Krad was feeling a tad more bad-tempered than usual as he trudged along side of Satoshi and Daisuke through knee-deep snow. Satoshi and Daisuke chatted as they walked along the tree-lined path. Just so that Daisuke wouldn't irritate him more by including him in their cheerful conversation, he scowled fiercely at the swirling snow flakes, the trees and just about everything else in general. There was nothing he hated more than the snow. Why did he agree to come? He had been sitting at homeā€¦

Krad tapped his pencil on the desk and stared blankly at the paper in front of him. He sipped his cold tea and made a face. He hated cold tea. He was on his way to make some fresh tea when the blonde looked out the window and saw a blunette and a very vibrant red-head walking up to his door. Scowling, Krad opened the door to Daisuke's beaming, red-nosed face and Satoshi's slightly cheerful one. "Krad, we were going to stop by the Haradas' to do some Christmas caroling. Want to come?" The blonde shook his head, and Daisuke's smile faltered. Cursing himself, Krad turned his back and went to his closet. He pulled out a white jacket and joined them outside, stopping to put his boots on.

Krad sighed and shuffled his feet. He hated snow. "Krad, cheer up. It's like a perfect paradise out here." Krad stopped and turned around quickly. No one was there. Krad shook his head, trying to clear it. Satoshi looked back and saw that Krad had fallen behind. "Hey, Krad. Better get moving or you'll freeze," Satoshi called out. Krad started walking and quickly caught back up. Daisuke and Satoshi continued their conversation. "Hey, boys. You made it. Krad, this is a surprise. Come inside and warm up," Mrs. Harada called out from the doorway. Krad let the two younger boys in first and then followed. If he had glanced behind him, he would have seen someone standing under a tree six feet away.

Hello. This is Twilight. This is my first fanfic. So please send me your reviews. I would appreciate it. No matter what you have to say, whether it be abuse or praise. I would appreciate any ideas you may have on what the next chapter should be. Be warned I may not use any of your ideas but I would like to hear what you say. Thank you and special thanks to Kyuseisha no Hikari, Kyu. She is my inspiration.