Last chapter! Thanks to all of you for sticking with this story. It really means a lot to me. Thank you for all the reviews, favorites, alerts and everything else. Of the stories I've written so far, this is the one I've enjoyed the most, and so I'm really glad that other people have liked it as well. You're all amazing, so…thank you!

Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers.


Chapter 9: Joe

I stood there for a second as Oliver left, thinking about what he had said.

"Just talk to her." I looked at Lilly and my heart clenched. I dragged a chair closer to her bed, and I took her hand in mine. Her engagement ring twinkled in the light of the hospital room. It was hard to believe that a week ago we were so happy. We were going to get married and start our life together and everything was…perfect. And then that bastard took it away from us. We didn't even have a chance to fully enjoy the moment. I thought back to that night. Everything after I got hit over the head was fuzzy. I remember hearing voices and then a gunshot. I had groaned and tried to get off the ground. There were more shots and then I saw Lilly... I thought she was dead and I died inside, too. My stomach churned at the memory.

I was lucky that Dr. Stevens let me stay in Lilly's room. It was just so hard to be separated from her. People came to visit us everyday. Heather came every morning and usually stayed for a few hours until Robby Ray came by to visit Lilly and make Heather get some rest. Jackson usually called me a couple of times a day to see if there was any change in her condition and he visited a couple of times. My mom and dad came by for an hour in the morning and in the evening, with Frankie. Miley, Nick and Oliver came by everyday at different times, Miley talking to Lilly incessantly, determined to wake her friend with her voice. Nick and Oliver often just stood with me in silence, watching, waiting, hoping. Kevin came by a lot, as much to visit me as to visit Lilly. He was still recovering in the hospital, and he came by to talk to me about keeping up hope. I didn't really respond much, but he kept talking to me and I'll admit, it helped a little, until moments like these when we were alone at night in the dim light and it was silent and still.

Looking at Lilly now was hard. A bandage was wrapped around her temple and she was motionless, so unlike the Lilly I knew and loved, the Lilly who was so full of energy and life and happiness. The Lilly who made everyday worth getting up for, who challenged me and helped me grow, who…completed me. Kissing the back of her hand, I tried to think of something to say, something to bring her back to me.

"I love you," I whispered, just like I had told her everyday since the shooting. I reached over and stroked her hair. What else could I say?

"You know, the first time I ever saw you I thought you were pretty much the coolest girl in the entire world. And I was right. I didn't know it then, but I think I was in love with you, even then. I couldn't stop thinking of you or talking about you and just the thought of you made my entire day better."

I thought back to that day when I first saw her, tossing grapes with Oliver.


Lola was unlike any girl I had ever seen before, the hair notwithstanding. I mean, how many girls go to a concert and toss grapes backstage? There was just something so adorably endearing about her that I couldn't seem to resist. And as corny as it sounds, when I looked into her eyes it was just…immediate. The connection was just so strong (and when she blushed it was just too cute).

I felt like a complete idiot when the only thing that would come out of my mouth was "hi." She didn't seem to mind, though, and when she took my hand I could have sworn my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I really wanted to impress her with my grape tossing skills, and I stupidly challenged her, telling her that I was going to kick her butt. Naturally, that guaranteed that I would lose.

"If you beat me, I'll eat my bag. Or better yet, I'll kiss you," she had whispered to me jokingly.

"I'll remember that," I replied with a grin. Needless to say I didn't win any grape-tossing matches that night (and not for lack of trying on my part) but I had an amazing time and I couldn't wait to see her again. Except, idiot that I am, I forgot to get her number, which I couldn't believe! I had met the most amazing girl in my entire life and I forgot to get her number! I thought I wasn't going to see her again until I did two week later, and I pretty much made an idiot out of myself. Again. As usual.

If stopping singing in the middle of a song wasn't bad enough, I had to go and destroy the set, too. Now I've done a lot of dumb things in my life, but I had never been more mortified. One good thing came out of it, though. I found out that she cared when she ran over and fixed me up. It was really adorable, because she kept fussing over me (which I felt fantastic) and she even whipped a first aid kit out of her bag…It felt good. It felt right.

I don't know what it was, but it just felt so natural for us to be together. When I thought I'd lost my chance with her, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was just so confused because when I met Lilly I felt the same connection that I felt with Lola, which was understandable when I found out that they were the same person. But it all worked out in the end, and even with a few bumps along the rode (the handshake fiasco, would be an example) I think I knew that first year that she was the one.

Most of the stages of our relationship were played out on a less than private level, moments seen by our friends. And although I wouldn't change any of them for the world, it's the little private moments I cherished most.

While our first kiss was nothing short of amazing, it's another kiss that comes to mind when I think of that night. It was just after all of our parents had come in, yelled at us and forced us to clean up then yelled at us some more. Kevin and Nick were upstairs sulking, Miley had already driven Oliver home and I was walking Lilly out to her car. We had gotten so dirty from the food fight that she was now wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of my sweatpants; her hair was damp, tied in a messy ponytail. I had to admit, I thought she had never looked more beautiful.

"So no going out for the next month?" Lilly asked as we got out to her car. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Nope," I sighed. "Except for official Jonas Brothers appearances. I can't believe it. I'm 19 years-old and I'm still getting grounded…"

She giggled. "Poor baby. If it's any consolation, I'm grounded, too. My mom says no surfing or skateboarding for a month and no phone, cell or otherwise, for two weeks."

I made a face. "Does this mean we can't see each other for a while?"

"Well she didn't say I couldn't come over here," she pointed out. "I'll stop by and we can play Rock Band and Guitar Hero and –" I cut her off with a kiss, and she smiled at me. "Or we could do that." She smiled up at me shyly. "Thanks for defending me."

I took her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. "Always."

Another of my favorite memories was during Lilly's junior year, when she was over at my house studying (and stressing) over finals.

"I'm going to fail this test," she muttered. We were sitting on the couch and Lilly was intently studying her notes while I was studying her. "I'm going to fail and then I'll never get into college and I'll never find a job and I'll be a homeless bum and –"

I tugged on a lock of her hair to keep her from rambling on. "Relax, Lilly. One English test is not going to alter the course of your entire future. Just take a deep breath."

She did, and it seemed to calm her down. "Thanks. And thanks for putting up with me and all of the stress that seems to come with me."

I laughed. "No problem. And I remember you putting up with me a few months ago when we were finishing up our CD and I kept biting peoples' heads off."

Lilly giggled. "I guess that's true."

"It is. Aaaand I think it's time for a break," I declared. I cut off the protest I knew was coming. "We can watch 'The Princess Bride.'"

"That's not fair. You know that's my biggest weakness," she pouted. "And I have three more poems to analyze and a novel to study before Monday. I can't afford to take a break."

I shook the movie case and looked at her with my best puppy-dog face. She tried to look stern but failed miserably. "You know you won't always win in this relationship."

"Hey, as long as you have me, you'll always win," I joked.

"Sad to say it, but it's true," Lilly sighed. "I do love you. And you'd better put on the movie before my brain realizes I should be studying."

That was the first time she'd said it to me. My heart caught in my throat as I put the movie in. I sat down on the couch and Lilly cuddled into my side as I put my arm around her and watched the movie. We were at the part where Fred Savage was complaining about the kissing parts when I pressed my lips to her hair.

"I love you, too," I whispered. Her only response was to cuddle closer, and that was enough.


I held her hand tightly, reliving all of my favorite memories of her, and of us together.

"I love you," I told her. "And I miss you more than I can say. In the past seven years, there hasn't been a day where we haven't talked, whether it's been a long discussion about life or just to say 'hi' or 'I love you.' And I just…I need you more than anything else in the entire world. There's no me without you, so please…wake up. Come back to me."

I squeezed her hand tightly, waiting for something, anything, to happen, staring at Lilly intently, willing her to wake up. I felt this instinct to try something very fairy tale. Leaning over, I gently pressed my lips to hers, hoping for a miracle. When nothing happened, I felt foolish. I mean, honestly what did I expect to happen? That true love's kiss would wake her up? That the sound of my voice would lead her back to me? I guess I figured that Lilly was my fairy tale, my happily ever after and maybe…just maybe…I knew that the expectations were unrealistic, but still…it hurt. I just wanted, no needed her to wake up.

I thought back to the night of the proposal and how we thought we'd have a lifetime together.

"You promised," I whispered, more to myself than to her. "You promised forever and you never break your promises."

Still clutching her hand, I rested my head down on the side of the bed, tears streaming silently down my face. It had been a week already. Why hadn't she woken up? Would she ever wake up? I tried to picture life without Lilly and I couldn't do it. It hurt to even try. I don't know how long I sat there, resting my head on the Lilly's bed and holding on to her hand. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I felt a pressure on my hand. I thought it was a dream until I felt it again. Like someone else's hand squeezing mine. Not daring to let myself hope, I slowly lifted my head. I looked at Lilly, I had closed my eyes, take a deep breath, and open them again. My heart soared.

Her eyes were open. Droopy and heavy-lidded, but open.

She was awake, and everything was alright.


So from the very first moment I envisioned this story, this is exactly how I wanted to end it. I know it might not be as satisfying for some readers, but I actually really like it. It's bittersweet to be finished with this story, because it's been so much fun and I've loved it, but at the same time it gives me more time to work on a new story idea I have.. Yay!

Thanks so much again for reading this story, and thanks for all the reviews that you all have left. And if you want to leave another review (or a first review) it would make me so ridiculously happy!

Thanks for reading!