OKAY, I KNOW I SAID THERE WASN'T GOING TO BE A CASE, BUT THIS IS DEDICATED TO ALL OF THOSE FAMILIES WHO HAVE BEEN TOUCHED BY AUTISM, CRAZYCHRISSY-TO YOU AND FOR YOU FOR PUSHING ME TO WRITE AND TO COOPSCAT FOR A NEW FRIENDSHIP FORGED...Disclaimer-I'm definitely not an expert on this but in dealing with little ones, these will be real experiences from my perspective. Please forgive me if it's not spot on..

"BRAIDON!! Oh my gosh where could he be..BRAIDON!!" the woman was running around frantically trying to find her son. No one was helping her. She was distraught and yet, not one damn soul was helping her.

"Ma'am?" Henry took her arm gently trying to calm her. They were in the city park, her child had been playing she'd only turned for a moment and he was just gone.

"Can I help you?" Henry spoke to her again. He didn't want to vamp her but she was so upset, he was thinking about it.

"Sir, my son," she was hysterical by now, "he's...he's missing.. He was just right here and now he's gone.."

Henry isntictively sniffed the air, he smelled no predators of the animal kind. None that he could sense anyway.

"What does he look like?" The woman was dialing 911 on her cell.

"He's seven, blonde hair, blue eyes, about four feet tall, he was wearing a blue shirt, demin shorts..Hello? Police, yes, my son is missing..city park..okay." she flipped her phone shut. Her eyes were darting all over the park. Henry had only walked through there to get to Vicki some fresh flowers from the vendor.

She was crying now, Henry tried to comfort her. Most children that age would wander, but usually not far.

"I'm sure he's around somewhere." Henry was using his eyes which of course were better than humans, to search as well. He didn't see a thing.

"You don't understand.." she said between sobs, "he won't be able to answer. He'll be frightened."

Henry thought he understood. He had two children as well, he would be sick with worry if they disappeared. Of course, he might have to be more worried about the person who took them and that person being found by their mother. He shuddered at the thought. Vicki was more frightening when it came to protecting those she cared for than anyone or anything he knew.

"Look, stay right here, I'm sure he'll come back. I'll start sweeping the park before the police arrive." As Henry started to leave he heard sirens. Good, that would be more help. He really wanted to move with vampire speed but it was broad daylight and he couldn't risk being exposed.

"NO he won't come back...he's not able to." she said angry and frustrated.

"What's your name?" Henry asked softly hoping that would soothe her, take her mind down a notch.

"Christi Edwards. But you need to know, my son is autistic. He's just not like other children.." her voice trailed off and she began to sob again. The police arrived and took all of the information from her, Henry stayed for comfort. He also stayed because now he was concerned more than ever. The police began a sweep of the park, very professional, very quickly. They had nothing.

"Ma'am, I know you need to go with the police but take this card," He handed he one of Vicki's cards.

"Call us okay?" She nodded and went with police almost too weak to stand. This was her worst fear, this is why she never took him out alone. She just wanted to have mommy and Braidon time. He had never blatently run off far, just a few yards but he was just gone. Suddenly, Christi collasped in the policemen's arms. She was crying so hard she couldn't stand. Henry was torn up watching..he knew he and Vicki must help her. How, he had no idea..but he was going to try..

"Where the hell is Henry?" Vicki yelled at Coreen.

"And good morning to you Vicki," Coreen said sweetly. Vicki was beginning to get testy. She had been secretly planning a wedding and only Coreen knew. Coreen accepted that this was how it was going to be for the next two months. It would be worth it to see the look on Henry's face.

Vicki scowled at her. She was just about to call Henry when he showed up looking very somber. That softened Vicki's face as well. In fact, it worried her.

He nodded at Coreen, walked directly to Vicki, hugging her tightly.

"Henry, what's wrong with you? What did you do?" Vicki was smelling him," I smell perfume on you." she scowled at him again.

He told her his story, by the end Coreen was bawling and Vicki was pissed.

"Okay," said Vicki, "let's get to work.."