I do not own Harry Potter or Voldemort.

Warnings:- One small use of language.


So in conclusion, if the above plan is carried out the way it has been written by me then it cannot fail. The boy will die! Voldemort x

I finished writing the plan of action and set down my quill.

It was perfect. It could not be foiled...unless the parchment fell into the wrong hands...hmm... like that was going to happen!

I chuckled to myself as I stood up and crossed the study to get my wand and put a protective charm on it. Being in Hogwarts writing a plan to kill that scar faced twerp really did soothe the soul!

I picked up my wand and turned to feel a strong breeze fly in from the window, and the parchment to soar off the desk out into the open.

I dived like a maniac at the desk but missed, i did not save it.

Then a thought occurred to me:- If I was quick I could run through the castle and pick it up before anyone else found it! I silently applauded my own genius.

I crossed the room and froze silently as I heard voices float up from the grounds through the window to me...

"What's this?"

Then silence.

"Harry! This is a plot written by HeWhoMustNotBeNamed to kill you!"

I heard two quick intakes of breath, and I cringed in the corner.

"We should take this straight to Dumbledore!"

Then I heard them all run off.


I threw myself back in front of my desk, picked up my quill and wrote:-

To once and for all finally kill Harry Potter...

It had begun...again.


Sorry, just a little one-shot that came to mind when reading other fics.

Was bored so posted. Comments?