((Beware. Language. adult themes, I'm not listing them as they haven't been written yet, and extreme making fun of all people. Stereotypes suck.))

Wow. Okay, so uh, I've decided to y'know, reappear back on the face of the planet. and write something. AND HOLY HELLZ!! Finish it. cuz what I did with that last one was god awful. I just realized how much I hated it, and was WAY tired of Naruto, and it started sucking. (sure, bitch at me. I don't care how much I'm wrong, I happen to think Naruto is going downhill. Especially the US version.) It went downhill enough for me to stop. and then y'know, I never said 'yeah this fic is done' or anything. SO. I'm gonna be writing this one. Y'know, until Bleach starts sucking, WHICH MY GOD I WILL KILL MYSELF IF IT DOES. Its so good. (Okay, I won't' actually kill myself, I'm not one of those emo fuckers.) So. Uh, I was perusing the Ichigo-Hollow fanfics, and I find a 'punk' one, after the GREENDAY song. Uh, first thing wrong with that "PUNK" WTF!! Bigger issue "punk" and "Greenday" appearing in the same sentence with out an "is not". WTF. Okay. So uh, yeah I saw that, had a minor aneurysm, and uh, here I am. Back with Vengeance. With a subversive piece of words set out to prove SOMETHING. I'm not sure what, it will probably manifest itself later on. So, this I guess I'm not sure, but so far, Hichgo has had a bit of a fall out. (FOB SUCKS) Uh blah blah blah, lets just let this thing unfold, you are welcome to give suggestions, ideas, questions, comments, and flames, though flames will just be laughed at and I will probably post a fake chapter full of what you were bitching out JUST to piss you off.

Yeah. And uh, this WILL be IchigoXHichigo/IchigoXHollow, whatever you call it. But Ogihci, no matter how clever, is just kinda dumb.

Now for a subliminal message: givememoneygivememoneygivememoneygivememoneygivememoney

LISTEN TO ANIMAL COLLECTIVE!! givememoneygivememoneygivememoneygivememoneygivememoney-don't drink and drive kids!



"Why won't ya let me OUT, king? I won't do nothin'! I swear" The small muffled cry awoke Ichigo. He turned over, struggling to get out of his self-inflicted casing of blankets, and looked at the time. 4:27. A.M. He was going to KILL HICHIGO.


"KIIIIIIIIINGGGG..." The voice whined back.

"What is it THIS time?" He said still trying to untangle himself. "Is is the rain? Too dark? Is it too sunny? Not enough buildings? Needing a change of scenery?"

"King... I'm missing such an important part of our life with all this fighting."

"What? What's that supposed to mean? You could just shut up y'know..."

"Nah, listen to me king. What do NORMAL high school kids do? They have fun! They have friends-"

"I've got friends. I have fun." The grumbled reply came.

"They go to parties, they drink, they drive, they fuck, I've heard about this 'Ghost riding a whip' and 'cranking it' sounds exciting, huh king? They DO things besides running after stuffed lions and fighting invisible things and getting in arguments with girly archer boys, and they actually DO homework, but I don't care about tha-."

"What the fuck is a ghost whip rider? What are you TALKING about? At 4:30 in the morning no less. Make damn SENSE, hollow!"

"Ichigo you're no FUN! Why couldn't I be the hollow of someone like them? I bet there would be more than just BUILDINGS in here. And no rain, and no stupid old man pondering, an-"

"And what the hell do you think is fun? Oh, besides you know, killing my friends, family, killing anything for that matter, and driving me fuckin nuts. You haven't done anything else."

"Aw... I'm hurt king. But I want to do all those things! I'm sure somewhere down YOU DO TOO! If you didn't, I wouldn't even know about them! Could we at least try 'thizzing'? Whatever that is..."

"I'm going back to fucking sleep."

Should I do it? Eh? EH? EH!? I dunno. I've got a few ideas. Higicho's gettin' smashed. Thats all i know. He's gettin smash and gettin' extra friendly with Ichigo.

Maybe I'll just go with random inspiration. I could always write a few versions. I could always get help (COUGH COUGH HINT HINT!)

Eh, I'll prolly just update it later tonight. erm... well, yeah i've got nothing better to do i guess.

Update/ actual story later tonight or tommarrow. BEFORE APRIL I SWEAR TO FUCKIN GOD!!