Sakura tried to keep the teardrops at bay, the stench was overwhelming and the site was evenly matched in distaste and horror. She knew that she shouldn't show any of her fear or emotions, but she couldn't help it. Sasuke would probably just put her down of her weak state…yes, her weakness, her state of ALWAYS being incapable of doing anything…the feeling of never being able to do something right was definitely something she had been used to.

Sakura looked at the state of the bodies in front of her. They looked as if they had been here for a long time. Team 7 was currently on a mission that was supposed to be only C ranked.

This was beyond her limits…much beyond.

The 3 bodies of ninjas in front of her seemed to be dead for, at her guess, a little less than a week, if not more. The crows had done most of their job. Patches of where used to be flesh were now missing from their original position. Some, however, parts of flesh still lingered, but were in the midst of decaying, causing the rotting smell to set heavy around the area. The bugs and maggots on the flesh were gruesomely feasting on them.

The smell of dried blood and dead corpses filled the air. Since Sakura was the only one in group 7 that had any abilities of a medic, she was the one to check out the state of which they were in, and possible to try and identify them. A grim expression set on her face as she glanced back at the mangled bodies, forced to squint it was still impossible to identify them. Any of their features were eaten away…literally.

Gladly, though not trying to show it on her face, she returned to the others, being; Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke.

"I couldn't make out who they were; they were just in too bad of a state." Sakura said, surprising herself inwardly from the harshness and of how indifferent her voice was.

They all nodded, knowing that these things did happen. Sakura knew deep down that even though they could probably easily forget about this event, but she could not. Never. It was just impossible. She would be marred forever. It was disgusting that anyone would really do-that to any living being…or more correctly; deceased. But nevertheless, it just seemed inhuman for them to carelessly walk away from those 3. She had a sick feeling in her stomach. Leave dead bodies lie everywhere and just let them decay…

It was easier for Sasuke and Naruto to forget about this because they never really had to look at the bodies-examine them, and be in such a close proximity to them that the stink of it was completely unbearable. Seeing their lifeless eyes staring back at yours…the look of terror in the forever still eyes of such (usually) young Nin. Sakura figured that this was the greatest downfall of being a ninja who was a medic. It wasn't the mangled death of bodies that scared her the most. What had always frightened her most was that they were all so very young, had such potential in life but cut short by…what? Fate? She didn't know.

She had heard and learned first hand from people near her…some even friends, that it was common for a ninja to breakdown because of the idea of killing another human being was such a burden. The guilt would consume them, the fact that they had just ended another living persons' life. It was hard to live with. It was a cruel fact, even though humans were considered so humanitarian and civil, yet they still lived by the law of the jungle. Hunting each other down, kill or be killed. It was sad that this really how life was.

She muttered to the other people in her group that she needed to bathe because of the blood and the stench on her. They complied, so she walked to the nearby stream.

Stripping off her clothes, she roughly grabbed the large bundle of clothes and plunged them in the water, scrubbing viciously to take her mind off the bodies that still lingered in her mind. Hanging them on a branch, almost void of any emotion, she walked in the water. A normal person would immediately have started complaining about the cold, but she wasn't. She enjoyed and in fact, welcomed the coldness. The Numbing sensation coursed through her veins as she scrubbed her skin. Cleansing her body lightly, her mind wandered back to the bodies. Sighing, she realized it was no use to try and forget them. The image was a magnet and her musings continued to become attracted. They were dead. All of them and-it wasn't any use. Nothing was! What was life?! She didn't understand anything anymore! What did it mean to life…?

She couldn't take off the smell of the blood; the stench of death on her seemed to be like a tattoo…never removable. Sakura looked down to quickly realize her slow scrubbing had changed to a quick and almost brutal speed. The pain wasn't there and surprisingly, she was more disappointed than relieved with no pain.

Realizing that she would never really satisfyingly getting rid of the grime that she felt was still on her, she gave up. If she was to scrub anymore, Sakura wouldn't be surprised if her skin broke and started to bleed.

Moving as quietly as possible, Sakura returned to the others and attempted to hide her skin under the shade of the trees. Perhaps it was dark enough so he wouldn't be able to see-

"It took you a about time, Sakura-chan!-Sakura!? Are you okay? What happened to your skin!?" stifling a sigh, Sakura reasoned with herself that Naruto would've figured out her state sooner or later.

"I hadn't realized I was scrubbing my skin so roughly until it was too late…" She muttered quietly-reluctantly. Sakura knew what was going to come next.

"Sakura! Why didn't you check earlier!?"

Nothing beat being reprimanded by Naruto. At another's perspective, it would seem comical.

"Surely you must've noticed! God, that must hurt, does it?"

No…it feels numb.

Sakura ignored the question instead and diverted the attention by whispered quietly that they should continue walking. Naruto muttered something about the amount of concern for her was all down the drain, but no one was really listening anyway.

Drifting off to other thoughts was what Sakura seemed best at, so she let her mind wander.

The medic-in-training remembered about what had happened before she left on her mission in Tsunade's office.

The rather busty woman leaned back on her reclining chair and surveyed the group of people in front of her before talking.

"Team 7, your new mission's info is rather simple. Even Naruto should comprehend it." She added the end part, smiling wryly, but before Naruto could protest, she trudged on.

"You are to go to the cloud village and retrieve a scroll from one of the Suna teams to await new orders. This is a C rated mission, so it shouldn't be all that bad."

There was a pause.

All of the people in Team 7 had the same thing on their mind and Tsunade knew what it was too. In fact, what were they waiting for? The question was simple. Perhaps it was because Kakashi knew the answer and was briefed from Tsunade before this meeting, maybe Sasuke thought it unnecessary, Sakura could have been too hesitant and uncertain, and Naruto could possibly be still mulling over the mission info. Maybe it was all of the above.

Naruto couldn't take it and asked the question. "Just…who are the people in the Suna team in the mission?"

Tsunade hesitated, flashing a well-known look to Sakura, which she deeply shuddered inwardly, but still remained stoic. Sasuke would've been proud.

"A group you are well familiarized with. Don't worry; you'll acquaint yourself with them all too soon." Tsunade weaved around the question, but Naruto was not one to back down.

"And who would they be?" Naruto's eyes were practically brimming with anticipation.

Clearing her throat, Tsunade muttered something. Even though everyone was craning their ears to try and catch the words, it was for no avail.

"Tsunade baa-chan, what was that?"

Anger flashed through those amber eyes, "Naruto! I told you to stop calling me that!"

He waved her off however, "Stop avoiding the question" And oh yes, she was…

Sighing, Tsunade said. "The infamous Sand Siblings." Though she was talking to Naruto, her trained eyes never swayed from Sakura's. Sakura couldn't keep the stare with her mentor however, her eyes having a falling attraction to the ground.

"Including Gaara?!" Naruto squealed with uncontrolled joy. It was a shame he was

So into that fact, that he did not notice Sakura flinch at the name.

Tsunade did however.

"Yes…Sakura, are you fine with this mission?"

Death must have been staring her in the face as it had that day. When she had rushed to protect Sasuke, she had seen death and it was menacing. Was she prepared to face it again?

She looked up, but not to Tsunade, to Sasuke.

The look was cold, distant, uncaring and bored. He cared nothing for Sakura, and she had even known he would look like this before she even drew her eyes to him. Why did she continue to try?

The look changed slightly, but it wasn't for the better. Sakura knew that look all too well. That was the look that continued to bring her to tears again and again. Constantly it would break down any vestiges of confidence she had. It would destroy her. She was weak and she knew it. Sasuke was always right.

That single look said 'You aren't good enough' and nothing more. Aside from maybe saying she was annoying, but they were never positive things. You get her point. The thing was, that look was like a torture method to her. Only to her.

She knew she would lose. She knew she wasn't strong enough, but always contradicted herself and picked up herself, hoping to prove him wrong-herself wrong. She would continuously land in defeat, but that look would drag her back up to try again. It was heart breaking. Again and again. She would be destroyed again and again…

But maybe, glancing at his eyes, she could do this. She knew she was falling again in a pitiful hope, but it was no use. She wasn't ready for this. To face death again…but, for Sasuke, she would do anything.

"No, Tsunade-sensei. It's fine with me." The fear Sakura felt then and there was not shown in her voice.

The look changed to its normal one, cold and distant, but having that look was much better than the look that showed how much use she had to him. It was much better.

Sure Sakura had said 'yes' and she would fully participate in this mission, but…she couldn't help but feel second-thoughts about it now. She had a bad feeling about this mission from the beginning and every step they made more into this mission, that feeling became stronger.


They had set up a camp near the same stream and she had even attempted to erase the vileness that she had felt previously, but unfortunately, it was still on her…

The camp was set up and Sakura snuggled in her sleeping bag. Tossing and turning in it, Sakura quickly became frustrated at her restlessness. Everyone at this rate was already asleep and she was left to ponder on her thoughts. This was quite bad for Sakura.

The magnet attraction of the image continued to plague her. Thoughts of their dismembered bodies continued to flash behind her eyes and she remembered the thoughts, the feels, the smell of reeking death, the touch of tears silently sliding down her cheek… She often wondered who could have ever done something like that to a body, if their families and relatives knew the fate that had befallen their beloveds. The feeling broke her heart.

Suddenly an idea struck her. 'What if THEY, their family killed them and left them for the crows to finish them off?' She shook her head vigorously, 'of course they wouldn't do that, they were their FAMILY members, families were to love each other, not kill each other.'

'Then again…Sasuke's brother had killed his entire family except his brother, to feel useless.' What was family then?

She let out a frustrated grunt as and roughly sat up on her sheets. If these thoughts and those images kept on coming back, she would never get any peace in this world.

Though she thought dismally at this, subconsciously she was drifting because the next thing she knew was that Naruto was shaking her gently, telling her to pack her things. They were headed for their next day towards Cloud.


"Are we there yet?"

"No." The sound of Kakashi was gruff and impatient now. Of course it'd be. The pain that all of the other team members of Team 7 was to the point they didn't know who they wanted to strangle more; themselves or Naruto.


"No, dobe."

"How about now?"

"What do you think the answer is…?" Sasuke growled at Naruto.


"Okay, how about now?" Naruto questioned again.

Kakashi sighed and took out his Icha Icha book out, flipping though the well worn pages. Sasuke was never known well for his patience and it made sense. The quicker, the better. (Hopefully this doesn't include sex as well XD okay I'm sorry…) Getting frustrated with Naruto was bound to happen sooner or later. He started rubbing his temples to relieve the stress.

Naruto popped up in front of Sakura and asked in his usual happy mood "Hey Sakura, why are you so quiet now? Usually you would bop me on the head or call me 'Baka'…or both…yet you haven't said it at ALL yesterday."

"Is that as request?" Sakura asked wearily.

Naruto quickly shook his head sideways. It was a well known fact that one chakra enlaced blow would be enough anyway. You'd be out in seconds.

Naruto looked at his pink-haired friend and studied her. It was a real shame, he thought, someone so talented with practically perfect chakra control, a growing medic nin being trained with Tsunade, one of the legend sannins, her inhuman strength and yet she still put herself down. She still thought of herself as below average, if not the worst, figured that she was weak.

He mentally growled at Sasuke, he honestly blamed him for Sakura's state. Then again, so did everyone. Ino, Tsunade, her friends, and many people that knew her had always tried to let her see the light (cough, which Sasuke really wasn't that great and she deserved more) or something to that extent. No one needed to ask 'why' Sasuke was was to blame because it was obvious. Sasuke had always called her annoying and weak, he thrived for only himself and didn't even acknowledge Sakura in the slightest of positive ways. How would you feel if the one you truly admired and loved constantly name called and jabbed fun at you? He had felt the same pain from none other than Sakura, but she had seen through that and truly did care for him. They both knew this, but Sasuke…Sasuke didn't care for Sakura at all. And again, both Sakura and Naruto knew this fact all too well.

Poor Sakura was left to always try and analyze the situation at hand and pry every corner of his words to find a tiny morsel of compassion and love in his words. It was desperate. She would always find nothing and Naruto was worried now. 'What would happen if this relationship between his two close friends continued?'


To reach Cloud Village, it took two days and sure enough, they arrived at Cloud. Taking immediate action, Kakashi booked their stay for two rooms. Kakashi and Sasuke had one, while Sakura and Naruto had the other.

It was so that Sasuke and Naruto wouldn't kill each other and that Sakura had the highest tolerance with Naruto than out of all of them.

Sitting on the single bed, Sakura sighed and waited for the messenger of one of the Sand Siblings to turn up so they could officially start this mission. Anxiety was gnawing on her and she couldn't wait for the mission to start. Her tolerance for Naruto was definitely the highest out of the three, however she wasn't a saint.

"…I mean, really Shino creeps me out. He always looks like I'm going to kill him…or the other way round, whatever. Honestly, what had I ever done to him? Sure, that one time when I pulled a prank by putting dog treats in his jacket so that Akamaru would attack him would be a tad offensive. Well, also I hadn't known that half of the dogs would come as well! Seriously, I really didn't believe that dog ad when they said that it was an 'irresistible treat for dogs' but NOW…well I'm convinced. What was I talking about? Oh yeah…so yeah, Shino could've been a tad tweaked by this, but come on! It was April fools day. Could you expect that the number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja…"

She had attempted to drown him out ages ago, but nothing seemed to be working.

When there was a knock on the door, Sakura nearly jumped up with anticipation of something different happening. She was praying to god it was the messenger.

Opening the door with a little more force than necessary, she was dismayed to find only Kakashi and Sasuke. But, sighing inwardly, she knew that this company was better than only-Naruto type of company, so she stood aside and ushered them in.

"Has something happened?" Her voice was concerned in an only business-like fashion.

Kakashi was acted slightly offended (she presumed only mock) by the fact her voice had deadpanned she did no care for their wellbeing.

"Not quite. We just heard that the messenger would meet us all together. Honestly, were they just that lazy to have to move to the next room right beside ours to get you guys'?"

"Apparently so…" Sasuke muttered under his breath.

Sakura was about to comment when the familiar sound of rapping against the wooden door caught all the people in the room's attention.

"I must be the messenger." Sakura said in a quiet voice.

Walking deliberately faster than one should to meet the door, she was determined to get this over with.

Indeed she was right, it was the messenger. That was to be expected. Who else would knock on their door?

None of them had ever expected the messenger to be Gaara, however. The people in the room stilled at their new arrival.

It was Kakashi who had recovered the quickest and blurted out, "Gaara, why are you here, I heard that the messenger was to be…one of the sand siblings…"

Perhaps he hadn't recovered from the shock fully…

The question, Gaara hoped, was some sort of a rhetorical one because he would not answer to that one. How had Suna and Orochimaru's band been beaten by these simpleton ninja's?

His fingers itched and his sand shook in its gourd with irritation, but he refrained from killing…for now anyways. After what his father had tried to do, invade Konoha, and they were on a peace treaty, not to mention all that Naruto had done for him, he owed Konoha, no matter how idiotic they were. After all, Naruto was a prime example of how IQ did not match equally to being smart in many ways.

Sasuke recovered quickly after Kakashi and shot him a disdainful glare. 'He still wasn't very happy that he didn't get to beat him from before.' Gaara mused and felt Shukaku's face twist in pure malice at the thought. Gaara wisely said nothing about his thoughts to Sasuke though. It would be stupid to cause sparks to fly just after meeting them in less than 4 minutes.

Naruto snapped out of his daze and ran straight for Gaara to give him a bear hug. His efforts were in vain as he hit Gaara's sand barrier instead.

Naruto didn't seem to mind at all and yelled "Gaara!!! So good to see you, man!" while flashing one of his goofy grins at him.

Sakura was the last to recover and gather her wits to realize Konoha needed this treaty. With Orochimaru becoming stronger, having a close ally was the best choice. She was doing this for her country. Being polite she meekly tried to speak to him "Hello, Gaara." Mentally cursing as it came out as a quaky voice. She still hadn't forgotten about how he had tried to kill her from before.

Sakura forced herself to continue her gaze solely on Gaara. His eyes didn't even change. Its expression was as always, monotone and completely void of any emotion. If he recognized her voice inundate fear, he didn't show it. However, everyone else in the room did. It wasn't hard either. She was doing everything in her willpower not to start trembling on the spot. Kakashi drew a side-long gaze at her with worry. Maybe she wasn't ready for this encounter just yet. Gaara was still unstable, making matters at hand worse…

Obliviously ignoring the awkward silence and worried looks given to Sakura, Gaara broke the stillness of the room and addressed the whole group. Of course it was professionally and with no emotions in his voice either. It was just firm and straight business-like.

"This is the scroll confirming my identity." He started to pull out a neatly tucked scroll under his robe. "It has the rest of the detailed information during this mission you are required to know as well." A pause. "It is due to much reasoning of the councilors that I am…not fit." Those words were edging with irritation, "and it seems to be that I am in need of a partner."

Sasuke lifted up one of his eyebrows.

Growling, Gaara elaborated. "I need one of you to travel with me to the Earth Village."

"Our entire group will be divided into 3. My partner and I are to pick up a couple of ally army that is waiting for us as well as briefly go through reports with the Tsuchikage (1) Meanwhile, the remaining three of Team 7 are to go and scout out the area of the place we are ambushing."

"What about Temari and Kankuro?" Sakura asked, not realizing she was so into the mission briefing that her voice was steady. Well, that was until Gaara spared her an annoyed glance. It made her curse for asking such a question.

"I was getting there. Temari is heading to Konoha while Kankuro is headed to Suna. They are going back for several reasons. One, is they are to confirm to our kages that we are currently fine and are not ambushed.

Currently…? Sakura didn't like that sound of that…

"…The other reason is that they are going to attempt to get more backup."

This brought alarm to everyone in Team 7's face. "Why would we need backup…?" Sasuke asked cautiously. It seemed rather odd that Suna or Konoha were unprepared for missions.

"Something has occurred."

"'Something'?" Naruto pressed on.

"The rest is in the scroll. I hardly find it useful if I am to repeat everything to you. It is not necessary of any of you to send a letter entailing the Hokage about your usual briefings as you usually do on missions. Temari is already heading to Konoha as we speak. This 'occurrence' has made this mission a lot more dangerous than expected. Therefore, this is hereby not a C ranked mission, but an S ranked one. That is all."

S ranked…? That seemed rather high for barely Chuunin.

Before anyone could question him further, he was gone in a flurry of sand, leaving team 7 to look over the scroll.

It read the following;

- Team 7,

Tsunade has agreed with the following; Konoha and Suna will be battling Sound village. Their recent actions have put us on edge and we realize their full hostility now. It is imperative we are to take them out as soon as possible.

Lady Tsunade has realized the fact that you have all recently only made it over Chuunin and it is certainly not a mission fit. However, Tsunade has reassured us, the Suna Councilor members that you are all fairly capable of aiding us and will be rather useful. I only expect this.

At first, I had impartially felt to disagree with continuing this as your mission, feeling it too dangerous, but Tsunade had brought up some rather interesting news, and it only seems right Team 7 should be included.

'Sasuke…' Sakura glanced towards him, but his eyes were trained on the scroll. His normal impassive face was still held up. Shouldn't this at least stir him a little bit?

It was imperative that Gaara was to be on this mission because of his expertise on the battlefield and skill. Though he is quite powerful, we know that he is still unstable. The case is not as harsh as before, so his siblings don't need to supervise him anymore. However this should not keep you at ease. If out of control, the chances of living are 20%. It is unwise to allow him to go solitary on this mission because our research group working on Gaara's case seems to hypothesize that Gaara's case will intensify if left in solitude for a longer duration of time. Pick the person who will watch him wisely.

Pick any person on team 7 that you wish to watch over him. Pick wisely however, because we will be unable to be accounted for any…fatalities that will occur on this mission. There is no preferable person who goes with Gaara concerning us.

You will both separate, as Gaara has mentioned, in 2 groups. Both will meet with each other near the Sound village entrance in 2 months.

The remaining of team 7 will be surveying the Sound village, being in and posing as sound nins. In the parcel that Gaara has, once you have decided who will be supervising him, ask him for the 3 sound Hitai-ate.

- Suna Council Members.

Each of the members of team 7 looked at each other. The same thoughts seemed to trouble each other's minds. It was obvious that one of them would have to stay with Gaara for 2 whole months, most likely never going to make it out alive. They said in the note that he was still unstable, but better than before. 20% chance of living wasn't a very high number…

It was obvious that Gaara has surely improved from their last encounter-Being polite and not killing anything was a giant leap from where he used to be- however it was unsettling to know that any moment he could lose control. Just how bad would his other form be? Would he still be blood-lust and absolutely insane? Would he transform into Shukaku? How often were his 'accidental' losing controls? No one knew him well enough that was around, so the answers continued to whiz through their minds…

Naruto suddenly burst out, "I think that Kakashi should go!"

"And why is that?" Kakashi questioned, he didn't want to be with Gaara for 2 months-Not that he couldn't. Of course he could. He was manly enough for it…he just wanted to let the other little tykes of Team 7 learn the experience…

"Because you're the strongest out of all of us, you could take Gaara better than all of us."

"That is extremely true."

Sakura cast a dark look at Kakashi's superficial-ness. Kakashi continued anyway, "But, because I'm the strongest, I need to be with the other group, or you'd surely all die."

Sakura continued to glare, but couldn't' help but realize that Kakashi had a good point. Even though he was amazing (as she so wisely didn't say out loud before Kakashi continued to praise himself), he couldn't be on guard for the whole time. Surely Gaara could kill him if he was distracted. It wouldn't be wise to lose a strong ninja of Konoha's to a simple casualty by Gaara, their ally.

"-But what about you, Naruto, why don't you go?"

"Because," Sakura answered for him, "With Naruto and Gaara walking around, two of them in the same place isn't a very wise move…we already know that the Akatsuki are tracking down the Jinchuuriki. It would be 2 birds with 1 stone."

"Well, how about Sasuke?"

"That can't work either," Sakura realized as well, "Sasuke and Gaara are on…bad terms, they'd probably kill each other within the first day."

"Okay, well what about you Sakura?"


Greeaatt, you defended everyone else EXCEPT us. Inner Sakura muttered, grumbling at her. She couldn't help but notice her downfall now. That was a good question though; what about her? She was weak, and simply a minor (very minor) asset to Konoha. It would be the best choice…wouldn't it? Sakura hated to admit it, but she was soon feeling to be sided on her leaving. It would be better than having the rest of her team-no, her friends, go and risk their lives. It just wasn't worth it.

"NO! Sakura is NOT going!" Naruto yelled, startling everyone. Not really meaning to say it so loud, he changed his tone. It was so quiet, it was nearly a whisper, forcing everyone to crane their necks. "You know what happened last time…she's not ready."

Sakura was shocked at his words. They really did touch her heart. But…"Naruto," Putting up her best 'scolding' façade. "I'm not a little girl anymore, and I think I can take care of myself, don't you?"

"No, Sakura-chan, I don't. You shouldn't have to do this!"

She shouldn't…

"Naruto that was a rhetorical question." Sakura snapped. "I can do this"

I have no choice. For the safety of the others…

"We can get someone else to go-someone that's not you!" Naruto was back to yelling, desperation was sinking in his feared words.

It hurt to realize that Naruto loved her. Loved her so much as a friend. Willing to risk his life for her. Her heart ached to live, to stay with Naruto forever, but she knew that it was a selfish thought. She was the only one who could do this job; a sacrifice worth sacrificing. She would not allow the others to jeopardize themselves.

Before Sakura could open her mouth to speak, Sasuke beat her to it. Kakashi and Sasuke had been quiet the whole time and listening to Naruto and Sakura fight over the position, it shocked both of them when he spoke.

"It's getting late. We should all pitch in for tonight. Besides the people in this hotel are going to be aggravated by the amount of noise you two are making."

Sakura's eyes widened in shock with the new voice that filtered in her ear, but she recovered quickly. "Sasuke, we can't just stop debating this topic. The choice needs to be made as soon as possible. We are running out of time. In 2 months, we need to have gathered enough information on Sound as well as actually travel there."

"It's true, but the longer we stay in this room, surrounded by nothing but quietness, instead of the day noise of people chattering, we have a much higher chance of being eavesdropped."

'He did have a good point…' Sakura bit her lip while she weighed the options. Sasuke, as usual was right in the end. "Fine, we'll quit for tonight, but Naruto, the only logical answer is that I go. Don't forget that."

"Ha! Well I'm not giving up either, Sakura-chan, you can count on that! Don't worry, I won't allow you to accept this mission."

Sakura wasn't sure if she was more relieved or distressed when she heard Naruto's declaration.

Everyone was leaving the room quietly, one by one. This would be the case, except Sasuke was still standing in the same place.

The curious gaze of Kakashi and the suspicious one of Naruto's told Sasuke he needed to explain himself.

"I want to make sure specifically that Sakura is putting up all her traps up properly."

The look of surprise flashed through Sakura's eyes. She had completely forgotten about the thought of putting up traps. It was one of the most important rules when sleeping and she probably wouldn't have put them up if Sasuke hadn't reminded her.

Catching the look off Sakura's face, Sasuke settled with his normal smirk that screamed 'I told you so'.

Turning around, Sasuke said "Now leave."

Naruto didn't really trust Sasuke to be alone with Sakura. Sasuke was his friend, but he had learned from his lifetime that he wasn't necessarily a friend you could always trust to do the right thing. Being extremely protective of Sakura also didn't help with his reluctance to leave. Of course he was over his little infatuation with her, but the fact remained that anyone messing with Sakura would be messing with him.

"Why don't we all stay and help Sakura with her traps."

Sakura was sure she was blushing. What was with them? Didn't they trust her to set up her own freaking traps? Okay, so maybe they didn't but this whole debate of practically babysitting her was really embarrassing.

"Come on Naruto, we can't all just stay here. People will grow suspicious. Naruto, let's go to the other room."

"Fine." Naruto grumbled, stomping away somewhat resembling a child who just didn't get what he/she wanted.

"Sasuke, why don't you come out of this room so I can quickly chat with you?" Kakashi said, giving off a sweet aura, but layered underneath it was a cutting warning.

Following him out, Kakashi quietly closed the door so Sakura couldn't hear.

"I have no idea what you're about to ask, but I trust your better judgment. I also have no idea why I am even allowing you to do this, but make it quick." Kakashi said in a low voice.

"I know."

"Also," Kakashi added, "Don't upset her in any way. You will not force her to do something she does not want to do or persuade her to do something just because you have a much higher status in her eyes. She is not only my student, she's a friend." Pause. "And an extremely close friend with Naruto. If you piss him off and I'm pissed about your actions as well, I'm not going to hold him back. Neither will I hold back when I punch you as well."


Oh, but did he really? That was the hard thing about Sasuke. Though you told him not to do something, if he deemed if fit, he wouldn't listen to you. Kakashi just prayed this wouldn't end badly. He already knew it would though.

Sasuke crept back into the room, closing the door behind him and heard that Kakashi's footsteps were retreating from where they were.

Sakura was sitting on the bed, back facing Sasuke who stood near the door entrance.

Sakura hesitated before speaking, "You aren't here for setting traps, are you?" She asked almost wearily.


"Then what is it you want to talk to me so urgently, might I add secretly about?"

Sasuke went straight to the point and said, "You are the weakest link, you already know that. I think it would be wiser and best for the team if you went with Gaara. We will need all the power that we have possible to bring down Sound."

"So you're stating that I die for the greater cause of the team." Sakura said slowly. She knew that Sasuke would've thought of her going with Gaara, but she thought it was just because no one else wanted the job. It turns out the reason was because she was weak. He had no idea Sakura was already prepared to go for all of these reasons. She wasn't considered smart for anything.

"Well," Sasuke started, "that and you actually do stand a better chance against Gaara then anyone else here…except for Naruto, but that's for a different exception."

"And why is that?"

"Because, bluntly put, you are a girl."

"…Yes, I've noticed that I am indeed a girl…"

"No, the concept is more of, Gaara, if he gets out of control, you could always use your body to distract him so he doesn't kill you."

"That's sounding like a prostitute to me."

"No, the difference is that you need that or you will die. Think of it as self defense."

"No offence to Gaara, but I honestly don't think he sees girls that way."

"Are you insinuating he's gay?" Sasuke asked, almost incredulously. He had obviously not thought of this option before.

"Well…not quite. More like, I don't think he's gone through the whole puberty thing." She couldn't help but add "Like you."

"Like me." Sasuke repeated.

"Yeah. Like are you even looking at a girl and finding any physical attraction?"

"My second goal is to revive the clan, not my first."

"Sasuke, I meant actually liking someone."

"Then no."

Her heart broke a little. "Exactly, same case with Gaara."

"Well we don't enough about him to know if he's gone not only blood-lust crazy but hormonal crazy as well. If he has, you're going to last longer than any of the rest of Team 7 members…unless what you think of his gender preferences are accurate." The rest came out disgusted.

"The point is, if you view our options, you're the best choice."

She was serious about this, Sakura realized. She was serious about this whole mission. About going with Gaara, about going to die-about everything.

What would happen when she truly accepted this as fate? Would she die? The possibility was, after all 20%, or maybe 21% if he had the slimmest part of hormones.

Absentmindedly, she imagined what would happen if she truly did die on this mission.

She knew that tons of people had died by Gaara's hands, so she wouldn't be the only one. It didn't show her as weak, Gaara was strong. It would be a challenge, to really see how long she could last against him. She figured maybe only 2 minutes, but it'd definitely be the most exhilarating 2 minutes of her life? Jeez, she was starting to think she was actually a masochistic.

Another good point of her dying was that she didn't really find anyone who would miss her that much if she were to die as just a 'casualty'.

Her parents had died a while ago, so it was a plus actually, to go back to heaven and rejoice with them. It would be wonderful to be back with them, as a family once again. She had wanted to make up with so many things in the past, it hurt. Relieving those thoughts to them would do her good. Every day felt like hell.

Ino was still cold to her and same went right back at her. Sakura would be glad if she died, so she wouldn't have to see her ever again. Though they had attempted to rekindle their relationship passed the Chuunin exams, Sakura was betrayed by her. Ino's friendliness was just an illusion-a lie-to get closer to Sasuke. It at least taught her a valuable lesson about trusting others.

Sasuke was still cold hearted as usual, and he never liked her. In fact, he was practically right now, in the room, was living proof that he wanted her dead.

Kakashi had dealt with death before. Though she would feel guilty knowing that she had left Kakashi grieving for a while that he had lost another special person to him, she was positive that he would get over with it.

She thought of Naruto. Poor him. She knew that he would be the most devastated out of all of the people. He was like a brother to her and she returned the feeling and emotion to him, but he did have Hinata, and she knew that Hinata would take good care of him, if not better than she ever had…

Tsunade would be in grief for her apprentice but Sakura knew that she always had Ino…for her other student. She would get over the loss, she thought grimly.

She was sure that she wouldn't be missed that badly

"You had no reason to talk to me, Sasuke. I had originally planned on volunteering myself for this part of the mission."

The little glint of shock went as quick as it came. Sakura caught the glimpse of it though.

"I already have analyzed all the possible situations," Cautiously keeping her voice steady and as hard as possible. "This is the most logical solution."

He put his shoulder on her shoulders which brought electricity through her body.

Immediately her whole body was tense at the touch. She wasn't sure what was more overpowering. The fact that he was actually touching her as what people would do as being friends or the heat and blood rushing through her body like molten lava.

Her heart nearly gave out when he gave her an awkward hug…yes, very awkward. Her head swam with confused thoughts and found she was getting rather dizzy.

He whispered in her ear "I'm sorry for putting you through this but it's for the best of the team."

The breath sent tingles to the flesh of her ear and jolts ran up and down her spine.

Then as if reading her thoughts from before, he continued, "Don't feel guilty for the others, you don't need to feel guilt, I'll feel enough guilt for sending you off for the both of us."

She wasn't quite hearing him properly and thought sarcastically that she was hardly feeling guilty at the moment when he was killing her with…affection.

But, she knew. And it hurt so much that she knew the truth. He was doing this to concrete her already firm decision about doing this.

Sakura whispered a quiet "Thank you…However." Sakura figured Sasuke still needed her for this mission, so she might as well push his buttons. She was going to die anyway.

"I don't need your 'pity'. I already know I will die on this mission" She replied starkly, pushing him away from her. Inwardly, she was even more surprised of her actions than Sasuke looked.

"You aren't going to die."

"You're starting to sound sympathetic," Sakura snarled, "You know as well as I do I will die, so I might as well get this over with."

Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, but Sakura was already starting up.

"You are really a jerk. You leave me on a freaking bench, try and betray the village-and after all I've done for you. I'll admit, I was extremely annoying, which I actually…grudgingly apologize for. However, you're still stupid thinking you're actually manipulating me."

Sasuke made a move to protest, but Sakura trudged on.

"You are not, so don't inflate your ego any further. I'm doing this for Naruto. And Kakashi, Tsunade, the people of Konoha and everyone else in it." Pause. "Minus Ino…maybe."

"You're right; I am somewhat of a jerk."

The words threw her off, but she was quick to respond back, "'Somewhat'? Ha!"

"But…" moving behind her so fast, she could barely see, he slowly wrapped her arms around her stomach.

And to be damned, her voice actually hitched.

"I was partially lying to you. I've felt something for a girl."

"And who would that be?" Sakura mentally cursed herself. She had tried to come off as pissed, but it was sounding more breathy than mad.


"That was cheesy, even for you." She snarled. It would've been much more effective if her voice hadn't hitched when his hands moved higher.

Her shoulders slouched then, and whispered "and what's sad that even though you're doing all this to me, you don't feel a thing. You don't, but I do. It's painful to see a woman distressed because she loves a man who will never love her back. It's even more painful to see said man play around with her like a toy…"

She sighed, "But, as usual, I forgive you. And I'll always. It's such a sad thing; human nature. It's a pitiful sight to behold when there is unrequited love. It really hurts when you're the victim of the pain."

"We should report to Gaara that you have agreed with this mission." Sasuke muttered and felt the arms that were once snaked around her waist relieve the pressure and soon she felt cold and ever so incomplete.


They walked towards where Gaara was to meet them; a restaurant that was quaint and not over-populated.

Sakura had explained to Sasuke to tell Kakashi and Naruto that she said it was her decision so that they wouldn't blame him completely, though they should've…Sakura knew that the whole 'guilty' speech was probably just to lift off some guilt off himself. It was a selfish act in the end, Sakura figured. He was still cruel and mean to her and felt this all going down unjustified. But, if anyone was to punish him for this, it would be her. She would never work this way; she would rather forgive him than hit him, and that's hot it had been working for years.

They spotted Gaara immediately and made a bee-line towards him. He was easily visible, the colour of his hair stood out quite well. Sakura guessed that they had that in common; her hair was easily visible as well. It was completely ironic that she was to be partnered with this man, she figured. Her hair was one that caught much attention. It'd be like a bright neon sign showing all of their adversaries where they were.

The walk to Gaara was short and brisk. The tension and pressure of being near Sasuke now that she had said all she could about him was unbearable. Sakura bet that Sasuke, at least at a lesser extent, was feeling the awkwardness that was surrounding them like an aura.

Both Sasuke and Sakura sat down across from Gaara. Gaara didn't even need to look up from his eyes on the menu, he asked monotonously "Who is it coming with me?"

"Sakura" Sasuke answered. Sakura just sat there, her eyes intently on Gaara, as if finding him fascinating.

Gaara took this time to look up and see Sakura staring at him. Sakura quickly averted her eyes and kept them locked on the table.

Gaara was used to this, people staring at him, and had misunderstood why her vision was solely trained on him. He was used to people staring and whispering behind his back…trying to kill him, not to stare at him to avoid looking at the person next to said person because of a previous conversation.

Not really even wanting to know, he asked, "Why'd you pick her?"

Sasuke didn't respond, neither did Sakura. She figured he was smart enough to pull it all together. And he did.

"Do the others know about this?" Gaara asked.

"No, do you think they'd actually let her go?"

"They wouldn't, and for a good reason. You do realize that if she goes with me, there is a very small chance that she would live in the end. Don't think that I don't know this myself. I won't hesitate."

"Don't think that I don't think you won't kill me. Also, I don't expect to hesitate either…" Sakura muttered, still not looking up from the table. Her eyes trailed the wooden polished rings in it. It reminded her of Asuma's cigarette foggy smoke circles. She supposed she would be seeing him as well when she died, Sakura mused.

"We are all fully aware that her living percentage is only 20%." Sasuke said as he glared at him, "Nearly everyone would die against you." Sasuke refrained himself from spitting out the word 'monster'. They both needed to cooperate at a somewhat level though.

"Yes. Especially you, Sasuke." Gaara muttered while drawing his eyes back at the menu.

"I said 'nearly' everyone. I obvious am not." Sasuke coolly regarded. Anyone who called Sasuke weak was sure to get hell.

"Indeed. You're obviously not 'the rest' because their normal and you're not. Who would dare leave one of their teammates to die like you are doing so right now?"

"She agreed with this herself." He defended himself.

"After some persuasion?"

Sakura took this opportunity to slam her hands down on the table, loud enough to shut them up but not loud enough to gain unwanted attention from the other people around them.

"We don't need these unnecessary fights. We are to be allies, not enemies. I would advise to keep that energy to yourselves for the future." Sakura murmured under her breath so that they could only hear it, yet still not looking up.

Both of them agreed silently, but continued to glare at each other. Gaara finally turned to Sakura and replied with the same indifferent tone "Pack up and meet me at the entrance of the village, we leave immediately."

Sakura sharply jerked her head in a nod "Agreed."

Gaara pulled shuffled from the other row seat beside him and pulled out a brown package, handing it to Sasuke. "Here are Sound attire as well as the hitai-ate. There are only 3, so don't lose them."

Sasuke took them and stood up while and Sakura slowly followed the action. Both briskly left the restaurant.

"You'd better hurry before Naruto comes back to your room." Sasuke murmured.

"I know. They'll be quite shocked when they find out. I don't want to be around or they'll try and talk me out of it." Sakura said dryly.

Picking up the pace, they finally arrived back to be in relief to find Naruto and Kakashi not to be seen in view. Sakura roughly stuffed her clothes in her backpack and gave a short nod to him. They both understood that all of Team 7 wouldn't see Sakura for 2 months…if ever.


The night was starting to peak out and cast shadows throughout all of Cloud. Sakura also noticed that not only was it getting darker out, it was also getting colder. Rubbing her arms rhythmically in an attempt to warm herself, she unconsciously sped up.

Sakura met Gaara at the front of the gates of Cloud. She knew that they'd better head off quickly. Though they made the decision of groups rather quickly, the distance they still had to cover was astounding.

The walk was very quiet. Neither initiated conversation. Neither really wanted to. Sakura knew not to. Just because she called herself weak, didn't mean that she knew she wasn't smart-didn't mean she wasn't SANE. No person in their right mind would try to strike up a conversation with the infamous Gaara. It screamed an obvious warning to anyone.

The noise seemed so much louder than it really was and made Sakura nearly jump out of her skin.

"You do know the reason why you are here, right?" It was a dull sound, the sound of him speaking. It sounded as if it was forced out, like he had never learned to talk 'casually' before. Sakura wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Sakura nodded quietly and finally got the voice to speak up and whisper "It is because I'm weak, I'm the 'dead weight' we both know this."

"There's that and other reasons. You're the only girl, they'd probably figure that I would have a harder time killing you."

Sakura looked at him with a little of disgust, 'did all guys really think this way?'

"It would never work though," Gaara interrupted her thoughts, "I don't care if they're female of male, as long as they die by my hands."

And now Sakura knew that she was going to die on this trip. There would be no if's no's, or but's. The slim chance of 21% turned to 20% again.

Sakura scowled. Sasuke probably knew that Gaara was so extremely similar to an asexual blob, and had used that as a sense of persuasion even though he knew!

They walked in silence and it grew much darker rapidly. Sakura was having troubles finding her footing; had tripped and fell a couple of times.

Though Sakura knew her vision was quickly becoming nothing as an advantage, she refused to give in and continued to stumble around. However much she denied this fact, it was a known fact that Sakura was not used to losing her vision. The staggering and collapsing on the ground numerous times accounted for this as known fact. It was as if Karma was specifically putting every single branch, stone, twig in her way for his own perverse pleasure.

Gaara had his animalistic traits and Shukaku to guide him, so it was much easier for him. It was like walking normally for him. Sakura was starting to envy his trait, but refrained herself from asking for his guidance on where to walk. She was desperate for correct footing, but she wasn't desperate to a suicidal level.


"You did WHAT?!?!?!?!"

The sound of Naruto's voice echoed through the whole town.

Sasuke had returned to his and Kakashi's designed room and started packing.

Kakashi wasn't yelling but he was definitely glaring at Sasuke.

Sasuke was just looking annoyed. "She said she wanted to do this herself. She thought she was useless and wanted to get stronger so she went with Gaara."

Okay, so the last part was a lie, but it would convince Kakashi and Naruto a bit better.

"Oh, so she found some ludicrous idea of 'training' if she just went with Gaara." Naruto said sarcastically, "That would just get her killed! That that's not going to help her get stronger!"

Kakashi murmured to Naruto to keep his voice down as the other people in the Inn were complaining.

Sasuke 'Hn'd and just continued packing, "I suggest you start packing, we have to leave right in the morning."

Kakashi said coolly at Sasuke, "I understand we need to move quickly soon after but it was not in your place to just decide who would be leaving without Naruto and my own approval. This was to be a group decision. If she does die, I hope you could handle the guilt, I'm sure as hell I wouldn't be able to."

Naruto's eyes were cast in the dark as he lowered his head.

"Teme…" His voice was shaky and restrained.

"How could you…leave one of us behind?" His eyes slowly were brought up and shone with so many bright emotions; the anger, the betrayal and hopelessness-the truth that he had just let her go. Naruto would never forgive himself. If Sakura truly did die, it would mostly be Sasuke's fault for 'persuading' her to go, but it would be all of their faults as well. How could he have let this happen?

Sharp eyes glared at Sasuke and with incredible speed, Naruto swung at Sasuke. Kakashi didn't move to block it.

The blow connected to his right cheek throwing him across to the other side of the room. Spitting out the blood, he wiped the excess with the back of his hand.

"Naruto." Kakashi's familiar voice sounded weary and gravelly. Even. Though his voice was contained, his eyes betrayed his anguish. "No use crying over spilled milk."

With that, Kakashi swiveled around and started packing his stuff as well. Naruto growled at Sasuke one more time before heading to his room. The one that was supposed to have Sakura waiting for him to return. To smile, possibly hit him over the head about him being an idiot-and laugh and be so very real. It would never be like before


Gaara had to hand it to Sakura, she had lasted longer than previously expected. Though unable to be seen, Gaara could estimate her lower half of her body was littered with cuts and scrapes.

"Ugh!" She grunted as she fell again, holding down a string of curses. She would not let this situation get the best of her. With shaky legs, she pushed herself back up again, and continued to blindly walk forward.

Though it may not look it, but Sakura was quickly getting better. The amount of falls she had had dramatically dropped. Her calculation skills brought up the number of 40% less than at the beginning. Her ears had adapted well, focusing on Gaara's light steps. She knew he was actually helping her, and it ate at her. Gaara's steps were naturally much quieter than it was now.

Gaara had never known how determined she was till now. It was very…admirable.

Gaara knew that he himself may have been strong physically, but emotionally he was extremely unstable and weak. Looking back in his years and saw the 10 year old self scared, unloved and afraid of even himself as well. People had put him in the worst possible childhood possible, and, naturally Gaara had mentally snapped. He let them get to him, he let them USE him, abuse him.

He wouldn't let that happen anymore. Just as a person learned to grow stronger physically, by training and putting an effort into it, he would try to grow stronger emotionally the same way.

He gave a side-ways look to see a clumsy Sakura. He had learned that to grow stronger emotionally, you had to let others trust you, help them in need and they would return the favor. Personally he scoffed at the idea of someone needing to aid him, but it did feel good helping someone in need…He had learned that feel of elation when doing something for another. For seeing their eyes light up and shine with appreciate-with admiration was truly something wondrous.

Passing by a neighbouring village, Gaara of age 14 saw a young girl crying. It had been a year since the Chuunin Exams had occurred. He bent over stiffly to ask what was wrong. Gaara had to admit, it didn't sound very concerning but it was, to his defense, something he was not very used to. The idea of 'being considerate' or being 'nice' was an easy to understand concept but the actual actions seemed much more difficult to grasp.

The girl explained to him that her ball got stuck on the roof of someone's house, pointing at a tall steep building that was near of where she was crying.

Naturally, he would kill the girl…It seemed efficient and quick. Something that went quite naturally to him from before. Killing people was his kind of thing. But losing to Naruto had dictated that the right philosophy was so aid others-fight for your friends and people close to you instead of yourself. Bringing a side-long glance to the girl, he hardly saw her as a threat. It wouldn't hurt this once. Summoning his sand with ease, Gaara let the particles drift towards the ball and lightly carry it back to her.

Her eyes brightly glimmered with happiness-something that Gaara didn't see often. It was a surprisingly nice feeling, that he had brought happiness to someone else other than Shukaku. She hugged him, with no avail because his Sand shield immediately reacted. 'Never trust anyone.' She started to cry again because she couldn't' hug her savior. Gaara sighed impatiently as he, for the first time tried to disable his Sand Shield.

To Gaara's surprise, he couldn't disable it even though he was trying. Perhaps all those years of believing his old motto of not getting close to anyone, had slowly grown to his personality. Instead, he settled with awkwardly petting her head.

She seemed content with the mere slight contact with him and continued to allow him to pet her. Her hair felt soft, and slipped through his fingers. It was an odd sensation. Feeling another's hair let alone being so close to someone. While pondering these thoughts, Gaara was surprised when he felt a slight pressure around his leg. Immediately he had registered it as an attack, probably much like his sand coffin, to crush his enemies. Was this girl the lure to let his guard down?

Not quite…

Said girl took her opportunity of his pondering to latch onto his leg and hug him gently. This new sensation of being so close to someone felt oddly comforting. 'It shouldn't though,' He mused. This young girl was a complete random stranger. What faith did this girl have? She had no idea who he was. He could easily crush her.

Why did she trust so? Did it give people so much pleasure to be near someone else that they could trust one another? He patted her on the head once more before forcing with the least amount of strength possible to detach her from him. The closeness of her was starting to give off some sort of calming sensation and it was worrying Gaara a little. Though he had adapted Naruto's philosophy of fighting for others, that did not mean he had to obtain such a lack any defense mechanisms in himself whatsoever. Being trusting was not in his blood.

Though not wanting to destroy his reflexes, Gaara started to practice day in day out to disable his sand shield so that he could learn to 'trust' people. He was training-he was training on making his emotions stronger and making his reactions so that he could alter a couple of things. For example, now, whenever a person would be in his way, he (tried) 'kindly' to tell them to step out of his way, instead of using sand coffin on them immediately.

Growing emotionally stronger, he realized he would grow stronger physically as well but would have many downfalls as well. Both physical and emotional gain would have much loss as well. Was it really worth it? If a person you had grown attached to, was in trouble, you'd do anything to get them back, it would make you strive more to get them, thus making you stronger physically. But if said was in trouble and other people had threatened you not to do something or they would get hurt, he would probably have to comply. He guessed that it was like gambling, it would either be your defeat, or your greatest weapon.

Gaara had to admit, it was surprisingly tiring to try new emotions and use them. The amount of effort was exhausting and being irritated at this was making her tired state worse. Why did people even bother? To be mad, hurt, sad, to cry and have your heart broken. Why did people continue to use these emotions. Gaara admitted he didn't have the greatest experience with such emotions, but he had felt their pain more than once. It hurt. Perhaps one day he would find out why humans sought to feel.

He looked back at Sakura, she had fallen once again. He should probably help her. It would be considered a 'good deed'.

Quickly disappearing in a swirl of sand, he appeared right next to Sakura, who was now grumbling swears and never seemed to grow tired of using them. She had let it get to her now and was fairly frustrated with this whole distressing dilemma.

Gaara grabbed her hand at which she jolted at the sudden touch. In her mind she was frantically hoping that Gaara hadn't lost control and was thinking of killing her. Gaara just rolled his eyes at her panic, clearly able to know her train of thoughts from the expressions flashing passed her face.

"I'm not going to kill you," 'yet…' Shukaku maliciously added while laughing, but Gaara ignored it. "I'm just guiding you, so you don't hit anything."

Sakura wasn't quite sure but she resigned and let him pull her by the hand.

Sakura was never one to like to be helped and hated the idea that she had a weakness of any sort, but for some reason, it felt comforting to lean on someone. She seemed quite alarmed at these thoughts, especially from the fact that she was happily resigning to Gaara. But still…getting help from Gaara didn't feel half as bad as getting help from one of her other teammates. It felt odd and she couldn't explain it.

Gaara had remembered this feeling. It reminded him of that time he had helped that girl, barely over a year ago. It felt like he wanted to hold her hand more often. Her hands were soft and small. They were also very warm, unlike the cold ones of his victims…like Yashamaru.

The pain seemed to sear through his mind.

He had learned never to trust someone so fast ever again. He had always blamed that he was young and too innocent to understand what Yashamaru was doing. Now, he understood it; he knew that to let a person in that meant that they could completely corrupt you. He let the grip on Sakura's arm slack a little, his eyes trained in front of them and had missed Sakura's quizzical look. He needed to be more careful.


Here's the deal: Gaara isn't Kazekage, as stated. The Akatsuki are still after the Jinchuuriki out there but haven't tried to take Gaara's as in the Shippuden. Orochimaru is still evil and stuff. Sakura is a student of Tsunade but is far from surpassing her. They're younger so I'm saying around…15.

Sasuke had contemplated the idea of leaving and joining Orochimaru, hence why Tsunade thought Team 7 would've been the group to want to be on this mission. I wouldn't say that Sasuke had stopped his idea of leaving because of Sakura's little plea/bench thing, but he didn't go. Though he hasn't left, he's still cold and such.

Naruto doesn't like Sakura as a crush, but is just protective. (Does this feel like a summary of this chapter?)

Everything that happened from before like Naruto's and Gaara's battle, the Chuunin exams minus Orochimaru biting Sasuke's neck (ew)…but Orochimaru has some interest in Sasuke. Purely platonic…I hope XP

Any questions about what's happening or anything just note me or ask me.

I always appreciate some insight on people's ideas of my work so if something it bothering, feel free to say so. DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto. Got a tad help from the awesomeness of Wikipedia!

(1) Tsuchikage is the Kage of Iwagakure.

Redid this chapter:

So honestly? I was pissed about how long it took to redo this chapter (like over a week) and NO WONDER. Besides me procrastinating it and such, it went to 13 or 14 pages long to 27! DX I have no idea how that happened but now I don't know if I should cut this in two chapters…