I Like the Way

Disclaimer: Not mine, obviously

A/N: ZOMG thank you ALL SO MUCH for your reviews! I got alot of good feedback on Sasuke's personality, so THANK YOU!!Sorry I don't have time to reply to them this chapter; I'm super busy. I'm just lucky I was able to squeeze in some writing time to keep this story going! :) Hope you guys enjoy, sry it's a bit short...):

Chapter 2- I like the way you look at me with those beautiful eyes

"Hey hey hey, Sasuke? How much money ya got, eh?"

My eyes shifted slowly to the babbling blond next to me.

"Well? Tell me, Sasuke!"

If we weren't already jumping from limb to limb at full speed, I would've sped up to avoid having to communicate. But I didn't want to seem too suspicious, so I just ignored him.

"Seriously! I don't have much left...I lost a bet to Kiba yesterday and had to pay for his and Chouji's dinner! Now, Kiba alone is already bad enough, but with CHOUJI there? He sucked my poor froggie-chan dry!" He faked a tear and wiped his cheek, giving a histrionic sniffle.

After a few seconds of silence on my part (he kept sniffling), he finally realized I had no intention of responding or falling for his cute crying trick. Really, you'd think that he'd know by now that talking and Sasuke don't really mix.

With a frustrated yell, he started sulking again. "Gosh, why don't you ever answer my questions or reply to my signs of affection?!"

I nearly slipped off the branch I was jumping on. I quickly landed on a protruding limb a few feet below and stopped, Naruto following me.

"W-what?" I asked, trying to slow my heart beat to only 80 bpm. I finally looked full-fledge at Naruto, who was sweating slightly, the drops rolling down his smooth cheeks to pool at his chin. I couldn't stop my own eyes from also rolling down them, but I pulled myself together in a split second. My control has been slipping lately...

"What? What are you staring at me for?" Naruto gave me a weird look, which asked for a glare back; which was what I did.

"What signs of affection? All you ask me for is money or ramen." That's not completely true; he also asks me to train with him, but that really doesn't count as affection either.

"What?! That's not ALL I ask you for...is it?" He started tapping his chin, probably thinking back on a time when he actually did show signs of affection.

"See what I mean?" I sighed, resuming our traveling.

For a while, Naruto kept silent as we jumped tree to tree. I glanced at him from time to time, just to make sure he didn't die or something. He caught me a few times too, but I just quickly averted my gaze and put on a frown. It works, trust me.

But the silence didn't last much longer.

"OH YEAH, HOW COULD I OVER LOOK THAT?!" He suddenly yelled; and quite close to my ear too. I sent him a glare.


Naruto beamed at me. If we were in some manga or something, I'd probably fall back, blinded by his beautiful smile. Instead, I just felt this tickling sensation in the back of my nose.

"Well, isn't my chasing of you good enough?!"

Once again, I nearly slipped off. No wait, never mind, I actually did slip off. I quickly regained my footing a few feet below on a sturdy branch. Naruto, of course, followed after me.

"What?" Did my ears deceive me? Naruto was actually chasing after me for my affections? And I thought it was only the other way around!

"I've always been chasing after you!" Naruto stepped closer, making me flinch.

"Always, always! Ever since the first day I heard about you! Ever since the first day I saw you!"

I gulped. Naruto kept on inching closer and closer! W-was he going to confess?!

"And then I finally felt that I had you...but you... Sasuke, you don't know the trauma I had to go through."

Everything was just a giant fuzz of audio now; the only thing I could look at was his eyes, which bore into mine like targets. He was so close that I could see the different shades of blue flicker reflecting off his dazzling eyes. Have I ever told you that his eyes are one of my greatest weaknesses? Yep; after his ass and before his smile.

"Sasuke...I just knew that once I caught you..."

Oh my god.


BONK!! My eyes started watering.

"-would hit you so hard, you won't know the difference between your ass and your head! I felt sure that I'd pummel you to death, you have no clue how close I was to finishing you off at that battle! Man, I thought that my hate for you was intense when we were kids, but oh no, once you ran away to the snake pedophile, my hatred burned like a thousand suns! But despite my disgust in you, I still tried my absolute hardest to get you back! Doesn't that count as affection?! Hmm?!"

And as he said this, he hit me on the head several more times while I was too shocked to block any of them.

"In fact, Sasuke, I feel like I could just beat you up right now!" He took another swing, but in my fury, I grabbed onto his wrists and twisted. Not that hard though, but still pretty harshly.

"Ow! Just kidding, Sasuke, I don't hate you that much anymore. Only about a hundred suns." He gave me a sheepish smile that I wanted to wipe off his fucking face, along with both his eyes because they always seem to distract me from my anger.

Without a word, I leapt back into our route, not wanting to talk anymore. Stupid Naruto, stupid expectations, stupid everything!AUGH why did I get all my hopes up? Damn that Naruto, putting all this false optimism in me! Well, if he hates me that much, then...I HATE HIM TOO!

"Sasuke! Come on, I was just kidding! Maybe only fifty suns!"

...Who am I kidding? I could never hate him. Not even if he was the one that massacred my whole family.

I slowed down and looked at him. He had the sorriest look on his face, and his eyes were shining with pre-tears.

Or maybe they just shine like that normally. Heh, knowing him that's probably true.

"Sasuke? Forgive me?" His bottom lip jutted out, just begging to be sucked on. But I withheld my urge and gave him a little smile.

"Fine, dobe."

He grinned and whooped, our tiff now over. With a giant leap, he was right next to me with those glittering eyes of his. I couldn't take my gaze off him.

Which is why I gracelessly bumped right into a tree trunk, halting our proceedings.

"Sasuke! You okay?!" Naruto had me by the shoulder, shaking me a bit. Turns out the multiple hits to my head, especially after the tree, made me blank out for a second.

I grunted and sat up, noticing I was still on a branch.

"That was really retarded, you stupid." Naruto started giggling as he imitated me crudely, falling down with very wide dramatic motions.

"Shut up, moron. It's all your fault," I grumbled, standing up. Don't take me for a weakling; I recover pretty quickly.

"What? MY fault? What, did my beautifulness distract you?" He smirked up at me and I growled. So what if it did? Hmph!

"No way, you wish. More like your stupidity." Ahahah oh yeah, nice come back Sasuke.

"You bastard, can't you compliment me even once?" Naruto gave me a frown and huffed.

"And die? I don't think so."

"You're a huge giant massive humongo bastard!" Naruto huffed again and jumped away, leaving me behind. I sighed and jumped along too. Here we go again, one argument right after another. And this is why I can't talk too much with him, because I can't stop myself from picking on him! Why am I such a kid?!

"Naruto! Stop going so fast, you'll be too tired if we get attacked." I tried to talk some reason into him.

"No, you bastard!" I could see his pout all the way from my position, and I softly chuckled.

"Naruto, really! Don't be rash. I was just kidding."

At that, Naruto bounded back with a disbelieving look. "You, kidding? Yeah right."

"I was. I'd probably only go into a coma." I smirked at him.


I felt a sweatdrop rolling down the back of my neck.

Then without warning... "PAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA!! Oh wow, Sasuke, good one! Didn't know you had it in you!"

He gave me a hearty slap to the back, and the mood lifted. I smirked again. Good, good, I'm not totally failing at this communication thing.

"Heheh, well, I forgive you, Sasuke." Naruto smiled at me, real big and real wide. It distracted me for a second and I almost slipped a third time. Note to self: DON'T LOOK AT NARUTO WHEN JUMPING IN PRECARIOUS SETTINGS!

"I never apologized."

"Yeah, but you should have. But I know you won't, so we're skipping that step, okay?" He grinned again.

"Hn." That'll work. This was turning out pretty nicely. And he kept looking at me, so my vision was filled with blue-eyed beauties; I'd have to say I was pretty satisfied right now.

"Let's get there quick, Sasuke! I have a whole month's worth of stuff I need to tell Gaara!"

And just like that, my momentary good mood was stabbed in the chest.

Oh well. As long as he keeps looking at me with those beautiful eyes, I can deal with competition.



TBC!! :) See ya guys soon (hopefully :crosses fingers:)