My first fan-fiction here so open to any comments anyone might offer. This is intended to be a longer story so the first four chapters were uploaded together and I will add more with time. Since the story is centered upon a pokemon all dialogue between pokemon will utilize -Text written in here- style, and normal speech between humans to humans, or humans to pokemon, will utilize "Text written in here" style. Hope that you all enjoy the story.

-- Chapter 1: The Discovery --

The rain had been pouring for nearly an hour as Alexander, Catherine, and her little brother Henry all ran as fast as they could through Enchanted Forest and toward the nearest pokemon center in Lillycove city where the next gym for Alexander, and coordinator contest was for Catherine. The three had been traveling across the Felara Region together for nearly a year now, and the Felara league and Grand Festival were only three weeks away and each of the trainers still had one badge and ribbon left to win.

Covering her head with her backpack while they ran, Catherine turned slightly to Alexander, "You know we would have been there by now if you knew how to read a map!" she complained soaked from head to toe and quite upset. Nearly about to say something else she paused as they heard a crash from up ahead on the trail and ran in the direction of the sound wondering if anybody needed help or even to learn what had happened to create such a loud explosion.

Rushing out from a set of bushes, a young mew collided directly into Alexander and after shaking his head slightly he instantly teleported behind the trainer and poked his head out to observe the female poacher who had a dragonite charging a hyper beam in their direction. "Stay out of my way twerps!" she said coldly and motioned with her hand for the dragonite to release the hyper beam and causing Alexander to scoop the mew up into his arms and roll to the side along with his friends as the ray shot through the forest.

Making eye contact slightly with Catherine, he slipped a pokeball off his belt and released his and newly evolved salamance and watched her release the blastoise. "Whoever you are, we're not letting you lay one hand on this mew!" he said sharply and glanced down at the mew who was staring up at him in awe with quite a number of bruises from an earlier battle with the poacher. "Dragon breath, salamance!" he called while Catherine ordered a hydro pump, only to watch in surprise to them both as the dragonite took off to the skies avoiding both attacks and sending a hyper beam back at Blastious knocking it out cold in a single attack as Catherine rushed to its side.

"My client has offered quite a large sum for the capture of that mew, this is my last warning to leave while you can…" the poacher said with an almost bored expression while she fitted a strange metallic device to her wrist and shot it at the mew. Crystallizing before Alexander's eyes, the mew shifted into a frozen state and fell from his arm's rolling along the grass like a statue unable to move. The poacher tossing a small disk beneath the statue as a class capsule formed around it and several computer dials at the base while she motioned for an associate to retrieve the frozen mew.

"No way, Salamance use hyper beam!" he ordered in surprise and sent the associate diving to avoid the blast, although in the process dragonite saw an opening and retaliated with its own hyper beam sending the salamance into a nearby tree unconscious. Rushing to the side of his partner, Alexander and Catherine both failed to notice until it was too late and Henry called out the butterfree which the poacher had released and all three were caught in the sleep powder. Struggling to stay awake, the two managed to recall their dear pokemon to their pokeballs for a rest before the full effects took over and they fell asleep.