Okay yeah, this is just a story with Ichigo and Hichigo, but they aren't soul reapers or hollows or anything like that. Its got a hint of Breakfast Club/Crybaby shenanigans, some Wassup Rockers type mayhem, some Trainspotting/Dazed and Confused/Blow type drug use, blah blah blah. Oh yeah, and uh, I couldn't write this without obscene amounts of band names, musical references, crazy thought processes, epic boringness, epicness in general, pretty much, its 'punx' 'lolzkore'. A day in the life of the ACTUAL punk/squatter/street scene. OH, HOW EDGY! (THAT WAS A JOKE! ITS NOT A DAY IN THE LIFE ETC.! SERIOUSLY, I MAKE TOO MANY JOKES FOR MY OWN GOOD. I LOVE TO MAKE FUN OF THE PUNK STEREOTYPE!) This is a VERY stupid description. It's like the movie Crybaby, but not in the 50's, no Johnny Depp, its not a musical, and uh, Ichigo is the little rich girl acting out, and Hichigo is Crybaby/cool guy/leader of the pack/mysteriously dangerously enchantingly sexy bad boy. Yeah. Ichigo is a little superior swot, and Hichigo is the cool alley cat. YEAH. WHATEVER. I no own.

It was Ichigo's first day of his second year of high school. Being a sophomore, he was no longer 'fresh meat'. Well, he never was in the first place as his father was a lawyer, and if ANYTHING more than an accidental nudging happened to him, they were as good as sued. But Ichigo was in a rut. He felt there was something missing. Sure, he had friends, good grades and was allowed to do whatever he pleased, but he was growing tired of the same old thing. The hot tub he had was nice, but if he stayed in much longer, he would turn into a prune completely. (My bad attempt at a semi-original analogy).

Never the less, he met up with his friends at the bus stop, waiting to go to school.

Ichigo's POV

"Hey guys." I asked.

Orohime turned to me and smiled. "Hey Ichigo! Can you believe how fast this last week went? Sorry I missed you the other day, me and the family were on our boat. Can you believe I didn't get any reception out there? Ridiculous."

"Oh, I can't believe it! SEE! Your uniform fits you FINE." Keigo complained.

"Wow, that is short. It might as well be the one from last year." I grinned.

"What's wrong Ichigo? You're quiet." Said Orohime.

"WHAT? ICHIGO QUIET?" Tatsuki laughed. "Really though, he's probably depressed. I would be too if I had Kuchiki first thing in the morning!"

"God, first thing, that's going to be so BAD..." I say, rolling my eyes dramatically. They really don't care if I'm depressed or not. Besides, the practice acting will help me for school.

"Speak of the devil, Kuchiki's little sister is calling me!" Tatsuki flipped open her phone. "Hey Rukia!"

A pause. "Oh, that sucks." "What? When?" She turned to us. "Rukia-chan just passed us in her brother's car!" "... And what?" "Ha, thanks for the heads up. We'll keep it nice." She hung up.

I turned as I heard sometime coming towards us on the side walk.

"Here it comes now. Rukia said some ratty kid was coming up in out school uniform on a skateboard. Oh!" She followed my gaze. "Here he comes now!"

Ratty... I smirked. Completely messed up hair, all white, idiot probably bleaches it to look cool. Cigarette in his mouth, skateboard, holey shoes, and the sleeve of the school blazer was almost torn completely off on the the left side. Had some stupid shades on too.

He got off his board, and sat down on the curb, directly in front of the bus sign, and leaned back on it. I quirked an eyebrow. His left leg was twitching rather violently.

"HEY TWITCHY!" Keigo sneered. I rolled my eyes. "It's a no smoking zone!" Neither Keigo or any of us had issues with smoking, Keigo just said it to get a rise out of him. And turn around he did.

Hichigo's POV

"HEY TWITCHY! It's a no smoking zone!" I hear. I twist my neck around, inhale deeply, and blow smoke in their faces.

The one with brown hair stood up. "What? You deaf as well?"

I took another deep breath, stood up, and blew it in his face. "Are you actually going to stop me? Well, I mean try?" I could hear my heart beating fast, and I could feel it in my chest. I don't care, I just give what I receive. Nothing like a little fight before school to get the blood flowing. Not that there was any problem with that now. I could still feel my left leg moving, heel hitting the ground repeatedly, gradually getting faster.

He took as step closer.

"The bus is coming." A flat voice came from the one with orange hair. He was siting on the cement wall, slightly away from the rest. Pfft. Conflict diffusing pussy.

SO! WHAT-CHU THINK, YO? Don't worry, this wouldn't take precedence over 'No Fun Ichigo' or anything, I was just struck with random inspiration a-fore a-passin out. Yeh. Its kinda crap.