Mr. Wrong by WeasleyForMe

Fred/Hermione somewhat based on the song Mr. Wrong by Cracker. They are involved together, but aren't they completely wrong for each other? (Thanks remuslives!)

"Well you know I'd rather not go and meet your family.
They'd probably send me back where I belong.
Don't want to hear about your Mr. Right,
'cause he's out of town tonight.
Baby, come and spend some time with Mr. Wrong."

-Mr. Wrong by Cracker


Hermione was sitting in her living room waiting for him to arrive. She never imagined she would have been pulled into this enticing routine. As she played with the hem of her dress, she began to wonder why she was even attracted to him. He wasn't exactly her type. She could have stayed with comfortable Ron, but Ron was too safe, too perfect. She could have had Viktor, but that was a disaster right from the start. She knew she should have been with anyone else. Instead, she spent her days at work looking forward to her nights with Fred Weasley, of all people. She was having another tryst with the bossy, cocky, domineering… yet sexy, witty and audacious man. He contradicted everything that was good for her. He made her head spin; she loved that about him.

As the glow from her fireplace changed from orange to green, she stood up and fussed with her hair for a moment. He carefully climbed out of the hearth looking as irresistible as he always did.

As he examined her, she saw the growing passion in his eyes. "You didn't have to get dressed up just for me." Her heart began to pound as he licked his lips while his heated eyes took in her attire.

"Oh, this old thing?" she asked with a smirk as she smoothed the fabric of her tiny, black dress.

He slowly strode across her living room until he was close enough to see the amber colored flecks in her warm brown eyes. There was something intimidating about her, and that was what he found so enjoyable as he looked into her eyes. But they were wrong for each other. Completely and utterly wrong, in every respect. Except physically. There, they were perfect. He was certain that she already knew they wouldn't last. But he had to reaffirm it, if only for himself. "I was going to bring you flowers, but I didn't," he told her. His face held no expression, but his eyes revealed his desire. "It's the thought that counts, and I think I'm a bit too broke."

She cocked her head slightly. "Do you think I expect anything more from you?"

He didn't respond except to pull her closer to him. He leaned down and began to kiss her neck, his fingers kneading into the silky fabric covering her back. Her body went slightly slack in his arms. His kisses became more empowered as he found her mouth and claimed it for what must have been the thousandth time. She still felt so new to him.

As Hermione whimpered and pulled away, he locked onto her gaze. "You know I'll never be the one to go and meet your family. I won't be here years from now. We don't fit together like that."

Her eyes flashed with emotion that he'd never seen before. "If I wanted that, I would have stayed with Ronald," she said icily as she pulled away from him.

Just the mere mention of his brother made him bristle. If anything, he was better for her than Ron. He knew exactly what she needed, and he had the ability to take her dangerously close to the edge of reason. Ron could never make her feel like this. Fred almost felt jealous at the very thought of Hermione returning to his brother.

"Ronald?" he asked, forcing his expression to soften again. He stepped up to her, determined to melt her icy gaze. "Hermione, I don't want to hear about your 'Mr. Right', because he's not here right now," Fred whispered as his fingers found their way into her hair. "Besides, I'm wounded. You've gone and mentioned another man in my presence. How are you going to make it up to me?"

A reluctant smile spread across Hermione's face. "I have my ways," she whispered as she pulled him closer.

"I know you do. I don't doubt your capabilities," he whispered as her mouth teased his jaw line.

"Yes, well now you've initiated a dangerous challenge," she whispered next to his ear sending a jolt through his entire body. "I'll make it up to you," she whispered huskily, making his breath hitch in his throat. She began to unbutton his shirt, her gaze sweeping over his chest. "You're all wrong for me, and yet I can't seem to help myself," she mumbled as a slight blush crept across her cheeks.

She was irresistible. If he wasn't careful, he would find himself changing his ideals for her every whim. Fred pulled her against his chest and then scooped her up into his arms. He chuckled at her shocked expression as she realized her feet were no longer on the floor. As he carried her toward her bedroom he whispered, "Hermione, come and spend some time with Mr. Wrong."


Ok, that was my first attempt with Fred/Hermione. I hope I didn't kill it, lol. Please review!