A/N: I'm running out of ideas for this, so any suggestions are welcome.

"Mrs. Lovett..."

She didn't look up, nor did she show any sign she heard him. He approached her and placed his hand tentatively on her shoulder. She turned to face him, watching him as he approached, her eyes wide.

"Mrs. Lovett...forgive me."

Her astounded face glowed in the flickering candlelight, and he sat down beside her. She turned from him, and much to his surprise, he felt hurt. He reached out and turned her face to him, and did not miss the tears in her eyes. She pulled away and walked toward the door.

"Go away."

Her voice was barely audible.


"Go away. Now."

He came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Mrs. Lovett—"

"No! You don't care! You don't love me, so go away. I never want to see you again!"

"You're drunk. You don't know what you're—"

"I know perfectly well what I'm saying! Get out!"

He turned her into him and held her close to him. Shocked and alarmed, she tried to break free, but he held her tightly in his arms. His lips crashed onto hers, and she gave a small cry of surprise, but he still did not release her. Still struggling, she pushed against him, trying to break free.

She stopped struggling and kissed him back with force he didn't know she had, and made his way to her bed. Mrs. Lovett wasn't sure what had brought on this advance, but soon discovered she didn't care. As she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer, she silently thanked God for this change of heart.

Toby heard Mrs. Lovett slam her door, and wondered dimly what was wrong. He stumbled into the kitchen and found the shattered remains of the gin bottle and suddenly he knew. She had been drinking yet again, so he decided to leave it alone for now.

He could sense something had changed, but he wasn't quite sure what it was. Shrugging, he began a long search for a bottle of gin that still had some of the intoxicating liquid inside. Much to his astonishment, he found one buried under the couch he slept on.

He quickly emptied the contents before slipping off to sleep, not knowing what was soon to become of his dear Mrs. Lovett and her barber...