Only For You

Ugh, this took me forever to make since I kept getting writers block, and I've been quite lazy too. Enjoy, and I can't wait to finish this and stuff!!


Summary: He couldn't believe his eyes. This was a fantasy he's always been having, but now…it came true…

Disclaimer: I seriously don't own, and you should know that by now!

For better or for worse…I don't know why it hurts still. It's been a long while since I've been without you…so why do I still feel you're breath against my skin? You still haunt me, and I just can't live with that anymore. But…it still means that you'll always be with me…right?

I guess I'm relieved…but I still want you back. Soul or body, flesh or transparent…it doesn't matter. I only want you back, and nothing else…

-:Chapter One:-



A small groan rumbled through his throat as he rolled over, bringing the blanket that was keeping the air conditioning from his body over his head. "Leave me alone, Ryou."

A soft giggle sounded behind him, and he felt himself curl up into a tight ball. "Now, you know that's impossible, Yuugi-chan."

He, 'Yuugi-chan', snorted to his at-the-moment-annoying friend, Ryou. "Hilarious, mister albino."

"At your service." The British accented boy's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Yuugi, c'mon now…"

Yuugi let out a sigh, bringing his head along with his upper-body from under the covers. "Kami, what is it," he paused to snap his head from his brown eyed friend to the clock next to him on the night stand, "….dammit. It's eight o'clock in the morning! Why are you up anyway!"

Ryou sighed when his friend's bluish eyes met his own before he explained himself. "Well, whether you like it or not, we still have two more days in Egypt." The white haired boy crossed his arms over his chest. "I believe we should at least use the time we still have."

Yuugi almost snorted to that when all that had happened the day before that morning rolled through his mind like a film. The plane ride, the sadness, the coldness…the feeling of loneliness sudden taking over his being for the second time in his young life…the feeling of sorrow that a person feels when they lose something…


Suddenly, he felt as if he was drowning in a sea of black and darkness. The substance kept pulling, and latching onto him. It never let go of it's strong hold on him, and he thrashed and fought until he suddenly felt tired. It was as if…the darkness was beginning to cloud his vision.

He was scared.

He needed help, quick, before…!

"Yuugi? Yuugi! Are you alright?!" The desperate voice of his fellow hikari friend stuck him back in the real world. He breathed hard and practically wheezed from the desperate feeling of fright and darkness that had consumed him. The feeling as well as the darkness that had kept it's dark and strong hold on him seemed far away now…but he knew that he was still in it's reach to steal.

"Yuugi!" Ryou rushed over to him quickly, climbing over the queen-sized bed that his friend had slept in. He quickly rubbed Yuugi's back in a way of comforting him.

Yuugi slowly began to breathe gently; long breaths left his lips to calm himself. He slightly flashed Ryou a thankful- but apologetic smile. His white haired friend was worried for nothing. For some reason he felt somewhat guilty.

"Sorry…I…" he stammered for a moment before he just stopped his attempts on conjuring up slightly lie to his friend. Ryou bit his lip as he nodded in understanding.

"Yuugi, what was that right now?" Ryou asked, slightly averting his eyes from Yuugi's. "…I-I felt like I was…drowning….Like I was being captured and clamped on by…."

Yuugi shook his head and turned his head from his friend. "….don't worry about it. Thank you. You helped."

Ryou nodded slowly after what he had said. "….Your welcome…"

Yuugi slightly laughed and shook his head once again. His head was jumbled now. "…you have no idea…"

Yuugi seemed to had recovered after that weird event earlier that morning, since he was actually smiling when he saw a golden bracelet in one of the jewelry windows.

The whole group consisting of Seto, Jou, Ryou, Jii-chan, Honda, Duke, and Anzu; all were souvenir shopping for their other friends and family still in Japan. Of course, Yuugi had stayed a little isolated from everyone else and went his own way but stayed close. They seemed a little understanding, and they quietly decided to support him however he wanted. Though, they were having problems with Anzu still trying to lash out at the boy.

Softly asking the lady at the counter to let him take a closer look of the bracelet he had spotted, he smiled gladly at how beautiful it looked even up close. Such beauty that always sparkled in the light really fasinated him. It actually made him think about…

Slowly gaining a frown on his face, he slowly leaned away from the counter and asked the lady at the counter to remove it from his sight. From there, he walked away and fought back sudden tears.

'Crying won't help anything…' He sighed to himself as he used his wrists to wipe unshed tears from his face. '…nothing…'

Slowly he turned back around to the jewelry counter he had just been at and spotted the bracelet back in it's original spot before he had even asked for it come to the surface. It had reminded him of how his dark's crimson depths used to light up with silent humor and life in the light. Or at least…when he looked at him.

It made him sad to remember such a thing, though…he slightly started to smile at his angst. He could even remember the time when he and his dark just looked at each other, staring at each other with out the care in the world until they just laughed and shook their heads. Those crimson eyes lit up with more life and happiness he had ever seen from his dark, and that made a full smile come to his face.

…maybe he was going crazy. Thinking so deep about his former partner…but it didn't feel that way.

Slowly turning back to the counter that held the bracelet he had come to like, he walked back to the woman and bought the bracelet with a light in his eyes.

Crazy felt good, and he was actually comfortable with it. Just like he felt smiling forever whenever he'd see those crimson depths in his mind.

For any YGO story fans of mine, you should realize by now I usually keep my plot plans anonomys to everyone. But let me just explain the last part: It's a sign of foreshadowing! Better rack you mind for the future, because the conclusion should be revealed in the next five chapters. Anyway, though, tell me what you think and say if I should stop this quick five-shot or not.