A/N: I do not own Dragonball Z but damn i wish did!

Chapter 2: Pure Lust

18 sat in sat in her and 17's home just watching television. It was funny really you wouldn't think

2 deadly androids would care much about having a place to sleep at night. You'd probably think they'd just terrorize people 24/7.

Part of that is almost true really, 17 spent more time torturing and hurting people than she did.

But he was gone now so she didn't have to worry about him teasing her for being soft.

''Mmh I wonder what lavenders doing'' she said to herself. What! What was this? why couldn't she

get him off of her mind for just a second, I mean it wasn't too long ago that she wanted nothing

more but to him anyway. It also wasn't too long ago that she had a dream about them being together and having crazy,sweaty sex and dear she say it even a baby.

He had grown a lot since the last time she saw him and she was definately more attracted to him than ever before. She decided that all this sitting around was doing her no good, she took to the sky

hoping to find a nice place where she could go for a little walk. She knew this would be hard seeing that her and her twin destroyed a lot of Earth, but surprisigly she did find a nice place. It was a forest with lush green trees and had a pathway that would make certain she wouldn't get lost.

She wondered how she and her twin missed this place but she was glad they did. She knew if 17 had found it he would have blown it to smitherines the second he laid eyes on it.

She was walking not paying attention to anything in particular when she bumped someone, someone all too familar lavender or Trunks rather. She never called him by his name anyway so it didn't matter.

''What are you doing here'' He said trying to sound angry. This was one of the few places on Earth untouched by the androids and he didn't want anyone ruining it.

''MYOB will ya can't a girl go for a walk without being interrogated'' She snapped back. She decided not to bring up the subject of him sparing her it would put her in a very uncomfortable spot she didn't want to feel vulnerable.

''Not if the girl is a killer cyborg'' Trunks said almost making it sound like common knowledge.

''Just move out of my way'' 18 said as she tried to push Trunks out of the way but instead was grabbed by her waist.

I hate it when he touches me there it makes me hot. She thought to herself.

''You're not going anywhere, not until i return the favor'' He whispered in her ear.

Suddenly he kissed her, she was shocked but kissed him back. Nothing but pleasure

going through both of their bodies. Once they pulled apart Trunks broke the silence

he knew would over take them.

''You're a good kisser'' He said unsure of what to say.

''You shouldn't be surprised she said ''but i'm better in the bedroom.''

With this she left leaving Trunks stunned for a full 5 minutes. He had to have her. Her body. Her everything.