Evangelion/Naruto X-Over

I do not own Evangelion and Naruto

Thanks for your subscriptions and reviews to this story everyone ^_^! And also to my sister to get me to continue writing after I lost my boyfriend, please send reviews I always enjoy feedback.

The Snake Bites!

In Gendo's office it had been very grim for Gendo Ikari to not only know that 'Adam' was stolen but the documentation for the 'Human Instrumentality Program' was also stolen too.

"Even the most secure place is no challenge to that cult." Feyutsuki mused.

"So it would seem. Your opinion Captain Hotake." Gendo demanded.

"Apparently there is no question that the Akatsuki did this." Kakashi concluded.

"What shall we tell the old man?" Feyutsuki asked.

"Tell them nothing." Gendo answered.

"I do know an expert on the Akatsuki, but he'll need clearance to work here." Kakashi proposed.

"Why I was not informed this earlier?" Gendo thought. "Make it so Captain, dismissed. Feyutsuki make sure that this guest has full clearance to Nerv Headquarters." He ordered.

Kakashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"What will the Akatsuki do with it all?" Feyutsuki wondered.

"It seems that their goals may be at least similar to Seele's." Gendo Schemed.

In Kohona in the Hokage's office, Tsunade was reading the intelligence reports that Kakashi had been regularly sending although a bit late along with a convenient excuse for being late.

"Another Bijuu attack! That's the ninth attack that world had sustained." Tsunade gasped.

"My lady, I think we should call Kakashi and Team 7 back, we need to focus on keeping this village strong." Shizune proposed.

"How? It took a lot of Chakra to send our them to that world and the only way back is if they choose to return and that's if they can find their way back." Tsunade rebuts.

"Eek!" Shizune squeaked then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Tsunade answered and Team Gai entered along with Baki.

"You called us!" Gai announced.

"Yes, your team will be on a 'S' Class mission." Tsunade announced.

"An 'S' Class mission? My team had never been assigned this kind of mission before. Not only that it's only know to the Hokage and those who are assigned to it." Gai thought. "We'll take it!" He beamed and his team sighed, except for Rock Lee.

"We're ready for anything!" Rock agreed.

"Very good Lee, but we need to know what the mission is." Gai reproved.

"Yes Gai-Sensei!" Rock acknowledged.

"This is highly classified. First Your team is to escort Jiraiya and Baki to Tokyo-3 and to meet up with Team Kakashi and Team Sand." Tsunade instructed.

"That would be no problem! It looks like Kakashi needs help after all!" Gai boasted with a shiny grin.

"That's not all. I just received intelligence that the Akatsuki had managed to steal an artifact called 'Adam' from Nerv and information about the 'Human Instrumentality Program' which could put everyone in that world as well in our world in extreme danger." Tsunade warned.

"Understood! We'll get started!" Gai acknowledged and turns to leave.

"One more thing, I'm coming too." Tsunade announced.

"What!" Shizune gasped.

"I made my choice! Since I'm responsible to protect this village, I'm going to personally to see to this threat that has the potentiality to cause world wide destruction." Tsunade countered.

"I understand." Shizune conceded.

Down the streets at Kohona, Jiraiya was doing some research at the ladies bath house.

"Oh yes! This is exactly what I need to finish my latest issue of Make-Out Paradise!" Jiraiya thought as he was drooling then a shuriken struck closely than nearly cut his ear off. He then turned to face the attacker to notice Tenten looking sternly at him.

"Lady Tsunade told that you would be here." Tenten stated.

"Can a man do some research without being bothered?" Jiraiya grumbled but embarrassed that he was caught.

"Don't worry, I just told the matron that you're here watching the girls." Said Tenten.

"Alright! I guess Tsunade is now ready to go." Jiraiya conceded.

"You better go quick, cause they know your here." Tenten warned and to her word Jiraiya noticed a huge group of angry women ready to punish him and he took off.

Back in Tokyo-3 it was raining hard and Sasuke had been released from hospital after he was briefed by Orochimaru and Ritsuko in their plan to escape to Oto, the hidden village of Sound in his world and was ordered to keep low and to return back to Misato's under Kakashi's care. In Misato's apartment, Kakashi is now watching over Sasuke, Shinji and Asuka while Naruto was ordered to escort Ritsuko, Sakura is at Nerv hospital trying to help Misato awake from her coma and Team Sand is in their own apartment.

The doorbell rang and Shinji answered the door to notice Rei, Touji and Kensuke.

"Oh, hi guys, come on in!" Shinji admitted and went to the linen press to get some towels and Sasuke came out of his room to check out the visitors.

"Thanks for letting us in Shinji, that rainstorm came out of nowhere." Touji thanked.

"So like, where's Misato?" Kensuke asked as he and Touji grabed the towels that Shinji supplied.

"She's at hospital, she fought my brother." Sasuke growled.

"I need to see pilot Uchiha." Rei announced.

"Um, sure." Shinji acknowledged as Rei walked passed the boys and approached Sasuke.

"What do you want?" Sasuke demanded.

"I need to speak to you privately." Rei explained, which got Kakashi's noticed.

"And why do you need to speak to Sasuke privately? Is there something I should know?" Kakashi asked as he cuts in between Rei and Sasuke. "After all, I am your sensei to both of you and your superior officer." He added.

"I was sent to give orders from Doctor Akagi for further tests." Rei answered.

"Well tell Doctor Akagi that all orders will go through either me or Misato before going directly to our charges. Is that understood?" Kakashi rebukes.

"Yes Captain Hotake." Rei acknowledged.

"Very well. Now you guys ready are for training, we'll train at the sporting oval today. Kakashi informed.

"What? In the rain? You're kidding!" Touji protested.

"I'm not kidding Touji, you need to be ready for anything, anytime in any kind of weather, because the weather will effect you combat strategy." Kakashi instructed.

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei." Touji conceded.

"Wow, he's really keepin at least one eye on you Sasuke." Kensuke observed.

"Tell me about it, I'm not allowed to go anywhere without him or Misato." Sasuke followed then the door to the bathroom slides open.

"Hey! What the heck are these creeps are doing in here?" Asuka demanded.

"Why? Are you oping out of training scaredy cat?" Sasuke teased with a devious smirk.

"Grrr, well I'm changing in here and if you peep, you're dead!" Asuka threatened.

"Well, I guess now is a bad idea to include her in Make-Out Paradise." Shinji commented as he was thinking about Jiraiya.

"Regrettably." Kakashi agreed as he can think of the possible torture that Asuka can apply to Jiriaya if he was caught peeking on her.

"Way to go Sasuke, it sure good to have you back!" Touji beamed after he watched Asuka fumed.

"She's still annoying, like Sakura." Sasuke added and Asuka tensed as she was eaves dropping on Sasuke's comment.

"Well us girls will show you Third Child!" Asuka thought.

"Asuka, are you ready now?" Kakashi asked and Asuka pulled back the curtain which revealed her in her gym outfit. "Good. Let's get started, everyone to the roof." He ordered.

Deep in Nerv headquarters, in Ritsuko's office. Ritsuko and Orochimaru have been finalising their plans to leave Nerv headquarters as Orochimaru is writing his scoll.

"Alight, now if we take Unit-01, we could train Sasuke to manipulate it's AT Field to the same frequency which will in thoery return yourself and Sasuke back to Oto." Ritsuko theorised.

"An artificial bijuu in my possession will be very useful, especially since Sasuke can pilot it." Orochimaru schemed. "And while the foolish Leaf ninja is too busy dealing with the bijuu attacks and the Akatsuki, we'll have no trouble of carrying out this operation." He added.

"There's one more thing: I was thinking of training Rei too and do the same procedure along with Sasuke with Unit-00." Ritsuko proposed.

"Yes, I noticed that this 'Rei' is interesting and having her and her bijuu in Oto will be an excellent bonus, but I want Sasuke to be the priority." Orochimaru agreed conditionally as he had finished writing his scroll and did a combination of hand symbols. "Ninja art: Item dimentional transfer jutsu!" He invoked and the scroll disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"What did you just do?" Ritsuko asked.

"Kukukukuku, I just sent a message to my village Oto to inform them to prepare to receive Sasuke and more." Orochimaru answered.

"Besides, Thank you for everything, especially revealing how the commander had been using me all this time, like my mother." Ritsuko thanked as she sneered the title 'Commander'.

"All I did is just show you the truth, once he was done with you, what will happen to you." Orochimaru explained with a charming smile.

"The last thing is these Neural Dampeners I had just developed. Unlike the Neural links that helps the pilot to synchronise with the eva, these dampeners will prevent any passengers in the entry plug to interfere with the nervous system." Ritsuko explained as she revealed a set Neural Dampeners which look like normal Neural Links but have a pair of orbs on each link. "The best part is that no intruders in the entry plug can be detected." She added.

"Very good Ritsuko." Orochimaru praised then the door opened to admit Rei.

"Oh, did Sasuke got the signal?" Ritsuko asked.

"Affirmative, pilot Uchiha is on his way." Rei answered.

"Very good Rei, besides Ritsuko I like to thank you for letting me take a couple of copies of her with me." Said Orochimaru.

"Sure it's no problems, you literally took half the spares from the dummy system and sealed them in a scroll." Ritsuko observed and Orochimaru gave a menacing smile.

"Rei, get suited up and meet me at the eva cage." Ritsuko ordered.

"Yes doctor Akagi." Rei acknowledged.

In Kohona in the Hokage's tower, Tsunade was walking along with Shizune and Jiraiya in the halls, on their way to her office.

"Based on the information that Kakashi had given us, it may be possible that the Akatsuki may want to produce what they called a 'Third Impact'." Jiraiya stated.

"But why? If 'Third Impact' happens, did the report also say it will eliminate the human race?" Tsunade questioned.

"My lady, I think you should reconsider going to Tokyo-3 yourself, I can put together a team and head there myself along with Jiraiya instead." Shizune proposed.

"My mind is already made up and I'm not changing it." Tsunade countered.

"Tsunade!" An elderly woman's voice called and Tsunade noticed that Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado are standing in front of her. "We need to discuss something with you. It's rather important." She confronted and Tsunade nodded and escorted them in the Hokage's lounge.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Tsunade inquired. "Since both of you advisors are here, I imagine that this isn't a social visit." She followed.

"Now that you mentioned it..." Homura answered.

"Shizune recently paid us a visit seeking out advice on something." Koharu interrupted and Shizune gasped and Tsunade glared at Shizune at the corner of her eye.

"What is this all about?" Tsunade asked.

"It's Naruto Uzumaki and yourself." Koharu stated as she watches Tsunade carefully.

"Henceforth, We are informed that Naruto is at a place called 'Tokyo-3', in another world and the Akatsuki is present." Homura informs.

"Can we assume that you'll understand our reasoning?" Koharu questions.

"Yeah, I do." Tsunade answered.

"Well then, Naruto must return back to the village immediately. Furthermore you need to find capable shinobi that will carryout this mission." Homura orders.

"And you must remain here too." Koharu adds.

"That is all. Understood?" Homura ordered.

"If Shizune has come to you to beg for your intervention. Then you should already know my answer is going to be. Impossible!" Tsunade countered.

"Tsunade! Who will protect the village if the Hokage is not present?" Koharu demanded.

"And as for Naruto, he is not an ordinary child, he is a Jinkuriki!" Homura followed.

"If you have been reading the reports, the Akatsuki are not in Tokyo-3 because of the Jinkuriki, but the bijuu attacks that the city has been sustaining. Also there is an organisation called 'Nerv' had found a way to produce and tame their own bijuu which they called an 'Evangelion'. That's their main interest for now and to protect this village we need to know everything about it. Furthermore, I was just informed that the Akatsuki had stolen an artifact which was used to produce their own bijuu and plans called the 'Human Instrumentality Project', for all I know they may not need the Jinkuriki anymore." Tsuande explained sternly.

"I expected much more from you Tsunade, you call yourself Hokage?" Homura reproved then Tsunade stamped her foot on the floor causing the room to shake.

"Look! I'm trying to find a compromise here too damn it!" Tsunade countered loudly.

"Correct me if I am wrong but you can't guarantee that Naruto will be taken by the Akatsuki and you own safety let alone your expected return!" Homura also countered just as strongly then Tsunade sighed.

"If I do return and the Akatsuki does get hold of the Nine Tailed Fox, Then I as the Fifth Hogake, I will defend the village with all my life, and if need be with my very own life!" Tsunade vowed.

"Very well then, if you feel that strongly about this then do as you see fit. However, as a compromise you will use the Shinobi we select to escort you, Jiraiya and Baki from the village of Sand." Homura proposed and Tsunade sighed.

"Agreed." Tsuande conceded.

"Danzo! Please enter." Koharu called out and the door slides open to reveal Danzo and Danzo enters the Lounge.

"It's been a long time, Pricess Tsunade." Danzo greeted as he enters the room.

"I see, if you're involved then I would not be surprised that one of the Shinobi will be from 'The Foundation' within the black ops." Tsunade suspects as Danzo walks towards the window and survey the village. "So, the escorts for Tokyo-3, will you be providing them?" She questioned.

"No, just one person." Danzo answered.

"I understand. It's to replace Sasuke isn't it." Tsunade assumes.

"Team Kakashi does need reinforcements immediately and the team needs a replacement member just in case Naruto needs to return. This decision should belong to lady Tsunade." Shizune explains.

"I didn't expect the Akatsuki to be in Tokyo-3, it was only to be a search and rescue mission of Sasuke Uchiha but if the Akatsuki are successful in getting control of the 'Evangelion' or learn to make more of them, they will be unstoppable threat to our village." Tsunade strategised.

"It's clear what you need is an escort in the black ops, assigned directly to the Hokage." Danzo proposed.

"Yes, that choice would be wise." Koharu agrees.

"I trust you have no objections, Tsunade." Homura said sternly.

"You leave the final selection up to me. Is that okay with you?" Tsunade proposed firmly.

"Well Danzo, what do you say?" Homura asks and Koharu faces Danzo and he gave no response.

"Fine, I'll pick whoever I want." Tsunade declares and leaves the room.

At the roof of Misato's appartment, Kakashi had Shinji, Sasuke, Touji and Kensuke to train together. However, Kakashi dropped by at Team Sand's apartment to ask Kankuro to join and set him up to spar with Asuka.

"Okay Asuka, this is your training partner Kankuro from the village of Sand." Kakashi introduced.

"Oh great, another perverted boy." Asuka cursed.

"She's got of catching up to do." Kankuro commented smugly and removed his bundle which was strapped to his back.

"What did you just say!" Asuka shouted as she pulled out her kunai knife.

"I'm not like any guy you met so far." Kankuro answered.

"Well, I'm going to show you a fine display of Kunoichi training." Asuka boasted as she did a series of hand signals. "Clone jutsu!" She invoked and four duplicate Asuka clones appeared.

"Hmmm, not bad! Asuka managed to master the clone jutsu and created four duplicates she's good at chakra control." Kakashi thought as he was observing the army of Asukas charged towards Kankuro who looks very confident.

Then suddenly what appears to be Kankuro shatters its shell when the real Asuka delivered a combination and a four-armed puppet emerged from the debris chatting away.

"Sheist!" Asuka cursed and she backs away from the puppet.

"Now it's my turn!" Kankura challenged through hid puppet 'Crow' as the puppet flew towards Asuka.

"I hate dolls!" Asuka screamed as she evades the charge and the puppet maneuvered and its wrists opened to reveal blades and parried Asuka's kunai knife.

"That's obvious, but she needs to overcome this." Kakashi thought.

The puppet then opened its mouth and shoots kunai knives at Asuka, but she noticed a plausible attack and side-kicked the puppet in the torso away, then she quickly took the opportunity to another series of hand signals as 'Crow' intercepts her. Then Asuka disappeared in a puff of smoke and as the smoke cleared it revealed that Crow was grabbing with its four arms the bundle that Kankuro carried.

"Hey not bad." Kankuro complimented behind Asuka.

"I'll kill you dumpkoff!" Asuka screamed as she charged viciously towards Kankuro, ready to slash his throat with her kunai knife but Kankuro did a hand gesture and then Asuka found out she was scooped up into a barrel and it sealed itself shut. Asuka then pounded inside screaming and cursing until she got tired.

"Moma!" She cried from inside 'Black Ant' and she starts to sob uncontrollably. "I don't want to die!" She sobbed.

-Flash Back-

At a graveyard in Germany a little girl who's Asuka was standing next to her father as the psychologist was giving his report.

"So her fiction had become her reality. How ironic that the experiment's entity would become its victim." The psychologist commented.

"So you believe that the contact experiment was the cause?" Her father asked.

"You the mental break-down the result of the contact." The psychologist corrected.

"Yes, killing herself and leaving such a young girl behind is so awful." Her father concluded.

"Perhaps, I believe that there are additional causes." The psychologist proposed.

Earlier in the psychiatric hospital, the young Asuka was staring through the observation window watching her mother Kyoko Soryu nursing the doll, believing it was her daughter.

"Asuka darling, mama cooked your favorite for you." Kyoko announced cryptically. "Oh no! You mustn't complain what you like or dislike. Or that girl over there will laugh at you." She chided at the doll as she points at the observation window where Asuka is observing.

"She justs sit there everyday, talking to that doll as it was her real daughter." The woman who is the doctor reported.

"I think it was caused by the guilt she must feel. She had devoted her entire life to our research, not taking care her own daughter." Asuka's father hypothesised.

"Oh, I feel your grief." The doctor sympathised.

"It's like looking at porcelain figures of a mother and her child. Perhaps there isn't much difference humans and dolls." Her father concluded.

"Mankind creates dolls in our own image. If God exists, perhaps we're all a bunch of dolls to Him." The doctor discerned.

"Hmmm, hearing you saying something like that makes it hard for me to believe that you are a modern physician." Her father flirted.

"I may be a doctor, but I'm a human being and a woman first." The doctor purring and they began their affair in front of Kyoko, believing she's nothing more than a vegetable and not taking any notice that Asuka is watching angrily. Then Asuka's grandmother arrived.

"You're a strong girl Asuka." Her grandmother cried as she hugged her. "But it's alright if you have to cry." She comforted.

"I'll never cry grandmother, I'll have to take care of myself now." Young Asuka countered, burying her emotions.

Later Asuka was running down the halls of the Psychiatric Hospital towards her mother's room fully excited.

"Mama! Mama! They chose me! I'm a elite pilot now! I'm the best in the whole world now! I must keep this a secret, but I'll only tell you mama! Everybody is so nice to me now, I don't feel lonely anymore! I'm okay now, even without papa! Look at me! Look at me mama!" Young Asuka announced and as she finished delivered her news and opened to door to her mother's room she saw her Kyoko, holding her doll in a noose and have her neck in a noose too and standing on a chair.

"Asuka, come to heaven with me." Kyoko pleaded and smiled at her doll and at the same time she released the doll and she kicked the chair she was standing on down and fell full weight and snapped her neck.

Asuka only froze in both excitement and horror at the same time as she now watching her dead mother hanging from the ceiling.

-End of Flashback-

Asuka then noticed that the barrel opened and leaped out running and sobbing towards Kakashi and attempted to swing punches at him but Kakashi evaded and caught her armed and pinned her on the ground in an arm-lock.

"Settle down!" Kakashi ordered.

"Why did you do this!" Asuka demanded, still struggling to control her tears.

"Before Misato was incapacitated and since you're my responsibility too, I was briefed on your background and noticed those issues are causing you problems now and it'll only get worse if it's not dealt with. We are trying to help you" Kakashi answered and Asuka relaxed and Kakashi helped her up.

"Kakashi-Sensei!" Shinji announced.

"Yes Shinji." Kakashi answered, still watching Asuka in case she makes any sudden movements but she kept a neutral look as she quickly dried her tears.

"Sasuke's gone!" Shinji reported and Kakashi's visible eye widened.

In Nerv hospital, Misato awoke from her coma, quickly sitting up.

"Sasuke!" Misato gasped, then she noticed she was in a hospital gown at Nerv hospital then the door to her room opened to reveal Sub-Commander Feyutsuki entering the room and holding a small box.

"Commander." Misato greeted.

"I just thought you just awakened from the coma." Feyutsuki commented.

"I believe I was under a genjutsu, just before I passed out." Misato explained.

"I guess you just met Sasuke's brother from what I'm told from Kaji and I'm hoping you awaken because Ikari wants you back on duty as soon as possible." Feyutsuki informed.

"I don't know, while I was under his genjutsu he wants to give Nerv a message." Misato announced.

"What does the Akatsuki want? You know we won't negotiate with them." Feyutsuki reminded.

"Itachi was not speaking for the Akatsuki, he's warning us that they're interested in the Evangelions and the Angels and he warned us that a Orochimaru, a rogue ninja who's wants to take Sasuke at any cost and he's infiltrating Nerv now." Misato reports and Feyutsuki's eyes widened and quickly pulled out his cell phone.

"Alert Nerv security, we have an intruder, put the base on lock-down and inform Captain Hotake and the Commander!" Feyutsuki ordered and then he hung up.

"So, what's the box for?" Misato asked.

"Sorry I must be quick with this but the Commander and myself want to acknowledge your service to Nerv and you deserved our trust to run Nerv while we're both absent." Feyutsuki answered and opened the box which reveals the insignia of the rank 'Major' and place it on the table next to Misato's hospital bed. "I must go now. Misato, Congratulations." He announced and he left the room and the door slid shut.

Then the door opened to Admit Sakura with a excited look on her face.

"Misato! It's good to see you awake." Sakura greeted.

"Thanks Sakura, but I was warned that Orochimaru is here." Misato announced.

"Orochimaru! He's after Sasuke here!" Sakura gasped.

"Itachi warned me, Sakura who's Orochimaru?" Misato demanded.

"My team first ran into him during the chunin exams. I was totally helpless and Naruto got incapacitated and Sasuke fought the hardest until he received his curse seal." Sakura answered.

"So thats what that thing is on Sasuke's neck." Misato acknowledged.

"Yes, I saw what it did to Sasuke, it made him do things that I wouldn't think he'll do, it made him more stronger but more vicious too. He was fighting Zaku, part of a team from the village of Sound, the fight ended when Sasuke broke both his arms in one move." Sakura continued.

"Like he did when he was piloting Unit-01, he was fighting the Third angel. So what has to do with Orochimaru and Sasuke?" Misato demanded.

"I don't know but he's changed since he got the curse seal and became very eager to train with Orochimaru and I know Sasuke always has his heart set on revenge against his brother. Orochimaru is one of the three legendary sanins and he's a really powerful ninja." Sakura informs.

"Right, I'm not going to sit around and let Orochimaru take Sasuke, help me get dressed, we're heading back to Headquarters." Misato orders and Sakura nods and immediately helps Misato.

In Nerv Headquarters in the lab, Maya is in charge of the activation experiment of Evangelion Unit-04, everything was going as planned except that Ritsuko was absent.

"Approaching Absolute Border-Line." Aoba reported then Unit-04 activates as the border-line cleared.

"We did it, activation successful. The sixth child's synchratio is at 54 percent!" Aoba announced which caused the Nerv staff to gasp.

"Are those readings correct?" Maya asked.

"I'm not surprised about the synch ratio at these levels since we had recruited those ninja and I double checked it and did a diagnostic and there're no errors in the readings, but I detected a dormant entity in the sixth child." Aoba announced.

"What! Is there any threat?" Maya demanded.

"None detected so far." Aoba answered.

"Okay. Naruto congratulations, you're now the official pilot of Evangelion Unit-04!" Maya announced.

"It feels weird here, what the hell you're trying to drown me with!" Naruto freaked.

"It's LCL, you can breath it like you breath air, don't worry you'll get used to it." Maya assured.

"Ah, okay but why does it have to taste so horrible?" Naruto asked himself.

"The sixth child is like a matryoshka doll, he just gave us more questions than answers about these ninjas." Maya thought then turned to Aoba. "Aoba, keep the sixth child monitored at all times." Maya ordered.

"Yes ma'am." Aoba complied.

In the halls of Nerv, Sasuke just arrived at Ritsuko's office where Orochimaru had been waiting for him.

"I'm glad you had arrived, there's little time and we need to get to you bijuu." Orochimaru ordered.

"Very well, let's go." Sasuke complied and they left Ritsuko's office for the last time.

In the bridge, Hyuga and Sub-Commander Feyutsuki were going over the personnel files on Magi as Commander Ikari is observing them.

"With the base on lockdown it should be difficult for the intruder to escape." Hyuga reported.

"If the Akatsuki were able to infiltrate this base without any trouble then I would not surprised that Orochimaru took the opportunity to slip in." Gendo schemed.

"The Black-Out would've been an the best opportunity, the intruder would have no trouble getting past our security and we have our attention to the ninth Angel and two Akatsuki teams that had infiltrated the base." Feyutsuki followed.

Then Misato arrived with Sakura keeping her steady.

"Sakura, get suited up just in case, I'll be fine here." Misato ordered.

"Yes Misato." Sakura complied and left the bridge to get ready to pilot Unit-02.

"Commander, I think I found a suspect, there's a member of our security personnel that didn't report for duty for last few weeks and reported missing." Hyuga announced.

"It's Lieutenant Musashi, but he's clearance had been upgraded to allow him to wonder anywhere in the base." Feyutsuki noticed.

"I want that clearance modification traced!" Gendo ordered. "Someone from the inside had assisted Orochimaru." He thought.

"Where's Sasuke?" Misato demanded.

"He had reported in the base but he's not due for tests later this afternoon." Hyuga answered.

"Inform Kakashi and find Sasuke now!" Misato ordered.

"Yes Cap, I mean Major." Hyuga complied as he noticed Misato's new rank insignia.

"Seal the eva-cage of Unit-01." Gendo ordered.

Just as Orochimaru and Sasuke arrived at the eva-cage where Unit-01 is ready, the doors to the cage sealed shut.

"We're been detected." Orochimaru announced.

"This door won't hold us back." Sasuke snarled as he pulled out some explosive tags and placed them of the door and did a hand sign and then the tags were detonated and the door has been blown open.

"Let's go Sasuke." Orochimaru ordered as he put the neural dampener clips on.

"Commander, an explosion had been detected at the eva-cage and Evangelion Unit-01 is activating!" Hyuga announced.

"What! Are we too late?" Misato wondered.

"Shut it down." Gendo ordered.

"I can't! The abort codes had been rejected!" Hyuga reports.

"My god, what is going to happen next." Feyutsuki wondered then Maya and Aoba entered the bridge.

"Sorry, I was in contact with Captain Hotake, he gave the order to launch Evangelion Unit-04." Maya apologised.

"Commander, Unit-01 has broken out of the restraints and heading here!" Aoba announced then Kakashi entered.

"Touji is getting suited up commander, I gave Naruto orders to stop Unit-01 and apprehend Sasuke." Kakashi informed.

"Good, make sure Shinji is ready to pilot once this is over." Gendo ordered.

"I'll convince him." Kakashi assured then the hologram of the map of city and other displays dimmed, then and explosion erupted from the main screen and Unit-01 emerged from it and it did a quick series of hand signs and then it's right arm becomes like a lighting blade and chirping can be heard throughout the bridge and just as Unit-01 about to deliver the blow which could've destroyed the Magi, Unit-04 erupted from an auxiliary screen and punched Unit-01 in the head and grappled the navy blue evangelion and pushed hard as it can to the launch catapults.

"Sasuke!" everyone heard Naruto screamed, and Unit-04 got Unit-01 pinned with it's face facing the wall on the launch catapult. "Misato, get us out of here!" He ordered.

"Do it!" Misato followed and Unit-01 and Unit-04 were launched onto the surface of the Geofront and while they're in the air, Unit-01 grabbed Unit-04's arm and swung it into the pyramid building which ruined is now in ruins.

Unit-04 got back up and did a hand sign. "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto invoked, then an army of Unit-04s appeared in a puff of smoke.

"You idiot, you think I'll return to Kohona with you!" Sasuke who has his Sharingan activated taunts using the external speakers so everyone can hear.

"Sasuke, you do much for this city, you made friends and are you going to throw it away for revenge?" Naruto pleaded over the external speakers too.

"You already know that I'll do anything to get power to avenge my clan at any cost." Sasuke reproved then Unit-02 and Unit-03 were launched.

"Sasuke you idiot! Is this how you treat your friends, I thought I can count on you, Kensuke envies you. We looked up to you!" Touji shouted over the external speakers.

"Sasuke, please don't do this. We just got you back and we can discuss about avenging your clan, the Akatsuki are our enemy too so we can fight him together." Sakura pleaded over the external speakers.

Then Unit-00 is launched and grabbed a rifle and got into a stance ready to fight.

"Rei, keep Sakura and Touji busy. I got a score to keep with that dobe." Sasuke ordered.

"Rei! Assist in the capture of Unit-01 and apprehend Pilot Uchiha." Gendo ordered.

"No. I will not be a puppet for you to control. Pilot Uchiha showed me that." Rei answered and Unit-00 faced Unit-02, Unit-03 and an army of Unit-04s.

"Sorry commander, I'm resigning and leaving with Lord Orochimaru and taking Evangelions Unit-00 and Unit-01 and I'm sorry I that the Magi wasn't destroyed but at least I had implemented a program just in case." Ritsuko boasted and the connection is cut and the computers shut down and Maya froze in horror.

"The Magi has become useless." Gendo mused.

"I'm trying to get around the Magi and getting the back-up computers online." Aoba announced.

"Good, cut connections to the Magi in the meantime and raise the barricades." Misato ordered.

Back in the Geofront, Unit-03 and the army of Unit-04s charges towards Unit-01 and Unit-00 fired its rifle to the army of Unit-04s causing many to puff into smoke and then the barricades rose.

Then Unit-02 charges towards Unit-00 and did a series of hand signals and copies of Unit-02 appeared. Unit-00 then fired it's positron rifle and caused the copies to puff into smoke but it was too late as Unit-02 had connected a reverse punch, causing Unit-00 to drop its rifle and tumble across the geofront like a rag doll. Meanwhile Unit-01 and deflected all the attacks counter attacked the remaining clones of Unit-04, causing the to puff out of existence until there were none left and Unit -03 had leaped well above Unit-01 and did a series of hand signs that Sasuke easily recogised.

"Fire style! Fireball Jutsu!" Touji invoke and Unit-03 breathed a powerful fire at Unit-01 but it raised it's AT field and caused no harm to it, then Unit-01 leaped into the air and did a combination to Unit-03, finishing it with a axe-kick into its gut.

"Lion's Barrage!" Sasuke invoked and Unit-03 landed into a defense installation which exploded with all the stored missiles inside it, then Unit-01 turn to face Unit-04 and did a series of hand signs and it's right arm became like a lightning blade making a lot of chirping noises.

Meanwhile, Unit-04 with its last clone was holding a swirling sphere of energy as its clone was molding it and the clone puffed out in smoke and Unit-04 charged towards Unit-01.

"Resengan!" Naruto invoked.

"Chidori!" Sasuke also invoked.

Then not only their attacks connected but their AT fields also clashed, then a brilliant explosion which tossed Unit-01 and Unit-04 in opposite directions, Unit-01 crashed through a barricade and Unit-04 had landed near the edge of the lake.

In Unit-03, Touji was nursing his injuries from the fight and struggled to maintain consciousness and nearly vomited, then he heard a voice.

"Touji, you must get up." A sweet lady's voice urged.

"What the?" Touji croked. "Sasuke, must've clobbered me hard, I'm must be crazy." He thought and he struggled to get Unit-03 back onto its feet then he saw that Unit-01 is down.

"Now's my chance to get Sasuke out!" Touji grunted as he struggles to breath to realise that his ribs are cracked and coughed up a mouthful of blood. Then Unit-03 staggers towards Unit-01. However, Sasuke recovered quickly and wasn't as badly beaten and activated his curse seal and Unit-01 did a series of hand signals the fighting evangelions do not know that an eye that's made out of sand is watching them.

In Nerv headquarters bridge, Gaara was watching the fight as the bridge bunnies are watching the data that their computers are collecting and the pilot's life signs.

"Unit-00, Unit-01, Unit-04 are down!" Aoba announced.

"Good, Touji, Sakura, remove the entry plugs from Unit-00 and Unit-01." Misato ordered.

"Yeah, I'm on my way now." Touji croaked as he was breathing heavy.

"Yes ma'am." Sakura complied.

"Major, the pilot's lifesigns of Unit-03 are weakening." Hyuga reported and Maya examines them.

"He's got internal bleeding! He won't last long." Maya gasped.

Then Gaara's eyes widened. "Misato, get Touji away from Sasuke now!" Gaara urged.

"Touji get back now!" Misato ordered.

"Nearly there." Touji groaned.

"It's no good, cut the nerve connections to Unit-03 now!" Maya ordered and the bridge bunnies obey.

And it was just in time when Unit-03 was reaching towards Unit-01's back panel to access the entry plug, it pierced Unit-03's torso with its right arm making chirping noises as the the lightning blade dies. Then Unit-01 tossed Unit-03 aside like a broken puppet.

Naruto and Sakura saw what Sasuke did Naruto growled in anger as his once blue eyes had now transformed into red demonic eyes and Unit-04 is getting enveloped with bubbling red chakra.

Not too far at a safe location Kankuro was sighing in relief. "Good thing I used my puppet strings to move that black man-made bijuu a fraction, that attack would've killed the pilot if I didn't act." Kankuro thought.

"Naruto what have you become?" Sakura thought, then she charged towards Unit-01. "That's enough Sasuke! I'll stop you if I must!" She declared as Unit-02 charges towards Unit-01.

Then Unit-01 fired multiple fireballs at Unit-02, but thanks to Tsunade's training Sakura had piloted Unit-02 to evade the fireballs through complex moves, even jumping into the air and cartwheeling and Sasuke noticed the blue chakra swirling around one of Unit-02's Unit-02's hands as one of them is clinched in a fist.

"She's going for the kill, but she's too far predictable." Sasuke thought as Unit-02 was about to deliver the punch, Unit-01 evaded it and then Unit-02 followed with a combination and Sasuke skillfully piloted Unit-01 to evade all the attacks and then counter attacked by exploiting an opening in Unit-02's guard and kicked it in the face with a turning kick but Unit-02 disappeared in a puff of smoke and a abandoned truck tumbled like garbage into a hillside. "A Substitution Jutsu!" He thought and he turned Unit-01 around only to be punched in the face with a hook-punch cause Unit-01 to tumble towards the lake.

"Cha!" Sakura roared.

Back on the bridge of Nerv headquarters,

"Major, I think you want to look at this. Naruto's synch ratio is at 100 percent! And there's another entity synchronising with Unit-04 at 10 percent!" Hyuga reported.

"What is going on there!" Misato growled and turned to Kakashi who had ordered Team Sand to observe the battle.

"It's the Kyubi, Naruto must be tapping into its chakra, what Sasuke did must've really pissed him off." Kakashi explained.

"He nearly killed Touji, endangered many lives here and he betrayed him again." Misato snapped.

"Sakura, be careful, get Sasuke out of that bijuu." Kakashi ordered.

"Yes, Kakashi-Sensei." Sakura complied as she carefully pilot Unit-02 to approach Unit-01.

Then Unit-00 got back on its feet and broke into a weapon storage building picks up the Hand Bazooka.

"Rei do not interfere, until I give the order to spread your AT field." Sasuke ordered.

"I understand." Rei complied, knowing that when Sasuke and Orochimaru attempts to do a 'Dimensional Transfer Jutsu' she must get her Unit-00 to use its AT field to complete it.

"Remember Rei, do it as exactly I explained it." Ritsuko reminded and Rei nodded. Then Rei noticed Unit-04 looked more demonic as its now enveloped in a red aura of energy with a single tail and have an appearance of a fox.

Then Unit-02 approached Unit-01 and tried to reach the back panel, but Unit-01 kicked Unit-02 into the air and then leaped into the air. Then Unit-01 bear-grabbed Unit-02 while it was upside down and used the roof of the geofront smash Unit-02 head first with full force into the ground.

"Kakashi-sensei! I believe Sakura's life is in danger!" Gaara shouted.

"Maya!" Kakashi ordered.

"You heard him! Cut nerve connections to Unit-02!" Maya followed.

And just after the Nerv connections in Unit-02 are cut, Unit-01 smashed Unit-02 into the ground, making a sickening crunch which was the sound of Unit-02's neck breaking and the its skull shattered.

"It's coming." Rei observed and Unit-04 extend its chakra arm into the edge of the Geofront and with its enlarged chakra hand, it picked up Unit-01 and smashed it into the roof off the Geofront. Then, Unit-04 charged like a fox across the lake towards Unit-01 and Unit-00 fired the Hand Bazooka at the demonic Unit-04 but it evaded the warheads and exploded harmlessly on the lake surface. Then Unit-04 extended its chakra arm and its hand was reaching towards Unit-00 but it extended its AT field and the hand attempts to claw its way through the AT field.

Meanwhile in Unit-01, Sasuke had activated the second level of the curse seal and hand like wing erupted from his plug suit and piloted Unit-01 to an edge of the lake and Unit-04 ceased its attempt to break through Unit-00's AT field and turned to face Unit-01. Then a sphere of dark lightning swirled in Unit-01's hand with its arm chirping with lightning and in Unit-04's hand a swirl of dark energy formed. Then both Unit-01 and Unit-04 leaped into the air their attacks clashed together, forming a dark sphere which absorbs Unit-01 and Unit-04.

"Chidori" Sasuke invoked.

"Resangan!" Naruto invoked.

"Now!" Rei thought and Unit-00 ran and then leaped towards the Dark sphere and enters it and spreads its AT field.

"Forbidden Ninja Art: Dimensional Transfer Jutsu!" Orochimaru invoked then sphere exploded in a brilliant white energy.

And on the surface of the Geofront, Temari had to ran for cover and just got inside Nerv headquarters before she was engulfed in the energy. After the explosion died down, only Unit-04, was lying like a doll that had been dropped on the edge of the lake. Also by the entrance of Nerv headquarters, a venus flytrap plant emerged from the shrubs and opened to reveal Zetsu who had been watching the whole fight for the Akatsuki.

"Evangelions Unit-00 and Unit-01 had faded. Condition of the Sixth child is critical." Aoba announced.

"The power levels are off-the charts." Hyuga gasped, overwhelmed with the Magi reports of the battle.

"Dispatch medical teams immediately." Misato stammers angrily and she noticed Commander Ikari left the bridge.

"There're gone." Kakashi sighed.

"Get the retrieval teams to collect the remaining evangelions." Maya ordered.

"Captain, I think you maybe needed in our next meeting with the old man." Feyutsuki informed.

"Is there anything I need to be aware of?" Kakashi asked.

"The old man will have questions for you." Feyutsuki answered.

Just outside the hidden village of Sound a bright explosion was noticed by Kabuto and when the explosion died down, he noticed two humaniod giants had collapsed onto the ground. Kabuto along with Misumi and Yoroi approached the two Evangelions and noticed the panel on the back of the navy blue evangelion gave way and the entry plug erupted from it. Then the hatch opened and Sasuke struggled to climb out, followed by Orochimaru.

"Lord Orochimaru!" Kabuto gasped.

"Everything went as planned." Orochimaru declared with a proud sadistic smile and turned to face Unit-00. "And I got a lot more than I thought." He followed and he noticed Ritsuko and Rei climbing out from Unit-00. "Kabuto I want you to meet our new students Ritsuko Akagi and Rei Ayanami." He introduced.

In the Akatsuki hideout, the members had been summoned to a meeting.

"Just recently, two of the artificial bijuu had went rogue and returned back to our dimension in the hands of the traitor Orochimaru." Pein announced.

"I wonder if the Leaf and Sand ninja had any knowledge, before he had acted hmmm?" Diedara wondered.

"It has changed our plans significantly. Orochimaru had recruited Ritsuko Akagi too." Konan commented.

"It doesn't matter, even though Orochimaru took them for his own purposes he did us a favor without knowing it." Mandara thought. "So we'll follow the plans back in our world?" Tobi (Mandara) asked and Diedara stared hard at him.

"We need to find them first." Pein answered. "Hidan and Kakuzu, you will learn more about these men tracking us and eliminate them." He ordered.

"Finally, I was getting bored." Hidan complied.

"I'm looking forward for this. This trip is going to pay off after all." Kakuzu commented.

"Itachi, Kisame, you will retrieve Maya Ibuki." Pein ordered.

"Very well." Itachi answered.

"Sasori, Diedara, you will acquire the one-tailed jinkuriki Gaara."

"Hehe." Diedara grinned in acknowledgement.