Author's Note: First of all, thank you so much to all my readers, to all my reviewers. You've given me inspiration, encouragement and even guilt needed to finally finish this story I've left incomplete for so long. I can't believe this was published in 2008! I really hope the ending is to your satisfaction, I may or may not post an epilogue to this. My goal for now though is to go over the story as a whole, expand, edit some parts and correct earlier mistakes. Again Thank you all for sticking with me until the end!

Everything I can't be is everything you should be,

And that's why I need you here,

So hear this now,

Come home, come home,

Cause I've been waiting for you

For so long, for so long...

-Come Home, One Republic

Seat 08B, Japan Airlines Flight 542, February 20th, 11:02 AM

"Cabin crew, please be prepared for takeoff."

She didn't feel like crying, not even when the plane began it's course on the runway, when she knew she was actually leaving. All she did was stare blankly out the window.

A sad smile appeared as she thought of Jeri, who had burst into tears despite promises of sending her off all happy. Typical, really. Takato had tried to comfort her while saying goodbye, rather awkwardly. It would have been cute, the way he stumbled with his words and blushed furiously all tongue-tied, but the somber mood had ruined it. She understood what he was trying to say.

Henry had stood there stoically, offering his farewell with a long, hard hug and a few carefully selected words. Usually she would have rolled her eyes in response to the "take care of yourself" and "stay out of trouble" but she couldn't bring herself to, only nodding solemnly at his sincerity. Alice remained silent, but there wasn't a need for words between them. A slight curl of the lips, a raised eyebrow and a final smirk.

Even Kazu and Kenta had shown up, grinning like free men, saying ridiculous things of how they would look after Ryo while she was gone. Lina and her had exchanged identical sharklike smiles at this and Rika knew she wouldn't have to worry.

Her mother had been crying and her grandmother's eyes had filled with tears but neither of them had made a fuss. Just kisses and hugs. They had already said their goodbyes.

And then of course, there was Ryo. There was always Ryo. Ryo who stood by her through everything, squeezing her hand in encouragement as she faced each one of her friends. Baka. Still putting up a strong front even though she knew he was the one affected the most out of all of them.

Before the final boarding call, everyone had slowly disappeared, claiming they needed a drink or to use the washroom, giving them their space. He had smiled that signature smile, the one she both loved and hated, before pulling her into a tight embrace.

"I'll miss you." He said softly, just to her ear.

"I know." She nodded, grateful he couldn't see her.

"I love you."

"I know."

"Aren't you going to say any of those things back to me?" He laughed, slowly pulling away.

"Do I have to for you to know?" She asked, teasingly.

"No, but it'd be nice to hear them."

So she took one last, serious look at him, taking in as much as she could in that short amount of time and she kissed him.

Even if it was in public, in front of everyone, including both of her parents.

There was jeers and catcalls when they separated. They both turned, embarrassed to find everyone had already returned. Then there was last minute hugs and a few more goodbyes and somehow, before she knew it, they were gone and she was here.

Rika felt something wet land on her arm. A few tears rolled down her cheeks and she cleared her throat, to get rid of that heavy feeling.

She wasn't crying, not really.


Cafeteria, February 29th, 1:34 PM

"You guys are late."

"Sorry! It's not my fault I had to wheedle my way out of a lunchtime detention!" Kazu whined, seeking sympathy.

"If you hadn't been acting like such a fool in the first place!" Lina scowled, boxing his ear playfully, ignoring the puppy-face he was giving her.

"So what are we here for?" Kenta asked, wiping his glasses with his shirt. "You never minded tardiness before."

"Well, that was before I found this in my mailbox this morning." Henry grinned, holding up an envelope. They all peered closely at the return address. It was from the States!

"Let me see that!" Jeri squealed. "Give it to me!"

"It's about time. Trust Rika to prolong the suspense as much as she can." Alice said disdainfully, but couldn't help keep the smile off her face.

"Why would anyone write a letter nowadays anyway?" Kazu asked, looking all confused. "It takes so long and it's so troublesome and-"

"Oh who cares! Open it!"

"How do you think she is?" Lina asked as Henry slowly tore the seal on the envelope from the edge. "Honestly Wong! Just tear it!"

"That's what I was going to say!" Jeri exclaimed. They all held their breath collectively as Henry took the folded parchment out.

"Wait." He paused and the girls groaned dramatically. "Where's Ryo?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"We forgot about him!"

"He's going to kill us!"

"Who's going to kill you?" Ryo asked. Speak of the devil.

"Nothing." Kazu said promptly. "We didn't do anything."

"I find that hard to believe." He said wryly. "What happened?"

"It's nothing. Technically we haven't done anything yet." Kenta interjected cautiously. It didn't seem likely Ryo would be angry over something trivial as this, but then again, considering how it had something to do with Rika and how he hasn't been in contact with her for over a week...

"Yet?" Ryo raised an eyebrow.


"For goodness sake!" Jeri cried. "I want to read what Rika said! So can we please just tell him we almost opened the letter without him and get on with it?"

"You what!"

"It's right here." Henry said calmly, holding up the paper. "See? It's not even unfolded. We just took it out of the envelope."

"What are you talking about? You took it out of the envelope." Kazu accused and Lina smacked his head.

"Can't you be a little more sensitive?" She scolded.


"Breathe, man, breathe." Takato laughed, clapping his hands on Ryo's shoulder. "Henry was the one that actually stopped and remembered you were missing."

"Even so." Ryo huffed and they all laughed.

"Do you want to read this letter or not?"

"That goes without saying."

Dear Henry,

I know, I know. Conventional post and traditional methods of communication is old-fashioned in our age but I figured everyone will have my head if I don't report in by now so I'm painstakingly writing this letter by hand. It's a last resort, trust me. We're still waiting for the phone and internet to be up and running, too bad Alice isn't here to help. It'd be done in a minute.

I'm certain everyone will be reading over your shoulder or something, so really, Ryo stop complaining. I forgot your postal code. Honest mistake. Yes, Jeri. I'm doing fine. The long plane ride was killer but first class is awesome.

It's quite cold over here compared to Japan, the weather's pretty dismal but I didn't really expect anything else. A lot more open space and greenery though. The food here isn't bad, although the bread and pastries can't compare to Googlehead's bakery.

I haven't met anyone. Just the neighbors and they're old and boring as hell. School's starts for me on Monday but I assume they're all going to love me so no worries there. (Wipe that smirk off your face Akiyama, even if I'm not there to do it for you.)

There's nothing else to add really. I'll send an email so you probably don't need to reply this. You should all know better to expect any sentimental crap from me anyway. (Including you, Ryo. You're not an exception.)

Hope you're all doing well.


"How can she be so cruel to me?" Ryo complained, but one look at him and everyone could tell he couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"At least she seems fine." Henry remarked, "I was worried for a bit, especially since she's living with her father and all."

"There isn't any mention of him," Alice pointed out. "I guess we can presume things are going relatively well."

"Then again, it might be too early to tell."

"Don't be so pessimistic!" Jeri grinned, "If both parties are willing to make it work, something good will come out of it."

"That's true."

"I wonder how school will be like for her." Takato commented. "Going to a local English school must be intimidating."

"What are you talking about? She's going to scar everyone she meets." Kazu murmured and Kenta couldn't help but nod his head slightly beside him.

"Only if she meets fools like you." Lina smirked.

"Hey! You're dating the fool!" He protested, giving her a mock hurt look.

"Trust me, I know. Sometimes even I ask myself why." Lina sighed, but gave him an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

"Okay lovebirds, time for class!" Ryo called. "You don't have all day to stand around and make eyes at each other!"

"Don't compare us with Jeri and Takato!"

"What? Jealous?"

"C'mon guys, let's go!"


Replying my letter, which was addressed to Henry actually, does not and should not equal to flooding my email inbox with 17 messages. 17 pointless, meaningless messages. One should suffice.

In case you haven't noticed, you don't get a dear or any other endearments.

School's tough, but that's expected. English is a bitch but apparently my accent isn't too bad. Maybe it's from watching all those movies. You might find this surprisingly, because I do, but apparently I'm not as intimidating as I thought I would be here. Either it has something to do with America's diversity in personality or I'm blaming you.

A few of my classmates are pretty decent, one of them isn't bad looking...don't worry, she's taken so you don't stand a chance. The guys I've met on the other hand...

Just teasing. I miss you. Let me know how you're surviving without me. I hope your ego hasn't been inflated or anything, your head really can't take it. That's all I have to say.


"Rika! There's a package for you!"


"You've got mail!" Her father's voice called from the distant kitchen. It took a while for the words to process but once it was registered, she immediately dropped the pen, shoved away the heavy textbook and ran out of the room.

"I'm here."

"That was fast." The teasing remark went by unnoticed. His daughter was already tearing through the tape and cardboard box. "Easy there, it could be fragile."

"I don't think so, what do you think it is?"

"Knowing your grandmother? Probably a care package. Or is it something from your friends?"

"It's both." Rika smiled, rummaging through all the different individual parcels and packages.

"I think I'll leave you to enjoy it." Her dad smiled affectionately in return and walked out, newspaper tucked in the crook of his arm and coffee mug steaming in front.

Hey Wildcat,

Glad to know you're still alive and haven't forgotten about us.

Have you considered the possibility that you're not as tough as you believe you are? I mean, with friends like Jeri and Takato, you can't really only blame me. I wouldn't have you any other way though, a warm Rika seems off.

Everyone's fine. Alice and Henry are currently in a heated discussion on the advantages of bioecotechno whatever. Don't ask, I have no idea. Jeri and Takato are being all couple-y while studying. Nothing's changed much.

Kazu just asked for you send some photos of the girls in your class. The ones you said aren't bad looking. (I think he's taking your judgment from modeling experience into consideration.) Lina just hit him on the head and gave me a dirty look for mentioning it. I on the other hand, would like some pictures of the guys. Maybe their addresses, just in case...

I think Dad actually misses having you around, as crazy as it sounds. He tries to ask you in a non-subtle way and then attempts to cover it up by commenting on our school's academic and how he hopes it won't drop for the year-end average now that you're gone. See the pressure on me now that you're gone?

Anyway, I'm off. Takato's starting soccer practices early this year - I think he's trying to get revenge from basketball training.



It was that time of the year for seniors.

Where interviews and further university applications presided over social life, where major assessments meant a number of caffeine filled all nighters.

Even slackers like Kazu was seen in the library, typing furiously away on his laptop. Lina joked how he was only playing computer games but knew better than anyone how her boyfriend was stressing over making decent grades.

Rika had long distance phone interviews, Alice suffered through several Skype conference calls with universities overseas and even Henry, always poised and collected, panicked before a meeting with the top school of his choice.

Final exams were approaching and tensions were running high.

Through all this, they still managed to talk everyday-whether it was online or by the phone. It surprised both of them when his grandma upgraded his phone plan for international calling and sent her a couple of long distance phone cards. Rika wondered how she even got her address in the first place, but chose instead to send a thank-you card.

It wasn't that bad.

Not at first. Not with the ease of them talking.

Ryo assumed it was because his mind registered her absence as if she was on vacation. Either that, or he had prepared himself for the worse.

Of course, there was occasional moments when he thought of something and the words would be there, halfway out of his mouth, before he realized the person it was directed to wasn't there.

There was times when he'd be doing something-laughing at a joke, making fun of Kazu, just in a time and place-that he'd wish she was right there, in that moment with him. Other than that, life continued on.

A few days turned into weeks and that quickly went by into months.

It wasn't long before things turned frustrating. Somehow, it became harder. The routine of his life couldn't satisfy the empty feeling he felt when he looked at other couples and sometimes, he swore it physically hurt to have her gone.

There was a twinge of jealously, when Jeri and Takato share a chaste kiss. There was an ache of longing as Henry and Alice exchanged a look which only they understood. Hell, it even bothered him when Kazu and Lina walked down the hall holding hands.

For once, he understood how Kenta must have. Everyday, surrounded by couples caught up in their own happiness. It was terrible being alone. Yet, that thought made it worse.

It made him miss her more.


Ryo's Room, Akiyama Residence, May 19th, 7:12PM

"I don't want to do this!"

"Of course you don''s not like I want to either. We don't really have much of a choice."

"Finals suck balls." Ryo muttered, somewhat under his breath and through the microphone. Rika laughed into the computer screen.

"You'll live."

"What makes you so sure of that?" He asked wearily, shooting a look at the untouched pile of textbooks and messy notes beside his desk. She raised an eyebrow in response.


"Alright, it's not that bad. Not as bad as-" He broke off, suddenly. Even through the monitor Rika saw how his hand clenched slightly over the mouse and how his eyes averted from meeting hers.

"As what?"

"Nothing." He managed a smile. "Mind blank, so I couldn't come up with anything."

That was a lie, but she pretended otherwise. It bothered her...the unspoken words, the pained expression.

It was hard.

She missed looking across the room, catching Alice's eye and knowing they were thinking the exact same thing. She missed Henry, his levelheadedness, his support and understanding. She missed Jeri's constant fussing and over worrying.

She missed him most of all.

It wasn't as if she was alone, she made a few friends, but it wasn't the same. She missed him, them like crazy. She wouldn't even mind having the ever annoying presence of Kazu here, even if it was just him. That's just how bad it was.

It wasn't as if she wasn't happy here.

"Are you listening to me?" Ryo's voice drifted back across her mind.


"Obviously not. What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." She swallowed, fighting the sudden emotion. "What were you saying?" He gave her an exasperated look and a sigh. She stared back at his image on the screen, wondering if he could tell.

"I miss you Rika."

"What-can't live without me now?" She cracked a smile, clearing her throat of that heavy feeling that threatened to arise.

"Maybe. I can live a week, two weeks, a month without you. I can manage two, three months but anything after that I don't know."

"I guess you're just going to have to find out." Rika teased, managing a brave front for the both of them.

"I guess I'll have to."


Shinjuku Public Library, May 20th, 11:49AM

"You should start studying. Less than two weeks until our first exam." Henry warned the procrastinating figure beside him.

"Don't remind me." Ryo groaned. "After talking to Rika, I stayed up until I managed to go through all my semi-incomprehensible notes. I must have been asleep for half of the classes."

"Or you just have horrible writing. That's why I take notes electronically."

"Yea, yea. I've heard this before."

"How's Rika?"

"Taking this just as seriously as you are. She told me she's planning on kicking my ass again, even if she is halfway around the world."

"I don't know if it's a good or bad thing we're still on the same curriculum as her."

"It's a bad thing. Stupid exchange program. It means I have to try just as hard, if not harder to compete with Alice, you and her."

"You would put in as much effort even if she wasn't part of it." Henry laughed. "Don't deny it. It's your character to succeed at everything you do, or at least attempt to."

"I'll take that as a compliment."


Shinjuku High School, May 31st, 1:24PM

[New Message]

From Dad:

Got a surprise package in the mail from Rika's USA address. No letter, but note on box instructs everyone to be present for the opening. Just to let you know. Now pay attention in class.

Ryo fidgeted slightly in his seat as he glanced back up to the front of the classroom from his phone. How could he pay attention to this review session now? Of course his father would choose to inform him of this news in the middle of it, when he'd have no chance to leave without interfering or seeming rude.

"How annoying..." He muttered under his breath.

What would Rika have sent? None of that licorice candy he hoped, only Kenta liked those for some odd reason, they were like rubber. Maybe she sent a bag of Jolly Ranchers, those were addicting...


[New Message]

From Ryo:

Mass text to the gang - package from Pumpkin arrived today. Mandatory meeting at my place ASAP.

"Pumpkin?" Kazu wrinkled his nose. "Does he have to use something like that to describe Rika? There is no relevance whatsoever."

"What's the matter cupcake? Can't handle some cute endearments?" Lina teased, shooting him a sly grin as she replied Ryo with a quick affirmative.

"Please don't use those on me. It destroys my masculinity." Kazu shuddered. At this, Lina snorted but chose wisely not to comment.

"Of course not."

"What do you think she sent this time?" He asked excitedly, thinking of American candy and snacks Japan didn't import.

"None of those photos of cute girls you asked for." She said icily. He gave her a sheepish look in return.

"That was a joke!"


"You guys are fast!" Takato exclaimed, waving towards Henry and Alice. "I thought you guys had a physics review today."

"We did, but since Ryo wouldn't stop pestering us with messages, we decided to skip."

"Don't listen to him." Alice said, rolling her eyes. "Henry was the one that insisted on missing class in the first place."

"It's not like we really need to go to that." Henry laughed, ruffling his hair. "Oh, come on! Don't tell me you guys aren't excited to know!"

"That's true. Rika doesn't send things often, but when she does, there are some pretty cool stuff. Remember that-"

"What are you guys doing out here?" Kenta called, coming out of the front door. "Ryo's impatient waiting."

"'Course he is." Jeri grinned. "We got distracted."

"Is everyone else here yet?"


"This feels like Christmas." Henry remarked, as they all settled themselves in Ryo's room, looking expectedly at the printer-sized box in the middle of the floor.

"The suspense is killing me. Can we open it so I can get some of those chocolates I asked for? I can almost taste them."

"How do you know she even sent them?"

"Rika always sends what I ask for." Jeri smiled broadly.

"It's because no one can manage to say no to you." Takato explained, giving his girlfriend a fond look. "I'm not sure if that's a good thing."

"Of course it is!"

"Ryo, just open it already. I've still got studying to do when I get home." Alice called.

"Do you have to mention that?" Kazu whined. "I do not want to think about studying, or touching my books, or studying."

"Have you even started?"

"What do you think?" Lina scoffed, whacking him lightly in the arm. "Of course he hasn't."

"Opening, opening." Ryo said, grabbing a pair of scissors from his desk and cutting the tape expertly with one blade. "Ready?"

"Why do I get the feeling we're overdoing this?" Alice asked, they all looked at each other and laughed appreciatively when no one came up with a worthy answer.

"On the count of three then! One-two-three!"


"Well, that was unexpected..." Takato muttered. They all peered into the box. It was empty, filled with nothing but four bags of sand, no doubt to give the box weight.

"Are you kidding me?" Kazu groaned. "You are kidding me, right? We came all the way for this?" The others all laughed at his reaction.

"I don't actually think Rika would send over an empty box." Henry said, smiling slightly.

"I bet your dad's playing with you." Lina smirked, looking over to Ryo, who was torn between amusement and exasperation.

"Knowing Mr. Akiyama, he's probably downstairs and having a laugh." Kenta commented, motioning towards the door.

"Like father, like son, eh?" Alice laughed.

"We should have recorded that." Jeri giggled. "Who would have thought?"


"Yes?" The sound of their principle chuckling downstairs could be heard.

"You know what! Bring the real thing!" Ryo called, shaking his head at his father's antics. He turned to the others. "Honestly, only my dad would do something like this."

"He knows you too well." Henry said teasingly as they heard footsteps coming from the stairs. "Building up the anticipation further."

A knock came.

"Honestly, dad. Not funny, we were all waiting." Ryo grumbled, walking over and opening the door. The others all turned to look expectantly but their view was blocked. He stood there unmoving, in the doorway.


"What is it?"

"Did you have a heart attack?"

That seemed to bring him back from his state of shock. Ryo shook his head slowly, his voice hoarse-

"You're back."

"I'm back."

The unmistakable voice of Rika replied.

Chaos ensued.