A/N- This is the final chapter of Light & Dark! Sorry about the really rubbish ending, i couldn't think of anything else to put. But thanks for sticking with the story if you've made it this far! And the sequal to this, Life & Death, will be up shortly.

Disclaimer- For the last time- I DON'T OWN WARRIORS!

Chapter 15

Thunderclan leapt across the river and raced into the clearing at fourrocks. The last time Silverpelt had been here, he had been fighting Tigerpelt to save the forest. Now he was here with a peaceful purpose. It was the Gathering and he was here to listen to the news from other clans.

His first instinct was to find Frostfeather, but he couldn't. She was dead. She had died here six days ago. He closed his eyes and remembered the moment. Then he shook his head and cleared the thought from his mind.

He looked around the clearing. He didn't think Shadowclan would show up. Icestar would still be rebuilding his clan.

He saw Greystripe talking to Lionheart and Rainnose, the deputies of Riverclan and Windclan. He padded over and greeted them. He sat down with them and listened to what Greystripe was saying.

"So anyway, I pounced on this scrawny black she-cat and gave her some wounds to remember!" the Thunderclan deputy meowed. Silverpelt purred. Even though his friend was talking about events from the day his sister died, he wasn't talking about what had happened at fourrocks.

"So, Lionheart," Greystripe continued, "Tell us what happened here."

"I would, but it may upset your friend." Lionheart said, indicating Silverpelt.

"Tell them," Silverpelt meowed, "I'll go somewhere else."

"It doesn't matter." purred Rainnose, "The meeting is starting."

The cats looked up at the four rocks in the centre of the clearing. Only three of them were occupied tonight. Whitestar stepped forwards and began the meeting.

"You may have heard," he announced, "That Tigerpelt is dead. He had plans to take control of this forest and he would have started with Thunderclan."

Some Riverclan cats protested but they were quickly silenced. Every cat wanted to hear about what had happened.

"Froststar, Lionheart, Frostfeather, Silverpelt, Orangestripe and I all battle Tigerpelt and some of his followers, here, six days ago. Silverpelt succeeded in drowning Tigerpelt in the river, even with the risks to his own life."

The cats cheered and Silverpelt felt every cat looking at him.

Froststar stepped forwards and continued with news from that night.

"Frostfeather died." she meowed.

The cheering stopped.

"Anyway," announced Swiftstar, stepping forwards, "Windclan have a new warrior, Rainpelt and our new medicine cat is Spottedberry."

The cats began to cheer again.

"And Thunderclan have many new cats." Whitestar announced. "Roseeyes, Icepelt, Mousewhisker, Thistlepaw, Specklepaw, Hollypaw, Brindlekit, Stonekit, Willowkit, Dawnkit, Fernkit and Windkit."

The cheering continued but some cats were beginning to ask why Thunderclan needed so many new cats and where they had come from.

"Also," continued Whitestar, "Brokenmoon is our new medicine cat apprentice."

Froststar stepped forwards.

"We have two new kits, Loudkit and Ravenkit, and two new warriors, Brightpelt and Shadowmist. We also have three new apprentices, Cinderpaw, Bramblepaw and Blackpaw."

Swiftstar stepped forwards and said,

"Now we have announced that, may I ask, Whitestar, why does Thunderclan have so many new cats? Are you planning to invade us?"

The Windclan cats began to hiss and spit at the Thunderclan cats. Whitestar stepped forwards and said, calmly,

"Thunderclan has recently lost many cats. We have lost Heavyfur, Patchpaw, Brightmane, Redpaw, Swiftwind and Whitestorm. Lionfur left us to join Shadowclan but she is now dead too. This means Greystripe is our new deputy."

There were some cheers but most were grieving for the cats that had been lost.

"I'm sorry." Swiftstar apologised to Whitestar. "If it's any consolation, Windclan have just lost one of our elders, Runningnose."

Whitestar nodded. Swiftwind stepped forwards again and announced,

"Also, Mossstorm has had her kits, they are Barkkit, Bluekit and Grasskit."

"Is that all the news?" Froststar asked.

Whitestar and Swiftstar nodded and the meeting was over. Whitestar leapt off the rock and lead his clan over the river and back to camp.

When they returned, the camp looked more normal that it had ever been recently. Most cats were asleep but Thistlepaw and Hollypaw were sat in the clearing talking about something. Hollypaw sniggered and both of the cats crept into their den. A few moments later, Specklepaw came sprinting out, wailing,

"Spider! Spider!"

Her two siblings followed her out, laughing loudly. Hollypaw had a spider dangling from her paw.

A few of the warriors laughed and Specklepaw glared at them crossly.

The Thunderclan party separated off into their different dens and went to sleep. Silverpelt walked over to his den and trotted inside. He curled up in his warm nest and fell asleep almost instantly.

Silverpelt was on the dawn patrol the next morning. He padded out of camp with Greystripe and Hollypaw. As the went up the slope Silverpelt meowed,

"Right, Hollypaw, if I see you with any spiders today, you are in big trouble, okay?"

Hollypaw sniggered then nodded and began to watch the different plants that they walked past. They walked along the Windclan border first, although they expected Windclan to give them no trouble. They carried on, past fourrocks. Silverpelt could still smell the scents of lots of different cats from last night.

As they walked along the Shadowclan border, they became more nervous. There were only three of them, so they would be a fairly easy target. Although Tigerpelt was dead, he still had many followers.

Suddenly, Greystripe stopped. Hollypaw looked up from sniffing an interesting mushroom and asked,

"What is it?"

"I smell a Shadowclan patrol!" Greystripe hissed.

A Shadowclan patrol emerged from the bushes on the other side of the river. Silverpelt's heart sank when he saw who was leading it.

"Firestorm." he growled.

"Greetings, Silverpelt." meowed the ginger cat, menacingly.

"How are you?" asked Greystripe, in an attempt to try to prevent a fight from breaking out.

"Oh, we're fine." meowed Ripped, stepping forwards. She and Tigerclaw, the cat who had pinned down Frostfeather before she had been killed, were with Firestorm on the patrol.

Silverpelt hissed at Tigerclaw and growled,

"You helped Tigerpelt murder my sister!"

"I was just following orders!" Tigerclaw protested, spitting at Silverpelt.

The two cats growled at each other, then Tigerclaw leapt across the river, bowling Silverpelt over. The two cats writhed and screech on the edge of the border. Greystripe leapt at the two cats, to try to split them up, but Ripped leapt and cannoned into him before he could reach them. The grey she-cat pinned the deputy to the ground and he squirmed underneath her, desperate to try to stop his friend from falling into the river.

Hollypaw leapt at Ripped and knocked her off Greystripe. The Thunderclan deputy sprang to his paws and jumped at Silverpelt and Tigerclaw. He landed on Tigerclaw's back and dug his claws in hard. Now the bright ginger cat had a problem, he couldn't flip onto his back and wind Greystripe without letting Silverpelt scratch his belly. Also, he could pin down Silverpelt without Greystripe pulling him off. Eventually he shook free from Greystripe and Silverpelt and leapt across the border, back onto his own territory. The Thunderclan warriors turned on Ripped, who was still fighting with Hollypaw. Seeing she was outnumbered, the Shadowclan she-cat turned and also leapt back to her own side of the river.

Silverpelt hissed at the enemy cats.

"What did you start a fight for?" he growled.

"I wanted him to tell me how strong you were." meowed Firestorm.

"Why?" asked Silverpelt, confused.

"You'll see." sneered the ginger cat.

"I saved you from the twolegs." Silverpelt reminded him. "Even when your clanmates said I should give up."

"That was a long time ago." Firestorm hissed.

"You wouldn't be here if I hadn't saved you."

"How did you escape? I was seeing which cats made it out. You never did. How did you survive?"

"I was taken to be killed. Some more twolegs came in at the last minute. I used their presence as a distraction and escaped." Silverpelt boasted.

He didn't want to admit that the other twolegs freed him and would probably have saved the other cats too.

"I've seen how much Leopardstorm admires you." growled Firestorm.

Silverpelt was taken aback. He didn't think of Leopardstorm's help as admiration.

"But I warn you, stay away from my sister!" hissed Firestorm.

"Sister?" asked Silverpelt. "But you look nothing alike!"

"So? Doesn't mean we're not related!" spat Firestorm.

"I was just saying…" apologised Silverpelt.

"I've had enough of you and your attitude!" spat Firestorm. "Believe me, soon, so very soon, I am going to wipe you out!"

Firestorm flicked his tail and the Shadowclan cats turned and sprinted away.

Silverpelt and the rest of the patrol were left standing on the border. They stood in silence for a moment. Greystripe was the first to speak.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"I thought…" Silverpelt began, but he stopped. He didn't know how to put it.

"You thought what?" asked his friend, rubbing against him.

"I thought… that he was grateful. Then I assumed that his hostility was because he was with Tigerpelt. Perhaps he had a different reason."

"We don't want to find out though." comforted Greystripe. "Come on, we had better continue the patrol."

The three cats turned and left but Silverpelt couldn't focus. He didn't have any idea why Firestorm didn't like him. He thought about what the ginger cat had said.

I've seen how much Leopardstorm admires you. But I warn you, stay away from my sister!

Could it be that Firestorm was just worried that his sister wanted to choose a mate from another clan? Especially one that had a deep rivalry with Shadowclan. If that was the case, Silverpelt didn't have anything to worry about. He loved Orangestripe, not Leopardstorm, and in a moon, he would have some kits to prove it. He purred. Orangestripe meant so much to him. He had been so angry at Tigerpelt because he had hurt her. He really did not want any harm to come to her. But he didn't want any harm to come to any other members of his clan either.

Silverpelt wondered if he would ever see Redpaw in his dreams again. It would be nice but he suspected that his sister may appear to him now.

Silverpelt felt a presence behind him. It couldn't be Hollypaw or Greystripe because they were up ahead. He turned around and saw the shimmering shapes of two cats. He recognised them instantly. How could he not? They were Silverfire and Frostfeather.

"You have done well, my son." purred Silverfire.

Silverpelt smiled. His sister spoke.

"But be careful. You must beware the enemy you least suspect."

"Thank you." meowed Silverpelt. "I miss you."

"I know you do." said the silvery shape of his sister. They both faded out of sight.

Silverpelt was left staring at empty air.

"Come on you slow cat! Stop staring at nothing!" came a cry from up ahead. Silverpelt turned around and saw Greystripe and Hollypaw laughing. He bounded up to them.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked,

"You!" laughed Greystripe. "Talking to the air!"

"I wasn't talking to the empty air." meowed Silverpelt solemnly. He looked down at his paws and sighed.

"I was talking to my mother and sister."

Hollypaw stared at him, looking sorry. Greystripe laughed.

"Now he thinks he's seeing dead cats!"

"Shh!" hissed Hollypaw. "Are you okay, Silverpelt?"

"I'm okay." meowed Silverpelt. "I just want to be alone for a bit. You two go on ahead. I'll catch up in a bit."

Hollypaw nodded, turned, and walked off. Greystripe followed her, sighing and shaking his head.

Silverpelt gazed up at the sky and the clouds. A blackbird twittered.

Perhaps it was a trick of the light, or perhaps he was just daydreaming, but Silverpelt could have sworn he saw a cloud shaped like a cat float past on the leaf-bare breeze.

Silverpelt sighed. He was going to miss Frostfeather so much. Never again would he see her at a Gathering and feel the joy of a happy reunion. Never again would he lick her in her nursery in the middle of a battle. He would see her kits grow up without a mother, not really knowing what she looked like or what happened to her.

Silverpelt wondered who the father was. He suspected it was Nightpelt, as Ravenkit was sleek and black, just like him.

Silverpelt felt something brush against him and he thought he heard a cat purr.

A voice whispered in the wind,

"You're right."

Silverpelt paused for a moment, then shook his head and took a deep breath, drawing the scents of the forest into his mouth. He scented a mouse just up ahead and smelled leaf mould on the forest floor. The blackbird twittered again and Silverpelt looked around for it. He sighed. It was in a tree, out of reach.

He took a few steps forwards and picked up the scent trail of Greystripe and Hollypaw. He stepped forward a bit further and looked around. His stomach growled. He opened his mouth again and picked up the smell of the mouse once more. It was just to his left. He turned and padded forwards, slipping into a hunting crouch. He sprang, kicking up dead leaves and grabbed the mouse in his jaws. He dropped the dead body and began to eat. He thought about everything that had happened. He could live with his sister's death. He would have to. Now he would have to think about Firestorm. He sighed once more.

Anyway, he thought, That was leaf-bare. Lets see what new-leaf brings.