Disclaimer: I do not or ever will own Naruto all rights go to Masashi Kishimoto. I also don't own the song Invincible by Cross fade they have full rights.

Naruto the Guitar Hero

This is my first fanfic please gimme a break

Naruto is an aspiring rocker trying to make his way through high school where he meets conflicts, love, pain, and sorrow, until he gradually forms a band, it's a (eventually)NaruHina fic...some spelling errors lol

The alarm clock rang annoyingly through the young blonde's head as he sighed he groggily sat up as he let his hair fall passed his eyes he moved to the left of his bed to silence the alarm clock from doing any further mental damage to him in the morning. He looked around his room it's a fairly big room considering the big rock star his father is. In one corner of his room sat his skateboard, in another corner sat his father's prized electric guitar that was a gift for his birthday. It was signed saying yellow flash, the guitar was stylized with flames, and it was his prized Gibson les Paul. On the left side of his room hung his acoustic guitar that he is currently practicing with, not to mention its easy to carry, over in the right there was a couple of plants and the window, what can he say he likes plants, what hung over his bed was a picture of his dad advertising ramen.

Naruto stood up and walk towards the full view mirror to check out his physique, well what was close to it at least.(A/N: he's like 13 remember late birthday)He took a shower savoring the last moments he had in the steamy hot water. He hopped out of the shower successfully wrapping the towel around himself while doing it, he then walked over to the sink to brush his teeth. je mad his way back to the room and then slipped on his black slacks that had a slight tear on the knee from being worn out but that's how he likes them. He then put on the required uniform shirt, short sleeves showing off his many scars on his arms from fights and falling of his board millions of times, He grabbed his tie and blazer. He slipped on his black and white chucks that went nicely with his black and white attire. Naruto was getting ready to run out of the room when he forget his acoustic, and also to wrap on his bandages that he usually worn on his hands

As Naruto made his way downstairs he could hear someone muttering some curses as he smelt burning eggs in the air. "Mornin pops" Naruto said to the tall man who looked exactly like him wearing a white lather jacket with flames on the bottom with the kanji aligning his jacket saying 'Konoha's Yellow Flash'. He also sported a black under shirt with the Konoha symbol on it, he wore some blue denim jeans slightly worn out and let his hair hang in a messy fashion. Naruto's father grunts as he struggles to make his son breakfast before his first day of high school. It's been hard since his wife Kushina passed on a year ago from some unknown illness. Naruto sat there thinking about his late mother 'I wish she was still here she would've wanted to see this day.' Then there was a loud thud and there it was "breakfast".

"Go ahead i want to see you eat it all up!" Minato said with an evil smirk on his face "you do want to be big and strong like your old man don't you."

"Sorry dad but I think I'm going to get some ramen on the way to school!!" Naruto yelled as he made a break for the door. But in a flash his father was there to stop him.

"Come on dad I don't want to eat that vile thing you've created on that plate." They both looked toward the plate to see that it was no longer there but was slowly making its way across the floor they both sweat dropped at this site. Naruto looked towards his father with a pleading look.

Minato looked back with a hard stare that would scare you shitless and said "don't forget your skateboard!" He gave Naruto a toothy smile and received one back as he made his way upstairs quickly and got his board and strapped on his bag he headed for the door simply waving his father a good bye after realizing something

He yelled to his dad "today you're teaching me some of you guitar techniques right pops!!" he gave his son a wave of approval and walked back inside.


Naruto was gently pushing off on his skate board to just take his casual time getting to school when all of a sudden four girls rudely knocked him off his board and kept running. He stood up dusting off his pants and checking his acoustic that his mother gave him on his last birthday. Its real important to him because it was one of his only two gifts that came from his parents. When his dad decided to move he had no friend's life was hard for young Naruto but he got by till this day. Back to the matter at hand these very rude women who knocked him off his board it was time to confront these women.(A/N: And do what?... ask for an apology... lol)Naruto walked up to them to see them securely in the arms of 4 men one of the girls had brown hair and styled two buns on top, the attire for the girls was either pants or a skirt, the same type of shirts like the boys and ties if they wanted to, unlike the boys the ties were mandatory. The man she was currently cuddled with had long black hair and it was tied in a pony tail just close to the end of his hair, his eyes were a milk white color that showed no emotions this made Naruto shiver at how his eyes look, he sported the same attire as Naruto but in a more formal and classy type of way not a thing out of place. The next guy had a pineapple shaped pony tail and had a lazy look to his face as his tie wasn't even tied on all that correctly it looked liked he just threw it on but everything else on him looked like he was awake to do correctly other than that he was just an average Joe, the girl he was with had an annoyed expression on her face with how much he didn't care. She had blonde hair with a long bang, but her wardrobe was another story she was way out of dress code with some of the latest fashions Gucci shoes to Ed Hardy sweaters and all black apple jeans.

"Well she's getting sent home early." Naruto thought to himself

As he felt two cold hard glares come from the other pair. The girl with unusual pink hair looked at him and threw him an annoyed look, Naruto inwardly felt hurt at this but then seen an Uchiha crest on the side pocket of her partners blazer...Naruto was shocked the last Uchiha was here, he made note of not to make an enemy of Uchihas like his dad made with the now passed Fugaku Uchiha. Then there was the last couple he glanced over and just couldn't stop staring at her pale skin but it fit her, she had a petite body and nice curves, her hair was short and indigo color (A/N: Her hair will grow over time)but it fit her face, yes her face she has the same eyes as the other guy but hers were softer, he just had to talk to her. Naruto completely ignored questions, glances and death threats he was receiving for just randomly walking up to her grabbing her hand

He said "I don't know why but i need to know your name."

"M-my name is Hinata" she stuttered out, for some reason he made her feel shy something she got rid of along time ago when her father told her she was too weak to lead the clan.

Naruto was going to ask Hinata some questions till a boy with brown hair that went about wildly on his head and two red marks on his cheeks stepped in front of Naruto and growled baring his teeth to him which appeared to have very long canines, he pushed Naruto back and sort of puffed his chest out with arrogance like he was on top of the world. Naruto began to take off his blazer and everybody gasped at the sight of all the scar on Naruto's arms, Kiba took this as the first fight of the year and got into his stance,

Neji cut in and said "Kiba must you always act like such a dog in front of my cousin?"

"Oi dog breathe you going to just stand there or are you going to come at me?" Naruto said mockingly as he put down his guitar and board,

Everyone was telling Kiba not to do it but he ran full speed at Naruto.

Naruto side stepped and put a leg out and tripped Kiba he fell on his face, he got back up angrier than ever and attacked again just as Naruto was gathering the energy for a haymaker when a weird guy with his head band tip to the side with silver hair who was watching everything and knew the match was in favor of Naruto grabbed him up and pulled him away from the scene. Everyone was baffled as to where they could have gone. Hinata on the other hand picked up his guitar, skateboard and blazer and decided she would put them in her locker till she met him again.

Naruto looked behind him and said "oh... hey! Kakashi what are you doing here?!"

Naruto was totally confused as to why Kakshi was there

"Hey is there a crime in being a teacher by day and rocker by night."Kakashi said (A/N: Naruto's dad is a famous rocker whose band mates were Kakashi, and Anko,)

"I bet the love of your life is here too" Naruto said teasingly

"Naruto I don't like Anko!!" Kakashi yelled (A/N: Anko probably heard that in the gymnasium.)

"So is that why you guys were making out with the lights off in the back of the tour bu-." Naruto was about to finish till Kakashi placed a hand over his mouth to silence him

"Get to your locker or I send you to principle Jiraiya's office" Kakashi said in a Bored tone

"Wow even Ero-sennin is here this place has truly got it all what else is next?" Naruto said in a very sarcastic tone


"Hey Anko" Naruto said to a fuming Anko who passed by waving him off

"Well my guess is Kakashi's going to be stuck reading that book for a good week because of his comment" Naruto said to no one in particular as he walked down the hall looking for a certain someone with indigo hair he couldn't spot her in time nor get to his locker before the first bell.

CLASS ONE (English)

"Good Mourning class" said Kakashi

Both he and Naruto inwardly sighed upon meeting each other again. Naruto was sitting in the class filled with everyone he saw earlier and then some. He was really hoping to be next to Hinata but lady luck just wasn't on his side he ended up next to Sasuke Uchiha.

Kakashi told them to get to know each other and leave him to his 'work' he opened a draw and took out his little orange book he looked to his left and his right to make sure Anko was out of the way and went about reading in the comfort of his class room. Naruto was annoyed by how Kakashi's face is always in the book so he got up and walked over to the window and sat and just looked on, he had no reason for it but he also had no reason to get to know anybody in this school cause if they found out his father was the best rock star in Konoha then people would hate him and be his friend for the wrong reasons, and love wouldn't be for real, he sat there still looking not noticing a certain someone looking at him from a far she was holding his blazer in her bag his acoustic on her lap and his board in her locker, Kiba was talking to her telling her how beautiful she looked and crap like that. She didn't care at the moment she couldn't stop wondering about the boy with the yellow hair and the crystal blue eyes.

Meanwhile principle Jiraiya made his way down the hall and straight for Kakashi's room. He poked his head I and him and Kakashi exchanged glances.

"Glad to see your doing your work carry on then" He said as he poked his head back out and walked back to the office, everyone sweat drop at the site that had just unfolded.

CLASS TWO (Science)

Class two freaked out any one who a man in that class was because the teacher of the class was a man named Orochimaru with his senior lab assistant Kabuto Yakushi. The reason why class was so creepy because he had long hair that made him look like a girl and he wore weird clothes that just said 'yeah I'm a mad scientist'. Other than that he tended to hit on some of the guys in the class it was a nightmare, and time just seemed to move slower than usual.

IN THE HALLS (going to music)

"Now this is my category" Naruto said to no one (A/N: he's really got to stop talking to himself)

he just then remembered his guitar was no longer around he was panicking till he felt someone tapping his shoulder he turned around and looked to see the lavender eyed girl with a tinge of pink on her cheeks holding his guitar and blazer up to him, he stared at her for a minute he was just amazed at how beautiful she was.

"U-um you left this outside so I picked it up for you. You have music next right? What's your name by the way?"

"Oh me I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, and yes i have music next."

"Wait a minute so you must be Konoha's yellow flash's son right from the band!"

"Wow you really know your stuff how about we sit near each other during music, to ...you know get to know each other."

"O-ok, I'm just glad Kiba isn't in my class so he doesn't pick another fight."

"I would've whipped him senseless anyway!" Naruto said pretty loud making a couple of people move a couple of inches away from each other. Hinata couldn't help but giggle at Naruto's bold statement.


"Welcome everyone to music class!" Iruka greeted "Today I'll give you instrument of choice and you could show me how good you are you could even add vocals if you want, so have fun!"

"Boys he chipper today" Naruto whispered to Hinata not noticing the man with a scar going across the bridge of his nose and styling a brown pony tail come from behind.

"What was that wise guy" Iruka said to Naruto

"Uh oh"

"I want you up First, what's your instrument?"

"Guitar" Naruto stated bluntly

"Show me what you got"

Naruto got to the front of the room sat on a stool that was placed there he was about to start till he said

"Umm Iruka-sensei can I make it a vocal? I'm not really an expert at guitar yet" Naruto stated, with a nod of his head Naruto cleared his throat and began strumming and then sang

I memorized all the words for you

But if you only knew

How much that is just not like me

I wait up late every night

Just to hear your voice

But you don't know that's nothing like me , (He started of strong on this next part)

You know I wonder have you already figured out

All these things I tried to hide

All this time I've been hoping you don't find out

All these things that I hide on the inside

"Well that's all I got for now how was it" Naruto said

There was dead silence for a moment until the crowd of student broke out into applause even Iruka was stunned Naruto walked back to his seat next to Hinata who was giving him all the praise she thought he deserved.

Everyone else was going and he was monitoring very closely while listening to what Hinata had to say because he was looking for potential band mate he noticed that the drummer in the room who was a transfer from Suna was a really good drummer, he had red hair and sea foam colored eyes with dark rings around them, Naruto could tell he wasn't much of a talker. He also in the meantime was checking out what the one of the last Uchihas had to offer, Sasuke Uchiha. From the way he handles the guitar he's not just a pretty boy with an un wanted fan club, he was better than Naruto, He showed Iruka his picking his hammerons, pull offs riffs, he made it look like he was playing guitar hero on supper easy. Then there was two Bassists a strange boy who's always wearing a coat and glasses with a straight face that's just so unnatural its scares the hell out of you. And then there was Nara Shikamaru They both had good skills (A/N: I'll let you guys choose which one of them goes in the band.) Naruto just remembered something he had to tell Hinata so he leaned over and whispered to her

"When I'm done with that song your the first person that I want to hear it" Naruto said

She felt so great she wanted to know more about him maybe even here more songs just when she was about to lean over and speak the bell rang.

"I'll tell you later" she said then she ran off to meet with Kiba

GYM (Boys side of the field)

"Hello my wonderful students are you ready to experience the power of youth!!" Said a man with huge eyebrows, a bowl shaped cut and a smile that seem to sparkle even with out light

Everyone except one boy who looked exactly like the man sweat dropped at this, but then the man said

"I want you all to do great to day so first I want five hundred push ups"

Everyone eyes went a little wide but then the same boy said

"Yosh Gai-sensei!"

He came up to the boy then looked at his chart

"Your name is Rock Lee right?"

"Hai Gai-sensei!"

"Well I can see that the flames of youth burns in you like no other in the gymnasium!"

"Hai Gai-sensei and if I cannot do 500 push ups then I shall do 50 laps around the school on my hands"

Everyone in the gymnasium looked at each other then back at the scene, then suddenly out of nowhere Gai-sensei delivered a powerful punch to Lee sending him in to the dumbbells across the room, everyone's eyes went wide and they jumped back a bit from the scene Gai the replied

"Lee you idiot you cannot leave school grounds and if you did it would take you the rest of school to do it!"

"I'm sorry for my ignorance Gai- sensei!"

"It always breaks me up to hurt one of my pupils"

"It's alright Gai-sensei it was a well deserved punishment"

"I admire your youthfulness Lee!"





They both then engaged in a hug with an odd sunset on the wave's back round,

To say everyone was sick was an understatement and some People were confused by how the site unfolded before them, some people even thought they'd be scarred for life

GYM (Girls side)

"RUN YOU MAGGOTS!! I want to see you sweat the make up off those pretty little faces!" Anko yelled obviously in a pissed off mood

The girls ran around the gym with ferocious speed afraid of what will happen if their gym teacher caught them slaking off. There is four girls were keeping up together and that was Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and Tenten who of course was ahead of the bunch but not out of earshot. They were talking about who they were going after this year after their failed attempts in middle school

"I'm going for Sasuke-kun again" She said with huge hearts in her eyes (A/N: Sasuke, Neji, Lee, Shino, Kiba, Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Hinata, and Choji all went to the same middle school.)

"Ha! Shikamaru is way better and plus Sasuke doesn't like you, remember he said that you guys are friends." Ino said while trying to get her breathing back on track

"Ino you know you didn't get Shikamaru either." Tenten said from in front of them

"Yea Pig in fact Hinata was the only one who actually got hooked up with Kiba" Sakura said in a matter of fact tone.

"Yea and she still head over heels for Kiba right Hinata?"

They waited for a response but it never came Hinata was in her own little world thinking real hard about something

"Umm Hinata are you okay?"

"Yeah sure why wouldn't I?"

"Because the average person doesn't go into long thought while running unless they are focused on running, and we could clearly tell what you were thinking of was defiantly not running, so what's the problem Hinata? Spill it."

"Did we really need the entire explanation forehead, jeez sometimes you could be such a brainiac."

"Well sometimes you act like a loud and obnoxious PIG!"

"Listen FOREHEAD you better hope that my pace doesn't slow down and I catch up with you!"

"Okay I'm going to stop this before it goes any farther than it should!" Tenten interrupted

"Yeah and plus pig this is about Hinata"

'Oh boy back to me' Hinata thought

"Wait a minute, now that I think about it Hinata was in deep thought like that when Kiba first asked her out!" stated Sakura putting together the pieces

"Your right and there was a boy who just came out of nowhere this mourning asking for her name!" stated Tenten

"a-and" Hinata stuttered fearing the worst

"You fell in love all over again!!" shouted Ino

"The blonde boy stole your heart that's so romantic" said Tenten

"I wish our guys stole our hearts" Sakura said in a flat voice

"Yeah but Shikamaru is to lazy and Sasuke is too cool and Neji is just…Neji" said Ino in a sad low voice

"But wait a minute you guys are jumping to conclusions were just friends" Hinata said trying to change were this was all going

"Wow Hinata so you've got two of them which one are you going to pick" stated Ino completely ignore whatever it was Hinata had to say

Hinata couldn't help but blush at such embarrassment she was about to faint until a strange site occurred

Just then Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze came running through the girls gym at full speed form Gai-sensei who currently had a pair of green spandex, and scissors in his hand, Naruto ran and ran the thing is everyone was getting a show because he was only in boxers and a vest. Some girls blushed some just laughed their asses off. Anko soon joined the pursuit and that made Naruto make a sharp turn and bang he crashed into Hinata they toppled over with him on the bottom arms around her waist very tightly in fear that he might hurt her if he let go and the fear of Gai and the spandex every one looked on and time seem to stop their faces were close this left a fainted Hinata, confused Naruto, fuming Kiba, smirking Sasuke, a pissed off Neji, giggling girls, and two mad gym teachers

DING the bell went off Naruto got up and placed Hinata gently on the floor dusted himself off and said

"I can explain everything, First Gai sen-" Naruto was gone like the wind he ran to the lockers only to find a gang of dudes on Kiba's side ready to jump him. First he shook the scary thought of dudes waiting for him in a locker room,bthen He tried to dash back but to no avail he was bound and gagged with a sock.

JIRAIYA'S OFFICE (during math)

"Wow so all of that happened to you huh?"

"Uh huh"

Jaraiya starts to laugh lecherously as his scribble down in a tiny note pad

"Ok can I leave now Ero-senin?" Naruto said

Jiraiya stopped laughing and threw Naruto a death glare with a twitching eye brow.

"Alright alright ill stop for now, well see ya later I got lunch now." Naruto said dismissing himself from the room


Naruto didn't want any school lunch the stuff looked as repulsive as the stuff his father makes

He sat at a table away from the crowds a place where gaara sat it was pretty awkward so they sat in silence until Sasuke came running by huffing and puffing and then hiding under Naruto's table, Naruto was about to comment till Sasuke put a finger to his lips to silence the slightly loud blonde. Sasuke pointed gesturing toward the hordes of girls with hearts in their eyes screaming his name; yes it was his fan club on the prowl.

Naruto looked back at Sasuke with a sadistic smirk Naruto Yelled "He's under the table!"

The girls had gleams in their eyes as he and gaara abandoned the table rather quickly and a shroud of smoke encase the table, all you could hear was Sasuke's yells and threats toward Naruto. Naruto just chuckled as he walked away from the area and over to the exit to go to history class.


Asuma-sensei was lecturing about long ago about their old shinobi culture the great wars and famous ninjas. Everyone thought it was a load of bull shit as half the class wasn't even paying attention to him especially Shikamaru who was asleep at his desk. Naruto was just waiting for time to go by but it just seems every time he looks at the clock it went even slower.


Every stormed out of the classes as soon as the bell was out. Friends who didn't have the same classes met up and people waiting by the flag pole at 3:00 for a fight was there, girls were giggling and gossiping while dudes walked around like they were cool and usually hung out on the side of the building because they had nothing else to do with their time…yep every things in place alright. Naruto glided across the ground on his bord taking in his serene surroundings on the way home. The breeze gently hit him giving off a soothing sensation, he lookat the trees that stood real tall and all the flowers in a nearby flower bed. Naruto was feeling great till a loud commotion came his way.

It was Sasuke sprinting for his life before he dived into some nearby bushes next to Naruto. Naruto grinned again and Sasuke gave him a glare,this happened till the girls came over and asked Naruto if he had saw Sasuke go by

Naruto replied saying "He said something bout going to south Konoha district, he also said first one there is betrothed to him….Oh yeah he might be a little hard to find so make sure you search through tomorrow ok."

The girls first looked at him like he was stupid, did he really think they would fall for such a lie just then Naruto picked up his cell phone out is bag and said

"Hello…Oh hey Sasuke …you say that your looking for a caterer to set up plans for the future wedding …Oh I tell um." Naruto hung up and looked at them they were already half way down the block yelling things like "Sasuke wait for me!"

Naruto then looked over to Sasuke who was sitting in a fetal position Naruto called him and Sasuke looked up to see the blonde standing there with him hand outstretched to him Sasuke took the hand and was helped up by Naruto.

"You know you owe me one now right?" Naruto said

Sasuke looked at Naruto a said "alright what the hell is it dobe"

"Well teme my father is the famous rock star 'The Yellow Flash' and I plan to surpass him in the Rocker world and although this pains me I need your help Uchiha-teme"

Still walking Naruto didn't know Sasuke lived so close to him. Focusing on his surroundings again he noticed he was on his block of the suburbs. He was looking at some of the nice three and two story houses, but one cream house with big fences like one of those castles towered over the rest and from his vision there seemed to be a princess in the top window, her back was turned and she looked to be undressing. As if she turned to Naruto's Direction. Naruto reacted on impulse and jumped into the nearest bushes he could find and spied. It was Hinata she turned around and Naruto found a tricle of blood coming down his nose she was looking beautiful in just a bra an-(A/N: wait a minute this is suppose to be rated T )

Naruto walk into his house and his father greeted him saying

"Got a call from Jiraya…that's my boy you bad ass you!"

"Well thanks dad, I think"

"No really I mean my first day didn't even sound half as exciting as this at your age."

Naruto gave his dad a toothy grin

"So did you use the Namikaze Charm?"

"well if you want to call it that" Naruto said with a little blush


"WHAT!" Naruto said taking a step back

"From what I heard from Kakashi you were putting the moves on my boss's daughter"

"Wait a minute that's your boss's daughter?! Why the hell didn't I know?!" Naruto said

"Well maybe it's the fact that you've never met my boss, tell me did I hit the nail on the head?"

"Ha ha, funny"

"Any way you ready for those lessons?"

"Hell yeah im gonna be better than you dad so you better watch out!"

"Stop talking about it and prove it to me, get your gear.

Naruto ran upstairs grabbed his axe and came down stairs he and Minato jammed all night long

R&R please

Tell me what you think some constructive criticism would be good

See ya