Hiyas! AW here. My second story, so I hope you'll find it more entertaining that my first one. And in case you were thinking, please don't think that the OC has a main part in the story. She has a part, but Yuu (yes, I like calling himYuu too!)and Allen will probably still be the main. This is mainly Yullen anyway. Review please!

"Shit. Where is that blasted Moyashi?" Kanda muttered to himself, whipping around corners in a bad mood, glaring at very innocent and random passers-by. "If it wasn't for that cursed Komui's buddy system with personalized punishments, I wouldn't be looking for that baka Moyashi moments before class," he shuddered at the thought of his punishment; each time he failed to do his duties, he would have three inches of his precious hair cut.

As he rounded a corner, he spotted Allen scratching his head, looking bewildered. Oh Kami…

"Oi! Dumbass!" Allen looked toward Kanda, looking relieved. Kanda, however, was not to be softened.

"You and your bloody sense of direction! The Science room is on the other side of the school!" The people in the corridor immediately cleared as Kanda advanced on Allen and unsheathed Mugen, then bringing it swishing down in front of a poor Allen, the tip of it half an inch from the bridge of his nose.

"Run, baka Moyashi. If we end up late for class, you'll have Ichigen to deal with before I mince you up,"

And Allen? He ran like the wind of course! Why in the world did Komui have to pair me up with that jerk? Allen thought as corridors flashed pass. (He was, obviously, following Kanda)

Within the next three minutes, they had reached the Science room. Although Allen was panting like a dog, Kanda did not seem to even breathe heavily. Reever, the science teacher, was already sitting on the teacher's table. Kanda cursed loudly and Allen shrank back, sweatdropping. Did he have to be that publicly vulgar?

"Kanda, don't swear like that. Get in, get in you two. You were every nearly late. I merely came in early today because I had to speak with some people about their science assessments… I don't get what's so hard about dissecting a frog…"

Allen heaved a deep sigh of relief. That means Kanda won't kill me… That jerk…

"Tch," Kanda swept to his seat, sheathing Mugen along the way. Allen stared at him for a few seconds, and then proceeded to his seat beside Lavi, muttering 'thatjerkthatbastardjerkthatjerkthatfreakingjerkthatjerk…' All the way.

"Hard time, Allen?" Lavi stated, his hands folded behind his head and his feet crossed on the table.

"Harder than diamond," Allen replied as Reever, or as we must refer to him when class starts, Mr. Wenham, slid off the table and went to the front of the class and clapped his hands for attention.

"Class! Take out your Science Textbooks and turn to page 974. Today we will be learning about…" But his sentence was cut short as the door burst open with a loud bang and none other than Komui Lee bounded happily into the room.

"HEY ALL!" He positively yelled. "I am here, first off, to present a bouquet of flowers to Lenalee," she put her hand to her forehead and shook her head. "And REEVER! Who has been working so hard… OW!" His speech ended abruptly as Mr. Wenham smacked him hard on his head with a green clipboard in which he kept the class register, a vein pulsing in his forehead.

"Komui Lee, I-am-having-class-here,"

"REEVER! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Komui flung his arms around Reever's neck tightly. The class burst into silent laughter (and Kanda 'tch'ed) as Reever, surprisingly, turned slightly pink in the cheeks and tore Komui off him and threw (literally) him out of the classroom door.

"GET OUT! I AM HAVING CLASS…" His expression calmed as he looked out of the door. He blinked a few times as Komui burst back into the classroom.

"I have another reason to visit this class today, you know," he said, casting an exaggerated puppy eye at Reever. "Class, today, you have a new classmate! Come in, Ayuri-chan,"

Whoever that Ayuri is, she moved fast. All that the class saw was an orange blur before a tall, fragile looking girl with shockingly bright orange hair such that she bore a slight resemblance to Lavi stood before the class. But fragile she seemed, Lavi felt she looked rather intimidating, despite a small smile on her face and he did not have to look long to see why.

She had a ruby ended, foot-long needle keeping her long hair in place in a loose bun.

"There you go, Reever! Class, this is your new classmate, Ayuri Yukito, and I declare her buddy to be my beloved Lenalee!" Lenalee had been the only one without a buddy as Komui was too fussy.

"Now for my beautiful flowers!" And Komui drew two bouquets of roses from nowhere, one blue and one red. As quick as lighting, Reever had once again thrown Komui from the classroom and bolted the door behind him, heaving a great sigh of relief, leaving Ayuri looking incredulously at him.

"As for your seat," Reever said as though he had done nothing less normal than breathe. His eyes swept the classroom for empty seats. "Ah, there's one over there," he gestures at a seat behind Kanda, and what else could he do but 'tch'?

"Right then class, where was I?

Please read word for word here.

There! Hope you liked it! I don't know when I'll post the next chapter, but it'll be soon, AW promises! Hee!