A/N: And here we go again, this M-B with Argent vs. Leroy. I originally this fight was already written but the day after that, my computer suddenly went crazy, so as a result, they were deleted and I could not remember what I had written. So finally, I re-wrote the entire fight, it's probably not how I remembered it but overall, hope you guys enjoy it.

Most of everyone on Argent's team had recovered after their fight with Massie and company. Some have suffered minor injuries though. Even though, Amara was shot in the leg, she was able to recover from her injury. They also weren't pissed at the fact that they lost, well, execpt Lina. She was very pissed that she lost the fight. But it wasn't just that, she was also pissed that her outfit was ruined thanks to Massie's use of her flamethrower.

"Great! Just great." growled an angry Lina Inverse as she took of her cape which was half-way burned. "Not only did I lose the fight, but my clothes are ruined!"

"Chill mate," Argent responded to Lina calmly. "it could've been worse."

"Oh yeah? Try me. What could've been worse?" Lina asked in a harsh tone.

"Well.." Argent began to say something but was unsure what to think of. "There are many things, I just don't know what they are."

"Hmph." Lina turned away with her arms crossed, with her head raised up in "spoiled child"-like fashion.

"So, who are our next opponents?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"Only one way to find out." Argent answered as she began to walk toward the arena, the rest of her teammates followed her. Though at the same time, two identical creatures with different fur colors faced their opponents as they walked onto the arena as well.

"My money's on the aliens." Deadpool remarked to Vexen who didn't bother to respond to that. "I take it that you're betting on the girls?"

Upon seeing Leory and Stitch, Argent raised her eyebrow and asked, "Haven't I seen you before? Or was it the other, uh, thing?"

She was referring to the fact that one of previous opponents was 627. Despite the fact that he didn't look a lot like Stitch or Leroy but she still saw a resemblance.

"BEGIN!" yelled the chocolate demon.

"They don't look that tough." Lina said filled with arrogance.

"But you said that last time and look what happened." Amara reminded Lina of their previous fight.

"They got lucky. I mean,-" Lina said before she was cut off by Argent.

"Guys!" Argent chided as she looked at them instead of looking at the two alien experiments. "Let's just get this over with without trying to start an argument."

"I wasn't going to." Lina whined.

"Well, it looked like one was going to start." Argent continued on before she turned her head back toward the front again only to see that the two experiments were gone. "So, let's just-huh?"

"Where'd they go?" Ty Lee wondered out loud.

For a moment, everything was silent due to the fact that other competitors were just as confused and baffled as Argent's team. Well, all except one who knew that something was going to happen.

"They're screwed." Sylar said with a smirk on his face.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red thing jumped, zoomed in and tackled Argent, it was Leroy. As soon as he jumped on her, he was snapping his jaws trying to take a bite out of her since the rules now had a rule that had some of the competitors cheering. So now, he intended to kill whoever he fights and Argent happened to be on his mind.

"Oh shit!" yelled Lina as she now started to take action.

She summoned up a levitation onto Leroy, just as he was about to try another attempt to bite her head. Of course, he was now lifted in mid-air.

"Gotcha!" Lina said in satisfaction.

But she forgot that Stitch was the experiment's alley as he jumped on Lina's hair and began to claw it. And because of that, she lost all concentration and Leroy literally landed on his feet and he was ready to strike again.

"Thanks." Argent called out to Lina sarcastically.

"Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!" She yelled in a fright as if she swallowed a cockroach.

"I'll get it!" Amara said with a fireball in her hand.

"But you might hit Lina!" Ty Lee said to Amara with a worried tone in her voice.

"You're right." Amara realized as she put out her fireball, afterwards she looked at Sailor Mercury and asked, "Any ideas?"

"Yes," The Sailor Senshi began to explain her plan to both girls. "Amara, you and I will fight the red crature. Ty Lee, try to force to the blue creature off from Lina."

"Got it." Ty Lee nodded as she somersaulted her way to come to Lina's aid.

However, Argent was, well, at least, she was putting up a good fight against Leroy but not enough to take him down. First, after he landed on the arena, Argent quickly made a big, red crimson battering ram but he jumped out of the way. So, it instead knocked down a jewlery stand. Then, she tried a crimson red sledgehammer, her intention was to smash the alien experiment but he avoided it each time she tried. But on what seemed to be her sixth attempt, he punched through the sledgehammer which caused it to disintergrate.

But then all of a sudden, a fireball nearly hit Leroy. Of course, it was Amara who threw the fireball at him.

"Hey Tiny!" Amara, who was standing next to Sailor Mercury called out to the creature. "There's still us, you know!"

Leroy growled and cursed in a not-so-understable language. He leaped in mid-air as his retractable arms and claws were ready with the intention of having them pierce through his oppponents' skin. But then, Sailor Mercury shouted and fired her "Shine Aqua Illusion" attack at the creature. It was a direct hit as it ended up having the creature fly a few feet away from the arena itself. He crashed right into the window of a Sports Equipment store. However, thinking quickly afterwards, he formed into a ball and actually crashed through the shelves of the asiles and the impact ended up knocking them down like dominos. Then, Leroy bounced off a trampoline (which was near the walls) and flew through the same now broken window and back to the arena.

Argent then formed a giant, crimson red tennis racket, intending to whack the creature hard enough.

"I see it." Argent mummered under her breath, as she aimed her racket carefully.

But her aim was ruined as Lina, Stitch and Ty Lee crashed into Argent, they both fell into the ground and the racket disintergrated as a result. And Leroy ended up landing on all four fighters, very hard and made a very loud "THUD!" sound. Mercury and Amara winced at the impact.

"If I may borrow the expression: PWNED!" cried Deadpool as he watched the fight, obviously enjoying it.

"Must you yell." sighed Vexen who was annoyed at Deadpool's action.

Leroy then retracted back into himself, he groaned afterwards but he got up, stepped out of the back of Ty Lee's body and onto the arena. He saw both Sailor Mercury and Amara with anger in his eyes and he started to growl at them. Two additional arms then came out of both sides of his body but he didn't get the chance to attack after Amara fired two more fireballs at him, which caused him to be knocked down after he was hit by the second fireball.

"Want another one?" taunted Amara.

Leroy's head perked up and roared in anger. He got up and charged towards them.

"Ow!" groaned Ty Lee as she was the next person to get up. "That really hurts you know."

She yelped as Lina got up and pushed off both Ty Lee and Stitch (who finally detached himself from her hair). Lina then inspected her hair for damage only to find out that he took off chunks of her hair.

"Oh that's just fucking great!" yelled an angry Lina.

She then yelled in pain for a quick moment as she turned to see that Sitch scratched her back, leaving his claw marks on her. Of course, naturally this angered the sorceress.

"How dare you-!" Lina yelled in anger before she was cut off by the alien experiment when he jumped on her face ala Alien. She screamed and cursed although her words were muffled by Stitch's fur. Ty Lee got up and had a shocked expression on her face. Meanwhile, Leroy clawed the same leg where Massie shot Amara, so now the pain is worse for her. But that didn't stop her from trying to at least kill the damn thing. Sailor Mercury tried her best as well but that wasn't enough.

Things were worse for Lina and Ty Lee when it came to Stitch though. Ty Lee was having trouble as to what to do. Hell, she couldn't find any weak points on the damn thing. But then finally, Argent woke up and fired two crimson, red pincers on the experiment and began to remove him from the sorceress' face, although that was bringing her even more pain. Finally, the heroine removed Stitch from Lina's face but not before he took out more chunks of Lina's hair since he was grabbing onto them in order to stay on her face.

"OW! Next time, try something more safe will ya?!" Lina yelled to Argent in anger.

"Sorry." Argent apologized.

The goth girl then threw Stitch onto Leroy who was going to leap onto Amara. After Stitch crashed into Leroy, they both rolled on the floor for a while but Stitch got up quickly, formed into a ball and began rolling at ramming speed. But that proved to be a mistake as Argent created half of a crimson, red vert ramp and as a result, Stitch rolled onto the ramp and flew high into the air but soon dived down but Argent was prepared. She created her giant tennis racket again and whacked Stitch into a nearby toy store and he crashed into a box tower full of G.I. Joe action figures.

Argent then formed a giant, crimson, red hand. She grabbed Leroy with the hand and threw him into the same Disney store Lina almost destroyed much to the dismay of one of the employees who was fixing it.

"Lina, now!" Argent called to Lina.

"With pleasure." Lina smirked as she began to chant another spell. "Darkness from twilight, crimson from blood that flows; buried in the flow of time; in Thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness! Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess! DRAGON SLAVE!!"

She fired her most powerful blast at the Disney store, completely destroying it (Thank God), however, the spell caused an explosion so big, that it also killed a few shoppers. The explosion even knocked down a ramp, also killing a few people in the process.

"Was it supposed to do that?" Argent asked Lina, who was shocked at what was done.

"Oops." Lina sheeplishly responded with one word to summon up what just happened.

"Wow. Just wow." Deadpool stared in shock.

Sylar, however, was impressed. Now he wanted Lina's power and he wanted it now. Anyway, it was undetermined if Leroy was dead or not but regardless, the chocolate demon declared Argent's team the winners of Round 6. But, the tournament wasn't just yet as the chocolate demon had other plans for everyone's fate...


Probably not my best work but oh well, it's something. And sorry to avatar that I took so long but again, my computer is not in very condition right now so I had to ask my friend (who shall not be named) to borrow his labtop to finish my entries so I'd like to thank him for that and I wish everyone else luck including kinger810 with his entries and hope you guys enjoyed it.