
A Spyro The Dragon Fanfiction
By Neo Rabbit

Disclaimer: Spyro and other characters belong to Krome and Universal. Dawn the Dragoness is property to the guard of the twilight. Fan characters, such as Blade and Glacia, belong to me.

A/N: My original title was 'Blaze.' However, the character title was taken by a few authors, which got me to this alternate title. Anyway, if anyone has read 'Together,' feel free to read this story. Anyone who hasn't read the story otherwise should read it before reading this story in order to comprehend it. Oh, and by the way, aside from the title, this has absolutely nothing to do with vampires unless horror is included in the genre. Now, without further ado, enjoy!

WARNING: Due to the graphic nature of this story, reader's discretion is strongly advised. Anyone who finds discomfort in this story, then, as an advisor, please turn back now. Otherwise, enjoy the story.

Rating: R for Sequences of Strong Bloody/Graphic Violence and Intense Action Throughout, Some Disturbing Images Involving Torture, and Language.

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, and Sci-Fi

Prologue: Birth Of A New Legend

Six months…

Six months has passed and that was how long Glacia, age eighteen, has waited until she laid her dragon egg. While doing so, she kept thinking about the father and the rightful mother of her child known as Spyro the Dragon and Cynder the Dragon, the two befallen lovers brought together by a horrific tragedy.

All the while, her expression grew of worry. If her newborn grows of age, what was she to tell him/her of his/her father or the black dragon who could've been his/her mother? No. She shouldn't. She dared not to tell her newborn of the tragedy that occurred nearly a year and six months ago. She didn't know what would happen if her newborn knew the full truth behind his/her parents.

Right now, she kept the thoughts from her mind and kept her emotions in check because, upon Ignitus' words, if she gets into emotional wreckage during her pregnancy, it will result in a miscarriage. She couldn't have that. She couldn't lose her first child at this moment. Spyro has given her this child for a reason and this child is her main reason to live, which was why she kept her emotions in check while she constantly waited to lay her egg.

Several hours later, Glacia, who was laid on a large, soft cushion, was easing her panting while issuing a joyful laughter upon the success of laying her first egg, which, to the guardians' shock, took the coloration of purple.

Mentally, Ignitus thought that it would normally take yet another generation for the coming of a purple dragon egg since, as long as he could remember, purple dragons were a rare breed with the ability to master the many elements of their breath attacks thus deeming these types of dragons to be legends amongst the realms. But given the fact that it was only six months, it grew strongly shocking to him to say the least.

Regardless, the guardians and many others bared witness to this scenery with the same joyful expressions on their faces as well while murmuring amongst themselves upon the coloration.

Ember, who was among the group, grew joyful upon the sight of the new egg, but not to Glacia. Regardless of what Ignitus has revealed to her and the others six months ago in regards to the tragedy, she couldn't help but feel an amount of sheer distaste for the ice dragon. Spyro was her best friend and she took kind consideration to the fact that the black dragoness was whom he chose as his mate.

Then, she grew devastated by the death of her best friend, Cynder. Her emotional devastation increased when her purple friend has left them for nearly a year upon that tragedy.

The simple fact that Glacia approached the temple with the bloody corpse of her best friend in her arms and his blood smeared on her body was reason enough for her to be angry. But she managed to keep her emotions in check for the sake of the newly laid egg as Ignitus gingerly held the egg in both his claws and raised it high over his head while the moonlight brightly shone over it from the overhead ceiling.

One Month Later…

That late night, a single crack issued from the egg, yet the sleeping ice dragon paid it no heed as she kept her soft, strong grasp to her egg.

Then, a second crack issued followed by a third before the cracks multiplied. Then, a small piece broke from the exterior of the egg, which was enough to slowly stir Glacia from her slumber.

She thought she heard a noise, but as she surveyed her surroundings, she saw that, other than herself and her egg, nothing was in the room with her.

She was about to head back to sleep when she heard another noise. It sounded close. So close that it sounded, to her shock, like it was coming directly from her.

Slowly, with her expression intact, she looked down towards the egg in her arms and, with a gasp escaping her breath, took in to a shocking sight.

The purple egg was hatching.

Ignitus quickly awoke from his slumber upon the echoes of his name issuing from the corridors of the temple.

Fleetingly, the elder got up on all four and made haste towards the room that the ice dragon resides in. But not before awaking the other guardians to the development.

Nearly a minute later, the guardians arrived to Glacia's quarters and halted their advances upon baring witness to an awe-strucking sight.

The hatchling was born.

In the room, shards of the egg were seen around the pillow cushion as Glacia, who had a loving smile on her face and tears in her eyes, was seated on the cushion looking towards and cradling her new hatchling.

It took a while before she noticed the guardians in front of her with awestruck expressions on their face.

But regardless of their expressions, Glacia kept her smile while numerous tears relinquished from her eyes.

"It's a boy." She softly revealed before looking back down to her sleeping infant.

The small purple infant had a coloration of purple on its body where tiny, yet silver spikes protruded from the back of its head and trails down to its tail while the tip of its tail had a small sharp silver blade at the end.

Two small curved, golden horns, which Glacia took recognition to as a resemblance to Spyro, has protruded from the head while two purple wings with a tiny silver spike on the top of each wing, which was identical to Cynder's, were seen at the back.

But one description that caught Glacia's interest was the single spike on both its forearms. She was curious as to why there were so many silver spikes to her infant's body, but left that issue alone. Her infant was born and she was happy. So happy that she came up with the perfect name for her new baby dragon.

"Welcome to the new world…Blade."

Ignitus gathered everyone to the front of the temple that morning and related the news to them.

Afterwards, each of the dragons and town folks were given a glimpse of the new infant and were awestruck by the looks and similarities of this new dragon.

After that was done, Hunter, Bianca, Flame, and Ember each issued a glimpse of the new infant known as Blade and, like the other dragons and town folks, were awestruck by the looks and similarities.

Ember took in the sight of this before her awestruck expression slowly switched to one of sadness. The infant reminded her of the two friends that she had lost. It was so much of a reminder that it reduced her to tears.

Flame took note of this and instantly comforted her in an embrace.

The embrace was enough to calm the pink dragon, but Flame kept his hold on her due to the fact that if she were to look in the infant's direction, she would get back into that emotional state again. He wouldn't allow it.

Throughout the pass seven months now, he has witnessed her emotional wreck at first hand. One of which where she has tried to take her own life and another of which where she tried to take the life of Glacia before the news of her pregnancy came out. And upon that news, Ember managed to control herself while Flame provided comfort for the pink dragoness. But even the comfort of the orange dragon doesn't diminish the sheer hatred that she had for the ice dragon.

Regardless, she regained control of herself and throughout the months has kept her emotions in check and her distance from the ice dragon.

As soon as Ember was at ease with herself, Flame relinquished his embrace from her before both dragons looked towards Ignitus and the other's position.

It wasn't long before the other guardians joined into the crowd as Ignitus, with both hands, slowly raised the squealing infant in the air while the sunlight bathed over him from the heavens.

"May the light of our ancestors shine upon you, young one." Ignitus spoke.

A new legend is born, and in years to come, his destiny awaits.

A/N: My original rating was slated for a PG-13, or T for alternate purposes. But due to the graphic content, and the fact that a fan character from my other story will make its return, I'm pushing the envelope with the story. Anyway, hope you've enjoyed this chap. Truth be told, this story was slated to be posted in May just a few days from my 26th birthday, but I couldn't wait. The more I worked on these types of stories, the more excited I became. The next chapter will shift to thirteen years into the future. It might be distant; it might be not so distant. Either way, Sci-Fi will be recommendable in later chaps. Until next time, ciao!