Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Back to the times we had

You know I'm really going to make this chapter long k? I will I will!!

I'm sick so I get to use computer like crazy at home.


Amu: ahhhhhhh! refreshed! I feel so clean now!

Ikuto was sulking in the corner due to his failure in looking at her with nothing on. He loked at her. she was wearing a big, white t-shirt. And he could see that the t-shirt was not all that long. So he decided that it wasn't so bad after all.

Amu caught him leering at her " what are you looking at?!"

Ikuto: what do you think I'm looking at.

Amu blushed when she saw the size of the shirt. "you have a shorts or something?"

Ikuto: sure but its going to be way longer than your legs.

Amu: then what the point of it being shorts?

Ikuto: you don't get the insult do you?

Amu thought for a while " I HATE YOU!!"

Ikuto gathered his things. " it's going to be my turn to take a bath now! To bring or not to bring the towel to the bath?"

Amu took the towel and threw it into bath before he shut the door. You mean he actually tried to not bring a towel?! That perv!

--A few minutes later--

Ikuto: I'm out.

Amu stared at him.

Amu: why are you topless?

Ikuto: because I'm not wearing a shirt.

Amu: don't be disgusting

Ikuto: I'm not. You're just getting the wrong idea perverted girl.

Amu blushed. " I want to go home."

Ikuto: not unless you remember me.

Amu: what so important about you?!

Ikuto: I could have been your boyfriend

Amu: don't be sick. You're already attached.

Ikuto: oh is someone jealous?

Amu: jealous? Hah.

Ikuto put a shirt on. " where do you want to go now?"

Amu: the arcade!

Ikuto: oh are you sure?

Amu: want to bet?

Ikuto: ok. If you lose 10 games to me. I get choose everything you wear.

Amu: and if I win 10 games you have to sleep in the closet and I get the bed.

Ikuto: deal.

Amu: deal.


Ran: this is Ran reporting from the arcade. It is and intense battle in the current game. Basketball. Su. Off to you.

Su: true. The battle is heating up. Both players are head to head. Their not giving each other a point!

Miki: time is running out and OOOOOO! Ikuto Wins for the 3rd time!

Su: Amu is requesting for a different game!

Miki: it's " Wack The Mole!"

Su: she seems very good at it!

Miki: Oh no! Ikuto is lagging behind in one point!

Ran: last 10 seconds! 9. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1!

Su: Amu wins!

Hina: yay!

Su: when did you come in.

Hina: ita a hobby desu!

Yoru: stop playing around you three.

many rounds later

Ran: the tension is rising as both competitors are on a tie!

Su: their on a game that no one has ever tried!

Miki: Drums! Their doing DRUMS!

Su: Amu's going steady


Ran: since when did you come in?!

Yoru : how would I know?!

Hina: maybe its his hobby desu.

Miki: and the winner is… OH NO. Amu loses by 0.01!

Ikuto: I win.

Amu: drat…

The Golden boy hopped away to a kingdom far away. As happy as can be. As happy as can be…

Chiya: Ikuto!

But down the hill he met a troll. He tumbled down with glee. As happy as can be. As happy as can be…

Ikuto: uhhh hi.

Foolishness often get the better of us so never be too keen. As happy as can be. As happy as can be…

Chiya turned to Amu "stay away from him you whore!!" with that she slapped her.

Golden boy Walked through sorrow and sadness and soon he found the key As happy as can be. As happy as can be….

Amu stared at her. "but I don't even know him." In tears she just ran away.

He tried to fit it in his lock but oh the pain! There is no fit. As happy as can be. As happy as can be…

Ran, Miki,Su,Hina: Wait up Amu-chan!

So he cursed and cried and bellowed and chimed. "with relationship the key shall fit" As happy as can be. As happy as can be…

Ikuto: Chiya don't be childish!

Chiya: I'm not! Boyfriends don't go around flirting with other girls! You don't even take me here!

Ikuto: I'm sorry

He turned to run after her. only to find out that she was gone.

At Night

Ikuto looked for her everywhere. Her balcony, her school. It was much too late for her to be outside now. What if some old geezer found her? Guilt washed over him. He shouldn't had even gotten a girlfriend.

He walked and walked until he saw it. A figure was standing at the dark amusement park. The figure turned. It was Amu. She looked like she had been crying for ages. But she still smiled at him.

She pointed at the amusement park "I wanted to go to the amusement park." –sniff- " but I don't know how to turn it on…"

Ikuto: Yoru..

Yoru: Haiii Ikuto nyahhh

Yoru turned the breakers on. The whole amusement park lit up. And so did Amu's face. She was about to ran in to play when Ikuto caught her by the wrist.

Ikuto: I'm Sorry.

Amu: it's ok…

Ikuto: you sure?

Amu: no.

Ikuto paled.

Amu: she hit me. In front of so many people. And called me a whore. The worst thing was that she called you her boyfriend which automatically makes me look like some third party prostitute but yeah. Of course I'm ok.

Ikuto: you know. I tried to warn you about out her.

Amu: when?!

Ikuto: ok. So I didn't.

Amu: good you know. Because if I knew I wouldn't even go out with you. Gawd dammit. I feel like a totally idiot!

Ikuto: ok. How can I make it up to you?

Amu: you brake up with her.

Ikuto: and then?

Amu's eyes sparkled "there is actually an "And then" ??

Ikuto: I knew I shouldn't have said it.

Amu: eek! Ride all the rides with me!!

Ikuto sighed… " still so easily pleased aren't you."

Amu: of course!

Ikuto looked at her "you remember this place?"

Yoru: why of course! Then how did she even get here?!

Amu: the cat's got a point

Yoru: why thank you.

Amu: enough talk lets go ride the rides before the breakers give way!

Ikuto: uh…

270 rides later

Current Ride:


Ikuto: I feel sick… how do you even handle it?! Hey. Hey. Amu.

Amu is sleeping peachfully on the horse as it went up and down.

Ikuto: I guess she was going to knock out in a while…

--Back at Ikuto's House--

He laid Amu on his bed and stared at her peaceful body. Then he saw the lock. It looked the same. But he wanted to know if his key would finally fit. He took the lock and put his key in. it went in. it actually went in. when he twisted the key to open the lock, the lock poped open and his key disappeared.

Ikuto: ok… but..

Hina: I'm free! Finally!

Ikuto: huh?

Hina: ah. Ikuto desu?

Ikuto: yes?

Hina: I'm Hina deau. I'm Amu's embryo.

Ikuto: the embryo?!

Hina: hai desu!

Ikuto: what do you mean your free.

Hina: you don't know deau? Amu's heart is a great place desu! I'm going back in there desu! She can call me out anytime desu!

Ikuto was dumbfolded. " then why aren't you going back in?"

Hina stared at him. Then blushed " your supposed to kiss her desu…!"

Ikuto: huh? But that's not right. She's not even awake!

Hina: she wont let you kiss her if she's awake will she?

Hina stared at him as he moved closer. Then he stopped. " eh? Why did you stop?"

Ikuto: how about I need my privacy?

Hina giggled " ok… if you say soo…"

Hina swished into the cupboard.

Ikuto: so. I'm going to have to kiss you?

Ikuto went extremely near to her. "what if you found out?"

"huh? Find out what?" Amu said still zoned out.

Oh no. without further ado. Ikuto covered her mouth with his. Amu which was of course shocked and startled, tried to push him away. Not to mention struggle and whine under him. When they finally broke apart, she looked furious. He prepared himself for what was coming A.K.A shout and scream and hit him. But.

Hina: thank you Ikuto-kun! Your really nice!

Hina went back into her egg and disappeared into Amu's chest.

Don't worry Ikuto. Things wont turn out so bad…-giggle-

Amu's eyes changed colour.

Ikuto: I think this is going to be VERY bad.

Amu: IKUUTOOO! Did you kiss me? I DID NOT let you kiss me. HOW COULD YOU?! You PERVERT!

Ikuto: yeah yeah. I know you hate me.

Amu: but I like you so it's a different story.

Amu covered her mouth with her hands.

Ikuto: would you care to say that again?

Amu: never!

Ikuto: if you say so. Then I'll ask you one thing.

Amu: what?

Ikuto: be my pair.

Amu: pair?

Ikuto stared at her " I'll just wait here till you get it"

Amu: oh you mean .a pair. Like a couple. Boyfriend and girlfriend. A pair…. That pair.

Ikuto: yeah.

Amu: ok

Ikuto: wow how dramatic.

Amu: a dramatic question calls for a dramatic answer.

Ikuto: hey you don't have to be SO sarcastic.

Amu laughed. "really. Ok. So whats our next competition?"

Ikuto: you lost to me didn't you.

Amu: lose? In what. I don't remember anything.

Ikuto: nah. It just that I got all the clothes I chose for you to wear.

Amu looked at the bundle. And paled. This time it was not underwear. It was pink clothes.

Ikuto: now how about we try this Hot Pink tutu first.



ARRRRIBA! I hope you enjoyed the whole story. I ad to end it early because the SAs are coming. Got to study! Got to get busy! Plus I'm getting a PSP soon so I may not be able to concentrate on this. Bye for now!

R&R you better R&R I don't wanna get cheated.

P.S for any questions for the story feel free to message me.