"Coreen!" Vicki yelled from her office. After no response, she yelled again, "Coreen!" Nothing still. Damn that girl, Vicki thought.

She shoved her chair back and marched into Coreen's office. Coreen wasn't there.

"Sorry," Vicki muttered to herself for getting angry, "where the hell did she..." before she could finish her thought out loud, Coreen and Clark came through the door laughing.

Vicki leaned against Coreen's desk, crossed her arms, raised an eyebrow and tapped her foot-not a happy look.

"Oh, hey, Vicki. Sorry I"m late getting back, we um, we had to um.." Coreen was stuttering. Vicki narrowed her eyes at her and said,

"Had to reclothe after your nooner?" Clark blushed and Coreen's jaw dropped, why she didn't know because after these years working with Vicki, she should know by now that anything was fair game.

Vicki laughed, "I'm not mad, but we've got a new case. Clark, she will do you later." Vicki walked back into her office giggling at herself for embarrassing the young lovers. She was truly happy for Coreen. Finally it looked as though Coreen had a future with a man. They had been together almost two years and Clark hadn't even come close to dying. Well, except that time he tried to help Vicki defeat Asteroth and Vicki herself might have killed him. Other than that, life was good for the two of them. Coreen was happy and that made Vicki happy.

Coreen had come into the office, still somewhat flustered over what Vicki had said. She was well into her twenties now but Vicki was like her big sister and she was embarrassed with the fact that Vicki knew she and Clark had sex. That was so irrational she knew, she just couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry. You can dock my pay for being late." Coreen sat down still not looking Vicki in the face.

"Hey..stop it. I was just razzing you. I'm happy for you Coreen. Besides, I remember there was a time I would forego anything to be with Henry. In fact, I would still forego anything to be with Henry. I just have a little more self-control. " Coreen laughed at that making Vicki laugh too and the tension was gone.

"So what's the big case. I don't remember you interviewing anyone. Did they come while I was gone?" Coreen had paper and pen in hand, ready.

"Well, I kind of lied." Vicki leaned back into her chair and motioned Coreen around to the computer.

A website about weddings was up. Weddings?? Vicki and Henry had been engaged now for two years. No one really expected them to marry anytime soon, but here Vicki was looking up wedding information.

"So, you set a date? And I thought Henry was going to plan most of it anyway." Coreen was definitely confused.

"Well, that's the beauty of it-unexpected! I want to surprise Henry and everyone else really. No one expects me to be able to handle something like this." Vicki was pleased with herself.

"Vicki are you sure you are the best person to do this?" Coreen asked worriedly.

Vicki stared at her.

She pursed her lips and said, "YES I can do this! I'm not wedding illiterate thank you very much. But I will need your help."

Coreen asked Vicki why now. She explained she had wanted to wait until the twins were old enough to participate in the wedding. She wasn't planning anything elaborate. Simple, yet elegant but romantic. The honeymoon she had already decided would be up to Henry. Since he had missed out on sunny places for hundreds of years, she wanted him to pick the destination.

"Okay, well, what do you want me to do?" Coreen asked rounding back around to the chair.

"First, no telling anyone. Just you and me until I'm ready, got it?" Vicki knew Coreen well enough and trusted her implicity to know that she would keep the secret. She just hoped Henry wouldn't be able to read her and find out. Vicki voiced this out loud. Coreen started telling her that Clark could bespell her mind with fairy dust-fairy dust?-"that can't be real" was Vicki's response.

"After ALL you have seen and experienced, you've got to be joking." Coreen deadpanned.

Vicki shrugged her shoulders. She was right, how was that any different than what they had expierenced.

The phone rang and made them both jump.

It was Mike and he was babbling.

"Slow down cowboy, you're babbling. Yes, I'm available. What?? You're kidding. Yes, yes I'm on my way." Vicki stood up and told Coreen she had to go. She was reaching for her cell phone to call Henry and let him know what Mike had said.

"What's going on?" Coreen asked.

"There's been a murder. It looks..well of course or he wouldn't be calling me-supernatural. They think a big dog did it but Mike is thinking werewolf."

"Impossible! Blade's pack doesn't hunt people."

"Right, but if someone is newly infected and they have gone rogue, it could be. There was a full moon last night. It's at a nightclub called Frightmares.." Vicki rolled her eyes at the name.

"What kind of club is THAT?" Coreen made a face. Even goths have their standards.

"Apparently, one where you can live out your fanatasy as any kind of creature you want to pretend to be..Oh, and it's also a strip club."

With that she was gone.

When she called Henry to tell him, he didn't want her to go alone.

"I'll be fine, Henry. It's broad daylight. Besides who is going to keep Abbie and Ward on short notice?"

Henry growled back at her.

"I know, I know. Okay, tomorrow, we'll start interviewing nannies tomorrow. I'm just not happy about it that's all." Vicki echoed to Henry she loved him too and flipped her phone shut.

"I can see the ad now, "Half-vamp twins seek loving nanny, must be able to catch them if they fly away.."