A Prologue Of Sorts: Mistreat You

You should know by now,

That you belong to me

You breathe because I want you to

And if I let you live that time

Was only because I can't stop watching you

I know you feel it

Because I don't really care to disguise this sadistic urge of stalking you

I don't think you care anyhow

You're too much of an exhibitionist yourself

One more voyeur shouldn't be a problem for you…

You know you only exist because of me

We're tied together

By an unyielding fate

But still you never really tried to let go

Not when you held me so close to you we could've merged.

I was able to see the darker you

The one you tried to keep locked away from everyone else's eyes

And that's why

I'll always be obsessed with you

Stalking you

Haunting you…

I will mistreat you

I will confuse you

Blur everything in your life

With the sole exception of myself

Inserting ghastly thoughts

In your drowsy mind

While you're in the brink of unconsciousness

I love your nightmares

And love to smell your fear

So easy to taste in your skin

The sweaty heap of limbs you wake up in when you dream of me

You should see the sheer horror etched into your beautiful face

When you see the fleeting contour of my shadow

It's completely worth the risk of getting caught.

We both crave this warped balance

The pitiful game of push and pull we have fallen into

You could say

That we were meant to be

But hey

If you're not MY stupid detective

Then what are we?


AN: You could call this a study of sorts in getting myself to know more of one of my DC's favourite characters, Gin...there's a first chapter for this being written already, but still needs to be fixed soo...yeah...

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