageous for that reason. I assume you dealt with her?"

"Yeah. She'll live though."

Gamma nodded, licking his fingers. "That's fine. No need to start piling up bodies just yet."

"Can we please avoid the body piling?" Epsilon muttered. Gamma, however, did not respond, instead looking to Delta.

"And of your task, Delta? I hope you were more successful."

Delta smiled and shrugged. "It was a bit tricky, but it seems you were right, Boss. Distracting them in one stairwell then hit the other, gave me just enough access to get into the upper ones. Our resident hacker will have to confirm though..."

All eyes turned to Beta who was working the computer and after a moment her excited giggling was the answer they needed. "We're in!"


Across town at L's building, hidden under a desk, a laptop, hooked discretely to a nearby network socket, came to life.


It was many hours later, deep into the night, when L finally gave the occupants of the building the go ahead to exit. Due to the events within, Ranma had indeed chosen to not risk it and had stayed behind along with Ryoga, but the Tendo family and Genma did return home.

"I can't wait to get to bed," Nabiki muttered as she walked up the stairs.

"I'm going to kill both of them!" Akane muttered behind her.

Nabiki sighed. "Get over it, sis."

"How can I get over... this! Did you know?"

"No, actually, I'm rather surprised I didn't. It would have made excellent blackmail material," Nabiki said with a tired smile. "If you're going to keep complaining, keep it to a dull roar."

Akane muttered unintelligibly before entering her room and slamming the door closed.

"Akane is still angry I assume?" Kasumi asked as she came up the stairs.

"Oh yeah," Nabiki replied. "Night."

"Good night," Kasumi replied and the remaining Tendo daughters headed to their respective rooms.

Once secure within, Nabiki sighed, dropped her luggage in the corner and sat on her bed. It was then that Trista said, "Wakey, wakey Nabiki."

Nabiki blinked several times and groaned. "So that's what it's like to be puppeted," she said quietly. "One more week, then... well, I don't expect it will last long, and it was worth it."

"I didn't forget," Trista said proudly.

"No, you didn't," Nabiki replied and smiled. "And what do you know, here I thought it might be difficult to figure out who the new Cupid was, and it is actually someone I know."


"Yeah, but it also means she knows Ranma, and could run into me. No matter, I won't give her the chance. You messed up, Mariko. You're mine now," Nabiki said with a brimming smile. "And maybe soon, I can use you to eliminate L finally."

End Chapter 19

And so things heat up, and the cracks are really starting to show. The question now is who can capitalize on what they have gained this day first.