Dear 'Guest'

Thank you for your recent rude review! Much appreciated. Perhaps if you had the courage to leave a your feedback logged in I might have been able to reply to you privately? Oh well. Leaving a review like this is never nice:

:Hmmm. I would REALLY LOVE it if you finished this. (As it is one of the CUTEST ZoLu ficcies I have EVER read.) But, at this point, I guess that you never will. Such a shame on this site, and, many, that people are just TO DAMN LAZY to ever finish what they start. Oh, well, sighs. At least I can rest secure in the knowledge that I never start, or at least POST, a work unless it is DONE/FINISHED/FINITO. Makes Me feel better that at least ONE persen on this site can say this and actually MEAN it. Bye. :)

I'm sure many people feel the same frustration you do. It's nice you liked my story, but at the end of the day it's not an obligation for me to FINISH. It would be nice, yes. Do I plan to finish this story? One day. It's not high on my priorities between full time employment and leading my own real life. Writing is a hobby for me. It's something I used to enjoy doing until people like you made it feel like too much of a pressure.

Personally, I think it's great that you finish a story before posing it. Good on you. Perhaps now I would be the same, however I started this fanfic when I was 16. I posted it when i was 18 and I've since tried to pick it up again several times. I'm a different person now, so it's a bit hard. I'm 26. There is a far higher demand for me to complete my other fanfictions 'Dark Truth' and 'Quest'. I'm focusing on trying to keep my passion alive for those at the moment, with great difficulty I might add as One Piece lost it's spark for me a number of years ago.

Do I feel bad for leaving people hanging? Sure. Does it keep me awake at night? Nope. Comments like yours certainly don't help though. Your passive aggressive tone is both rude and disrespectful. Obviously I didn't start the story with no intention of finishing it. Things get in the way. Life happens. There's certainly no need for you to be petty and childish about it. For all you know I could be an extremely depressed person and that kind of comment could have tipped me over the edge. Thank God I'm not.

So long story short: Think about what you're about to say and how it might hurt who you're going to say it to. Don't be a dick.

To everybody else who have encouraged me and commented over the years. You're all amazing people. It's humbling to see how many people enjoy the stories I tell. I'm sorry I haven't delivered this story to you as I should have but please don't ever send messages like this. I'm a strong, confident person; this kind of stuff rolls over my back like water off a duck, but somebody else might not be. Rudeness gets you nowhere. Stories can't always be finished but if you want to message somebody, be encouraging and kind. If they still don't want to finish it, just be happy they shared what they did with you. They didn't have to after all - you can always imagine the ending for yourself. That's what's wonderful about imagination.

So I had better stop preaching now. I just want you awesome guys to know how much you are and always have been appreciated and to hopefully calm the tits of people who leave passive aggressive messages like I just received. For those wondering - yes, this story is still worked on. It's not my priority though. I'll get around to it one day, but writing isn't something I have a lot of time for any more. If anybody would like to have a little fun with this idea themselves, feel free! Just credit me as the original writer - I'd love to see what you can come up with :)
