(A/N) This is a oneshot I wrote during writers block

(A/N) This is a oneshot I wrote during writers block. Hope ya'll enjoy!!


I'd grown accustomed to the cold, rainy weather. But I seemed to be enjoying snow and rain even more. It wasn't until the other day, I realized why. The cold, gentle sprinkles falling against my face; that was Edward's gentle sprinkle of kisses along my skin. I had a lovely idea and I knew Alice knew just as soon as I thought of it: she called, giving me the details I was lacking.

"It will snow tomorrow. Take Edward to the meadow. I'll keep my mind closed so he won't know. Love you Bella!" and with that quick speech, she was gone.

The next day I had my plan laid out. I woke to Edward's slow rocking in the chair, and a beautiful Greek God.

"I have an idea for today." I said groggily; waking up and stretching.

"Oh, really? This wouldn't have anything to do with Alice blocking me from her mind, does it?" he asked. I just smiled.

"Oh, it might." I said hopping up and heading for the bathroom for a 'human moment.'

When I emerged into the room, all dressed in layers for the snow, and Newton's Outfitters hiking boots, Edward looked puzzled. I grinned at him.

"I want to go to the meadow." I said. "If you don't mind." I added after he didn't reply.

"Of course not, love, I get to spend today with you. But you do know it is supposed to snow." He questioned.

"Yes, I do know. That's actually why I wanted to go." Now he really looked puzzled.

"Oh?" he looked as if he could actually scratch his head in confusion.

"Hmm mmm. Let's go!" I said heading for the stairs and his Volvo.


We where now in the meadow; I looked to the sky.

"Here it comes," I said as the snow began to fall. I took my coat and then my jacket off, and turned my face to the sky. I let the cool gentle sprinkles kiss my face and neck, then melt away and fall down onto my shirt.

"Bella, love, please tell me what you are doing." He said grabbing my hands in his and stepping closer.

"It's your soft, gentle kisses against my skin. Each one placed carefully and strategically against my skin. It's your love falling down on me." I said with my eyes closed still feeling the snow fall on me. He didn't speak, I started to get worried.

"Edward, are you okay?" I asked placing a hand on his check and looked into his eyes. They were full of nothing but love.

"No, love. You are just too perfect for me." He said and leaned down and began planting little kisses of his own on my skin. I was fixing to scold him and tell him he was too perfect for me, but he spoke.

"I do hope though, you enjoy my kisses better." He said chuckling.

"Of course, Edward!" I said barely able to control my breathing.

"These kisses are much, much better." I sighed feeling his cold lips working there way up and down my neck.

"Much, much better."

(A/N) Hope ya'll enjoyed my little oneshot. It just came to me one night when I couldn't go to sleep or write about my other story and it was raining something fierce. So let me know what ya'll think, that is if you have time.
