Chapter Twenty-Three: Station Square

Hey, y'all - First and foremost, I have to apologize for taking so long to come out w/ this chapter (even though it was only about a week), but not only have I had a serisous bout of writer's block, but since my summer vacation started, I've been bombarded with chores and yardwork to do while my brother and sister mostly lounge around (rolls eyes) so I haven't had that much time to write. I think around next week I'll be a little less busy, so I'll try to write as much as possible.

Dryphus landed lightly on the marble staircase at the prosterior of Clarice's home, looking out at the private beach as the ocean pulsed rythmically inward and outward. She was somewhat hyponotized by it for a moment before she came back to her senses and turned to walk across the roofed marble deck to the open double doors leading back into the house. She made her way through the castle and to the room where the Breifs' sat, their eyes glued to a Saiyan martial arts tournament on a 10x15 screen high up on the wall. Bulma and Bra cried out in horror as one Saiyan grabbed the other and forced him to kneel before him, then leaned down and tore out part of his neck with his teeth.

"Nice," said Dryphus, grinning in approval.

The others turned to look at her in surprise and disgust.

"Nice?" cried Bulma incredulously. "You think that that was nice?"

"Ah, stop whining," said Dryphus with a wave of her hand. "He could've done something much worse, trust me."

Trunks, having had enough of the bloodbath, grabbed the remote and pressed the down button, changing the channel. He continued to press it as they passed tournament after tournament, until finally they came to a CNN-like news channel.

A humanoid red alien sat behind an anchor's desk, it's strange, orange chair waving slightly as it spoke. Trunks noticed that the alien's speech did not match the movements of it's mouth and pointed this out to Dryphus.

"It's an inter-galactic channel," said Dryphus, sitting on the arm of a chair. "It's dubbed over for each individual species. As you can imagine, everyone doesn't speak the same language."

They nodded in understanding and turned to look back at the screen.

"In other news, a treaty between Vejitasei and Byron Seven is to be made official tomorrow as the Saiyan Prince Vegeta (who's recent homecoming was celebrated last night at the royal palace) travels to the war-torn planet-"

"What?!" cried Bulma, standing. "He's leaving? We haven't even had a chance to speak to him since we got here!"

"Is he gonna be okay over there?" asked Bra, turning to Dryphus.

"He'll be fine," said Dryphus simply. "As for you guys, I think that it's time to do some sight-seeing!"

They looked at her questioningly.

"Look, I'm supposed to baby-sit you guys, and make sure that no one finds you out and tries to hurt you," sighed Dryphus, crossing her arms. "But I'm not gonna be able to do that all day. There's a huge city called Station Square that was built entirely to cater to aliens visiting the planet, and I think you guys would have a good time."

"But... is it safe?" asked Bulma, frowning. "I mean, if the place is full of aliens from other planets... I would think that Saiyans would be attacking the place all the time..."

"No, the ASS will take care of you. The 'Alien Safety Squad'," she added when they stared at her in confusion. "They make sure that foreigners don't get hurt. It's really just to prevent an interplanetary incident from occuring."

When they all seemed to understand, Dryphus stood and smiled. "Well, get whatever you need... purses, wallets, hats, jackets whatever... and let's go to Station Square!"

Alrighty, let's get down to business. I have a few reviews to respond to...

First of all "Hereld", I don't like your attitude. Usually I wouldn't mind if someone gave me a bad review, as long as it was constructive criticism - but your response was just ugly. What the hell do you mean, "OH how stupidly pathetic and cliched, surprise surprise a female author writes an 'orignal' female character whos stronger than all the characters. Yeah right."?

1) First of all, that was not a typo, he actually mispelled "whose"

2) Second, What the fuck is with the quotation marks around "original"? Have you seen Clarice in another story? If you have, it's either a huge coincidence or someone is stealing my story (in which case I'd have to kick their ass)

3) Thirdly, Clarice is not that much stronger than the other characters... if you read the informatory chapter thing (which I am planning to take down) where it said that, I was honestly a little overzealous. It was put up a couple of years ago and I was just trying to create this idealic Saiyan hero, whether she was female or not. And besides, I also said in that same chapter that here was a REASON that she was so strong, but it was coming up later.

4) What the fuck is your problem with women? I read stories all the time where guys create super-strong male characters (which there are already too many of on the show) and they get awesome reviews, and then you're gonna get on my ass because I and Clarice happen to be female? Goku's stronger than all the other characters and he's a guy! So you're saying that it's impossible for a woman to be anywhere near him? The entire show is based around strong guys, and I want to create one strong female, and you're upset? You wanna know what's REALLY cliched? Goku ALWAYS being the hero!

Well let me tell you something, you miserable, misogynistic, just-jealous-'cause-you-can't-write-a-story-as-good-as-the-one-a-girl-wrote, shit-for-brains: Vegeta happens to MALE, if you hadn't noticed. So it would only make sense that he would have a relationship with a FEMALE in the past (well... maybe not for you, since you're into guys, right?) - so

the main character in the story (Clarice) would have to be female. If it were the other way around, and Vegeta was female, then Clarice's character would have to have been male, and the storyline would have been just the same.

So unless you can find a Princess Vegeta somewhere so that I can turn the story around and make everyone's gender the opposite, shut the hell up.

WOO! Glad to have that out of my system. Now onto another review... I got one from CCFLeursdelys, and I really appreciate this review. It was really long and asked a lot of questions... I liked that a lot, because it meant that she was paying attention. I'll respond to her comments one by one...

1) Lord, thank you for saying that it's one of the best you've ever read! I know that that can't be true, but thanks for saying it. That really gives me a boost of confidence.

2) You read all of it at once? Geez, you must have a headache.

3) Did you mean that you didn't do your homework? Schoolwork should come first, girl... the story will always be there, but you only have a limited amount of time to do homework!

4) Oui, je peut parle francaise (mon mere et mon pere son Haitien, mais je suis Americaine - je nee a Boston) As you can see, I can't WRITE that well in French, but I speak it. You speak English very well, by the way. Much better than a lot of people that were born in the U.S. and have English as their first language.

So thank you soooo much, CC, that really inspired me. Everyone else, review! Let's try and get it up to like 80 by next week!
