
- You're all the things that I desire: you save me, you complete me -

At the crack of dawn, Peyton Sawyer woke up in her own bed, in her own house. Everyone who knew her, knew that she wasn't a morning person. So what was she doing up so early?


It was Lily's first day of school and Peyton wanted to do something special for her. Without hesitation and bit of excitement, the curly blonde got out of bed and got ready to start the day.

Before leaving the house, Peyton grabbed the bag of groceries from the kitchen table. She got into her black convertible and drove the short distance to Lucas and Lily's house. Getting out of the car, with groceries in hand, Peyton made her way up the porch steps, with the set of keys Lucas had given her months ago. Ever so quiet, so not to wake the sleeping occupants, Peyton slipped into the house and got to work.

The smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies wafted from the kitchen, down the hallway and into Lucas' bedroom. The familiar scent, a scent he never thought he'd smell again, woke him from his slumber and into a state of confusion. The aroma of melted chocolate mixed with the right amount of vanilla reminded Lucas of his old childhood when he would come home after school to find his mother baking him his favorite after school snack.


"They're done!" Lily, always the first Scott to rise, exclaimed excitedly from the kitchen table. "Can I have one now?"

"They're for you to snack on at school." Peyton explained but as she reached for the oven mitts, she caught Lily's puppy dog eyes, "But since its your first day of school and you finished all your breakfast, I guess you can have one. After you finish getting dressed for school."

"Aww. Do I have to go to school?" Lily pouted.

"Now come on, Lils. Those eyes may have gotten you a bonus cookie, but they're not going to get you out of school. Trust me, I've tried."


"No, buts, Lily Rose. Now go change, otherwise you'll be late and won't have time to eat your cookie."

"Oh alright." Lily gave in.

As Lily's bedroom door closed, Lucas emerged from his with a yawning stretch. The smell of freshly baked cookies became stronger and more enticing as he made his way to the kitchen. From the doorway, Lucas stood and watched Peyton carefully removed a tray of golden brown chocolate chip cookies from the oven.

"It's a good thing I used up all the salt last night." Lucas smirked.

Peyton raised a brow. "Well it's a good thing that Mrs. Johnson from next door let me borrow a pinch of hers." She set the hot tray on the counter. Reaching across the counter, Peyton picked up an already cooled cookie and walked towards him. "Otherwise, you my dear, wouldn't get your favorite snack."

As Lucas opened his mouth to say something, Peyton placed a sample in his mouth. He shut his eyes as he chewed, expecting to tasty a salty cookie. To his pleasant surprise, the cookie that Peyton had baked was delicious. Too delicious for something Peyton to make.

"You like?"

With one arm, he pulled her body into his. Bringing his lips closer to hers, he mumbled, "Mmm, I like."

Peyton let him have one quick kiss, before laughing and slapping him playfully against his chest. The space between them was enough to let him take another bite of the cookie.

"OK... you did not make this." The familiar taste the he missed brought back some old memories.

Peyton held up her hands, "See these two hands covered with chocolaty chip goodness? They made them."

"They taste like how mom used to make them. How did you..."

"Come, sit." Peyton pulled him over to the kitchen table. "Do you remember the party your mom threw for us before we started college?"

Lucas nodded.

"Well, earlier in the day, I stopped by the cafe to see if she needed any help. And that's when she taught me her recipe."

Peyton slid a piece of paper across the table. It was a guest check from the cafe. Lucas picked up and recognized the handwriting on the bill. It was his mother's. He had thought that he would never be able to eat another one of his mother's chocolate chip cookie again, but yet he was holding her recipe in his hands. Lucas let his eyes trace over his mother's handwriting.

"I actually forgot that I had it. But the other day, I was looking for a special snack for Lily's first day of school at the bakery and when I saw the chocolate chip cookies, I remembered. And I thought that maybe if I made Karen's recipe for Lily, Karen could really be a part of Lily's first day of school."

He was a loss for words. The thoughtfulness of Peyton overwhelmed him.

"I was also thinking that maybe we could frame it and save it for Lily for when she grows up."

"Yeah. That's... Peyton, thank you."

"Come on," Peyton reached for his hands, "Let's get Lily to school."

"Hey, wait." he pulled her towards him again. "I love you."

Peyton's heart melted, the same way it did every time he told her that. "I love you, too."

"Alright, kiddo. You ready?" Lucas asked.

Lily shyly shook her head. "I'm scared,"

"Aw, Lils, there's nothing to be afraid of,"

"He's right, Lils."

Lucas and Lily looked up to see Peyton walking to towards them. She crouched down to Lily's eye level, "There's going to be lots of kids your age to play with and be friends with. And I met your teacher, Mrs. Leyland, she's really nice,"

"But you're not going to be there. Neither is Lucas,"

"No, we won't be, but you know what? On my first day of school, I was scared too,"

"You were?"

"Uh-huh. And you know what my mom and dad said? They said, Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer, you're too special to be hiding at home. It's time the world got to know Peyton Sawyer. And I'm going to say the same thing to you. Cause its true Lily Rose Scott. It's time to show the world how special you are,"

Lucas knelt down, placing one hand on Peyton's back and taking Lily's hand in the other, "She's right, Lily. But I know you're still scared. So how about this; after Peyton and I drop you off, we'll wait outside for twenty minutes. If you don't want to stay, then all you have to do is come out and we'll try again tomorrow."


"Yeah, we promise."

They waited thirty minutes outside of Tree Hill Elementary.

"She's not coming out." Peyton said in a sad voice.

"No, she's not," Lucas replied with equal sadness.

"I'm so proud of her, Luke. She's just grown up so fast…"

As Peyton spoke, Lucas couldn't help but to stare at her with wonderment. He was one lucky guy to have a girl like her. Even in his darkest hour, she had been his light. She had helped him heal A girl like Peyton Sawyer who was totally in love with you and loved your family like it were own was rare to come by.

"Luke? Are you listening?"

"What are we doing?"

She furrowed how brow, wondering if it were a trick question, "Umm...making sure Lily's OK?"

A second passed before Lucas started to get out of the car.

"Whoa, wait. Lucas. You can't go in there and get her." She yelled, as he walked around the front of the car. Instead of crossing the street, Lucas walked up to the door and crouched to her leve.

"I'm not going in there, Peyton." he said with a chuckle. "I just... I have go do something. Meet me back at the house in an hour."

He leaned in for a kiss before taking off, leaving Peyton dumbfounded.

"What the heck just happened?" she said to herself, watching Lucas run off.

Lucas bounded up the front steps, digging out his keys. Before sliding the right key in the lock, he took a deep breath to calm his pounding heart.

"Lucas Scott." Peyton stalked up to him just as he shut the door behind him. "Mind telling me what that was all about this morning? You kind a freaked me out."

The way she worried for nothing was cute. He didn't mean to worry her, though.


"Yeah, Luke?"

"How'd you get in here?"

"With your keys. Remember, you gave me a set." Peyton spoke slowly. "Lucas are you feeling OK?"

Ignoring her question, Lucas asked, "Can I see them?"

Peyton slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out her set of keys. "Why? Is something wrong? Do you want them back?"

She was scared of his answer, wondering if Peyton had overstepped some sort of invisible boundary.

Thankfully, he shook his head, but took them anyways. Peyton watched with curiosity as Lucas inspected the keys, one by one. Finally, he held on up, "What's this key for?"

"Um, for your front door,"

He held up another key, "And this one?"

"For your bedroom door."

"Don't you find that a little strange?"

"Umm...not since you gave them to me," she shifted uncomfortably, still trying to figure out what he was getting at, "You do remember, right?"

"Yeah, I remember. I just think that it's strange that you've you got all the keys to my house and yet you don't live in it. I think we should change that."

"So you do want your keys back?"

Lucas laughed and shook his head. He then took her hand and held the keys out, just above her open palm, "Peyton Sawyer, will you move in with me?"


Too stunned to answer or to take the keys on her own, Lucas gently placed the keys onto her palm and closed her fingers around them for her. "I mean you practically live here anyways. You're there all day and night - not that I don't want you around - cause I do and so does Lily," Lucas nervously rambled, "But it's just that you have the keys and you do everything but sleep here - well occasionally you sleep over," he smirked. "And I love those mornings when I wake up with you next to me. It's how I want to start my days for the rest of my life."

If Peyton wasn't surprised already, she was now. Lucas fell to one knee and held out a small velvet box with a small diamond engagement ring in it.

"I'm not just asking you to move in with me. Peyton Sawyer will you help me raise Lily and marry me?"

The keys fell from her hands with a loud crash when it hit the floor. Her hands clasped together and she held them just in front of her of her face as if she were trying to hide her shock. Another second passed, allowing her to process his question again. Slowly, as if she were thawing out from a frozen state, Peyton began to nod. Nodding faster, she found her voice. It was soft and barely audible, "Yes."

Lucas had to be sure, "Yes?"


Getting back up to his feet, Lucas clasped he arms around her slender waist and picked her up. A warm, tender feeling spread from his heart and throughout his body. His mind repeated her answer as his feet spun them around.

"You're stuck with me, Lucas Scott." She said, bringing her lips down to his.

"Wouldn't want it any other way." he said against her lips.

A/N: Finally done! Thanks to everyone who read this story...especially those who took the time to leave a comment.