Hey guys I'm here with a short, funny one-shot. It's not intended to go anywhere I just thought it was pretty funny. So review kk? I'd like to here your thoughts!

Cagalli rolled away from the ray of sun light that have been dazzling her, only to be met with the handsome face of the boy she met at the bar last night.

"Hey beautiful, what did you think of last night."

"It was all right…" Cagalli mumbled through her yawn.

"Ya know what? I got to get going, but if you're interested…" The handsome boy turned to his night stand, and scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to her "you can call anytime you want.

"Alright, I'll keep in touch" Cagalli said as she got up to get dressed.

Two Days Later

The boy had a package! He was a wee bit fast but he was good nonetheless. Cagalli rolled over her fluffy blankets, and reached for the note the boy gave her. In neat printing the note read;



Cagalli carefully dialed the number into her neon green phone. The phone rang, once, twice… As soon as the phone was picked up Cagalli summoned up her flirty tone "Hey Zala…"

"Speaking, who's this?" the voice was definitely similar to the boy's, somewhat deeper.

He's teasing me…was the first thought that came to Cagalli's head. But she decided to humor him nonetheless.

"Why it's Cagalli… You know, the girl you had in your bed just two days ago."

There was a pause. Cagalli frowned; did Zala run out of things to say already?

"I…I'll get my son to call you back." Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The phone was crashed into cradle.

Cagalli felt her ears grow hot….. and groaned