Randomness has taken over ThunderClan! Firepaw has a sudden infatuation with matches, Graypaw won't get away from his piccolo, Spottedleaf has sprouted wings, Bluestar has played Ping Pong on her computer for days, Sandpaw has bought everything on Amazon, and Dustpaw has been chewing the same piece of gum for three moons! Tigerclaw has been…well; maybe it's safer if you didn't know.

Author's note: This is my first fan fic... So don't be too harsh!

"MUHAHAHAHAHA" Bluestar cried, looking up from her screen. "I have finally beaten The Ping Pong champion!!"

"And I've finally learned how to not singe myself when lighting matches!" A blackened Firepaw said triumphantly.

"And I've learned to play the highest note in the world! At least the highest possible note that can be played on the piccolo!" Graypaw shouted. "Would you like me to demonstrate?" He raised the shiny instrument to his lips as everyone yelled,


It was too late. One-eye was now completely deaf, and every apprentice developed selective hearing. Not to mention that every piece of glass within 100 miles shattered…

"Graypaw. Put your piccolo away." Bluestar said sternly. "You shattered my computer screen!"

"Sorry, Bluestar!" Graypaw said cheerily, sounding absolutely contradictory of his words.

It was the Brag Meeting that ThunderClan had every night. All members were supposed to share their improvements.

Spottedleaf stepped up shyly, she didn't like bragging that much. "My lesson today is that I should avoid the Sky Monsters. They almost ran into my wings!" For those who can't tell, "Sky Monsters" are airplanes…

"WOW!!" the clan gasped. Weren't regular monsters enough?

"I've finally hit bottom in my spending account" Sandpaw announced. "Anyone willing to lend some money?" No one volunteered. Sandpaw never paid back debts, she spent it all on Amazon as soon as she got her paws on it.

"You'll get your allowance in two days" Bluestar said, shifting uncomfortably. "Then you'll have 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 (etc.) dollars to waste on Amazon"

"Two days?! I can't wait that long! Amazon is having a special sale!! Use 1,000,000,000 dollars, and you get a two-dollar rebate! I can't pass this up!" Sandpaw wailed.

"Okay, okay." Firepaw gave in to his fellow apprentice. "I'll give you access to my online bank account." Sandpaw looked thrilled. "BUT I need to borrow your Amazon account so I can buy more matches." Sandpaw nodded, ecstatic that she could buy more items. The two walked off, side by side, to Sandpaw's computer.

"Well," a dark, threatening voice growled, "I have something to say."

Everyone turned as a heavyset tabby tom padded to the front of the ThunderClan cats.

"Well, I have a plan to take Sunningrocks back from that mouse-brained RiverClan." Tigerclaw began.