50 stories prompt –issued by Demi-

Username: Jazyrha
Pairing: KyouKao!

1. Pencils.

Kaoru eyed the pencils carefully.

They were neatly ordered, laying side by side.

Blue. Red. Green. Purple. Brown. Black. White. Grey. Orange. Yellow.

His hand reached out for the black one, as he glanced towards a person with the same hair colour, quickly averting his eyes to the paper again.

The point of the black pencil touched the paper and Kaoru continued colouring.

From his place by his laptop, Kyouya looked up. The Host Club hadn't started yet, so everyone else was stalking Haruhi to somewhere.

Kyouya didn't know why Kaoru had stayed and not followed Hikaru instead, chasing Haruhi like the rest did, but he didn't mind that unexpected decision at all.

Actually, it had become not that unexpected anymore, since Kaoru had been doing it more and more. Each time he came too early for the Host Club would start and without a word he would place himself at the desk a few metres away from Kyouya, close to the window and then he'd take his paper and his pencils.

Kyouya had also noted Kaoru always first ordered his pencils, laying them side by side. And then he'd start drawing. Kyouya assumed he was searching for some quiet place to draw some designs, so he never bothered.

He didn't want to ask why, because he didn't want to Kaoru to think it wasn't okay to be there. No one said a word, but Kyouya could feel those hazel eyes on him and then, just like that, they were gone again.

He smiled a little.

Now it was his turn to discretely watch the Hitachiin twins from the corner of his eyes.

It was a quite rare sight, to see a normally so cheeky, lively and refusing-to-stand-still Hitachiin so absorbed in his work he didn't even feel the two dark eyes looking at him. Kaoru bend over his paper, his arm guarding it so that Kyouya couldn't see what exactly he was drawing.

There was a passion, a concentration in Kaoru's eyes that was only found in those moments he was drawing and colouring whatever he was drawing and colouring.

There was something about Kaoru whenever he did that, that commanded, begged, screamed, forced Kyouya to look at him, to take in every detail and to think he was –

Absolutely beautiful like that.

The black pencil was put away and a blue one was taken instead.

The colouring continued.

Kyouya reverted his eyes back to the screen of his laptop, telling himself he should at least try to get as much work done in this peaceful silence, without the lively blonde to disturb him.

He just couldn't seem to concentrate and get himself to do that.

Kyouya stood up and walked to the concentrated Hitachiin twin.

"What are you drawing?" he put his hands on the table, making the auburn haired boy almost jump up in surprise.

"Don't look!" he almost screamed in panic, grabbing the paper and pressing it against his chest.

Kyouya blinked a few times at his strange reaction.

"Eh…" Kaoru looked away, clearly uncomfortable, "It's not done yet… I don't like it when people watch my work in my presence."

"I see," Kyouya simply answered.

Kaoru smiled a strained smile. His heart beat way too fast.

He really hoped Kyouya didn't see what he was drawing.

Although, he already had some excuses.

'It's not because he has black hair and glasses the person I was drawing is you!'

Or something like: 'Yeah… I was drawing clothes for the whole Host Club… Do you like it?'

Or maybe he'd just block and he wouldn't have said anything anymore.

"Can I see it when it's done then?"

Kaoru woke up from his musing.


"Can I see it when it's done?" Kyouya patiently repeated.

"Why would you like to see it?" Kaoru frowned.

"Curiosity, I guess," the simple answer came.

"Well… I… I… It's really not that good!" Kaoru protested.

Kyouya frowned.

"I hope you won't say that to your customers later. I don't think that should come out the mouth of a most famous fashion designer's son."

"Ah… No… It's just that…" and that is what they call being 'tongue tied'.

He stood up abruptly, knowing he shouldn't even try to find a way out through words.

"Let's… Let's search the others, okay? Host Club is about the start!"

Kyouya blinked a few times, realising quickly Kaoru clearly wanted another subject. Why that was, of course, he didn't know.

Kaoru quickly put the drawing in his brief case.

"Okay then," Kyouya answered. "I don't think Tamaki will have any attention for the time when around Haruhi, so it might be best to go and look for them."

Kaoru nodded, quickly walking over to Kyouya. They walked out the door and when Kaoru started talking about random things, he silently wondered what Kyouya would've done when he found out that he hadn't been drawing a new fashion design at all.

He wondered what Kyouya would've done when he found out the drawing was just another drawing of the person Kaoru had come to love so much.