
Okay my first chappie tell me what you think alrite, the pairings areā€¦








This is a konoha high school story, with a beauty pageant in it too. I won't be offended if you don't read the lyrics there just there for people who do want to I got them from Hope you like.

Lyrics - "speech" - 'thoughts'

Chapter one: first day

Naruto walked down the street in front of her friend Kiba's house it was a little off the way to school but she had promised to walk with him on their first day and would probably end up doing so on other days too. Her blue eyes seemed to glow underneath the edge of her black bandana which all of her hair folded up underneath it, she was wearing a baggy pair of black combats and an orange polo shirt over a dark blue skin tight long sleeved top. She smiled her usual mischievous grin as she walked past his house and he walked out.

"Hey, Naruto!" he yelled his house was on a corner, a big white building with 'Inuzuka Vetinary practice' in big bold letters. she walked in to where her friend was waving at her enthusiastically, there were two others with him.

"Yo, Kiba, Shikamaru, Chouji!" she waved back, she had lots of people she considered friends but these were her best friends since forever, Kiba had been in the same school ever since lower school and they met Shikamaru in middle school and apparently him and Chouji came as a package so it ended up the four of them, and Gaara although he hadn't attended the same school until now he was a good friend of Naruto's and lived across the road. "Any of you guys heard Linkin Park's new album? It completely rocks!" she said thrusting a fist into the air they all sweat dropped.

"How can you be so happy it's the first day of school?" asked Kiba grabbing his schoolbag from behind the counter he was previously lent against.

"It's the first day of high school." Chouji corrected and Naruto grinned at him.

"So troublesome." muttered Shikamaru.

"C'mon Kiba, new school, meet new people, high school!" She said as if that answered everything. "You're so passive Kiba, lighten up there'll probably be older girls there, who dig guys in a band.." she said as if musing to herself, but was interrupted with a wolf like howl from her fellow band mate.

"Oh yeah, girls with boobs, the only thing that can beat that is older girls with boobs!" he rejoiced until they reached the gates, and then turned to Shikamaru. "Oi, Shika what kinda women you like?"

"Women are too troublesome for my tastes." he stated getting a frown from a blonde haired girl who was talking to a shorter red headed boy with an impassive face.

"Ah, Naru!" called the blonde, making the blue eyed one turn.

"Temari-neechan! Gaara!" came the reply as she waved manically, making a nearby older boy with white hair smirk and push his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Hey Gaara didn't see you there." said Kiba while Shikamaru grunted at them and looked over the two's shoulder at the sky, and Chouji opened a packet of chips and offered them around.

"How was you guyses holiday?" Naru asked them both, then getting excited she asked "Did you get me a present?" a dark blue harried boy standing behind her snorted at her childishness, and she turned around angrily "You got a problem man?"

"You're annoying." he answered with a smirk at her growing red face.

"You asshole who asked you!"

"You did, usuratonkachi."

"What did you call me?"

"usu-ra-ton-ka-chi." he said slowly as if she were three years old.

"That's not what I meant take it back, bastard."

"Make me." as a white haired teacher approached, unknown the arguing teens all those not involved stepped back as well as those innocent bystanders who were hoping for a fight, and the girls standing around who were going googly eyes over the hot boy standing there and not paying much attention to much else.

"Right on!" came the reply and Naru stepped forwards swinging her arm back for a hit but was stopped by the teacher.

"I think I'll stop it about there." he stated, the pale skinned boy also looked startled, which Naruto was pleased about. but she looked back at her so-called friends and scowled her eyes said it all 'Traitors' then she stood properly and took her hand back roughly from the teacher.



Scotty doesn't know,
That Fionna and me,
Do it in my van every Sunday.

She tells him she's in church,
But she doesn't go,
Still she's on her knees, and...

Scotty doesn't know, oh.
Scotty doesn't know-oh.
So don't tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

Fionna says she's out shopping,
But she's under me and I'm not stopping.

Cause Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.
So don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't knoooooow...

I can't believe he's so trusting,
While I'm right behind you thrusting.

Fionna's got him on the phone,
and she's trying not to moan.
It's a two way call,
and he knows nothing.

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty.
Cause Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow...

We'll put on a show, everyone will go.
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't kno-ow...

The parking lot, why not?
It's so cool when you're on top.
His front lawn, in the snow.
Laughing so hard, cuz...

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

I did her on his birthday.

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't kno-ow...

Scotty will know,
Scotty has to know,
Scotty's gotta know,
Gonna tell Scotty,
Gonna tell him myself.

Scotty has to know,
Scotty has to know,
Scotty has to,
Scotty has to,
Scotty has to go!

Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty)
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty)
Scotty doesn't know...
Scotty's gotta go!

they finished the song and an sat down on mismatched chairs they were in an old bomb shelter that was in Gaara's back garden and was turned into a sort of den for him and his friends, the room was full of mismatched objects salvaged from junk yards family and friends by the five of them for this sole purpose, the only things that didn't look old were the music equipment Chouji on the drums Kiba and Naru on guitar, Gaara on base and Shikamaru was a mix between their only fan and the tech guy, he was smarter than any of them but Naru was better with tech stuff than him for some reason. sat on the mix between comfy and dining chairs, and sofa (Shikamaru was laying on this) they had normal conversation.

"you're lucky you didn't get detention for that fight." stated Gaara when the conversation came to school

"yeah but it was all that Sasuke kids fault, and those damn girls nearly gutted me like a fish when I said it!"

"well he is good looking." reasoned Shika making them all stare

"something you wanna let out buddy?" howled Kiba as they all burst into laughter at his statement

"don't worry Shika man we support you 100 percent in your decision." added Chouji at the same time as shoving a fairy cake whole in his mouth, and they all went serious.

"yeah we know how hard it can be to come out." (Gaara)

"just make sure you get your good friend some video evidence that you and sasuke bastard are good in bed" came in Naru at the same time as cracking up again and the other boys joined in.

Shikamaru merely muttered "troublesome" under his breath and ignored them for the most part. They laughed and ate and drank until about midnight when Gaara's older brother came in.

"hey kankuro-niisan." greeted Naru cheerfully from underneath a pile of Kiba and his dog akamaru who had joined them a few hours previously.

"you guys it's midnight already aren't you the least bit tired?"

"no" answered a suddenly emotionless Gaara, he seemed only to open up when Naru was there and the littlest of things could put him back in his shell, and Naru patted his back.

"don't worry man we'll all meet at school tomorrow okay? I'll come by and pick you up for walking okay?" the red head nodded stiffly then to Kankuro she said "one more song?"



I'm sick of being alone, when are you coming home?
Just a glimpse of your face
I can remember smelling your hair, I'll meet you anywhere
Somewhere that no one can retrace
Somewhere where no one will know our faces

She has two arms to hold me
Four legs to wrap around me
She's not your typical girlfriend
She's my alien
My alien

She knows when something is wrong, when something doesn't belong
She can read in my mind
And she can be assured that with me, there is no conspiracy
She's not wasting her time
She can take me to the place that she calls home,
in a spaceship that will someday be my own
Please take me to your leader
Tell her I will surrender
I will surrender

She has two arms to hold me
Four legs to wrap around me
She's not your typical girlfriend
She's my alien
My alien

My alien

My alien

My alien

My alien

She has two arms to hold me
Four legs to wrap around me
She's not your typical girlfriend
She's my alien
My alien

I bought the astronauts kit
Now all I needs a rocket
My love, intergalactic friend
She's my alien

on a high from all the sugar and caffeine and music she practically danced through the doorway of her house to her mothers shrill laughter then stopped 'oh god did they tell me anything? I don't think so I can't remember' she fretted in the doorway for a few minutes before a voice broke her out of her trance.

"excuse me can I get my shoes?" she looked up at emotionless dark eyes 'so familiar'

"GAH! sasuke bastard!" she then immediately realised her mistake this boy was taller, older and his hair was longer and face ever so slightly different."uh sorry I thought you were someone else..." she mumbled his stare was intense it made her flush slightly in embarrassment.

"May I assume you are Naruto-Chan?" he asked politely, his voice was similar too.

"Aa, yeah... anou?" he laughed, it sounded strange when he looked and sounded so much like sasuke, somehow she couldn't picture sasuke laughing. to her misfortune she had every class with said bastard that day and it had taken all her self control not to try to hit him again, but she had yelled and the only reason she hadn't gotten a detention was because it was the first day.

"Uchiha Itachi, my ototou is 'sasuke-bastard' as you so kindly put it."

"s-sorry 'bout that... had him in all my classes today is all." she said, he was so hot he made her nervous and very self conscious.

"don't worry, we do look similar." she laughed softly and nervously. "and I think he said something of an annoying girl who kept yelling at him during his classes today." he said lightly

"yea.. that'd be me, but he started it." she said defensively

"yes I saw it." at her confused look he added "I am two years above you." he was taking his shoes and coat and shook her hand before bidding her and her father who had come through at the sound of his daughter yelling, farewell and shaking hands (kissing the back of Naruto's).
