I Like the Way

Summary: Sasuke realizes just how much he likes Naruto and is determined to win his heart. With the help of a two week mission, he comes to treasure their precious bond.
Pairings: SasuNaru
Estimated Length: 13
Warnings: YAOI!!

A/N: Yeah, I suffered another vicious attack from the plot bunny. I will get to my other ones, I swear! I'm just hounded with so many new ideas though, I just had to get it down before the inspiration left me! :) So here, you go! This story's based off of the song I Like the Way by Bodyrockers. This is my only first-person story. :) WHHEEEE!! So uh, yeah. I didn't exactly look over this before I posted, so I hope there's no major grammatical error or typo...heh...ENJOY!! :)

There's so many things I like about you, I just don't know where to begin

Chapter 1

Hello there.

If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I don't enjoy chitchat. No, I absolutely hate the mundane formalities of conversation; it's just a waste of oxygen and energy. If you could communicate through eyes, now, that'd be efficient. Why weren't humans created that way, huh? Why go through all the trouble of creating vocal chords if most people just abuse the privilege of sound by screaming obscenities at me while stalking my every footstep? Answer that, scientists.

But now that you know this information, you'd probably expect me to be some cooped up anti-social freak that only comes out for food whose best friends would probably be the dust bunnies under my hardly-slept-on bed. On the contrary though, I'm not, even if sometimes I really do wish I was.

No, on a daily basis, you can see me apathetically walking around Konoha's streets while simultaneously being stalked by horrid fangirls. But that's not the odd part; it's what's always next to me that's odd.

Uzumaki Naruto.

Heard of him? I'm pretty sure you have. He's the loudmouth, energetic, demon-carrier that everyone now actually acknowledges since he's next in line for the title of Hokage. It's sure to ring a bell.

And yes, it's true. That orange ball of energy is my best friend, who I hang out with every single fucking minute of the day. And you know what else is peculiar? I talk in complete sentences with him, all the time. Strange, right? I mean, who'd believe the aloof and unapproachable Uchiha Sasuke actually bickered like children while in the vicinity of his best friend? No one, that's who.

So now that you've gotten over your shock, there's something else I'd like to mention. Hold on to your bladders, it's a big one.

I...I think I'm in like with Naruto.

...Oh, you've fainted? Psh, weakling. I know it's scandalous and all, but that's no reason to spew blood all over the floor, jeez.

Hey wait, I've thought of another thing that would scare you shitless (though hopefully not here...the floor's already soaking in your nose blood). I have...fantasies...about Naruto. Almost every single night. Which is quite bad, since I regularly sleep over at his dingy apartment.

And I can't tell him how I feel. Because, to tell you the truth, I feel...a lot...towards Naruto. But I'm sure he'd shun me forever if told him, and our friendship would be broken once again (yes, I know I was a retard running off to Orochimaru like that).

Now you see my predicament, don't you? Here's another juicy piece of info. I am currently walking to Tsunade's office. Why? Because I'm being assigned a mission.

With Naruto.

For two whole weeks.


...with the exception of Kakashi, but I'm not exactly sure if having him there is a good or bad thing.

So shoo. My introduction is over now. I need to get on with my fruitless pursuit of my fair-haired friend.

I walked in slowly, thoughts of all the horrible consequences of this mission running wild in my highly imaginative mind. What if Naruto found out my secret? What if... I couldn't control myself? Damn, what if Kakashi saw me raping him?!

I started hyperventilating (though it was indiscernible to the normal person). This couldn't possibly turn out good; I have a queasy feeling in my guts.

But I braced myself and walked into Tsunade's office anyways. I took a look around and noticed that Kakashi was already there (to my utter surprise) and Tsunade was speaking in a low tone with him.

"I'm ready, Tsunade-sama."

She turned her calculating eye to me and nodded in confirmation. Kakashi stepped back too, as if they hadn't just whispered secretly right in front of me. My curiosity was piqued, but I knew voicing my questions wouldn't have any desirable results.

Now where was—

"I'M HERE!!"

Heh, right on cue. Naruto had bustled in, hair flustered and cheeks tinted red, a happy grin on his face. Pretty cute, right? I know. He's mine! ...Or, will be, at least. Soon. Maybe. Someday. Damn it, I need to stop being such a wimp! This whole situation is too paradoxical! But...I just can't seem to bring myself to say those three life-altering words...

"Naruto, you brat! I told you to get here thirty minutes early so that you'd actually get here on time, but you're still late!" Tsunade yelled at him, the vein on her forehead throbbing noticeably. I peeked at Naruto out of the corner of my eye and saw him with the most adorable pout on his lips. Damn, I really like it when he does that.

"I'm sorry, Tsunade-baba! I was stopped on the way by a tiny gecko that kept trying to sell me insurance, what ever the hell that is!"

Of course, he had picked up this lying habit from our dear instructor, Kakashi. But it's cute when he does it. I smiled slightly, predicting what would happen next.

BAM! Tsunade threw a stamp right past Naruto's head, leaving a little Konoha sign on the wall behind him.

Yep, just like I predicted.

"Lying is bad, kid! Kakashi, look what you've done!" She accused, glaring at Kakashi. He, of course, just laughed sheepishly and shrugged. Typical Kakashi reaction.

"Now come, let's get this over with." She beckoned me and Naruto over and I stalked by, stopping right next to Naruto. If my hands were ever out of my pant pockets, I would have brushed them against Naruto's; but I don't like doing obvious things like that so I didn't.

"Right. So you know the drill, get the scroll all the way over in Wind Country and come back as soon as you can. I told you guys two weeks, but if you're diligent, you can get it over with sooner." I breathed a sigh of relief. Not that I don't want to spend quality time with Naruto, I just don't trust myself too. That makes sense, right?

"Wind country?! Are we going to Suna?!" Naruto exclaimed excitedly, his blue eyes shining in excitement. Even though he was already nineteen years old, he still acted like a child. But that's okay. I like that about him.

"No, unfortunately you're going to one of the more remote cities. There's a high level of crime and plenty of rogue ninjas, so keep your eyes peeled," Tsunade cautioned.

Naruto scuffed his feet, annoyed. I guess he really wanted to go check up on Gaara, who is still the Kazekage, might I add. And he is still close friends with Naruto, and he is still creepy, and he still stares relentlessly at my Naruto whenever he visits. Damn it all! I'm not jealous, I swear! There's a fine line between protective and jealous and I haven't crossed it!

"Well, we can stop by Suna if we want to though, right? Is this mission urgent?" Naruto tried to bargain, his eyes growing wider and wider by the second. I lost myself and stared deep into them. Boy am I glad those puppy dog eyes aren't directed at me. I don't know how Tsunade can say no to that face.

"...Fine. You can stop by if you really want to. But this mission better not take more than two weeks, you hear?!"

Scratch that; even she couldn't resist the power of his pout.

"SCORE! Thank you, Tsunade-baba!" Naruto ran over and gave her a huge hug. I felt myself getting...protective...again. Yep, protective, that's all.

"Brat! Stop calling me old! Just...go! Before I decide to cave your cute little face in!"

Well, I agree whole-heartedly with her. Sometimes, you really want to punch him in the face, and other times, you want to...do other...stuff. But I doubt she had the same images as I did...and if she does (which is disturbing to think about), I will personally murder the Hokage.

"Come on Sasuke!" Naruto turned to me and held out his hand invitingly. I ignored him. It's what I always do, even though I'd really like to glomp him, no matter how out of character that'd be. But then again, this whole dilemma is quite abnormal.

After standing there with his hands stretched out for a few minutes, Naruto slowly realized that I just simply wasn't going to hold his hand.

And he pouted. Okay, I know I've said it before, but DAMN I like it when he does that.

"Let's go, dobe." I said, smirking. Got to keep my appearances up, you know. Besides, he is a dobe.

"Hmph, you're mean!" He stalked out prissily, with his nose stuck in the air and everything. If that wasn't the cutest sight you've ever seen, I don't know what else could make you go awww.

But nevertheless, I hid my furiously beating heart and followed him out with a smirk. Yeah, I know I'm always quite mean to him. But that's the only way I know how to hide my true feelings. You know how little kids pick on their crushes? Well, that's me alright, the bully picking on the cute little boy.

Except probably less innocently.

I sighed, thinking about my one-sided crush. I'm an Uchiha, damn it! I shouldn't be in this situation! Why did I have to fall in lo—I mean, like with Naruto of all people, who was oblivious as hell?! I could've chose anyone from my oh-so-persistent fan club and there'd be no such qualms as this one!

...No, that'd actually be quite horrifying. Having a fangirl as a girlfriend...Oh god, that'd be terrible! So nevermind about that.

Still, why not, like, Sakura or something?! Surely she could understand my needs of being alone! But noooo, I just had to go like Naruto! Naruto! What the hell, God? Are you mocking me?! Have I done something to deserve this punishment of unrequited love?! I mean...like! Yeah, I totally said like.

But, I really can't help it. Damn it!

I just like him so much.


Did you like it? PLZ REVIEW!! I'm also not very sure about this plot, seems a bit...overused, but whatever. :) REVIEW!!