Chapter 13

Spoilers: Season 1 up until "Shadow." I kind of flubbed the time line a little because technically in the U.S. the season finale had aired by the time Sam had his birthday, but in this story we're still before "Dead Man's Blood". But other than that, I hope I got things right.

A/N: Sorry this is a week late. Life was kind of crazy last week but now I think there are probably two chapters left to this story. One of which I will post next weekend since I got off in my timetable.

A/N2: Okay. To reduce confusion, when Sam is with Dean and John, Lillian is in control and I might refer to him as either Sam or Lillian. When he's with Jess, it's just Sam.


Sam pushed the end button on his phone absently and then laid it down on his knee.

No answer. And not just Dean, but Dean, Pastor Jim, Bobby, and even his Dad—of course the last one he hadn't really expected to answer anyway. But the others? Fiddling with the phone absently he tried to talk himself down from his growing panic. Maybe he was just overreacting? Yeah, that was it. It was just his overactive imagination fueled by a bad dream that was then coupled with not being able to get a hold of anybody that might be able to alleviate those paranoid thoughts.

Besides hadn't he asked his brother not to contact him anymore? And maybe Bobby and Pastor Jim were just out on a hunt and couldn't be reached. Yeah…that must be it. Right?

Jess chose that moment to walk back into the room with her hair in a towel and Sam sighed in resignation. Yeah right, and a werewolf didn't want to rip out your heart during a full moon. Sometimes Sam cursed their Winchester luck.


"I just don't…know what to do anymore," Sam said hesitantly as he fiddled with his empty tea mug. "I feel like I should do something, you know, figure this out? But…"

"You don't know what Dean will say," Missouri said with understanding in her words and Lillian felt like she was going to puke.

When she'd first encountered the psychic, she'd thought that Missouri was a lot like she used to be. Full of piss and vinegar. That is before John Winchester had ruined her life. But this…understanding, thoughtful person just made her want to gag. She gripped her cup a little tighter fighting against the urge to roll her eyes at all this…nicety.

A strange look went across Missouri's face and Lillian had to wonder how much the young psychic could sense of her thoughts. Just to be safe…

"I just feel like I should be…figuring out how these…powers work. And why now? Why haven't they shown up before now?"

Missouri just shook her head and shrugged. "I don't know, Sam." She paused for a moment to just look at him and Lillian averted her eyes afraid what Missouri might see if she kept eye contact. "Do you want some more tea?"

Lillian looked down at her empty mug and then nodded handing her the cup with a polite smile.

As Missouri accepted the cup with own little smile, Lillian cautiously watched until she was out of the room and then quickly reached into her pocket for the glass vial she had put there earlier. Quickly unscrewing the lid, she poured the clear looking liquid into Missouri's tea. It swirled slightly before settling and Lillian palmed the vial back into her pocket as she kept glancing towards the kitchen door. She could hear Missouri banging around behind the swinging door and relaxed a little knowing that she hadn't been caught.

A few seconds later Missouri came back and Lillian accepted the mug with a muted smile before taking a sip watching carefully over the rim of her mug as Missouri sipped at her own tea.

"You asked…why now?" Missouri started out slowly and Lillian just nodded tightly wanting nothing more than to shout for her to just get on with it already. "Sometimes, psychic powers can…manifest during times of stress. Maybe…with Jess?"

Lillian ducked her head as if in sadness, but inside she wanted to just laugh. She knew exactly where Sam's powers came from and they didn't have anything to do with 'stress'.

"You think?" Lillian said looking up through Sam's bangs and gave Missouri the puppy-dog eyes she knew Sam was famous for. "But…maybe if I could…" She took another sip of the hot tea hoping that Missouri would follow suit but the other psychic just continued to stare at her. Come on. Just…drink the damned stuff already. Pausing long enough to make it look like she was trying to summon the courage to ask something she then continued. "Would you…teach me? I think this could be a good thing," she said hurriedly seeing the change in Missouri's stance. "If I could learn how to control them, then…maybe…"

A wave of lethargic dizziness washed over her halting her words and she had to grab at the table's edge for a second to steady herself. "Whoa."

Missouri frowned in concern. "Sam?"

Lillian looked up at the other woman as her vision blurred slightly out of focus before tilting and spinning and she tightened her grip on the table's edge. "What…?" she slurred slightly feeling like her tongue weighed a ton and she blinked slowly against the exhaustion washing through her. Something wasn't right.

"Are you okay?" Missouri asked as came around the table and tentatively tried to steady him as he swayed slightly in his seat.

Her vision swayed and danced at an almost sickening pace and she had to close her eyes to try and keep from throwing up as she continued to try and stay upright in her chair. She tightened her grip on the table and…the cup. "Wha- did you…"

"Its okay, Sam, don't fight it. It's for the best."

Lillian felt like she had two ton weights tied to her body as she slumped in the chair unable to control her movements and her head lolled back letting him pry his eyes open slightly to see Missouri's concerned face leaning over her. "You…drugged…"

"I couldn't have you using my boy to hurt anyone. And besides…I thought you would've learned your lesson the first time, Lillian." Missouri's eyes flashed yellow. "Never mess with the Winchesters." A small wicked smile crossed the younger woman's face before she helped to tip Sam forward towards the table.

Sam's hand, still wrapped around the mug, tipped the cup over spilling the rest of its contents onto the table top before skidding over the edge and tumbling to floor where it smashed into a million pieces. "You…sonuva-," Lillian struggled to lift her head up off the table where it had landed but couldn't even manage that as darkness pulled at the edges of her vision.

"Don't worry, Sam. We'll get this figured out." Missouri brushed Sam's bangs out of his face and Lillian tried to pull away in disgust as Sam's eyes fluttered trying to stay awake and focus on her enemy but it was futile gesture. Blinking once more against the effects of the drugs, she tried to rally Sam's body once more but with no success and then Sam was out.


The Impala raced down the highway tearing up the miles between him and Lawrence, and with every mile Dean cursed a little bit more that he couldn't go faster. But he couldn't go any faster, if he went any faster he risked getting pulled over by the cops and couldn't afford to do that.

Beside he was already going eighty.

As he drove, he had been racking his brain for any way to stop Lillian, but all he was getting was a headache. If Holy Water and Christo didn't work maybe she wasn't a demon, but if she was possessing Sam then…was she a ghost? But she couldn't be, she'd helped lay the salt lines the other night and hadn't had any problems with the salt burning Sam's skin so...

Dean rubbed his forehead feeling the throb of the headache increase with each failed possibility. He sighed running a hand down across his aching neck and then checked his watch to see how much longer. He had to do a double take seeing that only an hour had passed. "Oh, come on!" he growled and cursed again that he couldn't go faster.

His phone rang and he fumbled to get it open while keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah?"

"Dean? How close are you?" Bobby asked hurriedly hearing the frustration in the young hunter's voice.

"Not close enough," Dean grumbled and pushed a little harder on the accelerator as he flew past another car on the blacktop highway.

"Look, be careful. You won't do Sam any good if you crash on the way to help him."

Dean gritted his teeth in annoyance but reluctantly backed off on the gas bringing it the needle back down to eighty. "Did you find anything?"

Bobby sighed and Dean imagined he was probably fiddling with the brim of his hat. "No, not yet."

"Damn it, Bobby!" Dean roared and would've thrown the phone if he didn't need it right then.

"Hey, don't go yelling at me, son. I'm trying the best I can here."

Dean sighed and tried to tamp down his frustration a little more. "Yeah, I know. Sorry. So, now what?"

There was silence for a few moments and Dean held his breath hoping that Bobby could come up with something that he couldn't. "I don't know. I'd say try and do an exorcism on her, but since the Holy Water and Christo didn't work, then…"

"Yeah, I know, I was coming up with the same thoughts. Maybe…a combination of ghost and demon stuff?"

The line was quiet for a moment and Dean thought he could hear pages being turned in the background. "What about a binding spell? Keep her from doing any more damage until we can figure out the right combination to send her ass packing."

"But what about Sam? She'll still be in his body and I don't even want to think about what damage she could do to him in the mean time."

"Yeah, I know," Bobby said with defeat in his voice. "Look, let me call a few more people. See if I can find something. In the mean time…be careful?"

"Yeah," Dean said softly and ended the call.


"Sam, is everything okay?"

Sam continued to stare at Jess with sad eyes knowing what he needed to tell her, but hating that he had to.

"Did you get a hold of Dean?" Jess asked as she pulled her wet hair back over her shoulder and sat down on the couch beside him with a worried look on her face. "Is he okay?"

Sam bit his lip slightly and opened his mouth several times to say something but each time had to stop not knowing what exactly to say.

"Sam," Jess said grabbing his hand. "Just tell me."

Sam sighed and pressed his lips together as he looked down at their entwined hands lying in his lap. "I couldn't get a hold of him," he said rather quietly not looking up at her. Not sure what look he would see in her eyes.

"So…what does that mean?" Jess asked slightly hesitant not really sure where this conversation was going.

Sam just shook his head. "I don't know. But it's not just him. I tried Dean, several family friends…even my Dad and they all…" He kind of threw his hands up at a loss of how to explain why that worried him so much. For most people, not getting in touch with their brother or family friends wouldn't send knots of fear scorching through their stomachs.

"So…what do you want to do?"

Sam just shook his head and shrugged in almost defeat. "I don't know. I just feel like…"

"Hey," Jess said stopping him by turning his face to look at hers and putting a hand on his cheek. "It's okay. I understand. You're worried. Now…what do you need to do to find them?"

Sam released a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding and felt a little of his tension melt away. He reached up and cupped a hand behind her neck pulling her close until their foreheads touched and just sat there for a moment letting himself relish in the feel of her warmth and love before opening his eyes to look at her once again. "Help me pack?"


A/N: There you go. I hope it was worth it and that it wasn't too out there. Let me know what you think by sending me a review and I'll post the next chapter next weekend. Until then.