"I don't believe it, you guys are the Power Rangers!" Andy said with excitement in his voice at the teens, who were still morphed.

The Rangers all looked at each other hoping that he doesn't really know who they are. They didn't say anything.

"Jason are you okay?" Andy asked the Red Ranger.

The Rangers all exchanged glances with each other again, hoping that this isn't really happening and that they are imagining everything.

"Jason, how could you fight with your injuries and what did you mean when you told that Gold Goon that he caused him. Didn't you tell me that he tripped. Jasper Jacob" Andy said looking at the Black Ranger.

The Black Ranger didn't say anything, they were exposed and they knew it. But they didn't know if they should pretend as if they didn't know what was going on. All the Rangers looked a Jason, he was the leader. It is his decision if they admit to it or not.

"Rangers Power Down!" Jason ordered powering down first and then followed by the rest of the team who was there. Jason nearly fell after powering down. Since he was no longer morphed his injuries were back and he couldn't stand. Alpha sent Jason's wheelchair back to him that he had removed from the park when Jason morphed. Kevin and Jake helped him back into the chair. Everyone was avoiding looking Andy directly in the eyes.

"So Jason, how did you really get hurt? Why didn't you tell me you were the Power Rangers?" Andy asked.

"Because we were sworn to secrecy and as for the other part you really don't want to know. We never been hurt before." Jason answered.

"You are hurt now, and it wasn't from tripping."

"Dad, Goldar attacked Jason the other day in the park. Kimberly did pass out and Jason was running to help her when he got into a one-on-one with Goldar and was thrown into a tree. We were all busy fighting the putties in the park." Jake explained.

"So did the putties show up before or after Kimberly passed out?"

"Before, she was fighting the putties when she did pass out." Jason told him.

"How did you find out?" Jake asked.

"After you left, I realized that i didn't give you Jason's medication, so I ran to catch up with you guys and saw Goldar with you guys. I stayed hidden not wanting to risk him hurting you guys. I saw you morph." Andy explained and then went to ask "Jake you said Rita messed with your past, or more like Jason and Kimberly's past, how did she do that."

Jake faked a smile, how were they going to explain what they saw on the viewing globe to someone who possibly couldn't understand.

"Jase, a little help here." Jake begged his brother.

"She went back in time and made changes to our past, that we are just now begging to deal with." Jason explained keeping the true answer as vague as possible.

"What type of changes Jason?"

"Trust us, you don't want to know. We saw the changes, we didn't experience them. So it is that much harder on us to accept."

"We have to act as if we did, but we are still getting use to the idea of our parent's death." Kevin blurted out before could take it back.

"Rita caused the accident?" Andy asked.

Jason took a deep breath. "We were fighting the putties, when we were called to the Command Center, our base operation. There our mentor explained that Rita has gone back in time to change our past. By changing the past; our present will also change to accommodate for the changes that were made at that time. We could do nothing to stop it and only watch it happen. It started the day that Kim and the others came over. We watched as Goldar put something in our drinks and the incident started. We couldn't believe what we were seeing. Hanging on to the idea that never happened. Only as of now it had and now is a part of our past. We did see the accident, Kimberly finding out she is pregnant, the adoption, the moving and the birth of the twins. We witnessed it all, but we never experienced it. Now all of a sudden, Kimberly and I had 2 year old twins that we didn't have when the day began. We are parents and we don't know how to be one. We have no memory between what we saw the day they were born and the day we were home late to a house that we didn't even know we loved in or how to find it."

Andy was shocked by all Jason had admitted to. "We will deal with this and help you all to adjust. Your mother and I will help out with the twins and show you how to be the parents they need you to be. From here on out we will take it one day at a time, to help you all get used to actually living the way we are. Kevin you and Kimberly will get used to being with us. We will help you to do so. Now what do you say that we go home, so you can get some rest."

AN: I think I am going to end it here. Thank you to all who read and reviewed. I might add later or a sequel. We will see.