HOLY CROW I'm updating! Hell must have frozen over! Haha, ok, so sorry to all my reviewers! Hope this chapter makes up for the wait! Love you all!

"You said what!" Zero's eyes flashed dangerously as his voice turned down into a low hiss. He looked at her, his amethyst eyes nearly glowing in anger.

"I said yes." She replied firmly, her mind made up. She watched as his hands clench into fists and waited patiently for the oncoming storm. It was almost an amusing thought now that she thought about it, Zero's anger increasing at the thought of Kaname's fangs piercing her neck…

Zero's muscles tightened in tension and then his body slackened, his hands unclenching for a moment before he turned his back to her again. "You really want him to? No… Don't answer. I already know the answer."

"You're not mad?"

"Of course I'm mad!" He snarled. "But nothing I say or do is going to change your mind about him! If you really think you can live with yourself, after knowing what we do to survive, after knowing what he did, if you can live with that thing turning you into one of us, then live with this nightmare for as long as you can! But you have no idea what you'll be doing to yourself."

It was the worst thing he had ever said to her in her own opinion. She could live with the heated glares, the bursts of rage, she could understand his coldness, but this... acceptance. It was the worst betrayal she had ever felt from Zero, as if he really did no longer care for her.

"You'd let me become a vampire?" She asked shakily. He turned to go.

"Go to your lover Yuuki, spend as much time together as you can." He whispered icily. "But before you allow him to change you, you should make sure he survives the night, because I promise you, he has more then one enemy against him." With that he was gone. She wasn't sure if he had meant himself or Rika but the words alone were enough to cause a chill to run up her spine.

Sara returned to White Lily's stall where Ian and Night were awaiting her return. As requested, Night was back to his usual self, the wounds healed and his hunger seemed a bit stronger then before. She looked and Ian.

"What did you feed him? All the humans are gone." Ian nodded to one of the horse stalls, the only one that was now empty. Sara frowned. "I suppose if it does the job... I'm glad that you didn't touch the white mare... She has become a personal favorite of mine..."

"You mean it's because he likes her." Ian said in annoyance. Sara laughed.

"Are you jelous of Kiryu?"

"Why are you spending so much time with him? You even spared him!"

"Of course I did. I'm not a murderer. He wasn't standing in my way, and his parent's-"

"He's a vampire!" She laughed again.

"Yes he's a vampire, a soon to be level E who hates Kaname as much as I do. He is also Rika's lover, and I want Rika on my side." She walked over to Ian and ran a gloved hand across his face in a gentle caress. "My dear, I am not infatuated with Kiryu. My life has no room for such feelings. You have been very faithful to me, and I in return have done the same for you. Do not be jelous. Kiryu and I share only mutual hatred. Nothing more."

She smiled at him before going over to Night who was again wearing his muzzle. She kneeled down and pet his head as she would a dog as Ian watched, his hands still clenched into fists with Zero's face burning in the back of his mind.

Kaname settled himself in the chair inside the dorms. The other vampire's remaining loyally at his side. The doors opened as Chairman Cross strolled inside. "Kaname, all the day students are gone." Kaname nodded gently.

"That's wonderful news. I trust with Yuuki and Kiryu on the job, you had no problems?"

"None with the students..." Kaname looked closely at him.

"What exactly did you come here to tell me?" Chariman frowned.

"Kaname, Yuuki and Zero are close, very close... I just hope you understand the situation you are putting them in. I only want to keep the peace here at Cross Academy for as long as I can. I am no one to judge your actions but please remember, you already have this woman after you, you don't want Kiryu to join her."

"Kiryu is free to join whoever he will. In truth I'm a bit interested to see what he would do if he does join Sara... but I'm not worried." Aido and Ruka both looked up at Kaname, then each other. Again Chairman frowned.

"Kaname, it's not you I'm worried about. If Zero does join... Rika would undoubtably follow and I fear what will happen to the both of them, and those who try to protect you." Kaname smiled.

"You're worried I will kill them, or have them killed?" Chairman didn't answer.

Yuuki made her way back to the moon dorms, her head spinning at Zero's reaction. She reached the doors only to find them open, and was about to walk inside when she heard Kaname's voice. She pressed her ear to the wall and peeked around the corner, only able to see the back of the Chairman's head.

"Believe me, I have no intention of killing Zero or Rika."

"Unless they attack you of course?" Chairman asked.

"If I am threatened, I can not stop what will happen to those who do it. Whether by me or the others." Kaname replied, motioning to the other vampire's in the room, all except three nodded in approval.

"But you've given both Zero and Rika ample reason to do it. The whole point of them to join Sara would be to kill you."

"This is a war Chairman, I'm sure they both know what is at risk."

"These are your fellow students... Rika is your vassal-"

"Then she should know better then to attack her master. Since she drank from me, our blood bond grows deeper then before, I can stop her easily if I wish." Yuuki had to clamp her hand over her mouth so she wouldn't gasp out loud. Rika had drank from Kaname? That meant she was no longer going to fall to level E, which meant Zero...

"And what of Zero?" Cross asked. Again Kaname smiled.

"Kiryu will easily be disposed of..."

Again, I'm so so so sorry for such a long wait. Please R&R