(*DISCLAIMER- I have full permission from the author (Meg Albatou) to use her character Sola Moray. If you don't understand her, or her role in the story, read 'Sola's Hands' by Meg Albatou. Enjoy!!! Also, these characters aren't mine, except for Felicia Ledger, and whatever little people I make up to fill space. Thank you JK Rowling for providing me with great material.

We join our illustrious Harry Potter on his first day of his seventh year at Hogwarts, Academy of Magic. As captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and one of the oldest kids at school, Harry looked forward to what he hoped to be an eventful year at Hogwarts. Little did he know what was just around the corner...

Over the summer, romances had blossomed. Ron and Hermione had been together since the beginning of their sixth year and were still going strong. Finally, Harry realized what had been under his nose all along, and in one short moment, made Ginny the happiest she had ever been. Even the elder Weasley boys found love in strange places.

But not even love was on Harry's mind as he settled in for his last year at Hogwarts. His course load wasn't bad, but he still had Potions class with Professor Snape, who detested even the mention of Harry's name. But every year has a surprise. For the first time in Harry's education at Hogwarts, he had the same Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher as the previous years. Yes folks, Professor Sola Moray was back. Some rumours were swirling around as to the nature of the relationship between Snape and Moray, but no one knew the truth, except the two involved.

Harry's first class was a double Potions with Slytherin, one that he was not looking forward to. The Gryffindor seventh years trouped down to the dungeons, wondering how Snape would dock points from them this year. Harry walked behind Ron and Hermione who were very affectionate. Suddenly, he wished that he was with Ginny, but she was with her class, putting up with whatever tragedies Professor Trelawney could think of in Divination.

Of course the Slytherins were already in the classroom, but Snape was nowhere to be seen. Taking advantage of the unsupervised time, Draco Malfoy strolled casually over to Harry, his goons Crabbe and Goyle close behind.

' You're going down this year, Potter,' Draco snarled. 'Slytherin's going all the way this year, and now I'm Captain of our Quidditch team. I'm going to bring you down!'

' Draco, you know how tired I am of hearing the same shit from you year after year? You keep saying that, but every year Gryffindor kicks your ass!' Harry got out of his seat to and stood face to face with Draco. Harry had grown about 6 inches that summer, and towered over him.

'Potter, you think you're so great, with your scar and everything. But really, you're no better than Muggle trash.'

'Go cry to your rich daddy.'

'At least I have a daddy.'

Draco had gone too far. Harry's eyes blazed and his scar burned redder. He pulled himself up to his full height, and was about to slam his fist into Draco's perfect features, when Snape burst through the door. Snape's face was flushed, and his hair rumpled, as if he had just engaged in a quick activity.

'Malfoy, Potter, sit down! Honestly, its only the first day!'

Draco and Harry sat down quickly. Neither wanted to start off their year with Snape taking points from their house.

The rest of the class passed quickly. Snape was just asking review questions to make sure the kids knew their stuff, and to catch others off guard.

Harry was just about to answer an easy question about the Amouris Eternalis potion when he yawned. This yawn was not just any a yawn. It was a huge, wide, haven't-got-any-sleep-in-a-week kind of yawn. (Ron and Harry had been up very late the night before, testing products from George and Fred Weasley's new joke shop.)


'Yes, Professor Snape?'

'Oh, never mind.'

What? Snape was letting Harry off without a punishment? Who was this person and what had he done with Professor Snape? Come to think of it, Snape looked different than he had last year. He looked happy, or as happy as Professor Snape could look.

'Look's like Snape's getting some!' Ron whispered to Harry from across the aisle. Harry burst into laughter than went unnoticed by Snape.

'Maybe I can start liking Potions, if Snape's going to be like,' Harry thought.

Maybe he could.