Chapter 1: Stranger Than Fiction

Ashlyn quickly grabbed her assortment of bags and headed for the door. Normal school day as usual, nothing much happening except that Science test she had that day. It was foggy that morning, humid and damp. She slid open the van door of her carpool and made her way to her usual spot on the cramp vehicle; first row next to the window. She looked out the window as usual and watched the outside world move. She didn't really know why she always looked out the window. She guessed it was because she was always hoping for something dramatic and amazing to happen. She named the objects mentally as they went by.

"Tree, tree, bush, school, truck, car, house, fence," the list went on and on in her mind. "Sign," It was a white sign, advertising the lease of property or something, standing at about six feet. The van came to a stop at the intersection as it waited its turn to move forward. This gave Ashlyn a chance to fully observe the sign. The paint was slightly faded and the blue lettering was beginning to peel. The sign had obviously been there for at least a year. A large trash truck passed by the van, blocking the view of the sign for a split second. When the truck quickly passed, a view of a shadow had been added to the scenery. This automatically caught Ashlyn's attention considering it was the only thing she was watching. She squinted a little and her heart pounded. Had something finally occurred in her field of vision?

"It looks like a……..person!" She thought. The figure sat lazily on the sign, almost slouching. This surprised her considering that the sign looked like it was only two inches in width at best. The figure seemed wide. Not fat wide but as if the person was wearing a cloak. And its eyes…she'd seen them somewhere. They were looking straight at her, with an intense and slightly evil gaze. She shuddered slightly but as soon as she had made all of these observations, the figure had disappeared after another car blocked her vision. She blinked. Was that real? Was it just the fog getting to me? She shook her head. Everyone taught her that reality was final. The fact that the fog was thick and she was still sleepy from the previous night's sleep made it reality; therefore, final. She thought about the sign until she got to school. Her morning buddy, Ana, was waiting for her as usual.

"Hey Ashlyn!" Ashlyn waved back. "So what's up?"

"Nothing really. There was another lame Naruto chapter," Ashlyn complained as an annoyed and disappointed expression appeared on her face.

"Why what happened?" Ana asked. Ana wasn't into Naruto but Ashlyn guessed she asked for the sake of argument.


"Itachi's friggen dead. I'm glad that fight's over and all but he was one of my favorite characters," she whined. The front doors were unlocked and they made their way inside the white hallway. They saw the entrance to the girl's gym and quickened their pace. Might as well be first. They both sat down on the cold gym floor. Ashlyn spotted her other friends, Sherina and Diana, and scooted over stealthily hoping not to catch the monitoring teacher.

"Hey," she whispered cautiously. Sherina had only recently noticed she was there.

"So yeah anyway," she turned back to Diana to continue their conversation. Ashlyn hated that she did this in the morning.

"HEY! I'm here you know," she said. Sherina turned again.

"And so…" If Ashlyn could sweat drop she would.

"Stop ignoring Ashlyn like that!" Diana commanded. Diana was a saint of some sorts.

"Fine. So what happened in your life worth talking about?" Sherina asked sarcastically. Sherina wasn't usually this rude. She was actually one of Ashlyn's best friends. But she supposed that this sarcastic and weird behavior was normal by now.

"…." Ashlyn really didn't have anything to say, but she just wanted to be recognized.

"Exactly. Now as I was saying-" she continued with her conversation and Ashlyn flipped through the Full Metal Alchemist manga she had in her bag, though she had already read it the previous day. She was happy that the library at their school was updated with popular mangas instead of those series that you've never even heard of.

After about fifteen minutes of re-reading the FMA manga, they were dismissed to first period. Ashlyn's first class was P.E. so she didn't have to go far. After dressing out, she went out of the locker room and into the gym. She was the first to enter the empty gymnasium. Small rays of light streamed through the skylight above. It was a lot quieter in this gym when there weren't any girls in it. Randomly bored, she walked around the gym lazily. As she neared the opposite side of the gym, she heard a knock on the outside door. She leaned out of the gym doors to see if it was a teacher or not. Instead she saw……..Deidara? Ashlyn blinked. No really, a Deidara was at the glass paned doors of her school wanting entrance.

"What the hell?" She thought confused. He banged on the door again a more annoyed look in his eyes. He said something but she didn't hear. "Oh he must be some crazy, lunatic cosplayer! Better not let him in," Ashlyn thought. She gave him a thumbs up and mouthed something like, "awesome cosplay," and horizontally made a circle with her arm, trying to signal him to go around to the front office. For some reason he didn't seem amused. Afraid he would bust out with a gun or something she quickly returned inside the gym.

"Okay then…." She muttered to herself as she walked away from the doorway. Suddenly, out of no where, the outside door exploded! (A/N: I know he could've just kicked the door open but where's the explosion…I mean fun in that!) "Oh crap!" Ashlyn cried. She was about 10 feet away from the door when the explosion occurred. She instinctively dived to the ground and shielded her head with her arms. She thought the situation through quickly.

"Okay, psycho cosplaying terrorist bomber in school…MY school! Gotta find somewhere to hide!" She looked around the room frantically. The bleachers! She sprinted towards the hollow bleachers and dived under them. She crawled inside as deep as the wooden structure would allow and tried to slow her breathing so that it wouldn't be noticeable. She heard the light footsteps of the intruder. His sandals actually made that friction like noise like they did on the anime, which confused her slightly considering that the floor was waxed. The footfalls approached slowly. What was this guy? I mean, he just bombed a school with the alarms going off and police possibly already on their way! And now he's walking around as if he was taking an afternoon stroll! The footsteps stopped, causing Ashlyn to tense up.

The foldable front opening of the bleachers flew open. Deidara was bending down to see under the wooden structure.

"You really suck at hiding, un," he said slightly annoyed. Ashlyn froze. His voice was like the Japanese voice actor's voice except in English…weird. "Hurry up and get the hell out from under there," he commanded.

"Are you going to hurt me?" Ashlyn questioned cautiously. Deidara sighed.

" No I'm not. Now get the hell out of there so we can leave, un." Ashlyn crawled out cautiously. He didn't seem crazy. He actually looked pretty darn sane. As she crawled out from under the bleachers, she was swiftly grabbed by the arm and yanked towards the doors.

"H-hey! Woah woah! Wait a minute where in the hell are you taking me?! A-and what the hell is that?!" She pointed towards the blown up entrance. "Who the heck do you think you are?!" Just then she noticed a strange warmth on her arm where he was holding/dragging her from. It was like….movement. "AHHHH!!!!!! LET GO OF ME!! GET THAT HAND OFF OF ME!!!!" He released her. She rubbed her arm. "Those hands…You really are….." She looked at him wide eyed. "Deidara?"

He turned to her. "Yep," He said in a bored voice. Ashlyn fell back onto the floor. "What's wrong with you? C'mon we have to go."

"This is the greatest day of my life," she said exasperated. Deidara frowned. This was getting annoying.

"Um, yeah we have to go now, un!" Her arm was almost ripped out of its socket as he yanked her again.

"Ow! And stop touching me with those hands! It's weird!" He yanked her arm again so that he had her in a head lock. "Thank you. But what about my parents? What about….where and why are you taking me?!" Deidara didn't respond. Instead he quickened the pace towards the doors.

Outside he created a clay bird; sort of like the one he used to hold Gaara when he was dead. He threw her in the birds mouth very uncaringly and jumped on the birds back. The bird's mouth closed shut. Ashlyn heard the distant sounds of sirens.

"I'll explain what I can later. Just shut up and stay quiet until then, got it?" Deidara said in a surprisingly serious and commanding voice. Ashlyn responded with a very nervous 'yes sir' and the bird lifted off the ground.

So there she was…in the mouth of a clay bird…being abducted by a so-called fictional character…for no known reason…..WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!


Well yeah here it is! I know it's random and I'msorry ifI upset anyone withthe 394 spoiler! I'm gonna be attentive about chapters as opposed to my first fanfic. In otherwords, less OOC unless it goes with the plot and such. Well this is TECHNACALLY my first fanfic so be nice!